Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Hellmark Station: Redux
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20 Jan, 2021 @ 9:16am
6 Nov, 2022 @ 2:22am
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Hellmark Station: Redux

In 1 collection by Tamari
Tamari's KF2 Server Maps
89 items
This is a customized version of Hellmark Station with the following changes:

- Improved collisions around most objects (Full collision pass done on the map)
- Removed / no-collided a bunch of staticmeshes to prevent 'snagging'
- Rebalancing of certain areas to make the map more compatible for play on Controlled Difficulty / HoE+ setups
- Fixed some pathing/navigation exploits with certain pathnodes
- Removal of all dead ends
- General de-cluttering of areas as well as the addition of new routes to improve the map's flow

The original Hellmark, while a great map visually, has a lot of glaring issues in its gameplay. The majority of these issues lie in the overall misleading nature of the map's collisions around objects/actors. There are many places where a player is led to believe they can pass by objects, but are instead blocked by an invisible wall. This is extremely prominent with the volcanic spikes present throughout the map. This not only ruins the flow of the map, but can also lead to some pretty annoying moments and unnecessary deaths.

The main room with the station platforms has been altered to allow all railings to be hopped over. This opens up interesting opportunities to evade zeds and path around the room.

A lot of areas have been de-cluttered, typically by removing some of the aforementioned volcanic spikes, but also other clutter as well. This is done primarily to allow these areas to be more easily defendable on a HoE+ / CD environment. The original map has a lot of areas where there are cheap 'around-the-corner' spawns that are enabled by these objects. The only solution to getting around this is to position a player in such a way where these spawns are LOS-blocked, which doesn't always contribute to the most interesting gameplay in a full team run. In other areas, this extra clutter could actually cause the player to become stuck when they should not otherwise have, which can lead to unnecessary deaths and overall annoyance. These have been fixed.

Some areas like the Control Room above the main platform area has had its layout changed to encourage it to be used as a hold spot. There is also an additional exit at the back of the room, allowing players to drop out of the window into the room below. This also provides an interesting exit / path during a kite. Other areas have had portals deactivated and/or limited to spawning medium zeds at most, to prevent 'in your face' spawns which almost always lead to a team wipe.

There were also 3 dead ends (I dunno why TWI nor Saber would EVER do this) where players are instantly doomed the moment they enter during a kite. These were either blocked off entirely or changed to have an additional exit to combat this issue. Finally, some spots had pathing exploits which are completely fixed in this version of the map.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this edit. The primary aim is indeed for high-level play / CD, but I think that these changes make the map more playable for the general public as well, hence why I am releasing it.

MrFailology 1 Aug, 2021 @ 8:38pm 
This edit is cool and all, but you can't even blow up the fire extinguishers. :steamthumbsdown:
Bro Bike 1 Mar, 2021 @ 1:55am 
The only thing I don't like about the original map is the yellow rifts on the ground that are low resolution.
Mythical 26 Jan, 2021 @ 9:33am 
I dig
Tamari  [author] 23 Jan, 2021 @ 9:57am 
I attempted to, but the map is pretty much as optimized as its gonna get in this stage.
The reason you're having those issues is due to the dynamic occlusion methods, wherein objects that are completely obstructed by other objects are forcibly unrendered. There's also "frustrum occlusion", which culls objects out that are not currently in your FOV. These sorts of system is normally fine in practice, however they are very CPU intensive when there are MANY objects to render/unrender at once. This can start to cause hitches on some CPUs. If you've ever noticed you hitch more when you're moving fast / turning fast, this would be the explanation. Hellmark in this case, has over 25k StaticMeshes, which is A LOT for one map. The detailing is pretty dense as well. This is especially true for the second area you described.
Max Paynis 23 Jan, 2021 @ 8:58am 
Have you made any sort of optimizations in this version? One of the problems I had with the original Hellmark Station was that there were occasional stutters as you look/move around.

And then there was that one area with the bar shops that had the cage and the fire underneath; your framerate would drop quite a bit if you walked through there. Same goes for the train station area if you're on the overpass.