LEGO® Worlds

LEGO® Worlds

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Top 5 best weapons in LEGO Worlds. (Tips 'n tricks)
By Object364Super
Simple guide for newbies that can give expanded tips about 5 best weapons in the game, like: how to use them, how to find them, what specials it has, is there expanded uses for it and such.
Before you start reading.
This guide contains tips and expanded info based on my experience about those weapons I'm writing right now for you. It can explain much more about those weapons, maybe few secrets that some cannot uncover (seriously, useless for pros).

So, start surveying and good luck in LEGO Worlds!

List of weapons included:
* Battle Sword - the best gold weapon that deals damage to golden-hearted characters and creatures. Best to deal with strong opponents like Tyrannosaurus Rex.
* Crystal Bow - do not get confused by it's lack of damage! It is the best weapon to slay Dragons and the Wizard. Deals crystal damage to listed above creatures at long range.
* Black Katana - the best black weapon to deal with zombies and undead. Has short cooldown between strokes so DPS is rather high than Black Axe's one.
* Rapier Sword - have a thee, or not. This is the Musketeer's sword that deals low damage but rather high DPS, the highest in game makes it the best for dealing with weak opponents. Also, it's beautiful.
* Dynamite - yes. The best (sorta) explosive weapon in the game, this guide will uncover it's secrets....
* Monster Gun - Sixth, updated entry, recently added at 03.03.2023, many years after this guide was published. It is a gift to those who have not forgot about the little knowledge aquired from this less than useful guide. Ranged weapon for holding many enemies at once, best paired with First Person View and fire on the move tactics.

Note: I've updated this guide a little, so check on the new Update Notes and the sixth weapon chart.

Good luck!
The Battle Sword

In 2015 year there was a LEGO theme named LEGO Castle. So, the Lion Kingdom and the Dragon Order were at the endless war, trying to finish each other, the Dragon Wizard and the King, were too angry at the others. Dragon Wizard has the Fire Dragon, the King got his loyal servant the White Knight the Dragon Slayer, so they threaten each other and stuff. After disappearance of Lion Princess, the conflict was so hot that the King did not know how to make Wizard disappointed. In his long travels, he found the Battle Sword and was ready to counter attack the Dragon Order. Anyway, sitting inside his castle, he was unable to just go and kill everyone, he told his blacksmith (in LEGO Worlds universe), the Viking Woman in her town, to start forging the swords alike. Only 2 swords were forged and the Great Fire, that destroyed the blacksmith, made this Sword sooo rare weapon, that only Viking Women know those secrets, that they share only to the Chosen (perhaps the ones that shall extingush their blacksmiths on fire) of making the Battle Sword. The one were given to King, the second was possessed by the Dragon Slayer (the White Knight).

Now, that secret is available to everyone, right? Da, the craft is little expensive, but, hell, here it is.

Update Note: The story is just as bearded as much of my filthy humor used when creating this guide, so it wasn't meant to alter anything, just to provide you with a fairytale you can tell to kids, or to spook those wanting to discover way too many secrets of LEGO Worlds. Jesting.


Easy part is to collect the Ingredients - Egypt Sword, Sword, and Orange Crystal.
The hell hard part is seeking for the Whispering Woods and the Mediaval Town. The hardes thing is to find a TOWN which CONTAINS the BLACKSMITH. Also you got to find FIRE EXTINGUSHER first! When you collected all 4 tools, time to seek for it. Btw, Fire Extingusher can be traded for Slime Gun in Monster Town FOR DLC OWNERS ONLY, sadly. Otherwise you got to open million of chests, because this thing is stupidly rare. Back to seeking for town - when you find the Blacksmith that is on fire, time to show fire no mercy. Extingush all fires and woala, the Viking Woman will accept your ingredients and forge you the completely useless idiotism BATTLE SWORD!


If you are sick of searching for Fire Extingusher, Water Gun, or anything else that can put out the fires, I've just recently uncovered the alternate way that only requires to have a Clear Gem, towered variant of Castle Kit brick build and Red Magical Potion!

Finding Clear Gem may seem troublesome, but Trader can sell one at some point. Once you find one for sale, grab all 5. Other way is to complete enough quests for Intergalactic Girl in Crystal Crags, although this will require you upgrading your rocket to 50 gold bricks.

Red Magical Potion is way easier to obtain. Same way as Clear Gem, to buy it from Trader. Otherwise, you may find several unique objects in Playful Prairie, several Showcase Brick Builds, or to find it in Monster Town.

Voila. Plus you will aquire a GB if you complete this quest for the first time. Oh yeah, you have to go to Curious Canyon and find a big pit with a Heroic Knight standing by it. If you are armed with aforementioned things, this won't be much trouble. Do what he says, and you will unlock Minotaur to spawn in Dungeons as well.

Update Note: Alternate way for obtaining the Battle Sword is the best and by far some would say the easiest one to obtain a viable Gold Weapon to defeat a Maulo-*sneeze* Minotaur. The Minotaur Feeding Pit can be found on the minimap, if zoomed out enough, and the terrain generation doesn't falter when you need it most. Of course, it would require a lot of Create And Explore for new worlds containing the Curious Canyon, but finding it is enough for later use.


As mentioned before, the Battle Sword might be used against rare characters and heroes. Otherwise it deals it full damage - 4 hearts. If used against gold-hearted ones - 2.5 hearts.
Has no special animation or attack if ground-slamming.
If ground-slam on gold-hearted characters, it will deal 2.5 hearts to them instead of 0.5 heart.
Counts as the best weapon in the game, judging by it's damage to ordinary characters.

Update Note: My given comparsion of this weapon being good against Tyrannosauri isn't as truthful, because of the creature's Automatic Health Regeneration, huge armor, damage reduction, and ability to three-shot a 16-hearted Player. It would be wiser to defeat it the first time you find it, Research, and then delete those Tyrannosauri you encounter further, saving you a lot of work at the Gold Brick quest in Tyrannosaurus Tracking for the Dino Tracker character.


Battle Sword is the melee weapon used as the best gold weapon with high damage. Useful in combat against both gold and ordinary characters. Expensive craft, paid with the best stats and cool look.
The Crystal Bow

The Crystal bow is much easier to claim than everything listed above or below.
It needs just to find it in the chest randomly, but as every item can be replaced by something more cool.


The Crystal Bow is a ranged weapon that fires ballistic arrows with crystal emit. Can penetrate armor of Wizard and the Dragons. To be victorious in skirmish against Dragon or Wizard you must aknowledge that they always use ranged weaponry, but the Wizard is especially dangerous. He throws barrage of fire balls that deals you 15 damage (7.5 hearts, presumably half of health), so you got to dodge them. There is SLIM cooldown between 2 attacks of Wizard, one can be longer, one can be shorter, but the cooldown is the same - 6 seconds. 6 SECONDS to shoot arrows at the Wizard, but beware of his REGENERATION, some damage will be regenerated. It hardens the battle as much as they can. It appears that you have to shoot arrows til Wizard attacks you like that - you shoot arrows until one ball is almost hit you, you dodge it and continue shooting arrows to don't let him regenerate. This tactics is the most effective against Dragons and Wizard. You can improve experience if you attack them in first person mode while you can shoot and move at one time (Caroussel tactics).

Update Note: Since most players pick up LEGO Worlds easily, most of gossip intel in the description tab isn't as useful. What matters about the Crystal Bow is mastering Circle-strafing technique, as no enemies account for Player's current movement, saving them the trouble of worrying about getting hit by explosive projectiles.


Crystal Bow is well-done extraordinary piece of ranged weaponry. If used by experienced player, it can be the terror of crystal-hearted characters.
The Black Katana

If you heard about the biome called Ornamental Orchard, you heard it right. There you can find such questgiver as Samurai, where you can find her in her palace, garden or farm. Seek for garden - there will be some quest chain to achieve Gold Brick. Complete her quests until she gives you Black Katana, you can recognize it by small white stars around it. The next quest is 100% for Gold Brick.


As mentioned veeery before, the Black Katana is black weapon like Black Axe, that is used to kill undead and black-hearted characters. Listed ones are: 4 zombies, Wacky Witch and Ghost. Black Weapons are very importaint to achieve many gold bricks, perhaps more than 10 quests. Because of many quests to kill zombies in many biomes. Also allows to unlock zombies, yes.


Black Katana is the best black weapon in the game that deals 3/4 of Zombie's health and 3 hearts to other black-hearted characters and ordinary ones.
The Rapier Sword (aka Rathbone's Rapier; Musketeer's sword)

To claim Rapier, you need just to unlock many chests in Weird Woods. Major Quinton Steele would appretiate your work kindly and reward you a Gold Brick. Better find 2 of them, 1 for Quinton, 1 for personal use.


Required by Q. Steele to help him replace his broken sword. He gives Gold Brick as reward.
In combat the Rapier Sword is used to deal high damage per second to regular characters and creatures. Deals red damage, actually fast attack, launch series of 4 quick strokes in opponent, dealing 2x4 hearts to opponent. Enables short invincibility while you attacking the opponent. Very useful move to dispell the crowd of hostiles if you want to beat one of them while others must not bother you - is the ground-slam them and attack the target you want to kill.

Update Note: Rapier Sword was my favourite melee weapon before Title Update 3, where Armoured enemies have aquired total invincibility against normal damage. Whereas before it they always were taking 0,25 of their heart per normal weapon hit (which would deal its full damage to unarmored enemy), Rapier's high jab rate made it easy to stunlock many hostiles and deprive them of the ability to fight back. But now it is unnecessary, and Rapier should be traded in for Machine Gun as soon as you find Q. Steele asking for one (see entry 6: The Machine Gun).


The Rapier Sword is short-CD, high DPS melee weapon, traded to Major Q. Steele and used in quick combat. Also it looks pretty cool.
The Dynamite

Very interesting, this weapon is really common among Bandits in Old West, the Fearsome Frontier biome. Can be traded to Bandit for something to eat like Bread, Drumstick or Steak (steak is possible, not sure). Easy, huh?

Now the most interesting, USES AND COMBAT

Ya think this small pile of dynamite is almost useless and must be used against red-hearted mobs only? You are wrong, NOOOOOOOO. You can use it agains everything with FIXED damage of 1/2 of max health. You can damage WHOEVER YOU FREAKIN' WANT! Just throw it into someone. Oh, and you can throw it with speed of 2 in second btw. YES, YOU CAN EXPLODE THE WHOLE WORLD, NO WALL SHALL STOP YOU!

Oh and if you think you can only throw it, you are wrong again. Yes... ...umm... no. The Dynamite enchants your MELEE combat (yes, this is not baiting, my true experience, go and check it out). You can one-shot anyone with low health (up to 4 hearts) and 2-shot anyone invulerable to regular weapons! So, just equip dynamite and outbrawl the Wizard in melee fight! YES! YESSSSS!

Dynamite, mister Fix? I hope it 'll scare those rufians! Mister Fix before throwing dynamite into Mississipian bandits, Around The World in 80 Days.

Update Note: Dynamite can be seen as an unnecessarily overpowered and unprofesh thrown explosive, so unexperienced players would accidentally blow up a character they haven't yet researched, which is frustrating indeed. Its weird impact on player's melee attack, which is skyrocketing their melee damage to a whopping 8 damage per fistpunch and Armor ignorance is very handy for brawling Armored enemies to death. It is a great alternative until you've aquired at least Battle Goddess' Spear and Shield, Black Axe, Crystal Bow or Wooden Gladiator Sword.


Dynamite is the most beloved throwing weapon that destroys walls and enchances your melee combat to maximum - deals 4 hearts damage to regular and invincible creatures and characters, no matter the colour of their hearts. Insanely useful to beninning players.
The Machine Gun
The sixth entry is the new addition to my guide since those lot of years I've wrote it since. But there is one more thing players should note.

For those preferring ranged arsenal, quick run-and-gun assaults, then their attention should be attracted to Monster Gun, the Silver ranged weapon.

Monster Gun (aka Machine Gun, Assault Rifle, Blunderbuss* and MG) is aquired by completing a quest for Q. Steele. The fourth weapon in the Top Five, Rapier Sword, is the key. Single Rapier can be traded to the Major, and he will reward the player with the Machine Gun. There is no sense in trading for more, as it is sold to The Trader for the lowest possible price in entire game, and should only be used by the player in fighting.

Stats: Machine Gun behaves like a combination of Rifle and Paintball Gun, being resembalant to the latter and having normal projectile attack akin to Pistol and Rifle. It deals less damage thanks to its fully automatic fire (1.5 heart; 3 health points), but its fire rate pretty much makes up for that. It is comparable to Rifle when march-fired (as its fire rate skyrockets as well). Utilising First Person Mode and mouselook is crucial, as it allows for Circle-strafe tactics to be employed and lets the user dodge most return fire from enemies such as Dragon Wizard (or at least back up from assaulting melee enemies).

* - According to Major Quinton Steele's bio chart in Monster Fighters, his weapon is named Blunderbuss, and thus should perform like a huge single-shot scatter gun, but programming limitations of LEGO Worlds engine, like all others before NTT could not let scattergun weapons manifest in the game.

Summary: Machine Gun is a go to frontline Assault troopers, and cuts down enemies with ease, but requires full focus on the target. It is one of two weapons which can damage the Werewolf, other being Silver Cutlass.
So, thanks for watching, and good luck in the game!!!
Even though it's barely related, people can check on my other fresh guide for LEGO Worlds 2v2 multiplayer, for those interested in ideas for setup for converted Tactical First Person Shooter experience.
Object364Super  [author] 9 Apr, 2022 @ 12:57pm 
You will find Explosive Compound Bow useless against a 50-kmh fast Tyrannosaurus Rex who in a blink of time closes the distance to you and kills you in 3 hits.
Object364Super  [author] 9 Apr, 2022 @ 12:56pm 
Explosive compound bow maybe is. Problem is that it's sole purpose is to *destroy*, often with bricks around. It's not supposed to have such good aim, and it always requires to fire in arch due to weapon itself being way too outdated. Bright side you did light up is - it's explosive damage does hurt invincible guys, but is pretty much nullified by imposibility to accurately aim and fire.
player 9 Apr, 2022 @ 9:49am 
I think that exspoive componed bow is the best weapon
yanagisawa76 16 Dec, 2021 @ 7:30am 
i have The Crystal Bow and The Rapier Sword
yanagisawa76 16 Dec, 2021 @ 7:28am 
yanagisawa76 16 Dec, 2021 @ 7:28am 
thank you very much
yanagisawa76 6 Dec, 2021 @ 9:11am 
Object364Super  [author] 4 Dec, 2021 @ 1:55pm 
Well, you can surely replace revolver with MUCH faster-firing Wincherster Rifle. Tip - it fires much faster when you're walking and firing at the same time. Nice suggestion.
yanagisawa76 4 Dec, 2021 @ 4:08am 
??? the revolver gun is best to!!!