61 个评价
100 % Achievements: Road to Completion
由 Edgy 制作
This is a guide for all of you achievement hunters out there.

Difficulty: Easy.
Completion time: Minimum of roughly 8 hours. 12+ on average.
Solo Playthrough: A partner is recommended for the Ranked Wins
Missable Achievements: None.
Hello, my name is so and so and recently I stumbled upon Dead or Alive 6 and as it was free my curiousity took the better of me and I downloaded the game. Despite that I have never been exposed to the Dead or Alive franchise ever before, I have to say it's quite nice.

I then noticed that the achievements are quite easy to obtain so I decided to hunt them. Completion took me around 12 hours but I also managed a fair amount of time actually playing the game which is a huge plus, DoA 6 is super fun to play and the Waifu level is extremely strong :D

There is a couple of good guides out there (use Google) which cover all of the achievements, but since there isn't one on Steam I thought I should give it a go.
Section Overview
For this guide, the following sections have been created:

Section A covers achievements you practically do not have to worry about as they have high completion ratio and usually unlock just by playing.

Section B covers achievements obtained through browsing the game's wardrobe e. g. "buy a costume" or "buy a title" or "buy a bgm" (ofc all of them are for ingame currency, nothing in this free version costs any money.

Section C covers single player achievements which you will do on your own time.

Section D covers the multiplayer part and I highly recommend you find a partner to clear this section in less than two hours.

So from here on out, this guide is WIP, even if something should be missing, the most difficult parts are covered, I made sure of that.
Section A: Naturally obtained Achievments
This section is about achievements you don't have to do anything for or will unlock naturally as you go through Section B and C. Most of these achievements have a high completion average among the playerbase however if they don't here's a list just in case.

★Fighting Entertainment★
Fought debut match (excluding training and offline player vs. player matches).
Playing any first match.

★Rushing It★
Won a match by executing a Fatal Rush attack (excluding offline PvP matches).
Press RB / R1 four times when your opponent is low hp.

★Smashing It★
Won a match by executing a Break Blow attack (excluding offline PvP matches).
When your opponent is low hp, execute Fatal Rush. Direction + RB/R1. Direction meaning where your opponent is standing e. g. if you are on the left press Right + RB/R1 and vice versa.

★Fledgling Fighter★
Fought against computer in the VERSUS mode.
Covered later, just skip this

★NI See Through It All★
Won a match receiving 0 damage (offline player vs. player matches excluded).
You are likely to get this later

★Grabbing It★
Won a match by executing a Break Hold attack (excluding offline PvP matches).
Break Hold is a defensive move meant to counter your opponent's attacks e. g. when you are getting hit, press DIRECTION: AWAY FROM OPPONENT + RB/R1.

★DOA Rookie★
Attempted Tutorial.

You really needn't worry about any of these, they will make much more sense later on when you are familiar with the mechanics.
Section B: Achievements in Menus and One Click.
Achievements which require zero effort. Some of them pop right from the start.

Main Menu - DOA Central achievements:

★Adept Shopper★
Bought a costume in the Wardrobe.
Wardrobe. Choose a character and buy any costume.

★Wise Manners★
Bought a title in the Wardrobe.
Wardrobe. Choose a character and buy any title.

Changed your main fighter.
Wardrobe. Choose any character and in the Slot menu, then press Square (Playstation) or X(Xbox).

Purchased DOA Encyclopedia in the Library.
Library - DOA Encyclopedia.

★The Observer★
Watched a COM vs. COM battle in the Theater.
Theater - Spectator. Select two Computers and watch the fight.

★A Fight to Remember★ + ★Learning From the Past★
Saved a replay & Watched a replay in the Theater.
Beforehand, go to Options - Game Settings and enable "Replay Autosave".
After the next fight, replays show up in Theater.

Purchased additional BGM.
Library - MUSIC

★Records Keeper★
Checked the Fight Records.
Section C: Single Player content
In this section we are covering Single Player achievements which make up the majority of your game time spent.

You do not have to play Story mode to get these but Arcade, Versus, Survival which take around 10 minutes each. Notably there is no impossible achievement but a bunch of them will take some time especially the ones revolving the tutorial.

★A New Challenger Appears + Unchallenged Champion★
Completed all Combo Challenge lessons for a single character.
Two achievements that go hand in hand. From Main Menu select Training, Combo Challenge, choose a character you want to play with and clear the course of around 20 types of combos.

★Cleared SURVIVAL course★
Cleared a course in the SURVIVAL mode.
Main Menu - Fight - Survival. 5 to 10 minutes
Only has to be cleared once.

★Cleared ARCADE course★
Cleared a course in the ARCADE mode.
Main Menu - Fight - Arcade. 5 to 10 minutes
Only has to be cleared once.

★Cleared TIME ATTACK course★
Cleared a course in the TIME ATTACK mode.
Main Menu - Fight - Time Attack. 5 to 10 minutes
Only has to be cleared once.

★Training Hard★
Used Free Training mode for 1 hour.
Main Menu - Training - Free Training
The most interesting training mode as by default while you are spending time in Free Training you are being matched for Ranked matches at all times unless you specifically disable that in the Pause Menu. Simply spend 1 hour here and go afk. Make sure your PC doesn't go to sleep or your controller disconnects.

★A Fighter is Born★
Completed all lessons in Tutorial.
Main Menu - Training - Tutorial.
There is 40 tests in total each requiring a couple of prior steps. Overall this achievement requires the most time regarding Single Player but it isn't neccessary hard.

★Exercise Newbie★
Completed Command Training for a single character.
This will take some time. From Main Menu, select Training, Command Training, choose a character you want to play with and clear the 156(!) command sets. It took me a while, I recommend you do this much later as you will have a much easier time when you are more familiar with the game.

★Star Catcher + Star Dust + Milky Way★
Collected 1/10/100 ☆ in DOA QUEST mode.
Simple, from Main Menu go to quest mode and earn at least one star in any of the 155 challenges. Each challenge rewards you with a maximum of 3 stars depending on it's requirements like "Do 3 Throws". There is 155 challenges in total meaning there is opportunity to earn 155 x 3 stars. You only need 100 stars. Personally I did 39 challenges which took about 3 minutes on average. I recommend you attempt this at the end when you are more familiar with the game.
Section D: Multiplayer (!Read Me)
We have covered all of the Single Player content above now onto Multiplayer.

The base requirement for you to clear this game is to obtain 50 Wins in Ranked mode. Unfortunately Multiplayer in DoA 6 is extremely dead. On the bright side, this is providing you with the chance to queue up against a friend who also wants to complete this game. Personally I posted a discussion in an achievement hunters group and immediately found somebody.

Before you begin, take a look at what is required:

★Fighting For Real/The Hungry One/ The Capable One★
Won 1/20/50 Ranked Matches.

★Fighting for Rival Rumble / Real / Rival Rampage / Rival Deathmatch★
Fought in 1/10/100 ranked matches.

★The Show-off★
Won 5 consecutive Ranked matches

Naturally, you can choose the grindy route and carry yourself. Alternatively, queue up with a partner.

#How to do it with a partner#

We are playing for the fastest solution e. g. we are playing for Wins. Therefore get a friend to "co-op" Ranked Mode. Since both of you need 50 wins each, at the end both of you will fulfill the requirement of a 100 matches played in total.

First: Go to Main Menu-Online-Ranked Match and queue up against each other.
Important! Time when a match has been found. Either use Voice to confirm that you have queued into each other or use Steam Chat. You have about 10 seconds to answer the queue which posed no problem when I did it. Both of us were simply typing "match" at the same time and we never ran into any problems. This is literally the most difficult part to get right, also takes up the most amount of time which should give you an idea about how easy the rest is.

Second: Each match consists of 3 rounds required for victory and 3 rounds beating your opponent equals to one Win towards the Ranked modifier. One round takes roughly 10 seconds to complete e. g. it's 30 seconds per win. Considering that 50 wins each is needed you are looking at 25 minutes of "fighting" each, therefore 50 minutes in total. Best if you do not knockdown each other. The quickest way to kill your buddy is to do three to four hits with hand attacks. Do not knock each other down in order to be efficient.

After: When the match is over, and here is where it gets interesting, DoA 6 has a mechanic which is called Rematch. Essentially it allows you both to Rematch for another Ranked match without any loading time inbetween. When you Rematch with each other, the match automatically turns into a Best of 3. What that means is, you are fighting three times in total where one of you takes home 2 victories and the other gets 1 victory. And yes, each victory in a best of three counts towards the 50 wins achievement.

Step by Step:

  • Queue against each other
  • First match: Player A wins first match (three rounds per 10 seconds each)
  • Rematch 1: Player B wins second match
  • Rematch 2: Player B wins third match
  • Result: 2 wins for Player B, 1 win for Player A
  • Queue against each other again!
    Now switch it up, Player B wins the first match, Player A wins the second and third match.
    And so on and so on. You are going to play roughly Seventeen Best of Threes in Total until you are done.

    Afterwards get the achievement for 5 consecutive wins. Since you cannot do this in a bo3 scenario you will have to queue up at least 3 times. Instead of two rematches, you do only one and take 2 victories, queue up again, get another 2, queue up again, win one match. The achievement pops instantly after the fifth victory and then it's time to turn it around.

    All in all the Multiplayer part takes around ~1.5 up to 2 hours to complete.

Final notes
What began out of boredom quickly evolved into curiosity and enjoyment. As someone who has never played a DoA game before in these few couple of hours I have met cool people and had fun playing ranked matches against crazy good people who wiped the floor with me.

I recommend giving it a shot because Dead or Alive 6 is FUN and that is coming from someone who isn't into fighting games at all. By the way the achievements for Dead or Alive 5 are somewhat easier and both games are free so hey :)

The amount of costumes and customization available make this gem hilarious to play and the animation and character models are so extremely realistic that if you take a closer look your mouth will drop open.

So much love went into the details and I'm not even talking about the jiggly animations but literally whenever a character moves, every muscle can be seen being impacted by whatever is going on, animations are extremely fluid and well-designed and make for standout graphics and gameplay. Everything is actually optimized as hell and I have seen Zero Frame Drops anywhere.

As for this guide, it's WIP, I'm just putting it out there to share a really cool game ASAP. If you have any questions or want more explanation, feel free to add me on Steam.

Thank you for Reading and Have Fun playing!
3 条留言
Iglus Mulmus 2023 年 10 月 7 日 下午 9:09 
Thanks man!
Page France 2022 年 3 月 11 日 下午 6:52 
Nice guide. :steamthumbsup:
ITOSHI RIN 2021 年 4 月 30 日 上午 5:53 
add me if you wanna farm online