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Space Engineers

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Akra - Sciuro (Model A) {RMt-O-H} - Bootstrap Tunnel Miner
Type: Blueprint
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1.212 MB
7 Dec, 2020 @ 7:44pm
7 Feb, 2021 @ 7:26pm
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Akra - Sciuro (Model A) {RMt-O-H} - Bootstrap Tunnel Miner

In 1 collection by Saufen
Akra Industry and Mining
5 items
Version 0.3.6 (2021-02-07)

The Sciuro aims to balance frugal use of limited resources in early survival scenarios while still providing lasting functionality. Designed for Moon gravity, but equally at home in Deep space, this single drill mining ship will collect the ore to bootstrap your industrial empire.

Grid information
  • Type: Small Grid
  • PCU: 2,047
  • Mass (kg): 11,939
  • Drill: 1
  • Sorter and Waste Ore Ejector: No
  • Battery: 1
  • Small Battery: 1
  • Small Cargo Container: 3
  • Medium Cargo Container: 1
  • Cargo Capacity: 8,277 L (22,370 kg Ore)
O2/H2 Systems
  • O2/H2 Generator: 1
  • Small Hydrogen Tank: 6
  • Landing Gear: 1
  • Antenna: Yes
  • Ore Detector: Yes
  • Remote Control: Yes
  • Projector: Yes
  • Lights: Navigation Lights, Spotlights
  • Programmable Blocks: 4 (3 used, 1 unused)
  • Docking Connector: Bottom of ship
Generate status LCD screens on landing pad to show Battery remaining, Cargo usage, Hydrogen tank levels, and Ice remaining.
Automated Mining, Grinding and Transportation
Ship Acceleration

Click image to open in browser.
  • See the Akra Industry and Mining Steam Collection for general information on Akra design philosophy.
  • The ship has thrusters and inertia dampeners turned off, antenna broadcast distance set to 50 m and antenna broadcast disabled, ore detector broadcast using antennas disabled, and all lights turned off.

  How to Project and Build

  • A video constructing the ship on welding pad is in the image gallery at the top of the page.
  • Add the Landing Gear to the "Sciuro-A Landing Gear" group.
  • Add the Projector to the "Sciuro-A Repair Projectors" group.
  • Change the Small Battery Charge Mode to Recharge.

Bulletproof Glass 32 Computer 90 Construction Component 264 Detector Component 7 Display 15 Interior Plate 69 Large Steel Tube 36 Metal Grid 28 Motor 32 Power Cell 22 Radio Communication Component 8 Small Steel Tube 19 Steel Plate 325 Components calculated by Projector2LCD.
Ingots (kg)
Cobalt Ingot 84 Iron Ingot 11,674 Nickel Ingot 449 Silicon Wafer 603 Assumes Realistic (1x) Assembler efficiency in world settings. Ingots calculated by Projector2LCD.
Ore Refining Information

Click image to open in browser.

Akra Common Controls Version 0.5
Toolbar 1: Important Ship Systems
  1. Drills/Welders: On/off

  2. Drills : Manual Mouse Control
Toolbar 2: Common Ship System Actions
  1. Battery Recharge: On/Off
  2. Thrusters: On/Off

  3. Navigation Lights: On/Off
  4. Spotlights/Exterior Lights: On/Off
  5. Landing Gear: Switch Lock
  6. Hydrogen Tank Refill On/Off
  7. Docking Connector Toggle
Toolbar 3: Additional Ship Systems Actions

  1. O2/H2 Generator: On/Off

  2. Antenna Broadcasting: On/Off
  3. Docking Camera: View

Toolbar 4: SAM Navigation
  1. SAM Action: SCREEN
  2. SAM Action: PREV
  3. SAM Action: NEXT
  4. SAM Action: SELECT
  5. SAM Action: ADD
  6. SAM Action: REMOVE
  7. SAM Action: ADD STANCE

  8. SAM Action: TOGGLE
Toolbar 5: PAM/Mining Controls (if any)
  1. PAM Controlled Sorter: On/Off
  2. PAM Action: UP
  3. PAM Action: Down
  4. PAM Action: APPLY

  5. Drills : On/Off

  In service upgrades
- Better performance can be achieved by adding on a second hydrogen thruster in the forward, up, and down (in the rear of the ship) direction.
- In Deep Space gravity add two Conveyor Frames and a Large Cargo Container on the rear Medium Cargo Container to increase cargo capacity.

Why are there greyed out icons on the Cockpit toolbar and how do I fix it?
Manually reset up the Toolbar to fix the issue. Projectors are wonky. Groups have been used as much as possible to prevent this from happening, but that workaround can't be used with Run commands for Programmable Blocks.