Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

230 értékelés
Crusader Kings II Music - Complete
Címkék: Music, CK2
497.103 MB
2021. jan. 14., 17:53
szept. 26., 6:18
9 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

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Crusader Kings II Music - Complete

1 ManicMayo készítette gyűjteményben
Crusader Kings II Music
5 elem
Welcome to the Complete Collection of music from Crusader Kings II, for Crusader Kings III!

This mod should contain all music ever released for Crusader Kings II, around 100 unique tracks, including those not released separately as part of the Holy Fury and Jade Dragon expansions.

This mod does not replace any of the CK3 music (aside from the main menu music) and it will still randomly play in-between CK2 tracks if you still have CK3 tracks enabled in the music player. The modded tracks have been weighted as 'priority mood' though so they should, on average, play more frequently than the CK3 tracks.

UPDATE: Event popups and war declarations will no longer constantly interrupt the tracks. Be aware that this only applies to the music added in this mod, vanilla music will still be interrupted. However, considering most people using this mod prefer the CK2 soundtrack anyway, this can probably be considered a good thing!

UPDATE 2: With the Northern Lords flavour pack, music triggers have been added to the game. Utilising this for the mod, songs should now play for the appropriate cultures, religions and regions as they did in CK2 (no more Chinese music when playing as a Catholic Irish duke!).

UPDATE 3: With the addition of a music player with the Roads to Power expansion, this mod now features full music player support, allowing you to add or remove any track from the game while you're playing with the checking (or unchecking) of a box!

Aside from the vanilla tracks included in the base game (see video above), this mod includes music from the following expansions/DLC:

Understanding that this mod won't cater to everyone's wishes, I've created a few separate standalone mods to help alleviate this. One completely removes the metal tracks, one has only metal tracks and the other removes the base game CK3 music entirely:

Saves made before downloading this mod can be loaded and played as normal!

This should also be fully compatible with most vanilla-focused mods, even ones that also alter the in-game music (though I haven't tested this). The only potential for conflict is if a mod has music files with names that are identical to ones in here.

This will work, to an extent, with overhaul mods like A Game of Thrones although you will only be able to hear the base-game CK2 tracks since the music triggers will not work with entirely custom cultures and map regions. I may release future music packs as sub-mods for the major overhaul mods in the future, but I currently have no plans to do so.

If you have any further questions regarding the mod, please have a read through the FAQ before leaving a comment, thanks!


I do not profit from the distribution of any of these mods and should any of the tracks included be officially added by Paradox to Crusader Kings III in the future, they shall be removed!
78 megjegyzés
kanick3000 20 órája 
Thank you kind sir! Your the first of the mod authors of the music mods I'm using to have updated your mod thus. Much appreciated!
Andy's Take 21 órája 
Yes, the CK2 tracks are sometimes louder than the CK3 ones.
ManicMayo  [készítő] 21 órája 
@Dotterbart - I've noticed a few tracks seemed to be a little louder than the CK3 ones but I can't say the difference is so great that I've had to adjust my volume... but then again my in-game music volume is set to 70% by default and I have chronic tinnitus so perhaps I'm not the best person to judge!
Dotterbart 22 órája 
Thank you very much!

By the way: Now I feel like the CK2 Songs are too loud in comparison to the CK3 tracks. Had to turn the volume down manually almost every time when a CK2 song started playing. How does it feel for you guys?
Fingon 23 órája 
You're the best!
Andy's Take szept. 26., 9:50 
NexusHero szept. 26., 8:11 
ManicMayo  [készítő] szept. 26., 7:04 
UPDATE 3: Forgot to mention, since it can now easily be disabled/enabled in-game if you ever want it, I have also added Songs of Yuletide for any of those who want to get into the Christmas spirit while they're burning Anglo-Saxon monasteries.

Just be aware that it is enabled by default so you will have to disable the Songs of Yuletide DLC in the music player if you don't want to hear carols in mid-August. Unfortunately I haven't yet found a way to get it to only play in the IRL month of December like it does in CK2.

For those who want to disable it, I made it its very own category in the music player to make it as easy to locate as possible. It should be located right at the bottom of this mod's list of music categories.
ManicMayo  [készítő] szept. 26., 6:36 
@KayinDreemurr - Yes, sorry for the delay!
ManicMayo  [készítő] szept. 26., 6:36 
UPDATE 2: Just to clarify a few things that wouldn't fit in the below post.

1) Yes, the music player is included in a free update so, if you haven't bought Roads to Power , you will still be able to use this feature.

2) While the music player now allows you to play whatever song you like, music triggers are still present in the mod. This means that, unless you specifically select the song to play in the music player, you won't ever hear Chinese music while playing as Alfred the Great for example.

3) I will leave my other CK2 music mods up for a short period of time to give people the opportunity to switch over to this one, but I do intend to remove them from the workshop eventually. Don't worry, you won't be losing any features by using this one instead!

Also, don't hesitate to come forward with any issues you encounter. I wanted to get this out in a hurry to utilise the new music player as soon as possible so I may have left a few errors in the code in the haste!