Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

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How to Complete the Waiter Minigame in Dahngrest's Tavern
By moomooomamoo
How to complete this minigame as quick and easy as possible with the help of my web app.
This minigame can be frustrating. My application makes it easy to manage:

Click the link to navigate to app: The application[vesperia-waiter.web.app]

Minigame summary
In this minigame, you have to take orders from the customers in the tavern. After you take an order, you can go back to the bar to report the order and receive the menu items. Then you can return these menu items to the customers.

How to complete this minigame
Once a customer has a speak bubble over their head, move to that customer and talk to them. They will start listing off menu items and the quantity of that item they want.

On the application,
1. Select the menu item the customer wants
2. Select the quantity they mention.
3. If the customer will say "Forget that last one...", click the "Forget that last one..." button. The generated list of menu items at the top of the application is automatically remove this item.

Once the customer completes their order. Walk back to the bar and talk to the character you talked to to start this minigame. You will see a menu of items to pick from with a number on the right side. Reference the generated list at the top of the application to assign the quantity of each menu item in the order.

Once you complete reporting the order, you will need to walk back to the customer you talked to and deliver the order. Then click the 'CLEAR' button to empty the generated list at the top of the application.

Rinse repeat until you've served all the customers.

As you unlock characters for this minigame, the game will get harder by adding more items to the menu and increasing the maximum quantity that a customer will ask for. They will also more likely say 'Forget that last one...'

As this happens, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the application. You will see a small list of settings pop up from the top. Here you can expand your list of menu items to match up with the current character you're playing as for this minigame.

You can also increase the maximum number of quantities for orders by adjusting the slider to the right or left. The max number is 50, but personally I didn't need more than 30.
Try not to forget to CLEAR after each customer's order. If you don't, you'll mix up two orders and likely have to start over.

Even though the customers look more and more frustrated waiting for their order, you can take all the time in the world to complete a level. I'd suggest you keep a calm mind, go slow, and make sure you record the orders correctly.

Focus on one customer at a time.
You are rewarded a small sum of Gald for completing each level.

Complete it with all the available characters, you'll unlock their titles related to this minigame.
UnkindOne 13 Feb @ 8:48am 
Or you could just use the free dlc item that gives the associated titles without needing to bother with all this.
nakano_p 16 Dec, 2020 @ 5:33am 
it's cool. glad i can help!
moomooomamoo  [author] 16 Dec, 2020 @ 3:17am 
@nakano_p I've updated the application to use your translations! I've also credited you and linked to your steam profile. Let me know if you're okay with this addition. I can change whatever if you want. Thank you for contributing :)
moomooomamoo  [author] 14 Dec, 2020 @ 8:07am 
@nakano_p Thanks for the translations! I'll be sure to credit you when I do my next update.
nakano_p 1 Nov, 2020 @ 9:20pm 
Thanks for this! It's been very helpful. Figured i can help a bit for the jp text ver.
I'll list it in order from top to bottom

Page 1

page 2

Forget that last one... = を、キャンセルして

Hope this helps!
moomooomamoo  [author] 21 Sep, 2020 @ 3:09pm 
One common request I've seen is that users would like a japanese text version of this app. I'd be more than happy to add the text and credit whomever helps me out with this.

I'd need a map between the english items and the japanese items. As well as capturing whatever phrase is used for "Forget that last one..." And last, if someone could translate the rest of the text in my app, that would be awesome.