Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

206 人が評価
アイテム (217)
【不透明版】天狼星铁喷【Opaque】HMS Sirius skin for Chrome shotgun
【Opaque】HMS Sirius skin for Chrome shotgun 碧蓝航线Azur Lane character:HMS Sirius 仅替换了贴图 Texture - Replaced 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于官方和pixiv,pixiv ID:80369308,80771972 Picture comes from Pixiv ID:80369308,80771972 感谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your su...
【少女前线】 SG553 (95式)| [Girls Frontline] SG553 (95 rifle)
作成者 洛兮
替换隐藏武器sg552,replace the hidden weapon sg552。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 在同样属性的角色中难得地同时对指挥官也相当上心。 称呼指挥官时一直非常礼貌地以"您"代称,充满温柔贤淑气质的同时也意外地容易让人产生一点距离感。 接定制皮肤枪,不过不是免费的(毕竟要恰饭的嘛)!...
【少女前线】95玉玲珑木喷 Girls Frontline 95 replace the Pump shotgun
作成者 FAW075
具备部分夜光效果Have partial luminous effect 弱化了夜光Weakened the night light 本mod没有左手效果No left hand mod...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push
作成者 真·勇者
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
作成者 PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
少女前线 CZ75斧头替换撬棍 / Girls' Frontline CZ75 hatchet (crowbar)
作成者 PIO
替换了撬棍模型和音效 瞄准镜被我吃了...
少女前线 Q版小人药丸(60种随机) / Girls' Frontline Pain Pills 60RNG
作成者 PIO
替换了止痛药,50种随机小人 猴妈画的小人真是越看越魔性! 瓶盖瓶身分别展示了三种不同立绘,夜光 身上每小关只随机一种药丸,野生的药丸是完全随机 少女前线医药箱:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546777727 2018.10.28更新: 更新至54种人物,增加了9A-91! 2018.11.19更新: 更新至60种人物,增加了部分二星、三星角色!...
少女前线 UMP45平底锅 / Girls' Frontline UMP45 frying pan
作成者 PIO
替换了平底锅正面背面和打击音效 我跟你说 45姐的胸真是sdcsfgfhjjk,jnfhshfvadaoia.a.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrYS9PdUcAA6cz_.jpg:large 据说作者生前是个体面人 2018.11.19更新: 增加了原打击音效...
崩坏三】SCAR-丽塔(替换3连发scar)\[Honkai Impact 3] SCAR-Rita
作成者 洛兮
替换3连发SCAR,(replace the Desert rifle) 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 添加夜光,希望你们喜欢,便于在黑暗环境尤其是写实模式下寻找使用。 做的不好,下次一定! L4D2mod制作交流群:1016787637 L4D2开黑群,服务器相关问题群:721355486...
崩坏学园2主题 主菜单UI + BGM 订阅请看描述
作成者 KoyomiLi
BGM已经和背景动画做在一起了,请下载动画使用 崩3玩家,见谅,素材都是网上找的,不会再更新 【订阅请留下赞和评论,是对我的支持(,,• ₃ •,,)】 【更新了背景动画,下载后按里面的说明替换】想用背景动画的必须要下载这个替换 【下面是不同的动画版本,因为怕看不清字,视频都做了处理变暗】 视频来自官方B站的投稿,预览链接往下看 2018-1-18 链接已更新,失效请留言 ▼▼链接复制粘贴到浏览器里,在前面加上 pan. 再访问,不要直接点击,失效先检查链接是否正确▼▼ 1.《崩坏3rd》漫画单行本纪念PV...
崩坏3rd 主题 UI 背景 BGM 订阅请看简介描述
作成者 KoyomiLi
简单做了一个,订阅请给个赞 订阅请配合下面的背景动画和bgm来用,压缩档内附使用说明 2019-6-28 链接已更新,失效请留言 ▼▼链接复制粘贴到浏览器里,在前面加上 pan. 再访问,不要直接点击,失效先检查链接是否正确▼▼ 壁纸过渡动画背景 baidu.com/s/14zSWFAMZpImHB2lv2zVwEw 提取码: dnuq 下面是bgm链接 更新崩3 bgm ,音量后面改过应该不会小了 baidu.com/s/1smEUlyt MOD订阅后建议将文件复制至addons目录下,游戏loading...
明日方舟 Azureus|Blue poison skin for CS:GO AK47
Arknights character?Azureus|Blue poison 蓝毒主题ak csgo版本 Arknights character:Azureus|Blue poison 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced(CS:GO) Sound - Replaced(CS:GO) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1016068753801998620/CA8AA66586B69CFCB6F...
明日方舟Arknights霜叶武器 替换 消防斧 v2.0重置版
作成者 凯茜帕鲁格
这次为大家带来的正是之前所发布的霜叶武器的重置版,模型添加了战损痕迹以及更多的细节贴图。 首先非常感谢大家能够喜欢和支持我制作的这个Mod,因为当初旧版Mod做出来的时候真的非常简陋,而我当时的技术水平也确实无法更进一步了,本以为这个Mod会无人问津,最终被埋没下去,但是没想到居然会有这么多人喜欢,评价甚至还达到了五星,这是我完全没有想到的情况,也正是因为大家的支持才给了我足够的动力,在时隔大半年后的今天我也算是学有所成,自然也会回来兑现我的承诺。 此模型由我独自制作完成,非常感谢大家的支持,以后也请大家多...
榛名 (アズールレーン) 烟花盒 - Haruna (Azur lane) Fireworks box
作成者 这把一定过
使用了ATDAN-的榛名的几张插画作为烟花盒的皮肤 分别替换了正面,背面和两侧的插图。具体效果可以参考预览图 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? ATDAN-的插画我能舔到换屏 画师Pivix ID = 6662895...
作成者 mmi开心
白上吹雪替换2代的连狙发光不刺眼版 Denny凯妈zmg原枪模https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1803742393...
作成者 薇玖樱
幸存者被特感控制的音效 第一次制作,可能不太好ww Charger:千户 / 尤莉 - More One Night(少女终末旅行 ED) Hunter:わんころわんわかわわんのわん! - なゆ Jockey:は~りぃすたーふぃっしゅ - 戸越まごめ(CLANNAD 风子专属bgm ww~) Smker:捉泥鳅 - 洛天依 Spitter:Sweets Time Midnight - NJK Record 因为被控的音效时间限制,只有一小段qwq...
碧蓝航线 夕立(椿)安全门
我感觉这个门做的不太好啊,清晰度有点低.......眼睛部分被遮住了还好我没用黑色,不然有种那啥的感觉。 (谁反对夕立我就砸爆他的哈曼!) 神教套装: 夕立(椿)医药箱:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084687543 夕立(椿)门:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082968290 夕立(椿)煤气罐:http://steamproxy.net...
碧蓝航线 夕立(椿)煤气罐
夕立系列应该弄完了,明天开始我要准备弄本命二妹了(先从BGM下手),等我改了哈曼就弄一套哈曼的。 (谁反对夕立就砸爆他的哈曼!) 神教套装: 夕立(椿)门:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082968290 夕立(椿)安全门:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083285844 夕立(椿)医药箱:http://steamproxy.net/shar...
作成者 mmi开心
18X Medical Cabinet
My good friend is a human model, I am proud of her, people dare to shoot girls, we have nothing to see it...
18X vending machine
18X vending machine,The author is not me, I just modified some, hope that more like a DOA as sexy characters MOD.There are many fine 18X map constantly switch, do not miss...
Admin System
作成者 Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
AK-47--蕾姆(Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 )\ AK47--Rem
作成者 洛兮
替换AK47 Replace the rifle AK47! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 附带检视动作,做的不好,还请见谅! 欢迎加入L4D2mod制作交流群:1016787637 ...
AK12 Miku (ak47)
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
第三次更新.......总算是真正意义上的完美了 修改了枪声,换弹音效,调整了部分色区和发光区域 “【真】儿童节礼物已经呈现在主人大人的面前了,不打算把人家抱走吗” 求订阅,求点赞,求收藏,求包养.........(说怪话的瞬间) 注意了!注意了!出了一个bug,那就是装备上AK之后.......角色的裙底会出现一个柱状物体......没错,这就是我女装大佬蒜蓉炒面的自带buff!!! 重复一遍以前的老话:转载请写上我STEAM的ID 原模:杀地板2 AK12.......模型 LT. ROCKY...
AUG Great Fox's White Gown (Glow)
作成者 十年公交男
AUG Great Fox's White Gown (Glow) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627037976101/964087421C3381183C420897D8B84BC3681C29B4/ Included: V mode, W mode, Sound effects, Icons. Description:  "If the other end of the war is not the white light tha...
BlackSilk Haku(弱音病态黑丝)
作成者 仓鼠箘
Made for a friend of mine, He likes stockings and pantyhose so much, And gloves, Heels, L4D1 survivors This mod included all of his love. Unfortunately, this is not an 18 Banned mod. Include: Black velvet bikini Haku Iconic single ponytail hairstyle Thin p...
Bride Luka Black Lace(黑纱巡音) R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
A black wedding dress skin Luka replace for Rochelle Original is Haku,but I think her serious face more suitable for domineering lady--Luka ~ Pink hooray! This is a R-18 mod, her under dress is slit(in fact it's still blocked by pantyhose) I added normal m...
China Dress Jinlian(金莲旗袍)R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
A China Dress Jinlian(金莲) Replace Bill WARNING: DO NOT POINT YOUR FLASH LIGHT ON HER! Added very high definition pantyhose Her China-dress became transparent also her shoes. The color of China-dress changes from dark blue to black Added normal maps to pant...
China-Traditional Wedding Yuezhengling RNG(乐正绫古典婚纱)R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
A China-Traditional Wedding Yuezhengling Replances ellis. Dont look her below,She didnt wearing pantz! Dress: White --> black & white RNG; High-Heels: White --> bright black & white RNG; Headdress removed; Pants Removed; Added B&W RNG Gloves And Pantyhose;...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
作成者 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
CODOL MK14EBR Sky BLUE(Hunting Rifle)
This is a fix for the world model of the muzzleflash and lazersight versions, and the new camo, the appropriate breathing light. Adjust the reloading time, so that it can adapt to the online HUD Icon: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=6...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
作成者 Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
CrazyRabbit's Tactical Flashlight
作成者 CrazyRabbit
An improved looking flashlight using a combination of the original L4D2 and Half Life 2 flashlight textures together and applying a blue LED tint. Makes the flashlight seem brighter in dark areas. View comparison....
Hakurei Reimu Advertisements - 博丽灵梦 广告
作成者 NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Advertisements Replaces Almost all advertisements in Left 4 Dead & Left 4 Dead 2 Maps (Please set the HD world texture after this MOD,Or don't two MOD together) -东方- 博丽灵梦 广告 替换了求生之路地图里大多数广告 (注意!使用了高清纹理MOD的朋友请将其至于此MOD之后,或者不要一起使用,否则可能无...
作成者 Hekmatyar
该MOD在你游戏时,如果系统自动刷出尸潮或生成一大片僵尸,就会触发,同时开启机关时也会触发这个MOD 音效用的是CSOL1国服生化三的配音,分别是:来了他们来了,我们是他们的奴隶,他们回来了 PS:被Boomer喷到或是扔胆汁罐刷出来的僵尸则不会触发此MOD的效果...
Dark Souls Bonfire (ammo pile)
You guys can finally kindle the fireXD. 你们终于可以传火了XD Replaces ammo pile. 替换 弹药 Models and textures:Fromsoftware BANDAI NAMCO Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me Particles effect |高端传火特效 DANIAO 我江带头冲锋 You for always support me | 大伙对我以来的资瓷 Remember to le...
Defibrillator - animated glowing red
作成者 TOG | K1CHWA
The Original! One of my early animated, glowing textures for the l4d2 defibrillator. UPDATE - decided to revisit the my animated glowing defib and try to improve it. 3X the frames of last animated, glowing defib reskin i made. remade wave patterns to be mo...
Explosive Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
作成者 ✿ N A B I ✿
Explosive Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https://...
Fate Extella Jeanne D'Arcs Flag - Golf Club
作成者 FieryVector
This mod replace the Golf Club with Jeanne D'Arcs Flag The Model is extracted from Fate Extella Extraced by me The model and texture made by Marvelous...
FNaF VR - Guitar
作成者 Dr. Tony
Commissioned by The Thinking Plumber. This mod replaces the default guitar with the fairly detailed counterpart which was ported from Five Night at Freddy's VR game. Legend has it that it once belonged to a purple animatronic rabbit of some sort, although ...
Foot control spray paint
作成者 腿玩年
There's nothing like sharing...
*Replaces the baseball bat (because it needs a little love too) Features: - Hi-poly model & Custom textures! - Semi-Chromed metal! - Glowing skull bits & runes! - Custom Icon! - Katana sounds! Original model & textures by: "Jojjo" of the Skyrim modding com...
Genuine leather Haku(蛇皮弱音) R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
rpelace France This time is the snake leather Haku! Made by @除了秒妹ㄩ啥也不会 from our QQ; Although there are some small flaws, 秒妹狂魔 still needs to be motivated; Hope you can support him to make more work project ! The original version is very sexy, The underwear...
Girls' Frontline少女前线347种室内挂画
作成者 老王摸摸狗
自发光,替换了屋内挂画,二三十秒换一张图,一幅画有5到8张图。(有R18) 求点赞 Replace the paintings in the house ...
Haku Maid 弱音女仆R-18 V2.1
作成者 仓鼠箘
What's new: Added R-18 element; Enhanced skin material; Changed pants into transparent; The VMT parameters gloves and pantyhose were also changed to matte color.(in fact this function isn't work in elarlier version) I upgraded the skin texture from 【512×51...
Haku Uniform 弱音制服 RNG R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
Dont look her below,She didnt wearing pantz! Replances Louis. Clothes: Black-->black.white.red RNG; Gloves:Black-->black.white.red RNG; Pantyhose:Black-->black.white.red RNG; High-heel:Black-->black.white.red RNG; I drew the R-18 pantyhose texture, and del...
Hakurei Reimu Billboards - 博丽灵梦 户外广告牌
作成者 NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Billboards Replaces Burger Tank,Gas Station,and some other Billboards (Please set the HD world texture after this MOD,Or don't two MOD together) -东方- 博丽灵梦 广告牌 替换了Burger Tank,加油站及其它大型广告牌 (注意!使用了高清纹理MOD的朋友请将其至于此MOD之后,或者不要一起使用,否则可能无法正常显...
Hakurei Reimu Bus Stop - 博丽灵梦 巴士站
作成者 NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Bus Stop Animated The picture will be changed every 20 seconds -东方- 博丽灵梦 巴士站(公交站) 图片每20秒改变一次...
Hakurei Reimu Posters Collection - 博丽灵梦 海报合集
作成者 NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Posters Replaces Death Center Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster 12 Images of Large Poster - Replaces every 32s (Please set the HD world texture after this MOD,Or don't two MOD together) -东方- 博丽灵梦 死亡中心 海报合集 替换了地图中路边广告板,杂货...
Hatsune Miku Chinese dress {Rochelle}
Happy Chinese new year!!! Thx @Shikametsu if you dont like iris move,just open console and type r_eyemove 0 Replaces Rochelle. 替换二代人物 Rochelle. Models and textures:M a x Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me MMD Shader:dewobedil First person arms |第一人称手...
HD-Azur lane's Doujinshi Books&Magazines Cover(R-18)
作成者 Cheshire.Cat
关键字:碧蓝航线、Azur lane、Hentai、R-18、HD、RNG、自发光、 Warning! this is the temptation of the Hentai. I believe you can control yourself. ╮(╯-╰)╭ 这是一个没啥卵用的MOD。 不过真香。。。 3/23 重新更改了亮度... 3/24 书架、杂志每约10s更换一次封面.... PS:Although this is a fu*king garbage mod,hahaha~ But I‘d ...
High Heels Footsteps
作成者 Dark Star
I designed thumbnail and made preview video, Lilith did all the work designing the sound FX. High Heels foot step sound FX for walking/running/jumping. You do not need to rebuild audio cache. Credits: Sound Pack: Lilith https://steamproxy.net/profiles/...
Honkai Impact Higyokumaru [machete]
作成者 kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's Higyokumaru replace machete in game. 喜欢我的mod就加群鸭 945760874 这次是绯玉丸替换了砍刀 做了全新的动作 作为迟来的新年礼物送给大家 给老板们订阅了给个赞和评论鸭! 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces machete. 替换 machete -----...
HUD Retrowave / Synthwave
作成者 Laith
Hi! This is a Retrowave/Synthwave HUD. I hope you like it and enjoy playing with it, I clarify that I am not a professional, I am just an enthusiast. Note: If you have a lot of mods in your game, some bugs will probably appear, but nothing very relevant. L...
Hyperdimension Neptunia Blanc itasha race car
Replace your race car skin with Blanc itasha. "...Your logic is strange. I'm everyone's favorite." -Blanc....
Hyperdimension Neptunia Noire Door (R-18)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Noire Door (R-18) Replaces the some doors... ...
illustious replace ellis
作成者 胡德太太
replace ellis with illustrious with spring festival skin using rochelle'skeleton have facial expression, first person arms....
Improved Blood Textures
作成者 BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Improved Bots (Simple)
作成者 Ziggy
This mod has been updated for the Last Stand update! Summary This addon makes several changes to bots to make them act more like human players and make them more reliable as teammates. They can use melee weapons, rescue you if you die, react quicker to a t...
Infinite Warfare Effects Support ( for particles manifest )
作成者 Urik
REQUIRED: - "particles manifest" (see required items) - you might need to restart your game for this to work LIST OF MODS that use it ...
JS-9mm El Fail (Mac 10 slot)
作成者 HK G41
jianshe js9 smg with suppressor and red dot, painted with El Fail design animation by me model by warface sound from many sources Hatsune Miku skin by lm Arknights Liskarm skin by 十年公交男...
Kagura Nana Medical Package
作成者 十年公交男
Kagura Nana Medical Package https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627046496592/AEDE780B961BC312726B3D00758CBAC3A4865ED2/ Included:       V mode, W mode, Glow. Description:        QAQ Statement:       Model from : scream        Textures:十年公交男   ...
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects
作成者 十年公交男
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects Included: Sound effects. Description: Mom! Mom is here. Statement: Sound from :Kagura Nana Make:十年公交男 At last: AWSL https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627042377028/D75ECC1501834F02BEF94E023B6AFEB88C757D02/...
Keqing from Genshin Impact Autoshotgun
作成者 Fasermaler
Autoshotgun retexture, Keqing from Genshin Impact Has glowing textures Art Sources: Pixiv 84602943 Official Genshin Impact character art...
KSG Miku(Chrome Shotgun)
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
替换了二代单喷,修改了音效,枪声【敖犬霰弹枪】,退弹壳声【和平守护】 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av48455942 好久没更了。。。。。最近才装好网线,差点断更。。。。劳动节快乐!!!平成骑士的末日到了,令和快乐! 原作: Lt. Rocky 原模:Kel-Tec KSG cxk黑粉群:931395294 如果打算转载到贴吧或是网站请著名作者,还有下面的神秘歌词 “君に触れて未来が変わる 因和你接触改变了我的未来 たった一人守れないで 生きてゆく甲斐がない 一个人...
LED Flashlight
Thought I would try a 'normal' flashlight....
作成者 Vvi
必需物品: Vvi管理员快捷菜单命令 ★特别提醒: 记得打开游戏后在控制台输入 bind v "show_menu Menu" 后才会有效!不然游戏里怎么按 “V” 键都不会打开命令菜单 (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ大家在订阅的时候记得要连同弹出来的说额外的必需物品 “Vvi管理员快捷菜单命令” 这个也一起订阅掉噢,不然没什么用喔,详细的使用方法在 “Vvi管理员快捷菜单命令” 里。 欸欸( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 记得点赞 或者 +收藏喔,嘻嘻嘻cc..(捂脸害羞) (●'◡'●)っ还有噢,欢迎大家 点击加入→ Left 4 De...
MP5-SD (希儿)-夜光重制
作成者 洛兮
替换mp5,(replace the mp5) 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 全身添加夜光,不刺眼,易寻找! 算是重制做个之前的希儿的mp5没夜光的遗憾! L4D2MOD制作交流群:1016787637 L4D2开黑群:721355486 我的B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/247187251 做的不好,还请见谅!...
M4A4 HUD icon (M16)
作成者 Nebbers
Another HUD icon mod, this time for the M4A1 Carbine w/o carry handle, which, for whatever reason, CS:GO refers to as the M4A4 Carbine, despite the fact that no such weapon with this name actually exists; it's actually a Mk18. Enough rambling for now, thou...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
作成者 Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
作成者 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
MK-5 Miku(Pistol)
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
这是今年的第一作.......初音未来枪系也快完结了....目前还剩木狙,连狙,四把喷子和m60以及榴弹发射器(其实才做到一半啦) 这次的mod替换了小手枪,这次的主要为蓝白色,玫瑰粉红为配色,有两个模型,分别是泰坦陨落的智能手枪和p2011,但是枪声我改为了泰坦陨落2的智能手枪和p2016的枪声. (正片 9:04)预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41393301 喜欢请三连哦 ! 模型:Twilight Sparkle 原模:Titanfall Smart Pis...
Minato Aqua skin for CSGO Desert Eagle | Magnum
Minato Aqua skin for CSGO Desert Eagle | Magnum Hololive vtuber:湊 あくあ 主题沙鹰|马格南 替换了贴图,声音,采用了CSGO沙鹰的模型和动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于P站,pid:80392830 Picture comes from Pixiv, id:80392830 感...
作成者 Pepino Cósmico
Para celebrar las fiestas traigo este delicioso mod que reemplaza la jeringa de adrenalina por una barra de postre Mantecol de 40 gramos....
Lollipop Chainsaw
作成者 Splinks
Update: Doktor Haus - ( Splinks's lollipop chainsaw replacement is an old favorite of mine, but the blades weren't animated, so I fixed that. Also tweaked the shaders a bit, making it a somewhat reflective and lowered the origin. "AH, CHAINSAW! THE GREAT C...
Megurine Luka Chinese dress {Ellis}
Thx @Shikametsu if you dont like iris move,just open console and type r_eyemove 0 大家能不出门就不出门吧,我也会在这陪伴大家的。 Replaces Ellis. 替换二代人物 Ellis. Models and textures:M a x Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me MMD Shader:dewobedil First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Ic...
作成者 lm
This was originally made for myself, but I think someone might like it. So I uploaded it. (´・ω・`) *Just Changed the appearance and movement of molototv. *glowing...
Miku_The widowmaker(spas) .beta
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
替换了二代连喷(spas 12) 注意,这还是个测试版, 枪声,【和平守护】,贴图已经有了动态效果,但是法线贴图的bug还未解决,没有法线贴图整个模型就像亚克力材质。 等大佬指点江山 520,,,,,今天表白日呢。。。。。(拿起名单),金木研,艾伦,三笠,初音未来,阿米驴,gay骆驼,希里,爱丽莎,希欧,芬,黑洞娘,篮球,藤原拓海,藤原千花,殇不患,凛雪鸦,樱蝎洛,decade,桐生战兔。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。我爱你们呐~~~...
MW2 - Tan Intervention [Scout]
作成者 Scout_115
Please note, subscribe to Rocky's Counter Strike weapon unlocker because it contains custom scripts to unlock CS:S weapons and if you found the left hand issue or if it randomly crash, be sure to restart the game after downloading just to make the addon wo...
Neptune and Nepgear's Psyllium β golf club
作成者 Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the golf club with Neptune and Nepgear's shared β DLC weapon, Neptune's Psyllium Blade β/Nepgear's Psyllium Sword β, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with play...
NieR:Virtuous Contract
作成者 徒手开根号
replace the Katana.form NieR:Automata(ニーア オートマタ) 2B. <Virtuous Contract> It is luminous, and the iris diaphragm is dynamic. YoRHa No. 2 Type B Crowbar : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1085548012 https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
NieR:Virtuous Contract(Crowbar)
作成者 徒手开根号
replace the Crowbar .form NieR:Automata(ニーア オートマタ) 2B. <Virtuous Contract> It is luminous, and the iris diaphragm is dynamic.The animation is all done by myself YoRHa No. 2 Type B Katana : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083048677 ht...
Noircat bile-胆汁
作成者 花璃
白玉的新作角色:ノワール(诺瓦尔) 我挺喜欢白玉画的角色,所以做成了胆汁 I like the role of white jade painting, so I made bile 胆汁含有倒计时+夜光+特效 Bile contains countdown + night glow + special effects 画师的图 推特即可找到 画师推特:@shiratamacaron 只改胆汁特效版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
Noire-My wife-Vending Machine[Hyperdimension Neptunia]
作成者 Gustab.M
-----------------------------简体中文----------------------------- 这是我L4D2的第二个工坊作品 Noire,超次元游戏海王星里Lastation的女神 感谢tsunako老师的作品,我才能完成这个mod 希望你们能喜欢 -----------------------------English----------------------------- Here is my second work for L4D2. Noire,the CPU of...
Pepsi Launcher 百事可乐发射器
作成者 PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Pepsi Launcher= =百事可乐发射器= For Grenade Launcher 替换榴弹发射器 内含: V模,W模,音效 Feature: V model W model Sounds Common Version 原版 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017385967&searchtext= 可接单进行榴弹定制,请加好友私聊 DICE - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - A...
Original Chrome Shotgun 原版铬合金霰弹枪
作成者 2000
Restore the cartridge case and push animation . 恢复弹壳和推的动画 ....
R18 岛风酱 HHHHHH工口动态电视机
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
要金金金金金里来力!!!!! 替换了游戏里的无信号电视只因...
Raigen's CheyTac M200 Black For Scout
作成者 Equinox
Replaces Scout with Raigen's CheyTac M200 Black For Scout. Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1883825599&searchtext=m200 Credits: Models: Activision/Raven Sounds: Activision/Infinity Ward HUD/Texture/Mesh Edit: Alex_D_Vasi...
Remove Explosion Flash
作成者 Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
RNG Illustrious (光辉睡衣) R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
A RNG Black & White skin Illustrious Replances coach. I changed the body texture and added some normal map texture, These changes resulted in the MOD becomes more R-18. More "details" find by yourself after you subscribe~ Based on @一夜回到解放前 from https://ste...
Shackles Bride Black Pudding(布丁束缚黑纱) R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
Shackles Bride Black Pudding replace for Ellis; Why her name is Pudding? Bcz I can't find any girl in TDA are familiar with her; And i found the pudding hamster raised by me has yellow fluff, so... What's the difference: Headdress and skirt: white --> tran...
Star Wars Kylo Ren Lightsaber [Tonfa / Police Baton]
作成者 Nicky_Da_B
Star Wars Part of the L4D2 Star Wars Project from Nicky_Da_B. This is a weapon mod that replaces the tonfa / police baton model with Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber. Live out your Star Wars fantasy in L4D2 today! This mod includes: a custom model custom t...
Star Wars Red Lightsaber [Baseball Bat]
作成者 Nicky_Da_B
Star Wars In the days of the Old Republic the color of your blade signified your role in the Jedi Order. Red blades were the exception. Red blades were synthetic crystals created to be more powerful and deadly than the natural crystals. As such they were o...
Star Wars Yellow Lightsaber [Cricket Bat]
作成者 Nicky_Da_B
Star Wars In the days of the Old Republic the color of your blade signified your role in the Jedi Order. Yellow blades were usually wielded by Jedi Sentinels. Sentinels ferreted out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. They strike a balance between ...
Stardust theme knife
作成者 Ribonsan
If you need, you can subscribe. No, please ignore. Thank Elements of the Metatron cube Glow in the dark 2048 * 1024 resolution...
Tda Cybertech Haku Append (Nick)
作成者 Saika
A resplendent Cybertech Haku! Great thanks to CaptainBigButt for the perfect model and NovaSOF for the amazing textures.Replace Nick and contain custom portrait.Hope you will love her~ Credits: CaptainBigButt - Model NovaSOF - Original textures...
Tda Dreamy Haku Append (Bill)
作成者 Saika
A gorgeous Dreamy Haku! Great thanks to CaptainBigButt for the perfect model and NovaSOF for the amazing textures.Replace Bill and contain custom portrait.Hope you will love her~ Credits: CaptainBigButt - Model NovaSOF - Original textures...
TDA Magic wand replace Tonfa
Magic wand replace Tonfa...
Tda Yowane Haku Append (v2) (BILL)
作成者 CaptainBigButt
Tda Yowane Haku Append - Version 2 (Bill Replacement) Revision 2 July 22, 2015 Credits: Tda: Original model Vezon: Original Haku concept, face model CaptainBigButt: Porting, rigging, editing ZeqMacaw: Animation compatibility scripts Features: Jigglebones F...
Tda Yowane Haku Append (v2) (NICK)
作成者 CaptainBigButt
Tda Yowane Haku Append - Version 2 (Nick Replacement) Revision 2 July 22, 2015 Credits: Tda: Original model Vezon: Original Haku concept, face model CaptainBigButt: Porting, rigging, editing ZeqMacaw: Animation compatibility scripts Features: Jigglebones F...
[战双]粉樱替换砍刀replace machete
作成者 Hesh233
replace machete 替换砍刀 using machete amins 使用砍刀动作 评论需求做的砍刀版本 替换太刀版本: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2169088071 ...
[Azur Lane] M4A4| HMS Formidable
作成者 深月
Pixiv ID: 76852671 Replace M16 rifle Model/Animation/Sound: Valve/Twilight Saprkl Textures: me Cover--Pixiv ID:76843728 It will glow in the dark Apr. 17th, 2020 updated Apr. 21st, 2020 updated Apr. 22nd, 2020 updated https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/...
[Azur Lane] AWP | HMS Formidable Theme
作成者 深月
Replace AWP. Just reskinned by myself. Original Model/Animation/Sound - Twilight Sparkle Fixed by ✩麻辣香锅✩ Textures - me Artwork Source - Original thumbnail - Pixiv ID: 77394375 Pixiv ID: 84400766 Pixiv ID: 77131112 It will glow in the dark. There is no flas...
[战双]长柄大刀替换铁铲 replace shovel
作成者 Hesh233
replace shovel 替换铁铲 Add: voice,JiggleBone 添加了声音、飘动骨骼 封面+贴图:pioneerZ1Z 声效+模型/版权:库洛 Remember to leave the link of this webpage. 欢迎转载此MOD,唯一的要求请署这个页面的链接。...
Wet Black Gown Haku(湿身黑蕾丝礼服弱音)R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
In short, it's a wet body welfare! A Black Lace Gown Haku replace for Eills. WARNING: DO NOT POINT YOUR FLASH LIGHT ON HER! Added a wet body effect, body reflective reinforcement, and clothing will be translucent. Eyes: purple-->red Make-up: heavy --> ligh...
Yowane Haku Chinese dress {Nick}
Happy the 2nd day of Chinese New Year!!! Thx @Shikametsu if you dont like iris move,just open console and type r_eyemove 0 Replaces Nick. 替换二代人物 Nick. Models and textures:M a x Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me MMD Shader:dewobedil First person arms...
YueZhengLing(Canary Dress Ver) For BIll in L4D1
作成者 Peakness Yang
Replaces Bill for YueZhengLing(Canary Dress Ver) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync original model:Samsink@tieba.baidu.com This is my 11th mod on workshop,Yes it's no...
作成者 Vvi
☆此创意品特供给不想手动输入或者来不及输入指令的求生之路上的朋友们(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ 订阅此创意品需要配合订阅 Vvi管理员快捷菜单命令 才能使用(点击订阅会自动弹出订阅通道) ★特别提醒: 记得打开游戏后在控制台输入 bind v "show_menu Menu" 后才会有效! 在游戏里按 “V” 键打开命令菜单 (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ详细使用方法: 1.首先,订阅了 “Vvi管理员快捷菜单命令” 是不够滴,你还得订阅另一个必需品:“Vvi管理员快捷菜单命令”(如果没订阅会自动弹出来要你订阅的) 2.都订阅好...
Thor Sniper scope(CSOL)
作成者 徒手开根号
Thor sniper scope is dynamic Bik format video, and the color is very low, L4D2 sniper mirror is a static picture. So the effect is likely to do it in general, I hope you like Point like, please Maybe you like this too.....(red xhair)→ http://steamcommunity...
the golden cudgel 金箍棒
作成者 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD modifies the baseball bat,ti is the golden cudgel,It is one of China's the Monkey King,Hope you like it 这是我第一个模型MOD金箍棒,替换了棒球,希望大家多多支持,模型来源于CS模型吧。...
The helicopter (miku)
作成者 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the rescue helicopter, it is the appearance of blue MIKU,I hope you can like it,My computer technology is not very good, so the MOD is not very perfectBut I still want to thank you for your support,In addition,the MOD as a pink crashed hel...
The Particles Manifest
作成者 Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
The skyrim's 3 truck(RNG)
作成者 徒手开根号
Replace the catering truck ,delivery van , and nuke truck in the game,True RNG : you'll get a different skin every map .Completely random Please point like s loadingscreen http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=567584568 skyrim menu icons ht...
Touhou Izayoi Sakuya M4A4(Replace M16A2)
作成者 夜空☆Twinkle
Replace the M16A2 With part of the night light, not very bright another animation version:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2754178739 Character pictures used:By.フカヒレpixiv ID=7752045 Original model:Twilight sparkle Original mod link:ht...
Ultraman - Supeshiumu Ray
作成者 ClearSkyC
Seen ultraman, you should know what is this Add this should be better http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618501360 Credits: Internet - Model/Texture/Sound ClearSkyC - Animations, rig, sound editing, texture modifications, compile. replac...
Black Lace Luka【巡音黑蕾丝】
作成者 仓鼠箘
@煎包油条胡辣汤 Only made the white version, I helped make the black version! I wiped the make-up of face, because Miss Haku in people's mind is a pale girl, and she can be so charming oooh! The dress is translucent black, but the bikini is opaque.(not a 18 banne...
CSO Choiji-Yoon (Louis)
作成者 徒手开根号
Choiji-Yoon from CSOL. secret agent. Height: 167 centimeters Weight: 46 kg huge boobs tattoo Suspender socks glasses High-heeled shoes Lace underwear Office lady Suite Domineering lady Peerless ChoijiYoon(bill) http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedet...
Haku (Bikini) (Louis)
作成者 dewobedil
http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● RNG Skins (Hair Ribbon, Pareo, Bikini) ● Facial Animation ● Jigglebones (Hair, Pareo, Ribbon, Breast) ● 128 Bones ● MMD shader http://i.imgur.com/Fs5xEP7.png DOWNLOAD http://i.imgur.c...
Incendiary Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
作成者 ✿ N A B I ✿
Incendiary Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https...
Kasane Teto Chinese dress{Francis}
作成者 大名鼎鼎的V
l4d1 survivors Replaces Francis. 替换一代人物 Francis. Models and textures:M a x Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:我江带头冲锋 DANIAO MMD Shader:dewobedil First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons |倒地大厅图标 Jiggle Bone |头发动态骨骼 Moveable Iris |跟随视线眼珠 Facial Expression |基本面...
LuoTianYi(Canary Dress Ver) For louis in L4D1
作成者 Peakness Yang
Replaces Louis for LuoTianYi(Canary Dress Ver) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:Samsink@tieba.baidu.com This is my 12th mod on workshop,this time we ...
Mahō Shōjo ( Reskin Pack ) | Puella Magi Madoka Magica
作成者 Kagarino Kirie
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika, "Magical Girl Madoka Magica"), commonly referred to as simply Madoka Magica, is a Japanese anime television series produced by Shaft and Aniplex. It was directed by Akiyuki Shinbo and written...
Tda Dreamy Luka Append (Louis)
作成者 Saika
A gorgeous Dreamy Luka! Great thanks to CaptainBigButt for the perfect model and NovaSOF for the amazing textures.Replace Louis and contain custom portrait.Hope you will love her~ Credits: CaptainBigButt - Model NovaSOF - Original textures...
TDA Haku Canary China Dress (Louis)
作成者 dewobedil
TDA Haku Canary China Dress from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Cloth, Ribbon, Accessories) ● More than 125 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● L...
Yowane Haku (Christmas) (Louis)
作成者 dewobedil
http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hat, Hair, Ribbon, Breast, Tail) ● More than 125 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobby icon / Ingame icon / Incap icon http://i.imgur.com/Fs...
Yowane Haku (Palmer) (Francis)
作成者 dewobedil
http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon) ● More than 90 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation ● Lobby icon / Ingame icon / Incap icon http://i.imgur.com/Fs5xEP7.png DOWNLOAD http://i.imgur.com/zjiL...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
作成者 Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
TDA Uniform Haku (Louis)
作成者 dewobedil
TDA Uniform Haku from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt) ● More than 115 Bones ● MMD shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ...
(4 pack L4D1) CPU Candidate Maid Pack
作成者 Iochi Mari
only for CPU Candidate same as Cosplay pack :3 Uni - Bill Nepgear - Zoey Ram - Francis Rom - Louis No faceposing Final Project Mod, Bye bye!!! Tks for use my mod for long time <3...
Blonde Maid 金发女仆
作成者 仓鼠箘
Based on @Fallentiger's from https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1832767136&searchtext=%E6%88%98%E8%88%B0%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3 Removed the original head mechanical armor; Changed the eyes into bule; Delete the tail; The armor on the shoes w...
Wet Illustrious (湿身光辉)R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
In short, it's a wet body welfare. This is a R-18 mod, you could see her bools. Hair: white --> gold Cloth: white --> black Shoes: white --> shine black with red And added wet body effect. More "details" find by yourself after you subscribe~ 2022-3-3 updat...
Tda HMS illustrious wedding dress replace Bill
replace Bill This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones --Zoey's animation Model belongs to samsink To animation opponents You are really annoying. You have the ability to make models on your own. I never oppose realistic models. But ...
TDA Bondage Haku replace Louis
replace Louis This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones --Zoey's animation Model belongs to EndiBell https://www.deviantart.com/endibell/art/TDA-Bondage-Haku-1-04-629782886...
Tda Floral Haku replace Rochelle
replace Rochelle This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones Model belongs to EndiBell https://www.deviantart.com/endibell/art/Tda-Floral-Haku-1-00-787237067 ...
Tda Maid Miku replace Zoey
replace Zoey This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones...
Tda Hatsune Miku Append (v2) (ZOEY)
作成者 CaptainBigButt
Tda Hatsune Miku Append - Version 2 (Zoey Replacement) Revision 2 November 26, 2014 Credits: Tda: Original model CaptainBigButt: Porting, rigging, editing ZeqMacaw: Animation compatibility scripts Features: Jigglebones Face flexes Polished Materials First ...
TDA Hatsune Miku: Cybertech (Zoey)
作成者 Yuun
https://i.imgur.com/PJjOvDY.png This is Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid wearing her Append Outfit on a Cybertech's design as Zoey. She is coming with everything that CaptainBigButt imported such as; Zoey's Animation, Facial Animations, Boomer Bile, Custom Propo...
TDA Wedding dress Bouquet replace Frying_Pan
replace Frying_Pan Model belongs to samsink ...
TDA 言和《逆水寒》素问 replance Zoey
总算弥补了遗憾了,重置了一次以前做的一个mod,是完全重置,而不是就换个角色换个动作。 那时候发这mod的时候,技术还没有成熟,有很多做不好的地方,尤其是贴图部分,头发也没有飘动骨骼(因为飘动骨骼不够用了),不能白瞎这么好的模型啊。 这次重置,重新调整了一下飘动骨骼的分配, 头发有了飘动骨骼,裙子也有飘动骨骼。第三人称删除了飘带。 部分贴图效果换成了半透明效果, 但不知道为什么,v社的半透明效果都是单面半透明,另一面就直接没有贴图了。。 所以并不是所有半透明贴图都换成半透明了。 先代替佐伊,教练那个mod过...
Hatsune Miku (China Dress) (Zoey)
作成者 dewobedil
Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid wear China Dress http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Cloth, Breast, Ribbon) ● More than 125 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobb...
TDA 方舟指令 旗袍弱音 逞妍斗色【RNG】替换coach
模型来自:听说我叫君姐CindyKang 身体素材来自:samsink 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av52787473 ===================================== 单色(粉色)版地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1823887169 原模型有各自色彩,光一个粉色总感觉不够。 所以做了一个RNG版的mod(也是我第一次做RNG贴图mod。。) 有六种颜色 ...
TDA 方舟指令 旗袍弱音 替换 coach
模型来自:听说我叫君姐CindyKang 身体素材来自:samsink 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av52787473 ===================================== 果然我对旗袍更不没有半点抵抗力。。。。 emmm 这个mod有 表情 飘动骨骼 ui界面。 手模 希望大家喜欢 喜欢花里胡哨的可以订阅RNG版本。 六色切换! 地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
Azur Lane TDA illustrious光辉 Prom Dress replance Coach
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面是从网上找的图,权侵删。 这个mod 裙子也有飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情动画。 这个mod加了乳摇。 希望大家能喜欢我做的mod。 别忘了点赞。 ========================================= 修复某个羞耻的贴图bug。 我自己查看没有任何问题。 (真空哪有若隐若现美?) ========================================= ...
Azur Lane TDA illustrious(remake) 4 in 1 pack
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 刚刚做好的四人包,结果牛肉大佬又出新的光辉模型了,连夜肝mod,我觉得那个模型比睡衣那个更加适合做成四人包,所以,我单独发布了各个版本的光辉。 四人组有五人不是很正常吗? v社,你的mod更新系统能再烂点吗? 折腾了一个多小时,总算把新版本上传上去了。 ========================================= 同系列光辉mod地址: 光辉-原版:https://ste...
TDA 方舟指令 旗袍系列 4 in 1 pack
模型来自samsink 和 听说我叫君姐CindyKan samsink的mmd模型配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 听说我叫君姐CindyKan的mmd视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av52787473 ================================== 总算把方舟指令系列的mod都做完了。 做了个整个号包,喜欢的麻烦点个赞。 乐正绫:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfile...
TDA式 方舟指令-洛天依-杏辞【RNG】 代替 rochelle
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 这个mod有。 表情 飘动骨骼。 第一人称手模 ui界面。 反正该有的都有了。 第一人称的袖子我改了一下,不然飘带会影响视野。 希望大家喜欢。 ======================= 修改了一下模型大小 ======================= 优化表情 ======================== 完全重制mod,并且添加了RNG效果,三种贴图切换。 ps:不知道怎么回事,...
Azur Lane TDA illustrious光辉 replance Rochelle
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面是从网上找的图,权侵删。 这个mod 裙子也有飘动骨骼。 但是没有表情动画。 这个mod加了乳摇。 希望大家能喜欢我做的mod。 别忘了点赞。 ========================================= 同系列光辉mod地址: 光辉-原版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158086196...
TDA Uniform Haku (Nick)
作成者 dewobedil
TDA Uniform Haku from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt) ● More than 115 Bones ● MMD shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ...
TDA 方舟指令 蝶律 乐正绫 替换 Nick
模型来自samsink samsink的mmd模型配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ =============================== 大佬总算把乐正绫这个模型肝出来了, 我也马上动工了。 这个mod有 uI 手摸 飘动骨骼 表情 现在方舟四人组已经完成。 喜欢的话请点个赞。 ================ fix texture...
TDA Bondage Luka replace Ellis
replace Ellis This model has --VGUI --FPS ARM --FACE ANIMATION --Flutter bones Model belongs to EndiBell https://www.deviantart.com/endibell/art/TDA-Bondage-Luka-1-05-684530465...
Haku Maid 弱音女仆装
作成者 仓鼠箘
Tda Maid Haku replace Zoey Tda Maid Miku remake. Hair changes from blue to white,The makeup changed added lipstick, The normal map is added to the dress skirt to make the dress more hierarchical and fine, Breastplate:Miku→Haku,Added long black silk gloves,...
teto 旗袍 replaces coach
作成者 Alyer夏
---------------------------Introduction/简介----------------- That's Theresa teto.it replaces coach in game. 这个是teto,替换游戏里的coach。 Replaces coach 替换 coach ----------------------Credits/相关人员--------------------- Models and textures:Tda/Samsink/Rurika/BrausShow...
RNG Candy China Dress Haku(糖果旗袍弱音)
作成者 仓鼠箘
Candy China Dress Haku RNG: white pink black red yellow blue green purple. Based on @dewobedil ‘s ] 糖果旗袍随机:白、粉、黑、红、黄、蓝、绿、紫。 根据@dewobedil 的【TDA Haku Canary China Dress (Louis)】改编而来 【我不知道是谁举报了我上一个项目,你最好现身并告诉我为什么,不然你娘一定会感到自豪因为她儿子是个懦夫,敢做就敢当。】...
【崩坏3rd】 恒霜之斯卡蒂(替换消防斧)\ [Honkai Impact 3] Sickle (replace the fire axe)
作成者 洛兮
用了冰箱的专属镰刀替换消防斧! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植...
明日方舟Arknights霜叶武器 替换 消防斧
作成者 凯茜帕鲁格
2020.10.5 全新重置版已发布:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2249002912 这次用明日方舟里面霜叶的武器替换了游戏中的消防斧 模型是由我独立制作完成的,贴图画起来太麻烦(其实是不会)所以请不要介意颜色过于单调 等把贴图搞懂以后会对mod进行更新 大家的支持就是作者最大的动力,如果喜欢这个mod的话不妨点个赞收藏一下。 那么最后,祝大家在新的一年里吉祥如意,心想事成! The weapon fire axe in t...
Honkai Impact Seele Realm Twin Black Sickle Replace Shovel 崩坏3 彼岸双生黑希尔镰刀替换新近战铁锹
作成者 ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Seele Realm Twin Black's sickle.it replaces Shovel in game. 崩坏3彼岸双生黑希尔的镰刀替换游戏内铁锹 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Shovel 替换 Shovel ----------------------------Then/补充...
Noire Glowing AK-47 诺瓦露夜光AK-47
作成者 PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Noire Glowing AK-47 诺瓦露夜光AK-47 Credits: animations:Eazy E 枪声现已改为2012版 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/835832470171427098/B73A4E5904CBE325F455FDED02A003FE5B899E19/...
CSGO Ak47-Erina(glowing)
作成者 Alyer夏
Rabi-Ribi`s Style increase glowing no glowing: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2150626537 I hope you like this mod Have fun! ...
45 Chocolate Bars (Adrenaline)
作成者 Ellie
Hello everyone, Merry Christmas and thanks for being here today :D. This mod is the last big release I'll probably do before an hypothetical L4D3. I am lacking good ideas and I want to invest time in other things than modding. It's been mostly a pleasure t...
Did it again for four days...
Overwatch Reinhardt's hammer {electric guitar}
It replaced the electric guitar to Reinhardt's hammer from Overwatch,hope you enjoy it,and it also changed the sound of the melee attacts....
Azur Lane Loading Screen
作成者 Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Safe Room Loading Screen Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=69020042 4:3 Size https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1461094060 2018/08/10 Fix incorrect image settings...
TDA Haku Canary China Dress (Zoey)
作成者 dewobedil
TDA Haku Canary China Dress from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Cloth, Ribbon, Accessories) ● More than 125 Bones ● MMD shader ● Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Boomer Bile Texture ● L...
Honkai Impact Adult Raiden Mei’s katana Replaces katana v2 崩坏3后崩坏书芽衣太刀替换武士刀拔刀斩动作版
作成者 ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s still Adult Raiden Mei’s katana Replaces default one. 崩坏3后崩坏书芽衣太刀替换游戏内武士刀第二版 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Katana. 替换 武士刀 ----------------------------Then/补充------...
Azur Lane Posters - Sakura Empire (Imperial Japanese Navy)
作成者 NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Sakura Empire Posters Replaces Death Center Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster 20 Images of Large Poster - Replaces every 20s -碧蓝航线- 重樱 死亡中心 海报 替换了地图中路边广告板,杂货店和购物中心海报 20张大海报,每20秒换一次...
作成者 mmi开心
【R18】各种本子刊 replace doors
作成者 sanfermin
用多达15种的本子刊替换大多数门 replace Most doors...
【R18】售货机 Vending machine
作成者 sanfermin
Dynamic picture of 12 pornographic pictures Light in the dark Switch pictures every 12 seconds There are 12 pictures in total replace all Vending machine...
AK-47 | Bloodsport
作成者 Yarou
On default animations. porting - saturn texture - SLIMEface model, animations, sounds - Valve...
Azur Lane Bus Stop
作成者 NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Animated Bus Stop 15 advertisements replaces every 16 seconds -碧蓝航线- 动态公交站/巴士站/汽车站 15款广告每16秒改变一次...
AKUSA katana
作成者 谷恒条野
EVA 02.......
Yuezheng Ling Chinese dress {Bill}
Thx @Shikametsu if you dont like iris move,just open console and type r_eyemove 0 8人旗袍mod弄完了,接下来又是默默无闻时间 Replaces Bill. 替换一代人物 Bill. Models and textures:M a x Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me MMD Shader:dewobedil First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons...
Overwatch Oni Genji Katana{katana}
Finally Blizzard updated Overwatch,I could make more models now! Soundless version Have Fun! Replaces katana. 替换近战武器 太刀 ------------------------------------------------------ Credits|制作人员: Models and textures:Blizzard Entertainment Clothes Physics,UI,Publi...
senpai fist
作成者 Saeru
replace for the pan, based on the original addon magic fist...
Sakura miku White dress replace francis
模型来自https://www.deviantart.com/mmdvocaloidthailand/art/TDA-HatsuneMiku-Sakura-White-dress-Move-682013690 原模型有30w面, 未和作者联系但不违反规定。如果作者觉得侵犯权利,请在下方留言,我会下架此mod。 花了九牛二虎之力,总算优化到10w面以内了。 这个模型有, 第一人称手臂模型。 飘动骨骼 uI界面。 但是没有表情。 希望大家喜欢。 ====================== 史诗性修复! 终于解...
Storm Giant Warhammer(Guitar)
作成者 Hekmatyar
Replace the guitar,Made a new action and replace all sounds.All guitar set fluorescent effect,Basically restored in the original game action. Don't forget to Rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, rememb...
TDA Luka Canary Dress (Louis)
作成者 dewobedil
TDA Luka Canary Dress from Vocaloid http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Breast, Cloth, Ribbon, Arm Accessories) ● More than 120 Bones ● MMD like shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zo...
Honkai Impact Adult Raiden Mei's katana 后崩坏书芽衣太刀替换武士刀
作成者 ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Adult Raiden Mei’s katana Replaces default one. 崩坏3后崩坏书芽衣太刀替换游戏内武士刀 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Katana. 替换 武士刀 ----------------------------Then/补充---------------...
Black Gown Miku(黑礼服初音)RNG
作成者 仓鼠箘
A Black Lace Gown Miku replace for Nick. WARNING: DO NOT POINT YOUR FLASH LIGHT ON HER! Added a clothing translucent effect. Hair: Blue-->Blonde Gown: white --> RNG shiny black & red Shoes: white --> shiny black Silky Sock: white stoking --> shiny black pa...
作成者 综合病症患
夜光不刺眼 The night light is not dazzling 随机6种样式 总共包含24张图片 Random 6 styles, a total of 24 pictures replace catering truck //后记,别问,问就是车速太快,被steam交警拦停,这些图片也不戳...
Genshin Impact Ganyu Replaces Louis 原神 甘雨 替换 路易斯
作成者 ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s ganyu.it replaces Louis in game. 原神甘雨替换游戏内路易斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Louis 替换 Louis ----------------------------Then/补充---------------------------- This is ...
作成者 综合病症患
Replace Truck 夜光不刺眼 The night light is not dazzling 随机15种样式,总共包含45张图片 Random 15 styles, a total of 45 pictures 感谢这些作者提供的模型与函数作为参考 Thanks for the models and functions provided by these authors https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=599015907...
2 Phut Hon - Phao (Zero Two TikTok)
作成者 Keflé
Replace 2 Phut Hon - Phao with tank music i dont know why i did this...
Formidable : Bill
作成者 NPCsnake
-Azur Lane Crosswave- Formidable Replaces Bill -碧蓝航线 交汇的航迹- 可畏 替换 比尔...
Vtuber 宝钟玛琳/宝鐘マリン/Houshou Marine Replace Francis
作成者 Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif model:td75078 images:85505362 Thank you for your like. 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
[無職転生] 洛琪希 - P90
作成者 Cheese菠蘿包
洛琪希·米格路迪亚·格雷拉特 P90 洛琪希 洛琪希 我的洛琪希! CSGO-P90 替换 UZI 模型原贴 CS:GO P90 图源P站 ID 87429571 贴图部分荧光 感谢各位的赞和订阅 thank you for your subscription and praise https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1750182419319370115/ED7C484CFA3588DC9E5771E08BD8DE8A593F2FF5/ https://s...
[DMG]Silky Dress Luò Tiānyī【黑丝裙洛天依】R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
Replances Luis, this is a R-18 mod, she dressed translucent Dress and pantyhose that you can see her private parts. And add normal map, makes it looks more real ! This is a mod, the stain is grow more with health getting lower. ! WARNING !: YOU MUST SUBSCR...
樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura ballistics and bullet marks )
作成者 FAW075
简介 替换了弹道,改成了樱花的效果 (The trajectory has been replaced and changed to the effect of cherry blossoms) 弹痕也是樱花的效果,且具备夜光 (Bullet marks are also the effect of cherry blossoms, and have luminous) 觉得这个太亮的点这里 喜欢的点个赞吧,你的赞是我最大的动力 更新说明 21/4/9 因为有部分枪械mod和柔和开枪火焰冲突,所以我删除了柔...
DMG Wet Maid Luka R-18【动态湿身巡音女仆】
作成者 仓鼠箘
DMG Wet Maid Luka replace Bill, the first stage is normal version, all clothes are perfectly stitched; the second stage, will be slightly transparent; the third stage, clothes, white pantyhose will be 90% transparent, and the body will be splashed with str...
Hiiro&Waka S890(M1014 replacer)
Hirro &waka skin for S890 hirro和waka 主题的S890 Anmation:HKG41 Model: Interactive Sound: Interactive, far cry New skin:me https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764817747377976715/2759392D40A45A33D4B48AADA9FC51194B04B0CF/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
Eva-8 ICEY (m1014)
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
最近猛汉出的任务很快就肝完了,今天无聊就做了这样一把喷子贴图, 模型:Twilight Sparkle 原模:Titanfall EVA-8 Shotgun 替换了游戏内的m1014,部分发光或许有些花俏,但是我用着挺好........听好......ting hao......黑星凌空,枷锁虚懈,然仍未见主,神子亦未见,敬神不礼,时机未到.......... (正片10:09)预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av41393301 愿黑星照常升起................
DMG Ancient-Costume Luò Tiānyī【衣服消失术-洛天依古装】R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
DMG Ancient-Costume Luò Tiānyī Replaces rochelle, DMG will be triggered after 180s & 300s later. the first stage is normal version, all clothes are perfectly stitched; 180 seconds later is the second stage, black part of clothe will be highly transparent, ...
Illustrious Black Chinadress【光辉黑纱旗袍】R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
Congratulations on breaking through 4000 followers to myself ! publish a super-porn MOD for welfare! Here comes big sister Illustrious again!, replace Eills. Illustrious is as big as ever + long legs; Tags: Illustrious, White Hair, Blue eye, Chinadress, Hi...
【个人修改版】Haku Uniform 弱音制服 RNG R-18 (Nick)
说明 · 【个人修改版】Haku Uniform 弱音制服 RNG R-18 (Nick) · 仅较小程度修改了衣装贴图 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1768206282025514105/27612F765035F2B27DBD34618D81E3394CDDF1D3/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.ne...
【原神】雾切之回光 (Genshin)Mistsplitter Reforged
说明 · 【原神】雾切之回光 (Genshin)Mistsplitter Reforged 替换 武士刀 Katana · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) BiliBili 视频预览 借物表 · Models:Viero月城、miHoyo 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1700660168742257490...
Song of Ice and Fire Barbara 【冰火之歌 芭芭拉】RNG
作成者 仓鼠箘
Ice and Fire RNG replace for Coach Barbara:" Oh f**k off let me kill them!" Credits: Original L4D2 MOD: Spicy Hot Fire Skin: BiliBili:观海子 I changed light warp texture so that makes her more likely in Genshin. 冰属性和火属性二合一芭芭拉替换黑胖 芭芭拉:“学医救不了蒙德!” 出品: 原求生MOD:麻辣香...
Lace Gown Haku【蕾丝礼服弱音】R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
Based on @Vaz0w ‘s 【Sliver Drop Haku】 Remake. Adaptations: Change Open fingered gloves into black silky gloves; Lace rings on the arms and legs has been removed; Change the clothing material on the chest into translucent; Change the giant bow into black; A...
Wet Illustrious II【湿身光辉 二代】R-18
作成者 仓鼠箘
the Older Has been widely praised, so i made a second generation, replace Nick. Illustrious is as big as ever + long legs; But she changed a new translucent lace dress, a thinner silky sock, a pair of new lace gloves; Changed her hair cut into white, The b...
Honkai Impact Bunny Sakura 八重樱 兔女🐰郎
作成者 仓鼠箘
Bunny Girl Yae Sakura replace for Rochelle Damn Mihoyo, how dare you forget the Loyal Chinese Honkai Players!! I'm immovably going to make Chinese players exultant this time!! Creative inspiration: how can noble Valkyrja become bunnies when the time they g...
Kè'qíng【刻晴八属性】8 Attribution RNG
作成者 仓鼠箘
One day, Kè'qíng finally found that why her damage so weak, it's because the electric attribution is weak... And then she visited the Crumb traveler to study how to change attribution, the Crumb traveler seized her underpants compulsorily as rewards. Even ...
Illustrious (Bill) w/ Len Copycat
作成者 Makede
Illustrious from Azur Lane Special Thanks To Dewobedil https://i.imgur.com/EvLazQu.png ● Replaces Bill ● Zoey Animation ● Facial Animation ● More than 128 Bones ● Jigglebones (Hair, Breasts Cloth) ● Lobby / In-game / Incap HUD Icons ● FPS Arms ● Boomer Bil...
Honkai Impact Yae Sakura Bunny Girl ver.2 崩坏3兔女郎八重樱
作成者 仓鼠箘
Yae Sakura from Honka Impact 3 with new bunny suit replace Rochelle. This time, Yae has change a new Bunny suit! Clothe: from Fork, Low-Cut Leather Suit into Backless Jumpsuit Stocking: from Nylon Pantyhose into Fishnet Stockings Heels: Basically no change...
Marie Rose Bouquet Rosen Dress (ROCHELLE VER.)
作成者 cass
Her Bouquet Rosen outfit from her passing birthday June 6th includes her Bun hair and Tiara. • Custom Proportions • Face Anims • VGUI • Boomer Bile Textures • FP Arms • Custom Attachments • Jigglebones • Light Model • Zoey Animations • Model extracted from...
Marie Rose Bouquet Rosen Dress (ZOEY VER.)
作成者 cass
Her Bouquet Rosen outfit from her passing birthday June 6th includes her Bun hair and Tiara. • Custom Proportions • Face Anims • VGUI • Boomer Bile Textures • FP Arms • Custom Attachments • Jigglebones • Light Model • Zoey Animations • Model extracted from...
YYB KangXi R-18
作成者 Vaz0w
This addon replaceS Francis, and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models: YYB; Texture: MengWangEX Animations, Clothes, Physics, UI, Publish:me ---------...