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挂上配置—— CPU:I7 8750 显卡:RTX 2060


(有问题,可以留言在下方,但是本人比较菜,可能有的回答不一定能准时回答出!正确 !有用 !的信息)

带三个感叹号的MOD为兼容战略资源的MOD,一定要放在UI MOD的下面
所有UI 兼容补丁要放在本体的下面(不然出现BUG别怪我)

1. 顾问配音只能显示一个,这个问题我现在也很苦恼。但还是有能凑合用的方法,把自己要用的语音包勾上,不用的就不勾,或者改变一下MOD排列顺序。

2. 初始捏种族思潮无法全部显示出来(显示原版)。
已解决-这个只要出下UI MOD里作者所提供的兼容补丁就行,已经更新在合集里了

3. 舰r与舰b人口有不兼容的地方,例如造船厂人口组装出来的是铁皮机器人(不是老婆)

4. 更多传统问题,本合集自带两个传统MOD,一个飞升槽多,但是UI打了补丁也不给力显示有点蛋疼,且!没有中文(我没找到)。

Items (43)
Doves Chinese Localization
Created by 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Created by Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
((( NSC3 - Season 1 )))
Created by CaptainX3
May 11, 2024 - Season 1 - Update 9 (Mod Version 1.0.9) New Save Game is Not Required Fixed a bug where the Nanite swarmer sections were missing. Fixed a bug that was causing the transport ship models for the new shipsets to not show up. May 8, 2024 - Seaso...
Collection of Flags
Created by Condutiarii
DEPRECATED - No longer works with the new launcher Use new mod Flags in the void...
Downscaled Ships
Created by Kondi
Compatible with 3.2.* Compatibility patches: DLC: -Aquatic ship set DLC Mods: -AI ship set. -Sins of the Prophets. -EAC: At War Patch Graphical mod only. No gameplay changes. This mod fixes a couple of problems with the default visuals: Fleets are too tigh...
!! 00 Performance Plus: Late Game Booster[Abandoned]
Created by seven
Due to team disputes and improper operations, the original author's account has been abandoned as well as his work. For renewed version of this mod Click on the Link...
[United Fleet]Mobile Shipyard
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 A huge mobile shipyard, unlike the Juggernaut, it is a new spacecraft dedicated to the production of ships in the true sen...
Created by haruna
欢迎加入群星中文频道 本Mod为角川游戏开发,DMM运营的传奇页游《舰队Collection》的群星衍生mod。 目前提供240个舰娘立绘。包含除去A士画的海伦娜与御藏和屋代的所有立绘(原因懂的)。本Mod强度宗旨为不依靠循环科技战胜25倍程度的天灾,所以谢绝军备竞赛。 This mod is a stellaris mod from the legendary page game kantai collection. At present, 240 shipyard drawings are provid...
Clover Theater Species
Created by PSIONIC海豹 本MOD为幻萌旗下游戏《四叶草剧场》的延伸MOD 1.目前提供78个魔物娘立绘 2.31个不同的旗帜 3.10个领袖房间room 4.四叶草魔物娘通用(普通帝国通用头像) 5.四叶草智械(机械帝国通用头像) 6.四叶草舰娘(Warship girls R and MIST species 舰娘政体专用)...
Arknights Near Future
Created by 衡菌
明日方舟mod:不远的未来(Arknights Near Future) 2024.5.13版本更新 群星3.12更新,mod版本维护 将泰拉人与海嗣的肖像合并到了明日方舟选项卡中 2024.4.18临时更新 修复:高级源石开采建筑未经升级就可直接建造的错误 修复:军工企业与元件装配厂岗位添加错误的问题 修复:海嗣认知塑造面板的若干问题 修复:海嗣进化完成后会将任何宜居星球(结构)更改模型的问题,现在只有陆...
(((-NSC3 Season 1-))) Chinese Translation
Created by Liyea
针对NSC3进行中文翻译的MOD,方便大家享受NSC3,本mod仅有文本,因此如果有文字、叙述缺失以外的问题的话请确认NSC3 mod与其他mod是否有发生冲突,如果汉化失败的话请把这个MOD放在NSC3的MOD后面 NSC2是一个增加船舰种类的mod,其中包括配套的恒星基地扩展、少量的武器以及大量的组件,增加舰队的变化性 由于本翻译发布时贴吧翻译尚未发布,因此某些名词翻译可能有所差异,如有差异欢迎提出 如果出现了只有局部汉化状况的话,请到MOD列表把这个MOD放到NSC MOD后面去 有一些玩法或使用上上...
36 Building Slots
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Just increases the buildings slots to 36, and that's pretty much it. Mod does not modify the branch office slots anymore. If you want to change the buildings slot amount: Goto: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.12 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
Azur Lane Stellaris DLC
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三 碧蓝航线主题DLC 2.9 新生 Language:简体中文,English 内置碧蓝航线精美立绘 本MOD内置了全新制作的专属KANSEN种群立绘,并有附有阵营区分。 并将碧蓝航线KANSEN作为独立的物种大类加入游戏(类似生物/机械/岩石) MOD中物种组别的第一个物种组是全部立绘模式。 第二组是由我精简领...
Cloud Wu's Chinese Localisation
Created by cloudwu
这个 Mod 基于部分官方汉化文本,着力于提高翻译质量。目前支持到 3.11。 这里有一个 Github 仓库方便校对文本,链接如下: 欢迎玩家们共同创作。 使用本 Mod 请将游戏语言切换到简体中文或英文。它不影响解锁成就(注意,群星必须在铁人模式才可以达成成就)。...
Diplomatic Expansion: Basic Frame/外交拓展:基础框架
Created by xskiper
This mod is just the basic framework of diplomatic development series. Please use it with other mods of Diplomatic Expansion series and load it at the bottom! 本mod只是外交拓展系列的基本框架,请配合外交拓展系列的其他mod使用,并且置于最下方加载! This Mod Offers a Lot of New Ways of Diplomacy 此mo...
【鸽组汉化】Ethics and Civics Alternative
Created by 月都旅人
本mod停止更新(鸽了),请大家订阅组员Miracle制作的新汉化 Ethics and Civics Classic / Alternative 3.x 经典 / 精简通用中文翻译 如果你发现文本奇怪甚至前后矛盾,那就对了,原文真TM就是这样,作者可能喝高了。 REDUX因为改的东西很多,所以建议不要使用本汉化,有很多对不上的地方。 本Mod仅提供翻译,仍需订阅原Mod使用:(任选其一即可) 经典版 Ethics and Civics Classic 精简版 Ethics and Civics Alter...
Ethics and Civics Classic 3.12
Created by petruxa
Now More Compatible w/ Other Mods! Hello everyone! Joakim is sadly retiring from the modding scene. I would like to thank him for maintaining/updating the mod ever since Petruxa left, he was carrying the torch for so long, and I am honored to be carrying i...
Expanded Colours [180 Colours]
Created by Veegi
3.8.* Compatible Are you tired of Stellaris' tiny selection of flag colours? This mod adds a bunch of colours all across the spectrum, for all your customization needs. Vanilla colours are also included. The AI has also been given 17,102 different colour c...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Mod Compatibility & Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod ...
More Events Mod
Created by Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.12.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
Fallen Empire Megastructures
Created by James Fire
Gigas now has it's own version of this built into it. Do not use this with Gigas. Welcome to Fallen Empire Megastructures! This mod intends to make FEs more powerful, and the rewards for defeating them greater, while still remaining true to their ethos. Fe...
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12)
Created by Elowiny Do you like megastructures? I sure do! This mod aims to expand on the concept of megastructures by adding more megastructures you can build, with a wide range of effects, and sizes ranging from large space stations to system...
Guilli's Planet Modifiers and Features
Created by Guilliman Guilli's Planet Modifiers For version 3.12+ of the game. A big content expansion mod focusing on Planetary Modifiers. With hundreds of modifiers and lots of content that interacts with them. DLC's not required though some fe...
[JP]Dolls' Frontline Portrait
Created by karo
ドールズフロントライン(ドルフロ)のキャラクターポートレートです。 2021年11月時点の本国で実装された全人形、登場人物の一部が追加済みです。 ※ コラボ人形やスキンは除きます。 ★2~3:市民Pop ★4:将軍 ★5~6:提督 ★4~6:総督 妖精:科学者  に割り振ってあります。 ※国是、種族特性、ローディング画像も含んでいます。 また、鉄血製造公司、パラデウス、正規軍も種族として追加されます。 【更新:2021/11/28】 更新内容→
Yukari voice
Created by 神代アリス
Yukari日语语音mod Japanese voice of notifications Yukari This mod change the notifications voice to Japanese. このMODはゲーム内のボイスレポートを日本語に変えます。 update for 3.0.3 @Reinhard様のご協力のおかげで、以後ゲーム内でのボイスタイプ選択ができるようになりました MODの使用に新たな選択メニューまたゲーム内の政府メニューで切り替えることができます。 Tsur...
United Fleet Shipset
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 downscale patch compatibilty : 本MOD是Warship girls R and M...
Warship Girls BGM
Created by PSIONIC海豹 This MOD is a collection of BGM from the game "Warship Girls R", created by Moefantasy. Currently, we have included 104 songs from official sources and ...
Nirvana Empire Project
Created by StaVis
欢迎大家加入QQ群讨论MOD及汇报BUG,或提出建议~ 建了个本MOD的QQ群~166037843 MOD大概内容: 1. 新国家具备较大幅度的强化,非平衡性MOD,若玩家未扮演涅槃帝国,则涅槃帝国将由AI扮演; 2. 玩家在开局一个月时可以选择是否保留AI涅槃,除非想要挑战自我(或开启了其他玩家强度...
Planetary Diversity
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server Other Planetary Diversity Mods Unique Worlds More Arcologies Exotic Worlds Ascension Worlds Vanilla...
Plentiful Traditions 3.x
Created by Abominus [GER]
Welcome to Plentiful Traditions, it wasn't always easy to implement everything Birdy made for 1.9 into 2.0 and further. NOW for the 3.x Please report bugs! :) Works with: Extra perks (addon) Extra Districts (addon) Extra perk spots Civics Advanced Ascensio...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
Start with AutoExplore *Obsolete 😢*
Created by DR_Rosen
This Mod changes that you start with the Automated Exploration Protocols Tech, it doesn't gives you any advantage from the AI Works with 3.4.* For more mods by me: ...
UI Overhaul 1080p Plus
Created by Orion Overhauls the UI to scale for 1080p resolution. Expands most windows to minimize the amount of scrolling needed while showing as much information as possible. Lead and Current Author : Maple Original Uploader: Tyrus Non-Steam...
! Universial Game Rules Compatibility [Abandoned]
Created by seven
Due to team disputes and improper operations, the original author's account has been abandoned as well as his work. For renewed version of this mod Click on the Link...
!! 00 Performance Universial Compatibility [Abandoned]
Created by seven
Due to team disputes and improper operations, the original author's account has been abandoned as well as his work. As this MOD is no longer useful in the new version of the game, so there is no plan to redo it....
Diplomatic Expansion: Penetration/外交拓展:间谍
Created by xskiper
This mod allows you to infiltrate the leaders of other countries and perform many new spy missions different from the vanilla game! 这个mod允许你渗透其他国家的领袖,并且执行很多异于原版的全新间谍任务! This mod belongs to Diplomatic Expansion Series 这个mod隶属于外交拓展系列 Basic Introduction This ...
Japanese Voice of Notifications Tsurumaki
Created by 神代アリス
日语语音mod 弦巻版 Japanese voice of notifications tsurumaki ver This mod change the notifications voice to Japanese. このMODはゲーム内のボイスレポートを日本語に変えます。 update for 3.0.3 @Reinhard様のご協力のおかげで、以後ゲーム内でのボイスタイプ選択ができるようになりました MODの使用に新たな選択メニューまたゲーム内の政府メニューで切り替えることができます。...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Ethics and Civics Classic
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Ethics and Civics Classic (Previously known as Cultural Overhaul). Doesn't add anything new by itself. 📑 Load Order 📑 Ethics and Civics Classic UI Overhaul Dy...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Planetary Diversity
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Planetary Diversity so that Empire Creation matches the style in UIOD. It's still possible to use Planetary Diversity without this patch. 📑 Load Order 📑 Plane...
Expanded Stellaris Traditions
Created by Private Feelings
Currently non-maintained, see link for alternative version/h1] I currently do not have the time to maintain this mod as thoroughly as I would like. An update may happen in the future, but in the meantime consider this alternative version of it being mainta...