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Space Engineers

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Amphion - Olm - Expeditionary Rover
Type: Blueprint
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10 Nov, 2020 @ 9:57pm
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Amphion - Olm - Expeditionary Rover

In 1 collection by Spaced Cadet
Amphion Mining Corporation 2nd Generation Lineup
49 items
The Amphion Corporation is proud to present the Olm Expeditionary Rover, built to be deployed by airdrop. This craft is meant to aid in getting a base up and running fairly early on after locating a suitable site. It comes with all of the necessary equipment to get up and running.

Survival Kit
Two H2 Engines
Four Small H2 Tanks
O2/H2 Generator
O2 Tank
Medium Cargo Container

Behind the name
The Olm is the longest living species of amphibian, living up to an average of 70 years, but scientists hypothesize they can live up to 100. They are entirely aquatic, and live, breed, and feed underwater.

As always, Amphion is all vanilla, all the time!