Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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California Freeway (Highway) Gantry (Wide) - 4 Lane - Medium (HR Version)
Assets: Prop
File Size
5.527 MB
11 Oct, 2020 @ 1:27pm
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California Freeway (Highway) Gantry (Wide) - 4 Lane - Medium (HR Version)

In 1 collection by GhostRaiderMX
California Freeway (Highway) Gantry Sign Mounts
49 items
California freeway (highway) gantry. Includes 4 gantry sign lights that light up at night. Designed for medium CA/PO HR signs. Capable of mounting different CA/PO HR signs. Wide version for wider highway roads.

Requires Move It to properly position the gantry. You can use More Beautification to access all available in-game props or if you use Find It, use the search term "4L CA GW Medium HR".

If using More Beautification, click on the Landscaping toolbar button and go to the Lights tab and find the gantry. Otherwise, use Find It to find the gantry sign mount using the search term. Click on the gantry and place it somewhere. Then use Move It to adjust its position.
GhostRaiderMX  [author] 11 Apr, 2021 @ 12:47pm 
Hmm the ones here in LA still have lights on them :) Well you can just create a custom gantry using the gantry kits available. That's why I don't make premade ones anymore. Honestly you can build it manually using procedural objects, then just copy and paste over and over again in your city. That's what I do :)
oscarmark79 10 Apr, 2021 @ 12:06pm 
These pre-made gantrys are amazing... would you consider making another set of these without the platform and lights? The new CA gantrys no longer have platforms and lights now that they're using reflective overhead signs now. I'd be willing to patreon some money to help!!