Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

65 ratings
M270 MLRS - MLRS Replacer
GameType: TiberianDawnMod
File Size
1.327 MB
26 Sep, 2020 @ 12:12pm
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M270 MLRS - MLRS Replacer

Replaces the vanilla remastered MLRS with an M270 MLRS

This one's a stop gap solution as the way the MLRS is implemented is alittle bit funky due to it's offset launcher, this will require a modified .dll to get working correctly, and then further modification to the way turrets are implemented to get the unit to work the way i'd like it to. This will be alittle way off for the moment but for now, how it is will do.

This mod has now been included in Techno Scorpion: where it will receive an update shortly that will fix the turret offset issue this unit currently has.
ΗΞΧATαηταlνs 20 Oct, 2020 @ 6:47am 
Will do, thanks and keep up the great work! :)
Mortecha  [author] 19 Oct, 2020 @ 9:14pm 
I think it has something to do with the game reading the original art's meta then loading the mods art but then restricting the art to the vanillas meta file, but not 100% on that one. Yeah just post it in the Discord
ΗΞΧATαηταlνs 19 Oct, 2020 @ 7:18am 
Thanks for the clarification, I just thought I might have unintentionally come across as bossy by just writing two comments with the real-world volumetric dimensions of the vehicles. I can dig through the Tiberian Dawn .DLL file and see if I can find where the code restricting the size of unit art assets is. If I find it, I'll post it in this mod's "Discussions" section instead of the front-page comments. :)
Mortecha  [author] 18 Oct, 2020 @ 10:50am 
128 * 128 isn't the maximum size but it is for these units, the larger units have larger sizes, say the Medium tank is 192 * 192. At this point I still haven't had much luck making units that are larger than the units they are replacing, seems to be something hardcoaded but I'll find it soon enough.
Mortecha  [author] 18 Oct, 2020 @ 10:48am 
I appreciate the interest in my work and any and all forms of comments and criticisms are welcome. If I'm in the wrong and it either gets pointed out or I notice it myself, I'll happily admit my mistake. So to that end no offence was taken.

Your comment is part of this process or reinforcing why some things are the way they are and hey it could have been something that could have been improved and I missed it so there's no harm in pointing it out. C&C has these quirks and scale is just one of those, but I'll fudge them where I can to make the best of what we can do.

ΗΞΧATαηταlνs 18 Oct, 2020 @ 9:57am 
128 x 128 pixels is the maximum image dimensions of all unit sprites in C&C: Remastered? I would've thought it was at least 512x512 pixels. I'm not trying to tell you how to make your mod and not trying to be pedantic. I was just trying to offer some help with the unit scale dimensions as I thought you were aiming to increase the accuracy of the unit proportions. So, no offense was intended and I support and respect your hard work. Thanks and I'm always looking forward to your next mod! :)
Mortecha  [author] 18 Oct, 2020 @ 9:06am 
It doesn't at all, because it's a game and not reality, so scale isn't going to be accurate and both units have to fit in a 128 * 128 image.

I'll be following the game's scale for these.
ΗΞΧATαηταlνs 18 Oct, 2020 @ 7:15am 
HMMWV Volume: 23.118 m³
M270A1 Volume: 54.029 m³

So, the real M1151A1 HMMWV has 42.8% of the volume of the M270A1 MLRS, thus the M270A1 MLRS model in your mod should have 2.3 times the volume of your M1151A1 HMMWV model. Hope this helps! :)
ΗΞΧATαηταlνs 18 Oct, 2020 @ 7:09am 
M1151A1 HMMWV Dimensions:
Length: 4.93 meters, Width: 2.31 meters, Height: 2.03 meters.

M270A1 MLRS Dimensions:
Length: 6.97 meters, Width, 2.97 meters, Height: 2.61 meters (missile rack lowered)
Height #2: 5.92 meters (missile rack elevated to maximum height)
Mortecha  [author] 17 Oct, 2020 @ 10:09pm 
There's a few adjustments to the details and texturing. The scaling should be about right, but it's the hard coded placement of the rear pod that needs adjusting as well as the perspective shifted from 45 to 40.