Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

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By Chief
This guide will help provide some tips and hints for those who want to try the LASO runs for the Halo MCC edition.
LASO stands for Legendary All Skulls On. This means that not only will you be playing all of this on legendary but you will also be playing with certain skulls activated. For those who are not familiar with what skulls are, these are in-game modifications that changes the gameplay. One skull might be a nuisance but when you add a whole bunch of them together, it will mostly annoy the majority of players.
I am not going to write a whole wall of texts detailing you what to do. That would just hurt my fingers and your eyes. Instead, I will be recommending a couple of youtube channels. They helped me get through my LASO run and I am sure they can help you too. Even if they can't, they are a good place to start from.

1) Silver from Halo Completionist

2) GB Austin

Final Major Points
There are a couple of things I do want to point out and highlight.

First of all, every legendary run will be different. This is because although the spawning point for enemies is the same in every run, their pathing is different. In addition, enemies will react in different ways to you and other environmental factors. Thus, not all runs are the same. Watching those youtube tutorial videos will be helpful but you will also have to improvise for those differences in the playthroughs.

Two, Halo 2 is the hardest of all the Halo games. I consider just beating that game on legendary to be a feat of accomplishment. There is a couple of hard levels such as Cairo station and Regret but the mission that takes the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake is Gravemind.

I am going to dedicate three to just talk about the level Gravemind here. I would honestly say this is the hardest level in any FPS game from the 21st century. This level alone literally took me three days to finish. Thankfully in the beginning, you can despawn a couple waves of enemies. One thing I do want to say is that if your attempting to despawn the enemies, follow GB Austin's guide instead of Silver from Halo Completionist. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13YThwWnClY&t=1505s ; time at around 1:42). This location for despawning the enemies is much easier than Halo Completionist's despawn location.
We are still not done with Gravemind. For the elevator/gravity lift glitch, both GB Austin and Halo Completionist claim you only have to hit melee and jump at the same time, then followed by reload. However, this didn't work out for me and I always ended up killing the brute inside the elevator. Instead what worked for me is hitting both three keys at the same time and trying to hit them as fast as possible (reload + melee + jump).

Four, your doing LASO, not speedrunning. Take your time. Be patient and try to play smart and safe. It's ok to get frustrated. If you do, take a break or try playing something else.

Five, READ CAREFULLY. There have been several times where I have accidentally restarted a level when I meant to only save/quit to start from a checkpoint (this is the exploit around the iron skull). If you die, hit that pause button ASAP but once you finished that, make sure you are saving/quitting instead of restarting.

Finally, enjoy. This is a video game after all and video games are suppose to entertain you. Try to have fun and keep on pushing through. Eventually, you will make it there Spartan.

Chief  [author] 25 Nov, 2020 @ 4:59am 
@Sal Lol sorry, I don't really have the time plus Silver/Halo Completionist has already released tons of videos for pretty much every achievements.
Chief  [author] 25 Nov, 2020 @ 4:57am 
@Sv. Prolivije Goodluck man, I am sure you will get there.
pronouns in username 4 attention 14 Nov, 2020 @ 6:27pm 
lol so lazy
Sv. Prolivije 11 Nov, 2020 @ 6:57am 
Thank you, gona check out GB Austin too
Djusgar 11 Nov, 2020 @ 12:28am 
Seems pretty easy...