Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition

Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition

"It was my very first game back then was I was 7 years old... And now, after 21 years, I have finally finished it. Feels good :)"
23 comentarios
Stone 5 JUL 2023 a las 5:42 p. m. 
Hey can you send me your save game folder, would like the achievements for the game. Lg Jan
abcansis 1 ABR 2023 a las 11:56 a. m. 
This is the OLD abridged version of the original game.
This title is the first title of 3DO studio which went bankrupt a long time ago... I have this title + Armageddon Blade + Shadow of Dark...
Misleading information that creates the impression of some kind of game update... This is NOT TRUE! - This version is full of bugs, it doesn't work on HD - Full screen!
In one word: Fraud"
I feel sorry for the people who paid for this again!
You can't SELL things with HD FULL SCREEN ad without working…:steamthumbsdown:
Rumo von Zamonien 31 MAR 2023 a las 2:30 p. m. 
Working on it aswell ;)
Tazara 23 MAR 2023 a las 3:46 p. m. 
i was never able to finish the first 3... never before and im still trying after after a pause of 7 years... for couple months already again..... congrats! you did something most of us never could or did.
Hugh G. Rection 29 DIC 2022 a las 12:53 p. m. 
This version feels so wrong and disgusting compared to the updated game w/expansions, but well done for beating this my man
Erikcleric 23 DIC 2022 a las 12:42 a. m. 
You have not finished it yet! This scam of a game is lacking 2 very wellmade expansions! With quite alot of new stuff and a new faction! Theyre a Must-Play.
Tiptoe-san 20 DIC 2022 a las 5:31 p. m. 
Same here. I was amazed how well it all came back to me. Although, some things seemed a lot harder than I remember and others seemed easier. LOL!!!
老尹 14 DIC 2022 a las 3:57 p. m. 
the same
Freddan 8 OCT 2022 a las 12:57 a. m. 
Congratz :D
Oszuu 7 SEP 2022 a las 2:53 a. m. 
Gratulacje, też z tego rocznika :)