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MayFlash F300 HitBox conversion
How to convert MayFlash F300 to HitBox style.
This guide shows how to convert MayFlash F300 arcade stick to HitBox style with some DYI.

Compared from HitBoxArcade.com original one.
1) Cheaper (less than half price)
2) 30mm button on right hand as same as standard arcade stick
3) No weird SOCD
Left+Right=Neutral as same as keyboard on Tekken 7
Up+Down=Neutral as same as keyboard on Tekken 7
This part may cause issue on some games, but it is fine for at least Tekken 7, Soulcalibur 6 and Dead or Alive 6.
Arcade stick:
Mayflash F300 Arcade Fight Stick Joystick for Xbox Series X, PS4,PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, Switch, NeoGeo mini, NeoGeo Arcade Stick Pro
$50.64 for F300

$89.98 for F300 Elite (Sanwa parts for lever and buttons)

Harness A:
Hikig 5 Pcs/Lot 5Pin Cable for SANWA Joystick, Zero Delay USB Encoder, Mayflash F300 Joystick and 2.54mm Pitch Female to Female JST XH Adapter 20cm

Harness B:
Brook Hitbox Cable 5-pin Hitbox Button Harness DIY Builds

Connection: F300 board = Harness A = Harness B = 4 buttons

Buttons: Cost about $10 - $30 for 4 buttons
3 of 24mm buttons (Left, Right, Down)
1 of 30mm button (Up)
1 of 24mm hole plug or use extra 24 button for original joystick hole (24mm)

If you want same as Japanese arcade one, pick Sanwa buttons.
Then better to use F300 Elite (Sanwa buttons) instead of F300 (MayFlash buttons).
Or replace all 30mm buttons later.
Hole saw
I had some thing already from Lowes or HomeDepot.
24mm and 30mm or pick slight small size and make hole bigger with deburring tool (see below).
I have not tried, but following one seems good.
ASNOMY 12Pcs M42 HSS Bi-Metal Hole Saw Set

Deburring tool
1) Remove lever and logic board (bottom side) in fight stick to avoid damage
2) Design hole position (need to avoid behind plastic frame)
3) Make holes
4) Use deburring tools to make hole clean (don't make hole too large)
5) Install buttons
6) Connect harness

If you use above Harness B, wiring and color code will be following

Logic board --- Harness A --- Harness B

Up = Red
Down = Orange
Left = Green
Right = Yellow
Note: SOCD cleaner
This modification does not have SOCD cleaner.

So if you push both Left and Right buttons, the signal send to game.

As my understanding following games does not need SOCD as it treat as neutral input when both Left and Right button pushed.

  • SoulCalibur 6
  • Tekken 7
  • Dead or Alive 6
  • Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown/eSport (on Playstation)
  • Smash Bros. (on Switch)


Personal opinion about using MayFlash F300 (Elite)
Reason for converting MayFlash.
* I built Brook board one (Universal Fighting Board) before and did not like result
+ Cost of the UFB board: About $100 is not worth for me
+ UFB does not have non-SOCD cleaner mode
Mode A: Left+Right = UP (I think it is rediculas)
Mode B: Left+Right = Right or Right+Left = Left
Note: without SOCD, it will be depends on game. I think it should be.
Tekken 7, SoulCalibur 6, DOA6, VirtuaFighter 5 (PS4) are all Left+Right = Neutral
+ I don't like how to use UFB with Switch and other devices
You need press button and connect USB cable

* MayFlash F300 (Elite)
+ I has 1ms input delay by firmware update
+ Same button layout on right hand (as not converted)
+ I get used to already with multiplatform usage
+ I'm a bit lazy and not good at DYI work. So minium DIY is better for me. And I thought it might similar to first timer as well.

These are my personal preferences except UFB's no-SOCD mode issue.

I just think more people should try on HitBox especially beginners. It's more fun and easy to have learning progress.
Saymon 14 Jun, 2023 @ 10:12am 
or you could play on keyboard wsad + hjku, like me :)