LEGO® Worlds

LEGO® Worlds

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LEGO Worlds Tactical First Person Shooter class setup ideas
By Object364Super
A detailed guide which describes a number of ideas for Tact-FPS character roles for multiplayer, including trooper design and loadout.
As LEGO Worlds, the action adventure LEGO game by Traveller's Tales, released from Early Access into Steam in 2017, is about one of the closest LEGO games able to be transformed into a First Person Shooter, supporting up to 4 players, with complete freedom of action, it also requires tons of ideas about combat as such. Otherwise it usually may turn into chaotic Every Thing For Itself, ending up frustrating everyone and not being as funny as intended.

So here I am, with ideas what were previously churned out just for fun, and not used for anything, here they go for folks to pick up and use in future.


Who knows, maybe LEGO Worlds will even evolve from what trash it is (from one side) into something BIGGER.

But let's not stop on lore and history, and get in action.

Before you ask any questions about the preview photos for each Trooper Class, quick note - see the lowermost Factions List to be sure which faction each preview is linked to.
Factions List
Now as promised, before we look into the epic trooper classes below, and you don't yet know which factions to choose from, a couple of suggestions will be here for quick note.

The Highwaymen - Reckless group of gangsters, who fight for their own profit. Their design consists of mostly black Bandit-like clothes featuring less armor and more handsome style. Faction ability - Horseborn: each Trooper Class can summon and ride Black Horse for increased mobility.

The Machine Legion - Taking inspiration from SYNTHETIK game series, these are mostly tyrannical robots, who seek to destroy the humanity deeming them unworthy to coexist within superior technologically advanced world. They are full-metal machines, and have blue police-like armor. Faction ability - Metal Madness: the Legion troopers can call in futuristic combat vehicles for aid.

The Explorers - Former heroes of Wild West who helped conquer the Fearsome Frontier, Explorers have given up hope of waiting for more adventures and gave in to seek action in the firefights. Their design is beige military uniform featuring red details - armor, helmets, etc. Their unique ability is Armored Vehicles: being fit enough to call in a Half-Tracked Quest Vehicle or Ghost Plane for support.

The Undead - Not really a faction, but a collective of Monsters sent to LEGO Worlds to purge them of life and set them ready for colonizing by evil Elder Gods. Their design is a mishmash of standart Zombies, Skeletons, Vampire Bats, and many characters from Monster Town DLC. Species chosen doesn't really affect the gameplay, so head and skin color is your choice. They still have armor like proper military. Faction Ability - Call of Duty: the Undead can call in to aid of one of the Elder Gods to send in a Super-Heavy creature (Dragon, Giant Troll, Tyrannosaurus or Burnard) into the fight. For the time being, the opposing team will have all rights to equip respective weapons to take them down. (Note: Vampire does not count, as he has Automatic Health Regeneration which would make any of trooper classes overpowered. He is acceptable for Death Knight role though as by default it uses Dragon Wizard head.)

Every trooper class except The Lancer will have its preview model for each of these factions.
Fodder class: Guard
As many experienced players who know tons about enemy Classing system, and their Toughness level, we should start at the lowest - Guard.

Guard is the most plain-looking Trooper Class. It is not armored, and is just for show. For when situations start building up, they have a handy but slow Pistol to defend themselves. They are the least of strong troopers' worries.

  • Health: 8
  • Armor design: Faction clothes and colors, no armor, no Cape, no neck bracket gear. Optional headgear or hairstyle.
  • Armament: Pistol
  • Special: The weakest starter class of all. It is handy for Warmup before you guys take up the big guns and start shooting each other in more intense combat.

Pro Tip: Being a Guard doesn't usually mean you're the weakest trooper around. A skilled (or lucky) player behind a Guard's control can go toe-to-toe to stronger classes, or even humiliate the strongest ones around. Mastering lead of target and close-quarters combat with Pistol is vital for Guard's survival.
Fodder Class: Brawler
For being comparably weak to Guard, the second weakest class for starters. Many can argue about why the hell do melee fighters do in Tact-FPS 2v2, but again, ideas are ideas, you pick em, you use them. I am not calling the shots here.

Weaker than Guards, Brawlers are untrained troopers thrown into combat as cannon fodder. They can be a real nuisance or meatshield to draw fire from stronger Troopers like Sniper or Heavy Gunner.

  • Health: 8
  • Armor design: Same as Guard, but now with more likely having their arms bare, and no hat.
  • Armament: Fists
  • Special: Brawler's only purpose is to charge into fight and melee enemies to death. Their build may (and should) feature the Head which would speed up their melee and let them attack faster. It would account for their already worsened combat ability, and let them do at least something up close.

Pro Tip: Brawlers should watch out for heavy fire from Troopers like Demolition or Heavy Gunner. Heavy Gunner can easily pin you down and Demolition will make you notice that you're running out of cover. If you've found yourself in crosshairs of one, just charge in. Since all players are immune to Knockback (even that from Heavy Ground Pound), you are more likely to force the shooter to close distance and lose track of more importaint allies like Infiltrators. Tanking is the key, I say.
Fodder Class: Archer
What? A middleground between both Guard and Brawler should go, so here.

Archers, classic, old-school troopers that pierce the bad guys with slung arrows. They are much harder to start up from, as arrows fly in ballistic trajectory, making it much harder to hit faraway enemies with them being constantly on the move.

  • Health: 8
  • Armor Design: Same as Guard, but with must-have hat, and with a Forestman's quiver neck bracket gear.
  • Weapon: Bow
  • Special: Archers are perfect for artillery support of camped enemies under clear sky, but weak in medium-close ranged combat.

Pro Tip: If an Archer is forced to fight in close range or counter against a Brawler or Knight, then the last ditch is to go First Person and rapidly sling arrows until they die. While sniping camping enemies, use third person with Hold F aim mode to let the arrows fly up and down themselves. If you're lucky' they won't notice that was you birdpooping on them. (giggle)
Soldier Class: Assault
Now here it is, the idea you probably were waiting for, and scrolled over the three starting Fodder classes. Have fun and be sure to check the other ones.

The capable frontline fighters, Assaults pack a punch on their own and can hit again if they got them. Their guns are better than mere pistols, so shoot away and rack up kills as you can.

  • Health: 16
  • Armor Design: Faction colors. Metal-ish plate armor for hips, shoulder armor for neck bracket gear slot. Hard-hat-looking headgear.
  • Weapons: Blunderbuss and Dynamite.
  • Special: Assault's primary weapon, Blunderbuss, fires a breaching slug, which will instantly destroy any Window or Door prop, making them handy for breaching buildings. Their secondary weapon, Dynamite, can be used as much as Demolition's Rocket Launcher, but in shorter range, or for artillery bombardment.

Pro Tip: No actual changes but a beefed-up Guard, the new weapon has to be mastered if you want to not get caught in crossfire while recovering from its knockback. Try jumping just once you've fired the round to skip the stun anim and get back in action. Combo-ing fire on foot and mid-air makes you harder to hit and helps in getting earthbound enemies easily. Grenades can be used pretty much like Archer's Bow to nuke campers from afar and/or destroy cover.
Soldier Class: Heavy Gunner
Players of Battlefield: Bad Company will instantly recognize Medics in them, or of other Battlefields: Support class. True to that, they are tougher than most and should be treated with care.

Heavy Gunners deliver rapid fire into the fight, spraying death left and right while shrugging off return fire. Their purpose is to deny enemy entry to key points and to pepper weakling Brawlers.

  • Health: 18 (9 hearts)
  • Armor design: Heavy body armor all over the character. Armored kama used by Nya will also fit. Knight's breastplate or NEXO shoulder armor for neck bracket slot. Exposed or helmeted head.
  • Weapon: Monster Gun
  • Special: Heavy Gunner is a tank with lots of firepower. Spraying fire everywhere is enough, but be sure you have a target. Their weapon is also good for shredding enemy armored vehicles, if they appear.

Pro Tip: As Heavy Gunner is slowed down due to constant fire on the move (because the game resets the 3-second timer before letting you Sprint each time you shoot), it's best to learn to lead targets and overcome the fast-paced nature. Landing shots into an enemy who is flying always feels great. Wiser curve for them to master is to dodge explosives if threatened with.
Soldier Class: Sniper
Middlegrounding Assault has some features taken from Sniper here. Or in-reverse, Sniper can go full-auto in close quarters like Heavy Gunner. Nevermind, Sniper - he's always a Sniper.

Snipers peck off targets from afar, and are a good helper in clearing the sky of enemy aircraft (basically because they sit high and see a lot). If threatened in close quarters, they can go full auto with their rifle and pepper the enemy before they die.

  • Health: 16 (8 hearts)
  • Armor design: Faction colors and a sun hat. Cape is optional, but welcome. Alternatively Sniper can be customized to blend in with the surroundings, but your nametag will still give you away, and nobody can do anything about that.
  • Weapon: Rifle and Grappling Hook
  • Special: Sniper has two firing modes. Slower one while standing still. Much faster one if fired on the move. They can use Grappling Hook to quickly swap positions.

Pro Tip: Maybe a lot of people will tell me exactly how Sniper should be like in a proper Tact-FPS, but here in LEGO Worlds anything can happen. Snipers are quite vulnerable to Knights and Heavy Gunners if spotted, so the only answer to that is going First Person, backing up and firing away in full auto. For increased survival chances, I've let Snipers use Grappling Hook for quick escape if needed.
Soldier Class: Infiltrator
It could be an Elite Class like Battlefield 1's Infiltrator, but alas, it's not my fault.

Infiltrators go behind the lines, using secret pathways and rooftops to overcome the dangers of open combat. Essentially upgraded Brawler (aside from Knight), they draw out enemies dangerous to encounter out in open and melee them to death with their state-of-the-art Gladius swords.

  • Health: 16
  • Armor design: Bandit-like covered armor for stealth, with only a single set of parts painted in Faction Colors.
  • Weapon: Gladiator Sword
  • Special: Infiltrators make the most use of Sprint, as they don't have to shoot on the move. Gladiator Sword increases melee pep, so quicker attacks will be made.

Pro Tip: Strategy employed by Infiltrators should be identical to Brawlers. Finding a flanking route around the line of fire is better than running headlong towards them. It only leaves the melee fight so you slash the enemy to death.
Soldier Class: Knight
Bro-in-arms to Infiltrator, you know the drill. It brings back the memories of Quake.

Knights are stronger than Infiltrators, and focus solely on melee combat. They fulfill the role of Berserkers (Brawlers here), and grip the sword tightly as they charge into the fight. Most of them die in the fight, but if they get up close, they are sure to clap off a chunk of health.

  • Health: 18 (9 hearts)
  • Armor design: Heroic Knight outfit, with hands and hips being the Faction Coloured.
  • Weapon: Sword
  • Special: Slightly stronger cannon fodder than Brawler. Simple and straightforward.

Pro Tip: It is quite easy to melee ranged troopers. But if a Knight has to go toe-to-toe to a trooper class focused on melee (Brawler, Infiltrator or Death Knight), they have to employ Ground Pound attacks to bypass invincibility. While berserking ranged enemies, it's best to keep erractically moving to not get shot en route to them.
Heavy Class: Demolition
Now that the lenghtly list of Soldiers has passed, time to look up the BIG GUNS.

Demolition Troopers wield explosive weaponry to pave road to victory. Deadly rocket launcher and Gladiator Sword are their best friends, so keep the freak off unless you want to quickly die.

  • Health: 32 (16 hearts)
  • Armor design: Same heavy body armor as Heavy Gunner, but with always armored head.
  • Weapons: Bazooka and Gladiator Sword.
  • Special: Demolition troopers use rocket launchers to destroy buildings and erase vehicles.

Pro Tip: Maybe Demolition Trooper is the funnies class to play as since Quake, it has its cons. Avoid one-on-one fights with Heavy Gunners as their rapid fire depletes health at an alarming rate, if all shots hit. In case of melee troopers assaulting you, pull out the Gladiator Sword and deal with them before you are overrun by their partner.
Heavy Class: Death Knight
Mixup with Knight and Demolition. Some will recognize his name as one of most memorable (or annoying) characters from Quake universe.

Death Knights do what their name says. They are blessed with Hell magic for ranged combat and they slay enemies up close who dare fight them. Mastering their Fireball may save the day.

  • Health: 32 (16 hearts)
  • Armor design: Evil Knight armor with Dragon Wizard head (to employ his ranged attack).
  • Weapon: Rapier Sword (and their class ability, Fireball)
  • Special: Death Knight has the fastest melee attack of all trooper classes. For ranged combat he can lob slow-moving Fireballs to blow up holes and instakill armored vehicles.

Pro Tip: Rip and tear, until it is done. Since Death Knight cannot perform ground pound thanks to his alternate attack, meleeing enemies to death isn't the way. Like with any ranged class, backing up and fireballing the offender is the way.
Heavy Class: Hell Archer
Had no other ideas on how to name a Heavy variant of an Archer.

A huge step-up in artillery and blastics, Hell Archers aren't thoer pesky Archers you used to fight earlier. Their explosive arrows will blow a hole in any camping dude they target, and may interfere with armored vehicles' plans for match domination.

  • Health: 30 (15 hearts)
  • Armor design: Faction Colors plus black armor. Torn black cape and armored kama.
  • Weapon: Explosive Compound Bow
  • Special: Fires ballistical explosive arrows.

Pro Tip: Essentially a beefed-up Archer with niches of Demolition, blow holes in about anything. Backup fire if under attack by a Knight won't work, only if blowing holes under yourself and your opponent is your idea.
Special Class: Army General
Taking inspiration from enemy class named Champion from The LEGO Ninjago Movie, specifically Shark Army Generals. They won't be as handy in combat, but just for having fun they're ok.

When battles rage and armies lose, their Army Generals take up the arms and leap into the fight themselves. Wielding mighty Warhammers and Machine Guns, they're a threat to avoid for simple soldiers. Taking them down is crucial for winning.

  • Health: 32 (16 hearts)
  • Armor design: Officer-esque uniform. Armored head and faction-colored Cape, if possible. Torn black cape otherwise.
  • Weapons: Cole's Hammer and Monster Gun
  • Special: Army Generals can create tremor attacks with their warhammer, or go toe-to-toe with Heavy Gunners depending on the situation.

Pro Tip: Being an Army General isn't all fun and games. As being treated as the strongest trooper in the fight, and the leader of the faction's attack squad, survival is his main target. Lucky you your partner will start out as The Bodyguard, so coordinate your moves around the field to win the day.

Note: Army General is the special class only if the players wish to feature Boss-like fights for the losing team. General's death means instant defeat for the team which deployed him.
Special Class: The Lancer
Co-op buddy class for whoever is in the same team as the Army General about to start up. It becomes the only option if the Boss-like fight for the Losing Team is featured in your Tact-FPS round.

The Lancer, the most trusted right-hand man for whatever army's General, is the master of all arms. He can call upon any gun he wishes depending on the situation, and will do everything he can to delay Army General's death.

  • Health: 32 (16 hearts)
  • Armor design: Freestyle, but so it compares to other trooper classes and fits within the theme of your Faction.
  • Weapons: NEXO melee Weapon And Shield, Monster Gun, Blunderbuss, Bazooka, Explosive Compound Bow, Dynamite,
  • Special: For melee, Lancer can hold E to charge a Super Charge attack, becoming nigh-imposing and potentially stomping enemy types into the ground. Lancer can access any top-tier weapon available to other Trooper Classes.

Pro Tip: Because Army General is permadeath character, The Lancer is just like any other Trooper Class combined all in one to compensate for lack of choice of other classes. You should employ everything you've learned in action to help your buddy General stand up this one last fight before the instant defeat, or glorious victory.

Note: Just like Army General, The Lancer is usable only if your match has featured the Boss-Like Fight For The Losing Team.

Trivia: Before the sudden change of mind, The Lancer was meant to be The Bodyguard.
Object364Super  [author] 13 Apr @ 10:55am 
If bots knew all this, and could be remade in any way, it would be just way too easy to turn LEGO Worlds into Dungeon Defenders. With a bit of luck.
Object364Super  [author] 13 Apr @ 10:54am 
Well, LEGO Worlds does not support no players ever making custom enemy types. Unfortunately. It's TT fault, and neither it is the game's primary goal. To me it is more surprising that people are still reading my guides, most of which were made a good number of years back, when I was dumber. In total, I see no reason in leaving it as it is.

But seriously, it was not meant to be directed to anyone in specific, just a random thing for the rare occasions IF anyone would ever gather in a 4-P multiplayer in there. Neither does it have too much of information, if to overlook all in total, since I at least knew all those specifications I normally put in my other charts would make no sense at all.
Cybermanic 13 Apr @ 7:35am 
but how do the bots know how this work and 2 i had no idea people still played this
Object364Super  [author] 13 Apr @ 7:05am 
Well, for complete simplification one can fully remove the "health, battle script and ranking system", and just go with what you already have. Main point is how can one make a trooper class look like something that could really use a gun/weapon of its class, and nobody can undo you extending the health part.

Even worse - game always treats PvP as always dealing 1 damage to each other, so DPS becomes the main part instead of raw damage, which is instead dominated by bots.
Cybermanic 13 Apr @ 2:36am 
this sound like a great idea but too complicated for me make a simpler explonation