Captain Tsubasa - Rise of New Champions

Captain Tsubasa - Rise of New Champions

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Method to improve the FPS problems
Probably some people have found or set this option before.
I just find it when I want to try whether it can be G-Sync with the game.
Also, it can solve some problems for the offline mode and the problem of the super shots after the so-called big patch.
Turn On V-Sync/FastSync and set 60 FPS in the Graphics Control Panel but not only in game setting.

*Make sure your graphics cards driver is up to date.
The method may NOT work for the MON which are 2K or 4K.
Method for the NVIDIA graphics cards
Go to [Nvidia Control Panel] and click the [Manage 3D settings].

Then [Program Settings] > [Select a program to customize] or [Add] > Choose [Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions.exe]

After that,set [Vertical sync] to be [Enable] or [FastSync].

Then, set [Max Frame Rate] to be 60 as the following picture.
(May set a bit higher (61~65) you want)

Then Apply.

Run the game [Option] and go to [Window Settings].
You need to set Frame Rate to be Unlimited and Turn Off the V-Sync.
After that, you can run the game more normal and stable. (Keep FPS higher)

(In some cases, you may set 60 FPS and enable V-Sync in game at the same time. Just try before not working during unlimited setting in game)

For the people who cannot solve the problem, you can try some setting changes in the Panel but not only rely on the setting in the game.

-Try to enable "Low Latency Mode" to "On" / "Ultra" in the Nvidia Control Panel setting.
-Try to enable "V-Sync" or "FastSync" in the Panel but not in the game.
-Try to enable "Antialiasing - FXAA"
-Try to enable "MFAA"
-Try to change "Preferred graphics processor" to be "high-performance NVIDIA processor"
and so on.

All the setting in the graphics control panel, they will cover the game setting.

Finally, I want to make an important point that the problems or bugs should be solved by the Developer and Publisher but not the Buyer or Player. They should fix them as soon as possible.

Maybe my english is not very well, I hope fans guys can understand it and run the game well.
At least can enjoy the offline mode (Dramatic Story and Versus).
For People who didn't give up the game.

For the G-Sync, I find that it does not run so smooth when only enable the G-Sync but not enable V-Sync. It may not support G-Sync fully.

***There may be a similar setting at the Control Panel of the AMD Graphics Cards.
Method for the AMD graphics cards
You can take this as reference from the official website.
It can edit the setting globally for Frame Rate Target Control or
set the FPS for [Creating Application Profiles] respectively.
1MantisPhoenix 28 Dec, 2021 @ 9:21am 
In nVidia control panel, you should set as many things to application controlled as possible.
IchigoMait 20 Jun, 2021 @ 8:34am 
To add:

For better tabbing
So anyways you either want to use borderless mode with 60fps limit with vsync (only way it works) for certain monitor types, if you get stutter in screen panning.
Or borderless mode in unlimited mode, but with nvidia framelimit setting and without any vsync set on, if you get screen stutter with vsync.

If you have the first issue, but want higher frames for obvious reasons as you have higher refresh rate than 60 (otherwise don't bother), then only option is fullscreen mode, unlimited fps and force vsync from nvidia.
If you have the second issue, but want higher frames, then use fast sync, it won't cause vsync panning stutter and you won't get any tearing, also limit the fps through nvidia settings, borderless mode (aka windows aero/desktop) does what fast sync does already.
IchigoMait 20 Jun, 2021 @ 8:28am 
Old topic, but fyi, nvidia vsync options only work when the game is in fullscreen mode aka dedicated whatever window mode.
When you use unlimited fps, at least in borderless mode, then the ingame vsync option won't work, and your nvidis vsync won't work anyways.
Framelimit 60/30 in game work only when the ingame vsync is enabled.

But at least nvidia framelimit works anywhere.
AsuraB 2 Dec, 2020 @ 10:48am 
I confirm for the 60-65 FPS limit on NVIDIA 3D to have the 60 fps in game if you chose 60 fps in game settings.

But if you choose in game settings, unlimited fps (you will have shaking images).
Vsync of will cause bugs on MIracle drive shot type shot
Caboose 17 Nov, 2020 @ 12:23am 
for amd user, go to your game section, then clic on tsubasa. you need to activate radeon enhanced sync, and remove the vsync from the game option, instant 100fps without any tearing.
if that was on but failed, don't worry, unlicl the enhanced option, it will enable the possibility to set the next option, wait for application to apply vsync, set it on always.
☠LLMC  [author] 25 Oct, 2020 @ 9:48pm 
@Kobi Blade If true, it's quite sad. The Game Developer and AMD should improve that respectively.
Kobi Blade 24 Oct, 2020 @ 2:56pm 
AMD V-Sync doesn't even work in directx games, as recommendation from Microsoft, is for OpenGL games.
☠LLMC  [author] 23 Oct, 2020 @ 11:22pm 
@Kobi Blade
I want to know that have you set the 60 FPS and enable V-Sync and others in the graphics control panel?
Not only set 60 FPS.
Kobi Blade 22 Oct, 2020 @ 6:11pm 
AMD FRTC will crash the game.
JigenDaisuke 14 Oct, 2020 @ 2:01pm 
This solved the issue for me. Thank you! :sbpatr: