Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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MOD超多,有部分R18,闪退是缘分(反正我不闪退。。。。),难度忽略不计,但谁能够忍住不加MOD呢。先全部退订阅,然后从上玩往下加载,顺序别乱,可以适当减点MOD,不管是人物还是皮肤,随便选点喜欢的吧 进不去就取消HADES TRINKETS和The Maid By The Necromancer这俩个MOD试试。建议直接取消掉,不取消5次闪退4次取消5次都不闪退。
Luomukset (219)
Darkest Font A
Tekijä: 双葉
This is a font mod for Simplified Chinese. 心血来潮重新做了个字体组合包,不保证有BCD之类的后续。 字体组合: 标题、旁白字体:原版的英文字体+汉仪锦昌体 技能、UI文本字体:开源的更纱黑体 流血等提示字体:汉仪水滴体...
Tekijä: foxical
請把本MOD放到所有的大型汉化的最上方,避免覆盖 可选择安装以下mod,不必全部安装。 以下人物mod选择性安装 本汉化介绍 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 【MOD人物篇】 王之刃基亚兰 完全汉化(对话部分完全汉化) 王之盾(魂二王大锤) 少许对话未...
自用汉化 个人风格向“修正”
Tekijä: 恶夜深眠
这个mod是做什么的? 这是一个对各种职业汉化的mod,它对一些无汉化的职业做了或多或少的汉化(能力 精力有限) 以及对有些已有汉化的职业做一些自己喜欢的汉化修改(个人向),或者是更为“专业”的汉化(黑魂限定,使有些汉化内容更贴近原著) 有了更完整的汉化可以取消订阅或把其放在这个mod之上 它包括: 暗影太阳葛温德林 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=971313538&searchtext=acolyte 龙狩者翁斯坦 https...
Tekijä: Blaink
DLC完整汉化已经完成,有任何问题留言。 关于“糠秕”,引用dnqbob的原话: 收获简单来说就是,杀死这些体内有晶体的生物获得星晶 这也是,“只有通过辛勤的劳动,才能把麦粒和糠秕分开来”麦粒,就是星晶 糠秕,就是被寄生的劳苦大众,水晶怪甚至星彩神 只要能获得星晶,就用尽一切手段 20210917 V1.61-V1.65 修复翻译错误 20200823 V1.60 因为官方更新问题,修复空白词条。其他词条有空白的请留言。 20200811 V1.59 修复某个词条 伤害增加 改为 受到的伤害增加 20200...
Mod 简体中文化
Tekijä: 小凯先生
暗黑地牢是个好游戏,创意工坊上的mod也为游戏增加了更多的乐趣! 本人接触汉化不久,尝试着翻译了一些个人喜欢的mod,翻译质量如果有bug或者不合理的地方,希望大家在评论区指出,我会尽力完善。 本mod的汉化过程借鉴了创意工坊里其他大神的的汉化成果,在此表示感谢,如果侵犯了各位的著作权,请通知我,我会删去此mod。 以下支援汉化的mod部分原作者已经停更,不建议全部安装,避免出现bug。 01、腥红庭院加强 Courtyard+ (Beta) 02、无限宝石 The Infinity Stones 03、小...
DD MOD Schinese Fix
Tekijä: ETO灬XL
注意: 本MOD是结合DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn一起用的,请在订阅以后将其放在DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn的上方。 假如你订阅了多个本地化MOD且出现文本闪烁的情况时 请尝试将此MOD放在所有本地化MOD的最上方 有一定概率能解决问题 MOD用处: 1.解决一系列的文本闪烁问题 2.缓解作者排查问题的难度,加强作者效率。 3.给作者保留宝贵的头发。【雾】 4.让作者心态保持冷静。【雾】 ...
DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn Ver0.26.0
Tekijä: ETO灬XL
PS:在Reborn版本尚未超过1.0之前 不少原本包含文本的为了兼容官汉或者各种各样的原因会暂时下架,讨论中详细不一定能及时更新,所以可能会出现详细中包含,但实际并没有汉化的情况,尽请谅解。 目前的工作重点是在于把曾经有过的MOD相关补全 包括但不限于 MOD新添加文本的汉化/MOD官汉新增加但尚未翻译的文本/需要大修或者推倒重来的文本 写了一个汉化MOD且上传相关的教程 有兴趣自行汉化的人可以去看看 DD MOD 汉化教程 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Tekijä: 纯良嘉心糖
hi,大噶好啊,这次带来的是mod人物condena(地狱天使)的简中汉化,哇,这次的这个mod真的是做的我心力交瘁,实在是太难搞了,不过也正是这样,所以我才可以告诉你们这个人物很有意思,无论是机制还是能力都是很独特的,大家可以自己摸索摸索(毕竟翻译都出来了),那么废话不多说,开始使用方法。 订阅之后得到这个文件夹1841267164,把这个文件里的所有文件覆盖到原condena人物mod中,即复制到X:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\1360707762\...
Ironclad 职业简体汉化
Tekijä: ShamiMomo_NAM
This is a Chinese version of Ironclad Class Mod made by ActionJack Ironclad翻译的时候纠结了半天,然后翻译为了铁爪.因为玩的时候这个烤箱喊了一句For the Machine God!.... 再加上其外形,很自然就想起隔壁40K的铁甲无畏(Ironclad Dreadnought)了.. 然后翻译成铁甲...但是又觉得很别扭,突然想起ID也有人叫他作铁爪无畏,就决定是你了! 这是我第一次自己翻译mod (渣翻 也是我第一次上传工坊物...
Omen Seeker Chinese Localization
Omen Seeker Chinese Localization...
Shrapnel Chinese Localization(Shrapnel汉化文件)
Shrapnel Chinese Localization Shrapnel汉化文件 机翻脑补性质 凑合用...
The Struggler(鹰之团—逆命)简中汉化
Tekijä: 纯良嘉心糖
这个mod的原型就是剑风传奇里的主人公机制很有意思,和我翻译的上一个mod地狱天使一样,机制特殊(因为都是同一个作者的作品),这个作者是真的牛批,大家有兴趣就去创意工坊订阅玩看看,如有需要再订阅我的汉化mod,这里放出链接https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1823497798 我在mod的语音翻译里留了些彩蛋,懂的人看到估计会笑一下吧 使用方法和我汉化上一个mod一样:订阅之后得到文件夹,把这个文件里的所有文件覆盖到原人物mod中,...
The Duchess Mod Schinese Localization
Tekijä: 玛雅神棍
女伯爵汉化mod ========== 项目地址: https://github.com/BaoHaoYu/darkest_dungeon_mod_localization_schinese 汉化额外贡献者:nbb ...
The Divinity(辉耀之神)简中汉化
Tekijä: 纯良嘉心糖
这次带来的依旧是那位大佬的新人物汉化mod,这次这个人物真的是让我大开眼界,就是强度上我觉得可能有点不太平衡(太强了).....先放出原mod链接https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845068884 废话不多说,使用方法:订阅之后得到文件夹,把这个文件里的所有文件覆盖到原人物mod中,即复制到X:\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\1845068884\localization这个地址...
Tekijä: Blaink
Mod translate for chinese.(Thrall) 完整汉化,感谢所有协助过的人。 有无聊时间多的,愿意义务汉化的可以联系我协助汉化。 好处是没有的,也就在右边作者那里加你个名字。手动滑稽。 注意!!!mod必须移动到顶部!!! 需要汉化文本见贴吧: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5391616913 协助汉化人员名单,表示感谢: 病名は愛だった 尽管秀,我赢算我输 haoyufe1...
FACE SKIN for Templar Class & SCH localization
Tekijä: Kamo Master
哇~又出了个色色的新职业~但技能都看不懂怎么玩~ 因此简单汉化了一下~ 法外娘的特点大概就是移动技能改成了潜行并切换模式技能~ 然后各技能搭配模式使用~ 翻译己同步对应法外娘正式版 部分模式想不出好的翻译,因此保留英文,也更方便辨认 法外娘本体:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2110999101 添加圣殿骑士Templar class的汉化~附赠一个露脸版皮肤,脸部使用了A大的魔物娘~ 圣殿骑士本体:https://steamcomm...
Shrimp Ball TC
Tekijä: rainturtle
A Traditional Chinese localization support for base game. It replaces Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese in the setting. Fix mistranslation Fix missing font Fix log crash bug Support all DLC Download the font! Download Shrimp Ball Chinese Font (Supp...
Better Nomad Wagon (CC)
Tekijä: o'night
Improves Nomad Wagon by increasing amount of trinkets and chances of rare trinkets appearance. Version WITHOUT Crimson Court trinkets Version with Sunward Isles and CC trinkets Detailed info: Better Nomad Wagon Number of Trinkets: 3 trinkets 6 trinkets 9 t...
Abundant Loot
Tekijä: Alex Poland
Mod Description Hello! This mod increases the amount of loot you gain effectively by double for players who want a quicker campaign. -All Gold Gains are doubled -All Heirloom Gains are doubled -All Gem Gains are doubled -Greater Chance to find better trink...
Trinkets 5, 24 Inventory, 10 Quirks
Tekijä: Sgt. Sarge
How far down will this rabbit hole go? Erm... I don't have any clever thing to say anymore. So... Just have this mod. I guess. ==== Description ==== "Trinkets 5, 24 Inventory, 10 Quirks" is the ultimate pokemon evolution of its predecessors. Now you can eq...
x2 Combat Speed
Tekijä: o'night
Increases game speed during battles, also affects animations. This mod works differently than most similar mods - instead of manually changing all files it simply enables speedhack in battles. This makes it much more stable and compatible with everything. ...
Faster Scouting
Tekijä: Rin
Should speed up the annoyingly slow scouting reveal animations....
Stack It Or Go Home: Hoarding Version
Tekijä: Wyvandron
How many times have you been forced to choose between dropping your hard-earned gold, heirlooms, or trinkets? Perhaps you've thought, "If only I could just hoard everything". Well, look no further! With this mod, you can hoard treasure to your heart's cont...
Strong Start
Tekijä: Seraph
Start the game off strong without that pesky Kleptomania on your Crusader. Both your characters start with ZERO negative quirks and three very useful positive quirks. You start with a skeleton key to open the tutorial chest and your starting resources in t...
No Camera Zoom
Tekijä: o'night
Disables camera zoom Melee skills move character closer to targets. Crits have slight camera tilt. Targets become color tinted for a brief moment (red for enemies, cyan for allies). Partially compatible with Slight Haste - Sublte Animation Increase Mod - j...
Curio Hints New Update(Include CC)V1.5 互动提示
Tekijä: Blaink
Curio Hints New Update (Include CC) This mod can help novice understand the interactive props needed for interactive scenes more better. I'm going to reset all the pictures so that the interactive cue more clearer. This mod Include the results of Curio Hin...
Level Restrictions Removal
Tekijä: Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS The restrictions imposed on high-level heroes is an oft debated topic. Some desire that it be removed, and that's precisely what this mod does! Feel free to send any hero anywhere you choose!...
No Negative Quirk On Quest Success
Tekijä: BIZ
Works w/ CC & CoM Characters no longer aquire negative quirks when they SUCCESSFULLY complete a quest. They can still start with negative quirks, get them from interacting with curios, from stress relief activities, and from abandoning a quest. This does n...
More Quirks Mod : Crimson Court
Tekijä: Whisper The Wolf
The awaited expansion to the base game More Quirks Mod, bringing some quirks that (Most Likely) should've been present for the introduction of the Crimson Court DLC It adds 31 more quirks to the Darkest Dungeon! More is to be added so... Give it some time....
More Quirks Mod
Tekijä: Whisper The Wolf
Adds 244 (?!) more quirks to Darkest Dungeon! More is to be added so... Give it some time. Unfortunately due to Workshop Text Restrictions, I had to actually add all the information to a Guide, for your viewing pleasure and quick reference to Quirks within...
Anti-grind & Larger Roster
Tekijä: Spyboy
Anti-Grind Stage Coach & Larger Roster! ================================================ This mod is a mix of : - The Anti Grind Stage Coach mod : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=903111614&searchtext= and - The Larger Roster mod : htt...
Quirk Expansion Pack by Marvin Seo
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently Localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Try my class mods here! https://i.imgur.com/uV1G3A9.png https://i.imgur.com/31ZC4G2.png https://i.imgur.com/isMSI1T.p...
Marvin Seo Mods: Shared Assets
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Introduction Welcome! If you don't know me, I'm Marvin Seo. I've helped balance Darkest Dungeon for Color of Madness' release and strive to create high quality mods that feel as if they belong in the base game. What does this Mod do? This mod is a collecti...
Reduced Crimson Curse Chance
Tekijä: [...]
Reduces the chance of your heroes being infected by the Crimson Curse. - Chance of getting infected by a weak monster dropped from 31% to 10% - Chance of getting infected by a strong monster dropped from 45% to 25% - Chance of getting infected by a boss dr...
1=1 Heirloom Exchange +Shards Exchange
Tekijä: Cenarkh
This mod Changes the Amount and Exchange with every Heirloom to 1: 1x Bust = 1x Deed/ Portrait/ Crest/Shard 1x Deed = 1x Bust/ Portrait/ Crest/Shard 1x Portrait = 1x Bust/ Deed/ Crest/Shard 1x Crest = 1x Bust/ Deed/ Portrait/Shard 1x Shard = 1x Bust/ Deed/...
Potion Fever
Tekijä: 云璇
Add a series of quirks caused by 3 kind of potions. Use different or the same potion to evolve the quirk to level 5. The attributes of quirks have nothing to do the order of using potions. Instead, the quantities of the potions you use depend the strength ...
Estus Flasks standalone
Tekijä: SoulSmile
Content ---------------------------------------------------- This is a standalone for the Estus Flasks from CarnifeX Warrior of Sunlight class as a purchasable provision, without taking the class in your party. The mod works without the Warrior of Sunlight...
Hard Earned Districts - Dungeon Master's Altars
This mod adds SIX new districts made just to power-up your heroes, at a cost. This mod does not require Hard Earned Districts but it is highly recommended that you install it because this mod was balanced around having that installed. Districts Altars of V...
Forest Guardian's Altar -District
Tekijä: sasiji
This District is used by The Clobber class mod http://i.imgur.com/wUnrVJu.png This mod adds the Forest Guardian's Altar district, a Building that buffs Clobber and applies another buff to all characters when they go in the Weald. Mod don't require Clobber ...
Better Boss Rewards - SUNWARD ISLES
Tekijä: Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for the Sunward Isles mod. Load this above Sunward Isles! ALL PLOT QUESTS: 3 Sunward trinkets. UMIBOZU: 2 Sunward trinkets, since originally his quest offers none. Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74...
Better Boss Rewards - COLOR OF MADNESS
Tekijä: Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for CoM. FIRST COM QUEST: rare, uncommon, common SECOND COM QUEST: Comet rarity, very rare, rare Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74u.png...
Better Boss Rewards - CRIMSON COURT
Tekijä: Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for Crimson Court. ALL CC QUESTS: 3 CC trinkets This mod is incompatible with Virulent Overhaul and Courtyard+, though the latter has a compatiblity patch. Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74u.png...
Better Boss Rewards - BASE GAME
Tekijä: Anonymous_Koala
This mod makes all of the boss quests in the game(including the first Ruins quest and Darkest Dungeon quests) drop 3 trinkets as mission loot instead of just 1. These 3 are of different rarities. BOSS QUESTS AND DARKEST DUNGEON QUESTS: very rare, rare, unc...
Dimensional Havoc
Tekijä: Chogex
Swirling masses of rubble float above the buildings in the Hamlet, slowly circling what seems to be a chasm in the fabric of reality itself. From the depths of the chasm's darkness emerge dozens of familiar monsters, all surrounded by a mysterious red glow...
Banshee Boss Missions
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
This mod is an extension to the Banshee Miniboss Mod, which can be found here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1655294502 This mod adds unique missions to the Weald that allow you to immediately fight the Banshee. The mission will be...
The Banshee by Marvin Seo and Clair de Lune
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently Localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to fight the Banshee as soon as possible? Download the Banshee Boss Missions mod below! https://i.imgur.com/QHhTj...
Pets 2 (Trinket + Monster Mod)
Tekijä: dem22
Phase 2.9.3 https://i.imgur.com/zzwuEO2.jpg *2021: New French! *Recent: Banner Bearer, Banished Hunter, Oceanborn, Eternal, Librarian, Rescuer, Paracausalist *Live: Pet Store Patch Pets in the Hamlet! You can now bring a Pet adventuring! Pets help manage t...
Pet Store (Patch)
Tekijä: dem22
v1.0 https://i.imgur.com/KXe7rb9.jpg A New Haven for Pets The Nomad Wagon is expanding and adding a small Pet Store! The Nomad, who loves all creatures, sadly, can't continue to take care of all these poor animals that townsfolk abandon or who just happen ...
The Sunward Isles Gradient Change
The Sunward Isles (Non Dlc Version)
Tekijä: Seal
Notice This version doesn't include the CoM SI wave, or the CoM SI trinket. It also doesn't cause crashes if you don't have CoM installed. For the full version with CoM addons, click here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1689234891 T...
The Sunward Isles (New Dungeon)
Tekijä: Seal
The Sunward Isles is a new dungeon that's modeled after Japanese history and culture. Fight new Yokai type enemies, explore the depths of the archipelago, and put an end to some of the ancient horrors of the Isles. =========================================...
Town wars rework (2020)
Tekijä: zxcqwe
Town wars rework (2020) I reworked this mod. more smaller but you can compatible latest mods now. Actually I can't support this mod anymore. So maybe this is my last update. This mod just open source. welcome custom rework or modify development. - What's a...
Describe your mod in 8000 characters or less here!...
克制系列饰品Restraint trinket 1.0
Tekijä: yilin
克属系列饰品,针对非dlc的各种怪物种族,几个非常有一些针对性的饰品 是非常稀有级别的饰品 Korean translation is complete.Thanks for @IndianRadish help 한국어 번역이 완료 되었습니다 characters or less here!...
贞德专属饰品 Need Ruler Class Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596685165&searchtext= Equipment Attributes Method Of Obtaining Champion Copy Task Reward Method Of Obtaining Buy from nomad wagon Comment: If there is an error in the t...
CoM trinket水晶小饰品 beta
Tekijä: yilin
素材来自网上与本体 新增了12件水晶饰品 更新10.12 移除 玩笑 重做 永生毒血 新增 修女套装 新增侦察饰品 万事俱备 新增标记玩法饰品 奇异之书 更新11.9 重做 3饰品 有什么好的建议和想法可以跟我说⊙▽⊙ characters or less here!...
Atalanta trinkets阿塔兰忒饰品
Tekijä: yilin
英雄MOD阿塔兰忒重制版的饰品 Atalanta trinkets 一共有6件 6 trinkets 修正 诉求的箭书 buff 说明 characters or less here!...
More Collector Trinkets
Tekijä: RedFlagDiver
!/Regrettably, I must announce I will no longer be working on this mod and all the variations. It was a really fun experience but I no longer have any interest in modding. If anyone wants to take over they are quite welcome to do so, with credit. Thank you...
Unique Items : Mega Trinkets Pack
Tekijä: zxcqwe
Unique Items : Mega Trinkets Pack This mod add 209 Very Rare Trinkets(!!) This Unique trinkes have many special options but trying to keep balance. Only purpose is 'variety of experiences' and 'collection' (Don't warry about Difficulty) Welcome feedback, r...
Fate 饰品
Equipment Preview Saber Archer Lancer Berserker Caster Mash Kyrielight ...
Tekijä: yilin
三件小鹿专属饰品,稀有等同于先祖级,只能通过冠军本取得 新增动画特效 characters or less here!...
Dont Starve Trinket Pack (Warly Added)
Tekijä: 蘑菇蘑菇炭
Dont Starve Trinket Pack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: A trinket pack from Dont Starve, including 44 trinkets about food made in cookpot. Using these trinkets, the viability of h...
Legendary Trinkets
Sorry my English is not good, all the sentences are translated by Google. This is a set of accessories for some classes, the properties have been tested for balance, it can better play the characteristics of the class. These items are available in English ...
Drifter Trinket
Tekijä: Rhap
This is the first mod I made and it is for fun:D All the graphics in this mod are modified from internet materials. Adding one new rarity - Drifter: A group of items that come from other worlds, being able to break through space-time barrier testifies the ...
Cursed Trophies
Tekijä: AntiSmile
42 New Trinkets (32 base game + 5 The Crimson Court + 1 Shieldbreaker + 4 The Color of Madness) can be dropped from some enemies. All trinkets are part of the set. There are no class restrictions. Full list with stats and drop chances Notes The Crimson Cou...
No Negative Trinkets
Tekijä: Yeapal
This mod removes all negative effects from all trinkets. This applies to every trinket in the base game and DLC (Crimson Court, Colors of Madness, Shieldbreaker, Flagellant and Musketeer). *NOTE* If you encounter any problems with this mod then please make...
Dungeon supplies
地牢补给修改 补丁修改了副本自带物品,根据小、中、大副本的需求赠送定量补给,省去了查地图补给表的繁琐,而且也省了钱,有需要的玩家不要错过。 V1.6更新 修复上个版本不生效的bug V1.5更新 商店增加营火堆的购买 ,不想使用这个版本的可以订阅地牢自动补给-无营火版 V1.4更新 修改了补给品的堆叠量。避免占用多个物品栏,补给量增加,商店物品设置为99,以便自行购买多余补给 V1.3更新 减少CC的补给量,男爵至少保留三个物品栏用于任务物品 推荐使用堆叠上限mod:https://steamcommuni...
You are not the first heir, not the first to make this journey. Those who have come before you left their own mark on this damned place, and you will need their knowledge, their strength, to continue this journey. Find the lost relics of your predecessors,...
Yet Another Musketeer Rework
Tekijä: o'night
This rework aims to make Musketeer a unique class with its own role. Custom trinkets and camping skills are included. It's an updated version of this mod and was based on Androu1's Musketeer but has been changed a lot since then. Her skills are: https://i....
Lionheart Heroes: Highwayman
Tekijä: Lionheart753
This is the second installment of the Lionheart Heroes series. Here we meet the smooth rogue, Mr. Highwayman. VERSION 2.2 *Previous Versions can be viewed in the Change Notes* STATS • Resistances (Lv 1): Stun 30% Blight 30% Bleed 30% Disease 30% Move 30% D...
Heroes Unchained 2019: All-in-One
Tekijä: arfunzals
(From the comments) - Hey all, just letting everyone know that there probably won't be any updates to this mod. I learned how to mod Darkest Dungeon specifically just to update Loklin's mods because they were my favorite class mods and weren't updated for ...
"3 + 1" Dark Soul 2 Skin + Bloodborne Skin
Tekijä: 铁制护腕
3+1:crusader , man_at_arms ,vestal + highwayman, (crusader, highwayman is my old work to re-adjust) Inspired by Dark Souls II and Bloodborne. The current lack of "torture" and "heroic", I will find time to make up. After completing these skins, I may no lo...
(skin) The Eternal
Tekijä: 十三号侯爵
I really like the Eternal mod and the art style of it, so I tried to make a skin for it. I'm sorry for not good at painting, so I have to made skins through splicing images. The resource used in this skin mod mainly came from hellion skin made by JEF. Than...
3 sexy skin
Tekijä: 成哥
No time to explain ,everybody knows what is this. It is 3 female skin of the character in town.The difference is this skin is very sex,and it also have DD style。 1.abbey 2.blacksmith 3.camping trainer, This works is darw by happening18,on pixiv ID65403024....
Abbey NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2010890387 - no eye...
Abbey Skin
Tekijä: Crayon Eater
A skin that replaces the Abbey NPC. Inspired by ShindoL. The corruption version is an ironic bonus ;) For the dark eyes version, in the base mod folder there is a folder called dark_eyes. Enjoy! ...
Arisa Leper Skin
Tekijä: madeinharu
leper_T leper_U (Another Color 1) leper_V (Another Color 2) leper_W (Another Color 3) UPDATE! God Eater Character Skin. Recommended mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2176318245 ...
Camping trainer NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2010892299 - no eye...
Crusader Jeannie skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
I have redrawn some things,now If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https://www.p...
Cult of Depravit(教徒美化)
Tekijä: 十三号侯爵
Well,I can not draw at all,this mod are made by others picture Thanks for Hair and skin(literal meaning) from:special mod modder:yakou 。I’ve got permission Body:modder:JEF /jefuty(eveningheart)。I’ve got permission Face:《Last Origin》 translate:首席汉化师 爱德华(爱德华...
Female Leper Skin
Tekijä: Crayon Eater
A skin that replaces the leper with a female version. Inspired by ShindoL. The defend and intimidate poses are a little silly, but please bear with me, lol P.S. I am still thinking if a dark eyes version is worth my time. >imagine commenting on a 3 year ol...
weeb flagellant Skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
I don't know why I made this mod.But it's easy to do it If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertaili...
Vestal Annatar skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
Don't ask why there is such a big gap between noumenon and original painting,and why do I call her Annatar. Anyway, the tool woman has skin. 不要问别的,工具人有皮肤就行了。还有,告诉别的皮肤作者,把修女脸和领子擦掉,在兜帽上画头。 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in mon...
Town event NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2010863929 - no eye...
Grave robber Katarina skin
Tekijä: nonlinear
Katarina Skin of the League of Legends. 2020-03-08 - no eye version add....
Tomoe Gozen Skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
It is suitable for onnabushi Class mod and hellion.Why do I have to make a hellion's skin, For anyone having problems with the Onnabushi Class, this mod needs to come first in load order If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in mon...
Nami's Mod Skin Collection1
Tekijä: 桜上水ナミ
-------------------------------------- 自作MODの6個まとめです Leper Skin Nami Hellion Skin yukti Musketeer Skin Kuroyagi Grave robber Skin Ginko Vestal Skin Freyja Abomination Skin Carmilla 同じものがそのまま入っているので 以前のMODは外しても大丈夫です。 -------------------------------------- *...
Shieldbreaker forcelan skin
Tekijä: STMKII
***因为无论如何看起来都很像是风大师的板娘所以就叫做Forcelan skin*** 1)皮肤2为正常版,皮肤1和5为经过傻吊群友强烈要求增加的的带把美少女版(其实都一样,5号主要用于修改和测试),如果不想要的把mod里面的A和E删了就好。 2)因为整个动画和骨骼都有所修改,所以3号和4号原版皮肤会变成碎片。 3)恕我技术水平有限完全不知道特效文件怎么搞,而且破盾者的技能特效还贼炫酷,各种蛇······所以原版特效和mod角色是不搭的,看不下去可以直接在角色特效文件里抹掉一部分。 ***作者只会画图,英文...
highwayman ump45 skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
The character comes from Girls' Frontline If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及ht...
grave_robber Izayoi Sakuya skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
emmmm,It looks like I need to redo it. If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https...
Hamlet Skins - All-In-One
Tekijä: Cato
A combined skin replacer for the Hamlet, combining 12 standalone mods into 1. This pack combines: LW Sexy Skin series - with all nudity removed, eyes dark. Includes the EC statue and side panel. Caretaker Log/Glossary - by Jefuty Camping Trainer Skin - by ...
Super Cute Antiquarian
Tekijä: KittenTT
Shout out for the talented artist who was the master behind this adorable skin, XRT. Not sure if this is his steam account: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198047892671 Also, BIG, BIG, BIG thank to my friend Slannesh who found and shared usable ar...
hellion dog girl Skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
She's so cute. She's so charming. She's so funny.PS:You can find the replacement of special effects(fx) under the folder of mod....
leper Hakurei Reimu skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
Finally, I've done it.If you do not like color and brightness, please modify it by yourself. Redraw the face,now If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay ana...
Musketeer replacement skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
**********warning*************** It will disable other skin. Different colors in production. 会替换原版动作文件,其他火枪mod也会失效。异色版本制作中. ***************************************************************** 死弟母好友已经满了,有需要请通过下面方式联系 Steam friends are full, please contact us b...
monster girl brigand part1
Tekijä: anaertailin
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!!修改了3个野怪强盗,patreon中有独特内容 !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! Unique content on patreon,Turn three brigands into succubus. If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com...
Helltaker NPC [skin]
Tekijä: QiPaoFox
Helltaker NPC 地狱把妹王 恶魔妹子替换城镇原有NPC 目前只画了: At present, only painting: 1.勤劳的医生/ Industrious doctor 对应文件folder:医院/sanitarium 2.商量的商人/Good businessman 对应文件folder:饰品商人/nomad_wagon 3.和善的酒保/Kind bartender 对应文件folder:酒馆/tavern 4.耐心的铁匠/Patient blacksmith 对应文件folder:...
LW- Cute Slime Girl 0.91 史莱姆
Tekijä: JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Changed the game's original small ectoplasm into a girl-like Slime. About the design of this monster. My conception is that a Slime accidentally devou...
LW- courtyard Landscaping 花园
Tekijä: JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Beautified the gates and doors to the courtyard, adding statues Beautified the original statues and a large scene with statues and added a new statue ...
LW- hood's eye skin
Tekijä: JEF
*A collection package containing this mod has been released! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2143673237 By downloading the collection package, you can face fewer options in the mod management interface *一个包含此mod的合集包已经发布! https://stea...
LW- fawn's eye skin (12/24 fix)
Tekijä: JEF
*A collection package containing this mod has been released! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2143673237 By downloading the collection package, you can face fewer options in the mod management interface *一个包含此mod的合集包已经发布! https://stea...
Man at arms & Houndmaster anime skin
Tekijä: 오발탄x
Man at arms T, U, V Houndmaster U, X, Y...
man_at_arms Overseer skin
Tekijä: anaertailin
看起来头有点小,,,有机会重新做个动作吧 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https://www.patreon.com...
jester skin (manga style)
Tekijä: hellopongpong
Describe your mod in 8000 characters or less here!...
Jester Marceline Abadeer skin beta
Tekijä: anaertailin
I know it looks not good. I need some time to adjust the appearance and make animation. Anyway, thanks for your waiting If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and ali...
Sanitarium NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2012408580 - no eye...
Raven Fiend
Tekijä: Poljanan
The is a new skin for the abomination. Raven Fiends possess a different strain of mutations present in most abominations, in that their monstrous forms bear features of the corvidae family of avians. These products of cruel arcane experimentation only harb...
NPC skins
Tekijä: 24_K
This works is draw by rupertlance,on pixiv ID 9248965. This is the skin of 8 NPC. no abbey, blacksmith and camping trainer 已获得作者授权 原图来自P站:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=9248965 这是8个NPC的皮肤,没有教堂,生存大师和铁匠,这三个P站那位没有画 all npc skins https://steamcommu...
Muscarine Tusk SkinMod
Tekijä: moon
4/20, Fixed an issue where tusk_guild_header was not visible in detail. 4/21, Due to the problem of steam_workshop_upload, the file was not uploaded normally, so it was uploaded again after modification. 4/21, steam_workshop_upload의 문제로 파일이 정상적으로 업로드가 되지 않...
stage_coach bunnygirl skin
Tekijä: 주메ㅔㅔㅔ
use Translator I am poor at English. sorry >ㅆ< This is Stage_Coach skins Additional dark eyes ver steamapps/workshop/content/262060/1456612784/Dark_eyes but, dark eyes ver is Be poorly completed. sorry And I thanks any comments. It helps!...
Seta Nagatos Daughters of the Fours skins
Tekijä: Star Princess
Yes I have permission. Seta Nagatos Four pretty daughters who are not sisters. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1342714768&searchtext=four+daughters Yellow daughter -> Leper Red Daughter -> Hellion Blue Daughter -> Houndmaster Green D...
Sith inquisitor skin & CHS Translate
Tekijä: Kamo Master
To thank @ScorpiovaEden for his kindness and great support, I made this mod for his class mod Sith Inquisitor. 为了感谢ScorpiovaEden大佬的友善及mod制作上的支持,我为他的职业mod西斯审判官制作了此mod ------------- 本mod包含了一个皮肤及西斯审判官职业mod的简体中文翻译 This mod contains a skin and simplified Chines...
NaNaSkin-man at arms
Tekijä: PandaCons
This is a man at arms skin-MOD, art resources from @车在囧途 @白化基德 . Thanks to those two talented gentlemen, you can find them in BaiduTieBa. Special Thanks @hellopongpong~ The body shape of your skin is very nice, TY~ Skin has two versions, G version is SFW, ...
twilight knight Unique animation
Tekijä: anaertailin
. Replaced the original Twilight Knight animation file, so you can't see the original art. No other color matching, if you are interested, you can use any art software to try color matching....
LW- Shikibu Library or Speaker 紫式部
Tekijä: JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. This time the role of painting is FGO's purple style part Incidentally, I made an additional version of the library The book library is the book icon ...
Modded Classes Color of Madness Act-Outs
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are...
Cursed Ground District
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"Rumors float around the hamlet. Inhabitants report mysterious happenings. Dug up graves, some missing cats, some of them heard uncomprehendable screams and chants in the middle of the night. Few folks even wanted to have seen a strange gloom, originating ...
Amphitheater District Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
This District is used by the following class mods: https://i.imgur.com/31ZC4G2.png https://imgur.com/q10SDUc.png This mod adds the Ampthitheater District Building, a Building that is exclusive to the Lamia and Thrall Class Mods. You do not need all these C...
Memorial Grounds District Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
This District is used by the following class mods: https://i.imgur.com/Ls8qocO.png https://i.imgur.com/AM2rhas.png This mod adds the Memorial Grounds District Building, a Building that is exclusive to the Sisters and Wraith Class Mods You do not need all t...
The Order of Sunlight
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"I will stay to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!" - the first knight of the order Mod Features 45+ new Trinkets Progressing "Faction" quirk line New positive dungeon encount...
Kraken Society Town Event Mod
Tekijä: Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by Team Reliquary unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Team Reliquary, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or tr...
Kraken Society CoM- Cataphract/Omen Seeker/Slayer expansion
Tekijä: S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Kraken Society District Mod
Tekijä: Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Cataphract Crimson Court Trinkets
Tekijä: S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Cataphract Class Mod
Tekijä: S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Bogatyr Class Mod
Tekijä: Seal
Copyright 2020 S-Purple. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named S-Purple/Slightly Started Seal, I do not allow edits and redistribution of my work. The Bogatyr is tank with focus on stunning, debuffing, and h...
Abigail Class Mod
Tekijä: ashcarrier
warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! Hello guys, I am a new modder and this is my first mod this is Abigail from Metal Slug Attack... I know the one from fgo is more famous, sry this is...
Acolyte of Sun - New Class
Tekijä: o'night
Role: http://i.imgur.com/uQzHlzm.png Healer / Utility Support / Semi Damage Dealer Skills: http://i.imgur.com/ENLKSil.png Dark Sun Arrow - basic ranged attack with bonus damage based on light level http://i.imgur.com/zilaT5H.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/zilaT5H.p...
Atalanta Class Mod Rework
Tekijä: Kamo Master
英雄MOD阿塔兰忒重制版 不能与旧版共存,但可继承使用了 旧版阿塔兰忒mod 的存档,建议在城镇内保存后,更换新旧版MOD 在地牢探索中更换可能会出现技能模式的混乱 专属首饰包地址 The Atalante class mod has been remade,Cannot co-exist with the old mod ,but can inherit save files with the old mod It is recommended to replace the old mod with th...
Abysssinker CC and CoM Trinkets
Tekijä: ZIMIK
————————————————————————————————————————————————— 支持语言(Language) 简体中文 English Russian(By @CHuSkH) ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 庭院与农场专属饰品: ————————————————————————————————————————————————— http://pic.yupoo.com/whiteroer/b4f5291e/111f0fb...
Abysssinker Class Mod
Tekijä: ZIMIK
“没有痛苦,长眠吧。” ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 支持语言(Language) 简体中文 English Russian (By @CHuSkH) ————————————————————————————————————————————————— https://i.imgur.com/Nwpgrze.png ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 背景介绍(Backstor...
Tekijä: Caedwyn
Final overhaul. This mod has excellent synergy with Lord's Blade: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1433161277 Thank you, Geptor555, for the recent Spanish translation! Abysswalkers are knights who follow the precedent set by Wolf Knig...
Arch-Devil - Class Mod
Tekijä: Aion Dualis
THE ARCH-DEVIL CLASS MOD Supports Color of Madness: (in progress...) Supports Crimson Court: (in progress...) Mod Version: 1.0 Language: English, Russian. RECOMMENDATION Overlord Class Mod: CLASS INTRODUCTION Arch-Devil Class Mod based upon Demiurge, a cha...
Beyond Mortality by Golden Yak
Tekijä: Golden Yak
Energy and persistence conquer all things... The veil of the world frays, and creatures of some other, hideous realm have begun to manifest in the Estate... Introduction Beyond Mortality unleashes eldritch horror from realms beyond the veil of death itself...
Blazing Lord Class
Tekijä: snorlaxxo
"Despite the strange, menacing aura surrounding her, the new traveling visitor explains she means no harm and swears her loyalty to you, her only wish is the conquest of these cursed lands. While her words seem sincere, you can clearly sense she's hiding s...
Bloat Class Mod-Trinket Pack
Tekijä: sasiji
Addon Mod for Bloat class mod. Add additional trinkets for main game. Oryginal mod https://i.imgur.com/RpyYyYs.png Mod Features 19 new Trinkets Included 1 shared Trinket with Wretch class mod. Credit and Permission -----------------------------------------...
Daughters of the Fours Pack
Tekijä: Seta Nagato
Daughters of the Fours Localization files: English(?) Daughters of the Fours is a pack of 4 unique and complex classes designed with the purpose of giving a refreshing feel with their playstyle. Their learning curve and leveling is hard capped so be carefu...
Tekijä: Caedwyn
Now Updated for CoM! Big thanks to Typical Arthas for his Russian translation! Class Introduction: Dragonslayer is based on Ornstein from Dark Souls, though I interpret him more broadly. He's primarily a damage dealer which specializes in killing size 2 ta...
Duchess Class Mod
Tekijä: Miraclebutt
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Earth_Enchanter Beta
Tekijä: 爱德华
This mod will add you a Earth Enchanter which is called "Celestial Stone Lonir" In Catyieun,earth magic are named Catyieum. This kind of magic usually used to stop landslide,earthquake and volcano eruption. Lonir was born in "Rorin"(Lava Basin),her family ...
Exaelus' Enigma Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Enigma Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 3.8a Language: EN, FR, PL, S-CHN, KOR, RU, SPA Latest News Improved animations and attack sprites! Added a new Corruption remnant. Corruption remnant increases all...
Exaelus' Fury Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Fury Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 3.1c Language: English, French , Polish, Korean, Russian Latest News Slight Fury Rework! Fury can now swap to Chaos stance at any time. Fury now takes slightly more ...
Exaelus' Harbinger Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Harbinger Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 2.2b Language: English, Polish, French, Russian, Korean Latest News Improved animations and attack sprites! Reworked a few abilities to make the class more fun!...
Exaelus' Prodigy Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Prodigy Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 3.8a Language: English, French, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Korean Latest News Improved animations and attack sprites! Reworked a few abilities to make the class mo...
Exaelus' Revenant Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Revenant Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 5.3a Language: English, Spanish, French, Polish, Brazilian, Russian, Korean Latest News Improved idling, walking and combat animations! Immortality skill REWORKE...
Exaelus' Wraith Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Wraith Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 2.3c Language: English, S-Chinese, Korean, Russian, Polish Latest News Improved animations and attack sprites! WRAITH REWORKED! Wraith long buffs now last until th...
Exaelus' Scourge Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Scourge Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 4.2b Language: English, Russian, Korean Latest News Improved animations and attack sprites! SCOURGE REWORKED! Scourge is now a stance based hero. (Affliction and ...
Exaelus' Seer Class Mod
Tekijä: Exaelus
The Seer Class Mod Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 4.0c Language: English, Spanish, Polish, Korean Latest News Updated the look of the Seer! Improved all animations and sprites! Slightly increased chances of bonus bu...
Guts the Black Swordman - Class Mod
Tekijä: Aion Dualis
THE BLACK SWORDMAN CLASS MOD Support Color of Madness: Yes. Support Crimson Court: Yes. Mod Version: 1.9 Language: English, Russian, French, Chinese. RECOMMENDATION Skull Knight skin by NumbBears: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1298...
Lilith class
Tekijä: Deovolente
Including languages: English: full translation 中文:完整 한국어 번역이 완료되었습니다 Español: completo русский язык 日本語翻訳 My other works https://i.imgur.com/ewVkJru.pngRed Lotus https://i.imgur.com/rmeFQWi.pngEnid Houndmaster Skin https://i.imgur.com/FfTkMpD.pngShambler C...
Lucia Trinkets
露西亚专属饰品 需要前置lucia class mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149017929 饰品属性 获取方式 5级地图任务奖励 战斗结束搜尸体小概率获取...
Lucia Class trinkets pack
Tekijä: Kamo Master
露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companions,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world 黎明酱专用首饰,已增加至六件,全部为水晶农场首饰,都会给黎明酱的游玩机制带来较大影响。 Lucia special trinkets, has been increased to six, all CoM trinkets.It wi...
Ironclad - Class Mod
Tekijä: ActionJack
Ironclad - Class Mod ==================================== ** With Animation by Muscarine** “Forged in iron and fire, a new weapon against the darkness.” From a recovered blue print found in the Ancestor’s estate. Retooled and forged by the ingenious mechan...
lucia class mod
Tekijä: Kamo Master
专用首饰包 \ Trinkets pack:: 露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companion,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149018540 --- 英雄MOD露西亚·黎明 露西亚·黎明拥有数个连击...
Lord's Blade
Tekijä: Caedwyn
CoM Compatible! Synergy with Abysswalker! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1225113804 Class Introduction: Lord's Blade is based upon Lord's Blade Ciaran from Dark Souls. She is an assassin class with lots of set-up burst, attacking wi...
Grove tender COM trinket
Tekijä: Nodappjung
https://i.imgur.com/Lk7Z2z9.png Faded lamp Crystalline Crit +5% (when attack blight enemy) Absorbing Light DMG +100% Absorbing Light Heal skill effect -100% stress +15% torch +10 when attack enemy torch -5 when grove tender get hurt need 100 shards lmao >:...
Grove tender CC trinket
Tekijä: Nodappjung
https://i.imgur.com/TDXsHw3.png Birthday Present enemy suprise +10% (when courtyard) +70% Debuff chance if has Crimson Curse Stress +15% On attack Hit : -20% Debuff dmg (60% chance) https://i.imgur.com/qFpgu4a.png Mom's Treasure -10% Crit Taken Ally Debuff...
Grove tender Class Mod
Tekijä: Nodappjung
Grove Tender Class Mod 꽃밭지기는 중요한 임무를 수행 중인 어린아이입니다. 살아생전에는 사악한 권세가의 딸이었으며, 아비의 업보로 인해 파멸했었습니다. 지금은 저승에서 꽃밭을 돌보는 수많은 시동들 중 하나입니다. 정원사의 명령을 받고 아직도 세상에 남아있는 사악한 씨앗을 회수하기 위해 가장 어둡고 비틀린 심연까지 오게 되었습니다. 사랑스러운 어린아이의 모습에서 쉽게 상상할 수 없겠지만... 꽃밭지기의 마음은 날카롭고 거친 구석이 있습니다...
Werewolf - New Class
Tekijä: o'night
Comic: click to view at full size (2480×3508) https://i.imgur.com/IfNkEy9.png Role: https://i.imgur.com/EW30AFs.png Counter-Attacker | Utility | Semi-Tank Skills: Human Form: https://i.imgur.com/j8A2VRU.png Bloodshed Claws https://i.imgur.com/gFhzE8S.png h...
Witcher Class Mod
Tekijä: Onetama
Witcher Class Mod Monstrum, or Description of the Witcher Special Thanks Special thanks to 铁制护腕 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=912063767 He is creator of the witcher skin and allowed me to make a class mod using his wonderful skin. A...
The Divinity Class Mod
Tekijä: Seta Nagato
The Divinity “When God left us... We created a new one.” The Divinity, a godlike being created by "The Church" in order to face the darkest times. A forbiden sin ignored, the creation of a "new one" to provide a new hopes... new sterghments born in form of...
The Lotus
Inspired by Katarina from League of Legends. Skin by nonlinear, bits of code studied and snipped from sasiji's The Beastmaster and Mhnlo's Itinerant Cook. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Lotus class is based on Season 3 Ka...
The Warrior of Sunlight
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"Long may the Sun shine !" Mod Features Achieve Skill Mastery on Level 5 Skills 10 Trinkets: 6 class+ 2 Crimson Court + 1 CoM + 1 Head Start each run with Emberflask wich regenerates HP Early hero Town event included Interactions with the Order of Sunlight...
The Twilight Knight
Tekijä: Balgin Stondraeg
No stranger to crossovers the Twilight Knight has been seen in numerous other franchises. Hell Dorado, Wrath of Kings, Myth & Super Dungeon Explore to name a few. Well now she's brought her crazy sentient blade into the world of Kingdom Death to slaughter ...
Minstrel Class trinkets pack
Tekijä: anaertailin
Minstrel Class mod
Tekijä: anaertailin
暴躁老姐登场 饰品(trinkets)https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2122578706 感谢小狼(ad_kege)帮忙写代码,完成了一大堆奇怪的想法 死弟母好友已经满了,有需要请通过下面方式联系 Steam friends are full, please contact us by the following way If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to su...
The Tusk - CC Trinkets
Tekijä: Muscarine
The Tusk - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.D...
Tifa Lockhart - CC Trinkets
Tekijä: Muscarine
Tifa Lockhart - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for Tifa Lockhart by muscarine. Requires... Tifa Lockhart. An...
Tifa Lockhart - Class Mod
Tekijä: Muscarine
This Mod is SFW +++ https://i.imgur.com/ltZsZWU.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Fan's favorite best girl Tifa somehow found her way into your hamlet ~ She is designed ...
The Voivode - Reworked
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"Evil is only a point of view my friend, isn't it ...?" https://imgur.com/ruBnBfw.png High Res Comic Features Custom Animations and Sounds New evolving Strain of Vampirism: Darkspawn Addon Mods: "The Cursed Grounds" & "The Nest" 10 class Trinkets, 3 shared...
The Struggler Class Mod
Tekijä: Seta Nagato
The Struggler Feel the Berserk experience in its all grace. The Struggler Class Mod is an adaptation from Guts (in his latest arcs) to the Darkest Dungeon Universe with an appealing kinesthetic, which tries to provide that furious and dynamic fighting styl...
Ruler Class Mod
Tekijä: maximize
这是“Ruler”新职业MOD,原型来自Fate中的Ruler贞德。现在支持英文和简体中文语言。自带首个英雄登场事件。 美术资源使用了 @anaertailin 的十字军贞德皮肤,目前已升级至2.0版本外观,并优化了技能设计使战斗更为流畅。 This is "Ruler" new class mod, from Fate. Now support English and S.Chinese. Included first hero Event. The art source of this mod used...
Onnabushi Class Reworked
Tekijä: Poljanan
Hello everyone. This is an overhauled version of my old Onnabushi class found here : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082193921 As such, I will no longer support that old version, but those that prefer it can simply keep the files to...
Team 3 Lu--Class mod Mecha Jeanne--Monster girl leader--Slime girl
Tekijä: Kamo Master
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!! !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! ---THANKS--- 首先感谢@anaertailin大佬,此mod使用了大量anaertailin大佬的素材。 第一个英雄机械贞德亚鹿忒莉娅(Altria)皮肤使用anaertailin大佬的十字军珍妮和珍妮改变皮肤2.0改造 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1625545019 使用了大量如anaertailin...
The Succubus
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"I can see your flesh clamoring for my embrace. Be patient I will offer you relief ..." https://i.imgur.com/t9Q4Ued.png High Res Comic Mod Features Custom Animations and Sounds New draining oriented gameplay mechanics Crimson Court and CoM Trinkets Include...
Riftwatcher - New Class
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"We keep watch on the brink of the darkest abyss, we are legion!" FEATURES New Move Ability "Swiftstep" 9 Class Trinkets + 2 Neutral Trinkets +CoM Trinket 2 Crimson Court Trinkets Legion Bonuses for bringing multiple Riftwatchers Search for 30 new Herb Ite...
The Darkwraith
Tekijä: CarnifeX
"The Human Soul, precious, indestructible, hidden in a weak pile of flesh" https://i.imgur.com/GenG0Js.gif Lore Darkwraiths, once valiant knights, used to fend against the hordes of evil, are now nothing more than withering, undead husks. Many centuries ag...
New hero class:A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar
Tekijä: CA6DB20000000
A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar: Mod has finished. >>>>She's 100 year old or more,not child.and the "milk" in which her said is means "cure" . >>>>I won't update any new.Just fix some bug.(if it can be fix).And I won't limit the source. you also can rel...
Modded Classes Crimson Court Act-Outs
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are...
Marvin Seo's Falconer Class Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), English, French, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Falconer as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur.com/1lSBcwm.png If yo...
The Eternal
Tekijä: Von Hauser
Other Heroes https://i.imgur.com/e6RkYnO.png https://i.imgur.com/yjiDyfG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/5dbqOMp.png "Death is but a doorway to new life. Flesh withers only life is eternal." https://i.imgur.com/AEznLXP.png Features Custom Animations & Sounds 10 cla...
The Exorcist Class Mod
Tekijä: Shay
"A man in a robe, claiming communion with the divine. Madness..." Introduction ------------------------------------------ The Exorcist is a group project mod that adds a brand new hero to Darkest Dungeon. This hero is completely custom, with all new sprite...
The Beastmaster
Tekijä: sasiji
"Each broken twig will be paid with a broken bone" Introduction https://i.imgur.com/5NDFeFV.png High Res Comic ---------------------------------------------------- Mod Features Custom Animations and Sounds New Gameplay mechanic: Summoning and Doublestrike ...
The Itinerant Cook
Tekijä: Mhnlo
The Itinerant Cook is a support class, based on healing and gathering food. Make use of her old recipes and her cooking experience, stack more food into her giant backpack and gather various ingredients on the corpses of your dead enemies. Bon Appétit ! To...
Omen Seeker Class Mod
Tekijä: S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Marvin Seo's Lamia Class Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Lamia as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://i.imgur....
Picaroon (Class Mod)
Tekijä: Kahvipannu
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49414374162_05547bb5d6_b.jpg PICAROON V1.7 The "sole-survivor" from an eldritch attack on a schooner off the coast near the Hamlet, the Picaroon is an agile gun-toting treasure-hunting pirate. She wields trusty pistols b...
Marvin Seo's Seraph Class Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Seraph as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://imgur.c...
Marvin Seo's Sisters Class Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Disclaimer The Sisters are a complex class. Their move set requires that the player plan several turns ahead as well a...
The Bloat Class Mod
Tekijä: sasiji
"I'm a boil on the face of reality. And I fester!" Introduction https://i.imgur.com/srTpKQO.png High Res Comic ---------------------------------------------------- Addon Mods Additional trinkets: Bloat Trinket Pack Additional District: Condemned Shack Town...
Marvin Seo's Thrall Class Mod
Tekijä: Marvin Seo
Currently localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to play with the Thrall as soon as possible? Download the Immediate Town Event Mod below! https://imgur.c...
skadi class mod
“A hunter walking slowly from the tide” The main creative ideas of this mod it is From mobile games character skadi in 《Arknights》,part of the character design refers to 《Bloodborne》. in our train of thought and skills already installed in mod,deep-sea hun...
Slayer Class Mod
Tekijä: S-Purple
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Condena Class Mod
Tekijä: Seta Nagato
- Art by Acerosteel - WARNING: This mod contains graphical Gore/Extreme Violence and Nudity content. -- Acerosteel's Condena Alternative Class mod -- There's a mod which is very impressive with huge qualitty production value out there that I'll love to sho...
Spirit Lancer - [REUPLOAD]
Tekijä: RhondoDio
"Hello heretics! Be warned that this isn't my mod, I'm just reuploading it because it's a nice one and I'm sick of the skin seding the shieldbreaker's other ones to Death's Door as a pile of white bricks. If the original summoner requests it, I shall remov...
The Shrapnel - CC Trinkets
Tekijä: Muscarine
The Shrapnel - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Shrapnel. Requires... The Shrapnel. And... Crimson Cou...
The Offering - CC Trinkets
Tekijä: Muscarine
The Offering - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog -----------------...
The Hood - CC Trinkets
Tekijä: Muscarine
The Hood - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Hood. Requires... The Hood. And... Crimson Court. --------...
The Hollow - CC Trinkets
Tekijä: Muscarine
The Hollow - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1...
EC Dungeon backgrounds
Tekijä: eclipsezr
Adds new rooms to increase variations in each region of the game 16 new rooms for the following Crypt: 7 Cove: 2 Warrens:2 Weald: 5 FAQ Compatible with other map mods? Yes, this is standalone How you make these? Here's quick tutorial video i made, it's eas...
More dungeon background variations all in one- Reworked
Tekijä: Kahvipannu
Adds additional backround art for the corridors of Cove, Warrens, Weald, and Ruins. Adds 55 new backround "pieces" to the game. Bumping the variation from the base games total of 35, to total of 90, does not overwrite vanilla-assets. So Safe to install/un-...