Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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아이템 (120)
Auto-Unequip on 1%
Klei Forums: Client mod. Automatically unequips your magiluminescence upon reaching 1% durability to prevent it from breaking. Feature also applies to similar equippables such as eyebr...
Achievements and Level System
제작자 Lavax
This mod is no longer updated Go Here to the new version: Introduction Unlock achievements throughout gameplay to collect achievement points. Exchange points for permanent buffs via the user...
Aerial View
제작자 ????
It's very useful for screenshot. Enhance camera. Press hotkey:Hide or Show HUD. Press hotkey:change your camera. Thanks to the MOD shared by HeiAZBZ
제작자 不死总会出头
The mod can make you open the gift automatically and Godmode. You only enter the game and don't have to do other anything by the mod. Skill Z:Become bigger Skill X:Become smaller Enjoy and raise it if you like it. 自动进入上帝模式和挂...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
제작자 Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
Poop Flingomatic
제작자 Gleenus
Automatic fires fertilizers on plants and farms that need fertilization. Recipe: 2 Electrical Doodads, 5 Manures and 4 Boards. (Science tab on Alchemy Engine) Radius: 20 Accepts: Manure, Guano, Bucket-o-poop, Rot, Rotten Egg, Glommer's Goop and Compost Wra...
Durability Tweaks 调整耐久度
제작자 xpolife
Tweaks durabilities of tools, weapons, armors, boats, staffs, amulets, saddles and more. 调整工具、武器盔甲、船只、法杖、护符和鞍具等的耐久度。 你们要的中文版来了!...
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
[DST] Legion
제작자 ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
Worker Turkey
제작자 宵征
Worker Turkey Thank brotherpk6 for English description in game. Check here for DS version Build a pick shrine and then a picker will help you pick berries, grass and twigs. You can choose language in mod configuration options. https://steamuserimages-a.aka...
Super Wall DST
제작자 DYC
Click here for DS Version Download Super Wall Maker Hedges and ancient wall from Hamlet have been added! Super Wall: tab
Boss Indicators
제작자 Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Clearer Recipes
제작자 洛克人雪儿
Makes you see the items clearly on the crafting tabs before crafting. Compatible with SW and Any mod. There is also an English version,if your need more information or introduce please chick at the link.
Combined Status
제작자 rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
제작자 IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
[Deprecated]Don't Reset World
제작자 Android
Disable world reset of survival mode. By Google Translate: Tips: This mod is only work for Survival Mode, and it is best to test whether it is effective before using it. (注意: 本模组只对生存模式有效,并且最好在使用前自行测试一下是否有效。) The purpose is to avoid the situation that the s...
Drops Reset Countdown
제작자 Instant Noodles
This is a simple mod that adds a collapsible Countdown Timer modal box to the Main Screen (and optionally to the Gameplay HUD). The timer will countdown to when Daily & Weekly Skin Drops reset. All times are automatically adjusted to your local timezone. T...
Eyeplant Prediction
제작자 Bill ee󰀢
Have you ever wondered how to set up a lureplant-grass farm without sadly blocking all eyeplants from spawning? Give this mod a try! The plant will be blocked if there's something in the ring. Latest 1.7 1) Added wildfire range indicator 2) Added in-game k...
Geometric Placement
제작자 rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Gesture Wheel
제작자 rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Health Info
제작자 NubsPixel
v2.2.03 - Quickfix v2.2.02 - Fixed incompatibility with some mods. - Added new prefabs to white list as of October 2021. Shows exact health of creatures on mouse-over or controller auto-target. This mod is inspired by Tell Me About Health (DS) which was po...
제작자 摸摸
You can hoe! if you like this mod, press lovely like! thanks 2020-3-12:auto align 2020-4-12: fix no Durability...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
JiShaGongGao - DIYb [DST]怪物击杀公告 Boss出现公告
제작자 Shang
Sorry! This mod language into Chinese. =.= Temporarily does not support other languages. 如果你喜欢这个,请点赞,谢谢! 为了回应评论里的要求,困难模式功能已删除 查看玩家坐标推荐一个mod:Coordinate 修改内容如下: 海象、座狼、钢羊、电羊、蜘蛛女王和各大Boss的击杀公告。 各大Boss、赃物袋出现公告以及坐标位置。 威洛遭受攻击,攻击者会自燃,不可被点燃者除外。 格罗姆出现公告以及坐标位置,再也不担心错过...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
New Boat Shapes
제작자 Cuikui
This mod introduces 5 new boats with unique shapes and the ability to create boats with custom shapes. Available custom boat materials:
Nightmare phase indicator
제작자 surg
Client-side mod. Indicator shows current nightmare phase and time left. Status Announcements mod supported. In settings, you can set: 1) Position indicator on the screen. 2) Position timer relative to the indicator. 3) Position phase name relative to the i...
No More Meatatarian
제작자 辣椒小皇纸
Wigfrid can eat fruits, vegetables and other foods. Wurt can eat meats. 女武神可以吃素,鱼妹可以吃肉。 Changelog Version 1.2.0 -Wurt can eat meats. This project is under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Source code Source code is available at GitHub:
Pack Box
You can use it to pack items. Just like Pigking, Pond,Structures,Nest of Moose,Materials, Ancient Altar,etc. Craft in the Survival Tab. To make your own number of the recipe.
Post Processor Disabler
제작자 CarlZalph
Copyright 2017-2023 "CarlZalph". This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named CarlZalph. Removes the Post Processor from changing from its default values. Sister mod for Don't Starve. The Post Processor is responsi...
Quick Drop - Client Version
제작자 Fidooop
Hold Shift to be able to right click on an item to drop it! (Hold CTRL at the same time and it will drop a single item from a stack) Thanks to Mister L for whipping up a mod icon for me while my image editor was broken. YES, ...
Save Equipment Slots
제작자 dani
Saves the inventory slots of equipment items and makes sure they always return to their saved slot. If a saved slot is occupied items will be rearranged automatically to make space. Don't Starve This mod originally released for Don't Starve and all its exp...
Server mod
제작자 夜黑
Several server mod collection include: Cinderella traps are enhanced Refrigerator fresh Tent durable modification Thief backpack fresh Automatic stacking Thermal stone is not durable Quick collection Wormhole can be transferred Ancient turret enhancement...
Repair Combine
제작자 Serp
With this mod you can repair your equipment with the same equipment. So you can combine a logsuit with 10% and a logsuit with 30% to a logsuit with 40%! This mod works for things with: finiteuses (like weapons), armor, fueled and perishable+equipable. Adde...
Show Me (Origin)
제작자 star
It's Tell Me mod but it shows hint ON MOUSE OVER. And this is server mod. Recommended ShowMe (this mod) + Health Info I have to enable only 2 mods? Yes. Actually you can disable all other interface mods and enable only Show Me. But it's better to enable He...
Show Nicknames (Client)
제작자 star
It shows nicknames over players. CLIENT mod! Forge compatible. Gorge compatible....
Simple Health Bar DST
제작자 DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
[Gorge] Victorian HUD
제작자 vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! 18/03/2023 - HUD UPDATED GUYS, ENJOY!! Version 7.2 - Added CunningFox HUD Skins library, Missing textures and Wilson's Beard Morsel Ico...
[DST]HD Item Icon - Shang
제작자 Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! A graphical upgrade for the All the inventory items icon from 64x64 to 256x256 to keep up with modern visual standards Add:Because the 4x resolution is serrated in 2K display, So increase the resolution by 2x. 2x(Display...
[DST] Roseate HUD
제작자 vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! HUD Updated Guys!! Enjoy!! Using now HUD Skins library by CunningFox! Version 1.6 - Updated to CunningFox HUD Skin Library, added Wilso...
제작자 Survival
修仙分为武者、练气、筑基、金丹、元婴、虚神、凝体、劫变、大乘、化真、虚仙、金仙、大罗金仙、仙王、先帝、天神。 从元婴期渡劫开始会有雷劫伴随,每次渡劫同时都会有奖励,等级越高奖励越多。仙王及之后会开启携带保鲜模式,注意不是反鲜! 吃东西、杀怪都会有真气、仙元的增加。曼德拉汤加成最高! 注意,当你死亡没有足够的真元保存自己的灵魂时会降级~ -----------------------------2020-3-5更新---------------------------- 本次增加: 1、永夜模式,随机永夜以及...
Pet Plus
제작자 勇敢牛牛
Add a 2 * 2 small box to your pet and the ability to change at the full moon like Chester...
제작자 萝卜炖排骨
MOD名称:客户端辅助 MOD功能: 1.夜视 Ctrl + N 2.触手位置提示 3.全地图地形轮廓视野 Ctrl + J 4.洞穴时钟显示 5.连接上次房间(2022国庆更新) 6.推人 Shift + T (默认关闭) 7.固定视角 Shift + V (和功能3一起使用有奇效)...
掉落堆叠(Drop & Stack)
제작자 凉时白开
新模式: 真正的全堆叠. 旧模式兼容项: 标准掉落(砍树,挖矿,鸟笼,杀怪,等等); 交易(猪王,鱼王,蚁狮,神话聚宝盆); 猪人便便; 石果开采; 熊大毛丛;邪天翁羽毛;格罗姆黏液; 灰烬; 风滚草采集;包裹拆解; 地皮挖掘; 食物腐烂; 刮剃(牛毛人须). New Mode: The Really All Stacking. The list of supported drops by Old Mode: Standard drops(Chop, Mine, Birdcage, Kill, etc.);...
제작자 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、通过复活按钮复活后,将在人物复活点生成一个保命微光。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量上限惩罚,默认关闭。 传送按钮: 1、进入游戏,屏幕中会出现一个按钮,左键打开面板。 2、模组设置里可以设置 传送消耗,默认关闭。 3、NEW,模组设置里可以设置 仅管理员可以进行删除操作,默认关闭。(勉强防...
제작자 sunriver
这是一个从随机生物大小被移除出来的作品 如果你觉得随机大小太难了 不妨试试不妥协 而这个 则是可以让不妥协在你的游戏中变成中文 但是如果你开了随机大小,则不需要此模组...
제작자 皮皮懒
This is the Chinese version of the forge items pack, please subscribe to the original module, thank you!
제작자 老王天天写bug
一个沙雕小mod,修改了女武神吟唱”粗鲁插曲“时的语音。 想加更多语音的在评论区写下来吧。 (学姐mod在弄了,我争取十一假期搞定)...
제작자 76561198435646193
能力勋章 Functional Medal
제작자 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
제작자 kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
皮肤队列-Skin Queue
제작자 kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:皮肤队列-Skin Queue🔍 🔎自动分解重复皮肤🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598520733🔍 《自动分解重复皮肤》《拆解皮肤》《自动拆解》《分解线轴》《皮肤线轴》 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam,后续更新mod来源WeGame) 修复了一直提示更新的问题 简单汉化了一下设置 mod介绍 搬运于Steam 原作者:John Watson 汉化:禚亞州 设置汉化:zhonger 让您重复的皮肤自动排队分解,而不是必须一个一个手动分解,增加了一个“分解重复皮肤”按钮...
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
제작자 kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
随机生物大小(Random Sized)
欢迎订阅随机生物大小(Random Sized)!!! 时隔多年,我们再次更新了!你还可以像之前一样使用它!,可以在模组配置页面随意调试! 从水下第一个生命的萌芽开始···到石器时代的巨型野兽···再到人类的第一次直立行走,你已经经历许多。现在,开启你最伟大的探索吧:从早期文明的摇篮到浩瀚星宇! 这次,不再有大小层次非常强烈的撕裂感,而是就像是一个生活调味料一般, 让玩家看到这个世界,即使大小有的不一样,也不会有过多的违和感。 这是我想展现的世界。 可将模组内随机生物代码调用到你自己的模组中。 重新构造整个...
Alterguardian Hat Enhance
제작자 三分热度
Add 80% defense and 100% waterproof to the crown of enlightenment (I love pension) When wearing it, one moon spore will drop every 10s (it is normal for the crown of enlightenment to drop a moon spore), and the player will not be damaged by moon spore expl...
제작자 💖gznc💖
Just enable and gym....
Buff Timer
제작자 jimmybaxter
Server mod that shows information on the character's current buffs. The info is restored on connection to all shards Supported foods: - Volt Goat Chaud-Froid - Mushy Cake - Fish Cordon Bleu - Fire Nettles (also supported when debuffed by walking by the pla...
Bug tracker
제작자 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.
Burning Timer
제작자 Viktor
This mod displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the exact time until the fire goes out. No Lag: This mod won't affect your ingame FPS (if it starts lagging, the server will become unplayable on its own since the lag coming from ...
Celestial HUD
제작자 Koary
Celestial themed HUD for Don't Starve Together Current HUDs: • Crafting Tabs, Skin Container • Chests, Chester and Hutch • Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment • Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter and Abigail Meter • Age Meter • Clocks, Temperatur...
Cherry Forest
제작자 ADM
The Beetlegale is back again ! Happy bug hunting 🦋 Follow and help us on Ko-fi to support our creative work ♥️ Almost daily uploads of sketches, videos and in-dev mods to try out early All donations and memberships allow us ...
Wallpaper Engine
제작자 WuYi-思无益
Add more live home wallpapers to Don't starve together . If it is convenient to use, please give us a thumbs up ~ --Please note that all wallpapers are taken from the official promotional animation. 2022.4.17 ------------------- This update has added two n...
Uncompromising Mode (Under The Weather - Part 1!)
제작자 Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
DST Memorandum(Client)
제작자 我有一个想法
Brief Introduction --This mod provides a memos panel --You can use it to record multiple recipes and multiple To-Do-lists --Please NOTE
제작자 MySora
修改过的官方人物动画包 主要是调整了hair和hair_hat图层的顺序 已知bug:加入游戏后再返回主页面时 会导致皮肤界面人物不显示...
Epic Healthbar
제작자 Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
제작자 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Fast Equipment
제작자 michi
Adds buttons over the inventory that give a fast access to the best main tools, weapons, armors, helmets and light resources. Besides optionally adds keybinds for the mentioned tools. The buttons permits equip the best tool of each type in the inventory if...
제작자 cuteJaven
This mod can make you open the gift automatically in Godmode 这个mod能让你以上帝模式挂机自动开礼物 The original author of this mod is @不死总会出头 , but the mod is no longer updated, and it does not work. 原作者是@不死总会出头 ,但是原作者已不再更新导致mod无法使用 I refer to the method of @qd-zxs to modi...
제작자 夜雨
哈姆雷特里的 一些建筑 地皮 植物...
Increased Stack size MAX9999
제작자 MK
If it works, please give me a thumbs up! 使用星卡-三魔官 雷牙.帕噜 MOD的焦糖布丁报错请直接修改 2591774328\scripts\prefabs\leiya_shiwu.lua 40行 inst.components.stackable.maxsize = sx 修改成 inst._maxsize = sx Change the maximum number of stacks (MAX9999),Stacked animals, Stacked Tool...
【星之卡比】Kirby-Asistance of Another Dimension
关于本Mod详细介绍与动态 请关注我的bilibili:灭吟弄月 【初版】雷魔官帕噜与虚无祭坛: 【霜雷重聚】冰魔官基斯: 【霜雷重聚】建御雷鼓重置加强: 如游玩过程中遇到bug,请加灭月粉丝群反馈 Mod专群:610058574 星卡专用:239...
Insight (Show Me+)
제작자 penguin0616
Thank you for 500k subscribers! I never would have expected Insight to gain so many subscribers. Thank you for your support! Languages: English, Chinese Background Information Inspired by Show Me. Because I like to know everything about everything. Show me...
Kingdom - Farmer's Hut
제작자 MercuryLamp
Code: old_fish Painter: 将计就计啾啾啾啾啾 This mod allows players to build a farmer's hut (costs 10 planks, 5 stone bricks) The hut is located in the tab of the planting bar, and the farmer hut automatically generates a farmer. Farmers can left-click to open and h...
lazy technology
제작자 Alex
Lazy Technology This mod can liberate your teammates (do not have to engage in frequent housework) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod has been updated on March 21(2.4) Added Upgrade of boxes and refrigerators Yo...
Lazy technology (Update)
제작자 谅直
Please support the original mod "lazy technology". This mod let u build some structure to auto produce some foods and materials . ...
제작자 Ming
超大地图的视野显示半径,使用鼠标滚轮上下调动视距. 这是一个客户端MOD,进入游戏后,在MOD列表中开启即可. MOD只会对你有效... Radius of large map view display, use the mouse wheel up and down to mobilize stadia This is a client MOD, after entering the game, the MOD list open. Will only work for you....
New Achivements (reburn)
제작자 孤独的根号三
Achievements and levels, some new things and achievements have been added If you have any questions, please join the Q group for discussion: 130838626. If you encounter problems, please close other mods first to confirm whether the bug is caused by this mo...
Observer Camera
제작자 Super Jump
A pure English version have been uploaded here: Besides all the functions from Aerial View mod, this mod add a new feature: As long as you hover the mouse over any entity or any position you...
Ocean Fishing
제작자 coco
Famine's sea fishing system is a branch of the marine system. Originally it should be a very pleasant thing to go fishing, but due to the variety of baits in the sea fishing system, different fish have different preferences for various baits, and some fish...
QuickAction for ActionQueue
제작자 小小龙
QuickAction for ActionQueue Introduce First of all, this mod relies on ActionQueue, it rewrote some functions of the "actionqueuer" components, so it must require a subscription of "ActionQueue RB2(RWYS supported)"ActionQueue RB2(RWYS supported). This is a...
Rail Cart
제작자 Gleenus
Add rail carts to the game Make your Railway Track Tool, place your Railway Tracks, ACTIVATE them and hit the gas! -- To activate the track just hit the action button close to it. CONTROLS: -- Move Up: Accelerate -- Move Down: Brake -- Move Left/Right: Cha...
제작자 Reforged Team
The Forge event has been ReForged! ReForged is the successor to Forged Forge; optimized for new content and modding support. This mod comes up with a bunch of new features that are not included in the Forge event or Forged Forge. To see all of the new feat...
Rope Bridge
제작자 Gleenus
Enable the creation of rope bridges Recipe: 1 Boards and 1 Rope in the Science Machine (Survival Tab) How to use: Take your Rope Bridge, get close to an edge and aim on the place you want to place a bridge to. You will see in the screen how many boards and...
Rose Mothling
제작자 Captain Noir
Nothing is free from Charlie's influence. A reskin for the mothling pet...
Sea2land Fork
제작자 󰀉 NoMu
2022年6月2日更新(Update on 2022/06/02) - 修改填海叉的贴图和动画为金色叉子 - Change the images of the sea2land fork. - 增加地皮选项,可以根据需要填出虚空、浅海、中海、深海等。注意!更换海洋地皮需要应用填海造陆重新载入后才能看得出来! - Add a spinner for users to change the turf. =======================================================...
Show Character Portrait[Client]
제작자 狐狸是狗
All character mods now show their saveslot portrait...
Simple Economy
제작자 柴柴Chai-Chai
-- 简单经济学 -- -- Simple Economy -- Implemented a new shopping system, where players can now earn gold in game. Use dedicated items to earn gold. Click on the icon at the top left corner to open the shop interface, and use gold to buy items. Rare items will b...
Smarter Lighting Equipment
제작자 X Game
Make the use of Miner Hats and Lanterns more convenient. After the Miner Hat or Lantern is equipped, right-click it can turn on or off its light (equipment does not consume fuel when the light is off). When the time is night or when the player is in the ca...
Show cooldown time
제작자 surg
This mod lets you see the cooldown time items in inventory. Additionally, it lets you use the Status Announcement mod to tell your friends whether your watch's ability is ready or not, and if it isn't, how much time it has left. You can choose language in ...
제작자 MySora
Status Announcements (NoMu)
제작자 󰀉 NoMu
2023/03/25更新说明 介绍视频: - 常用语 - Show Me模组和智能锅模组联动 - 更多细致和有趣的宣告 - 自定义宣告 - 修改自“快捷宣告 - Shang 完美汉化”( - 兼容新版本的制作栏 - 只保留简体中文 - 对于同Prefab但显示名称不同的物品,宣告数量时分别计算...
Stronger Giants & Players
Due to personal reasons, this mod will not be updated until ???. Necessary bug fixes are supported. 12 June 2021 1. Add the configuration items of random attack and random defense. 2. Remove some obsolete configuration items. This mod is just for fun when ...
Tropical Experience | The Volcano Biome
join our discord: Join Now THIS MOD NOT NEED MORE COMPLEMENTS AND THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHERS MODS. The Tropical Experience mod adds content from every DLC ever released on Don't Starve to Don't Starve Together, as well as adding event content a...
The Lunar HUD
제작자 󰀣POWD3d4󰀣
Changes the Don't Starve Together HUD to a Lunar theme Changed: -Crafting Tabs, Skin Container -Chests, Chester, Woby and Hutch -Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment -Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter, Inspiration Meter and Abigail Meter -Clocks,...
Trade with Glommer
제작자 Kevin
Wanda's healthbadge 旺达的血量槽
제작자 小狗废物
Add a healthbadge for Wanda You can choose the healthbadge display value and arrangement style you like 给旺达添加血量槽 可选择你喜欢的血量显示值与排列方式 旺达血量60 自带60%减伤 实际等效150hp 默认显示60hp 可改为显示150hp 不会影响实际血量 More/其他: Make notes for watch 命名传送表 Auto AgelessWatch 旺达的智能表...
제작자 摸摸
请不要添加各种奇怪的人物补丁,应该很多不兼容,这只是一个副本小游戏罢了 活下来,并,守护月台。哔哩哔哩:M木糖M 的王八整合包,传说世界黑白不两立,黑暗一直在往外扩散令人丧失生命的白雾,于是为了抵抗白雾,王八岛诞生了,王八岛的中心一把法杖吸收白色烟雾,保护了世界和平,可是,黑暗中的奇怪生物却蠢蠢欲动了起来,他们谋划着摧毁这个法杖,威尔逊等人为了保护和平纷纷加入了这场战争,就连杂草们,也加入了进来,一场大战不可避免..................... 犁地草:土堆铲掉可以爆一些种田基础物资,和高级装备,...
제작자 酴醾OwO
让猪猪学习玛玛哈哈说话 灬玛玛哈哈b站主页 关注玛玛哈哈喵,关注玛玛哈哈谢谢喵! 星河小巫女b站主页 关注星河小巫女喵,关注星河小巫女谢谢喵!...
제작자 冷青
模组说明 -----------------------------------------------------------------此版本的 Action Queue 是完全重写,著重在修复前版本所有的潜在问题,优化并最小化对于性能的影响,并添加几个新功能。 xiaoXzzz 移转 DST 版的 Action Queue 作为我的模组收藏,而在使用超过一年后,我决定要解决他的一些问题。 2014 年,DST 上原始版本的 Action Queue 是 simplex 所写,经过非常多的改版仍历久不衰...
제작자 write cat
汉化版 原版网站: 仅为汉化配置和一些信息 如有BUG请询问原作者...
Extra Equip Slots+1/2/3 (Tell me what you want)
제작자 凛子不是林子
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have suspended updating the MOD introduction, because it takes a lot of time, if you want to know about compatibility issues, please use it and then feedback, because there are many adapted items that have not been added to the introducti...
[DST] Myth Theme
제작자 FIex
鍜岃繖涓増鏈惌閰嶄娇鐢╗url=] 绁炶瘽浜虹墿鐨偆鍏嶈垂 ...
[DST] Myth Characters
제작자 FIex
这是一个可爱的免费mod 别跟原版神话人物同开 是时候让孝子们做出抉择了 和右侧神话主题搭配使用,防止神话更新骚扰哦,如下图 下面的留言被孝子冲没了,往上翻 标题下面的留言还能点,哈哈,“ 喜欢 ”神话的点点赞送上热门,冲啊!!! 大过年的找点乐子
Wormhole Icons (Fixed as of Sept 2023)
The wormhole map icons have been completely reworked. The old/new wormhole art is no longer used, and now each wormhole pairs' colors can be customized (Default rainbow). This is a client-side mod to mark corresponding wormholes. The original version was c...
Smart fire suppressor/(cold) fire pit
If you have any questions, please leave a comment Conflict with this mod, workshop-2847908822, When building a fire extinguisher, it may cause the server to be unresponsive and may get stuck in the network request section. The content of this mod script is...
Show Oceanfish
제작자 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Revival of unpopular items
This mod strengthens some relatively obscure items in the game and the items I think should be strengthened. If you have some items you want to strengthen, please leave a message. Maybe I will add them? Anyway thank you for your subscription! Sorry, but my...
Repairable and Combinable Equipment
제작자 Lilith·Blinks
Allow equipment to be repaired by its recipe, or to combine with the same equipment Each function can be switch on alone, you can even allow your equipment to be repaired to over its limit Details in mod setting...
My Pets!
제작자 Kampf
Little pets are no longer just eating and barking followers! This MOD allows pets to grow! After a certain number of days, your pet will become very powerful and can help you fight monsters. If you don't want it anymore, you can feed a few poops to poison ...
A Test Version of More Map Icon
제작자 RICK
How to opt in the test: 1.Open map 2.Click the button on the right down corner 3.Select some icons to see if it works I hate it that a client map icon mod crashes because of an official update I can't recall. So I think I should fully remove the old soluti...
Modified perish Timer for all containers
제작자 MB_LSP
If you encounter any BUG while using this mod, please describe it in detail. I will do my best to fix. Modified spoilage rate (Mushroom light/ Icebox/ Saltbox/ Seed Pouch/ Sisturn/ Cook-pot/ Endtable/ Beargerful Sack/ Hutch/ Salt rock): !!! Warning !!! mak...
Medal Exam
제작자 繁花丶海棠
客户端模组 游戏中单独佩戴女武神的考验勋章时不能自动攻击小动物,小动物会有红色圆圈提示 游戏中单独佩戴蒙昧勋章时可以看清题目和正确答案并自动答题 上述勋章升级时或卸下勋章栏任意装备时关闭功能 本模组授权任何合集和平台使用...