141 ratings
I and It // Achievement Guide
By Heraizen
You killed every Human on and around Talos I.
🗺️ Getting Started
This is not as easy as the achievement for saving all humans. Every human has to die by your hands so if something else kills them you will not get the achievement.

General Tips
  • You can use the stun gun on the mind controlled people and then kill them when they are unconscious if you are struggling with them, as them suiciding will not count as an achievement.

  • You should make sure in your stats that the “Humans Killed” number is accurate, personally I checked after each kill that the number went up accordingly. You need to get 42 kills to get this achievement.

  • You’ll get a side mission when Dahl arrives, assumed you killed everybody you could up to this point called “Showing Initiative”. This mission has you kill four mind-controlled crew members in life support, and this needs to be done for the trophy. Those crew members only spawn in during this side mission!

  • You also need to kill the two crew members stuck in the escape pod in the shuttle bay. To get the quest, select either Frank Jones or Emmanuella DeSilva from the security terminal and track them. Go to the escape pods, they’ll tell you to blow the hatch seal outside manually so they can escape. Don’t do that, just go to the maintenance panel and launch pod 2. This will make the escape pod explode instead.

  • You should also go to the Bridge, and on the second floor will be a terminal tracking the progress of an Escape Pod to Seattle, destroy the shuttle with the terminal (part of the Shuttle Advent quest but you can do this at anytime).

  • It’s also important to remember that sometimes people will be unconscious (like when you kill a Telepath), and this may make them easy to miss, so check bodies on the floor to make sure they are a Corpse!

  • If you miss anyone use a Security Terminal to find them.

  • You don't need to kill Danielle Sho

Below is the list of people you need to kill and the exact order in which I did it (which is generally the best way to do it), I also recorded all their names so you can track them on Security Terminals and check them off this list.

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Awkward Ride Home
You escaped Talos I aboard Dahl's shuttle with only Dahl.

I will also briefly explain how to get the “Awkward Ride Home” achievement towards the end of the guide in just 5 minutes extra, I highly recommend getting both achievements since most of the setup is very similar.

⠀⠀⌞ Talos I Lobby
  • 1– Trevor J. Young | Location: Trauma Center, locked in Quarantine.

⠀⠀⌞ Psychotronics
  • 2– V-090655-13 (AKA Aaron Ingram) | Location: Psychotronics, locked in a Glass Cell near a Security Terminal. Open the door and kill him, do not run the Mimic Experiment!

⠀⠀⌞ Arboretum
In the Greenhouse; you can get the password by following the obscure path near the Crew Quarters that will take you to a little Picnic Area (it’s in the briefcase), hack the computer, or find a way to navigate to the roof of the Greenhouse (GLOO gun).

You need to ensure that you kill all 3 yourself, as there is a Telepath in the Greenhouse as well. When you kill a Telepath nearby Mind-Controlled Humans will be rendered unconscious. Personally, I just killed the 3 people with my pistol and left.

  • 3– Mickey Pitt Sr. | Location: Greenhouse
  • 4– Rani Chaudhary | Location: Greenhouse
  • 5– Rodney S. Poole | Location: Greenhouse

⠀⠀⌞ Bridge
Now is a good time to quickly go to the Bridge, and on the second floor will be a terminal tracking the progress of an Escape Pod to Seattle, destroy the shuttle with the terminal (part of the Shuttle Advent quest but you can do this at anytime).

Activating this won’t affect your Humans Killed stat, but I still did it to be sure!

⠀⠀⌞ Crew Quarters
The Crew Quarters is quite large and people do tend to wander around. I will highlight the areas you will need to visit to kill everyone and the general order to do so.

In the Main Lobby there should be a few people, then moving to the Crew Quarters there will be a Telepath and a few more people (also check on the second floor dining area). Returning to the Main Lobby there should be a few more people wandering around. In the Recreation Center there should be one man unconscious on the stairwell.

Now moving to the Fitness Center (code can be found on Lobby Security Terminal) there should be a few people in the hallways (watch out for the guy standing just behind the door!). In the Locker rooms will be a couple more, one person will be hiding in the showers.

At the back of the Fitness Centre is the Pool area, there is another Telepath and quite a few Humans. Remember to check your stats after every kill. Personally, I killed the Telepath with a Q-Beam quickly then hit all the unconscious bodies with my wrench.

If you missed anyone, you can track them on the Security Terminal so it shouldn’t be too hard, as long as you ensure no one died via suicide.

  • 6– Carlos Popinga
  • 7– Bernard Griffith
  • 8– Indigo Lake
  • 9– Caleb Hawethorne
  • 10– Lisa Larson
  • 11– Vincent Schubel
  • 12– Franz Klinge
  • 13– Jillian Quigg
  • 14– Phong Vu
  • 15– Gary Snow
  • 16– Emma Beatty
  • 17– Oliver Benoit
  • 18– Ike Stewar
  • 19– Daniel London
  • 20– Salman Kapoor
  • 21– Harvey Clausen
  • 22– Mary Malinaro
  • 23– David Branch

Now is also a good time to kill the cook, personally I gave him his award then killed him after he opened the kitchen, or you can just shoot him through the window. He is in the Cafeteria area of Crew Quarters.

  • 24– V-010655-37 (AKA Luka Golubkin, The Cook, Will Mitchell)

⠀⠀⌞ Cargo Bay
Continuing the story you will get an optional quest to save Dr.Igwe (as you are at the Cargo Bay Hull Breach). You want to rescue him, and you also want to ensure that nobody in the Cargo Bay dies (there are 9 people here including Sarah, Igwe and an injured female on the second floor, the other 6 are soldiers). Make sure they are all alive after opening Cargo Bay B!

The Gates of Hell
You completed the Shipping and Receiving
objective and no human lives were lost

Don’t kill any of them until you continue the story, we will return to the Cargo Bay later in the guide!

⠀⠀⌞ Power Plant
Continue the main story until you meet Mikhaila Ilyushin. When you do meet her, kill her.

  • 25– Mikhaila Ilyushin

⠀⠀⌞ Return to Cargo Bay
Ensuring you followed the steps carefully when first entering the Cargo Bay (see above), eventually Igwe will call you to tell you he is in your office. At this point return to the Cargo Bay and kill everyone there (sometimes the game will glitch and Igwe will still be at the Cargo Bay, kill everyone EXCEPT him! When you return to your office he will also be there, and he will be friendly to you still.)

  • 26– Sarah Elazar
  • 27– Austin Cool
  • 28– Alfred Rose
  • 29– Darcy Maddox
  • 30– Ekaterina Mulsaev
  • 31– Kevin Hague
  • 32– Sam Hertz
  • 33– Tamiko Hayashi

⠀⠀⌞ Shuttle Bay
Now is a good time to head to the Shuttle Bay escape pods. To get the quest, select either Frank Jones or Emmanuella DeSilva from the security terminal and track them, or you can just go to the escape pods if you know the location, they’ll tell you to blow the hatch seal outside manually so they can escape. Don’t do that, just go to the maintenance panel and launch pod 2. This will make the escape pod explode instead.

  • 34– Frank Jones
  • 35– Emmanuella DeSilva

⠀⠀⌞ Life Support
Continuing the Main Quest, eventually Dahl will arrive. Shortly after leaving Alex’s office Dahl will call you and remark on your killing tendencies, you will also get a new quest “Showing Intiative”. This is required to complete as these 4 people will only spawn in after this quest begins! They are in the Escape Pod Area of Life Support (Harley may be roaming the hallways near the Grav Shaft so look out for her). Also ensure the Phantom doesn’t take any of your kills in the Escape Pods so remember to keep an eye on your Humans Killed stat!

  • 36– Harley Grainger (Mind-Controlled)
  • 37– Maxine Ford (Mind-Controlled)
  • 38– Richard Coveney (Mind-Controlled)
  • 39– Steve Folson (Mind-Controlled)

⠀⠀⌞ Return to Shuttle Bay
You want to talk to Igwe at your Office and complete the Incapacitate Dahl Quest, if you’ve already done Showing Initiative, Dahl will be waiting for you in Shuttle Bay, however it is a trap. I recommend killing as many military operators in the area as you can before approaching Dahl because he will turn on you.

You want to use the Stun Gun on Dahl (I got him through the window to the left of door, by breaking it with my wrench first. You can also use the propulsion system to enter the big windows on the front of the room. Extend the Jetway using the computer while you’re here as well. After you Incapacitate Dahl, the next task will be to kill the Tech Officer (part of the Main Story, this is the Operator that spawns in a random location).

⠀⠀⌞ Return to Arboretum
Shortly later in the main story you will meet Alex Yu, greet your brother by smacking him repeatedly with the wrench.

  • 40– Alex Yu

In summary you should now have Igwe in your Office and Dahl unconscious somewhere. Everyone else should be dead.

⠀⠀⌞ Neuromod Division
Advance the Story and Igwe will tell you he is ready in the Neuromod Division. Complete the procedure to remove his Neuromods, and after a brief conversation Igwe will open the doors to the Operating area. Kill Igwe

  • 41– Dr. Igwe

If you also want to get the Awkward Ride Home achievement quick save right here!

Now kill Dahl

  • 42– Dahl

I and It
You killed every Human
on and around Talos I.

Achievement unlocked!

🚀 Extra: Awkward Ride Home
At this point you can quick load, Dahl should be alive and Igwe (and everybody else) should be dead, with your stats saying 41 Humans Killed. You can easily get the Awkward Ride Home achievement from this point.

Complete the game by destroying Talos I and during the 8 minute Self Destruct countdown Dahl will tell you his Shuttle is leaving in around 5 minutes. Hurry over to the Shuttle Bay and upon entering Dahl’s Ship you should see on the Blue Screen: 0 Cargo Hold, 2 Cabin.

Achievement unlocked!
The achievement should unlock as you enter (you don’t even need to sit down).

Awkward Ride Home
You escaped Talos I aboard
Dahl's shuttle with only Dahl.

💜 Thank You
Thank you for taking the time to explore my guide.
Feel free to leave any questions or feedback in the comments below.

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r 2 Jan @ 7:42pm 
Pro tip for anyone trying this, when going to the crew quarters, prioritize the fitness center first. There’s like 3 of the mind controlled npcs that are on a path to a fire column and if you don’t reach them fast enough they’ll be dead and it won’t count for your kill counter. I’ve had to reload an hour old save because that bit me while I was exploring the cabins.
ElarionStone 11 Jun, 2023 @ 10:11am 
I've lost some real life sanity points completing this achievement but thank you, the guide was extremely helpful :metallove:
Melinoë 10 Apr, 2023 @ 6:57pm 
FYI killing Aaron Ingram with the mimic does not void the achievement, it still adds him to humans killed stat and gives a lot of exotic materials for neuromods as a bonus. I just finished a playthough and got the achievement for killing everyone, so it's not nessesary to kill him with your own hands
Sporecool958 29 Dec, 2022 @ 8:42am 
Thank you for this guide. Now I can reject humanity and embrace black sludge murder hobo hive mind zombie aliens.
DaKatGod 19 Oct, 2022 @ 4:12pm 
This helped me immensely during my attempt. Had to rewind to an hour-earlier quick-save I luckily had stored due to the mind-controlled humans in the fitness center killing themselves on the fire before I even got inside to subdue them. The crew-list you gave helped illuminate who needed to be alive/killed and I'm super thankful.

Heraizen  [author] 23 Sep, 2021 @ 4:09pm 
Hey Apex, from my experience & a few others I've talked to the achievement unlocks at 42 Humans Killed in the stats, and the suicides don't count.

If you can show otherwise I will gladly update in the guide! Thanks for your feedback though :transtar:
Apex 23 Sep, 2021 @ 8:25am 
As far as I can tell, if mind controlled people suicide it still counts
Heraizen  [author] 26 Mar, 2021 @ 1:45pm 
Thank you! :HealthSD:
FruityNinja 26 Mar, 2021 @ 8:58am 
Very useful guide :steamthumbsup: