Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition

Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition

45 valoraciones
Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts
Por Sant
List of supported key bindings and controls.
Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

H – Selects next hero
T – Selects next town
M – Moves current hero
K – Kingdom Overview
U – Toggles map elevation
C – Cast spell
Z – Puts current hero to sleep
W – Wakes current hero
Q – Quest Log
E – End turn
V – View World
P – Puzzle Map
D – Dig
I – View Scenario Info
O – System Options
M – Main Menu
L – Load Game
R – Restart Scenario
S – Save Game
Q – Quit to Desktop
Esc – Return to Game
Arrow Keys – Moves current hero
(Including the NumPad keys, very useful for moving the hero also on diagonal: 1,3,7,9)
Ctrl + Arrow Keys – Scrolls Adventure Map
Enter – Centres current hero or town
Tab – Send a chat message
Esc – Quit


Up Arrow – Previous town
Down Arrow – Next town
Space – Toggles between visiting and garrison heroes


A – Automatic combat on/off
D – Defend
W – Wait
C – Cast spell
R – Retreat
S – Surrender
O – Combat Options
T – View troop
F5 – Toggles creature pop-up types
F6 – Toggles hex grid display
F7 – Toggles mouse shadow display
F8 – Toggles movement shadow display
Up/Down Arrow Keys – Scrolls combat messages
Space – Selects next creature
S – Start combat during Tactics Phase


Left/Right Arrows – Turns pages
Up/Down Arrows – Move through bookmarks
A – Displays adventure spells
C – Combat spells


U – Upgrade creature
D – Dismiss creature

Works in adventure, exchange, hero, town and garrison screens.

Shift + Click – open menu to split units from the selected stack into an selected slot.
Note! Use 1, 2, ..., 0 to set amount of units.


Del – Delete selected saved game file
Enter – OK, Accept or Yes
Esc – Cancel, Exit or No
F2 – Switch between the old version of the game and the new HD graphics
4 comentarios
Sant  [autor] 31 ENE 2023 a las 4:50 p. m. 
It seems like working only with HDE Mod.
V69uero 30 ENE 2023 a las 9:55 a. m. 
I can´t make the hotkey shortcut for split units. May I have to enable something I´m missing?
grimm 21 NOV 2022 a las 3:49 p. m. 
To speed up buying units in Fort/Citadel/Castle:
1. Click on unit tab
2. M, to select Maximum number
3. Return(Enter) to confirm buy
Zabla 25 FEB 2021 a las 7:24 a. m. 
T = Town