Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

463 ratings
A Better Third Choice
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113.245 KB
19 Aug, 2020 @ 6:18pm
3 Oct, 2021 @ 12:12pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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A Better Third Choice

In 1 collection by Nichilas
The BetterMod Series
10 items
A Better Third Choice

This mod is meant to enhance several of the less interesting, or less thoughtful, events in the game with more dynamic choices. In particular, seven core events that by default have only two options, have been given a third option (and in special cases more) that will hopefully give the player a larger range of interesting decisions to make during a run.


SEVEN enhanced and improved events! Numerous secrets and hidden interactions!

The following events have been altered:
"Ancient Writing"
"Scrap Ooze"
"Secret Portal"
"Shining Light"
"The Nest"
"The Sssssserpent"
"World of Goop"

Each of these event by default had only two options, many of which were either "Do the event" or "Leave" which caused them to feel less interactive, and thus less fun to find.

"A Better Third Choice" gives each of these events a third option, to provide a little more opportunity for thinking, should the player desire that.

The mod also includes a number of special interactions, and hidden surprises for players to find, so be on the lookout for those!

There are options in the config menu of the mod to enable or disable each event individually, as well, so players can customize which events they would like to add the third option.

Design Goals

Normally, I include some notes on design goals in this section, but due to this mod being a collection of smaller, less extensive changes (though by no means lower quality), I have elected to include a brief overall synopsis, and then provide a more in-depth set of thought in a discussion thread. As a side note, I have also elected to divide it in this manner, as my previous writeups had to be trimmed down to fit the character limits of the display page which left me frustrated having not fully explained everything.

Anyway, this collection strays from the design ethos of my previous mods in a key way. First and foremost, with all the prior releases, I chose events that felt not well balanced, or frustrating to encounter, or had an excess of potential compared to what they delivered, either from a theming perspective, or a gameplay perspective. With this collection, we decided to select a subset of events that are not necessarily poorly balanced in any way, but rather that just felt boring. Most of these events feel very binary. There's a clear situation in which you choose option A, and in some rare cases, you choose option B. The player already knows what choice to make the moment the see which event they've found. For many of these, the second option isn't even a true choice, it's just choosing to ignore the event.

With this in mind, the core design goal became "Let's make the player always feel excited about *something* when they find an event." Another way to think about this is that we wanted to minimize situations where the player sighs upon seeing which event they got, or even worse, the player absentmindedly auto-clicks on the one obvious good choice and moves on without having any kind of reaction.

Another major design goal was to provide fun secrets to discover. One of our favourite interactions in the game is being able to trade the Blood Vial relic to the vampires instead of the usual cost. While we have always included a little something in that vein in the previous mods, this collection provide an ample opportunity to explore that space and really create some fun and thematic interactions in (and across) the events.

The last major design concern was lore and theming. As with all previous events, I have tried to always have a thematic justification for why an event allows for each option. Naturally, some events (both in vanilla, and modded) do a better job of this than others, but the core concept is of the utmost importance in the design process.

Again, if you are looking for more specific and in-depth thoughts, look in the discussion thread.

I hope you have a good time with this mod, and I welcome any and all feedback.
Special thanks to 旅渚Lastcel for the Simplified Chinese translation!

Additionally, if anyone is interested in providing translations for this or any of my mods into other languages since I don't speak any non-English language well enough to feel confident in translating, don't hesitate to reach out!

If you enjoyed this mod, consider checking out some of my other mods:
A Better Note
A Better Sensory Stone
A Better Match
A Better Knowing Skull
A Better Forgotten Altar
A Better Lab

Popular Discussions View All (3)
20 Dec, 2022 @ 5:24pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
27 Jul, 2021 @ 7:07am
Design Process
25 Dec, 2022 @ 10:44am
Suggestions to improve events
AvangionQ 20 Dec, 2022 @ 5:25pm 
Possible conflict with Marisa, full debug in discussions ✅
June 6 Dec, 2022 @ 11:19am 
I love most of your Better Event mod series, but didn't take this one. Part of it was that I'm fairly content with the vanilla versions of these events, but I think the biggest factor is that unlike your other mods, you never mention exactly what you changed these events TO, either in the mod description or in the design process discussion thread. I'm not going to download a mod when I have no idea what I'm getting.
Spongy Ass 27 Nov, 2022 @ 1:05pm 
I think Ritual Mask relic has a very harsh downside. Starting with a full hand of Madness, takes away player agency. Please consider redesigning the relic.
旅渚Lastcel 28 Sep, 2022 @ 12:45am 
@Limerence 主菜单-Mods-Better Third Choice-Config
Amgis 30 Apr, 2022 @ 6:39am 
bwmvanderhof 12 Jan, 2022 @ 1:34pm 
really like the design of the mod but I think its kinda weird that the new option for shining light adds a burn instead of a decay as the difference between curses and statuses is that statuses leave your deck after each battle and using a status like a curse this way feels out of place.
LS_Naix 4 Nov, 2021 @ 12:41am 
pgames-food 6 Jul, 2021 @ 9:34am 
this will be useful... i once got that secret portal (i think from infinite spire, which is also a cool mod), but i didnt know that visiting it would take me to the ending area of the game, since i wanted to play more and more lol) :)
King Joshington 28 Jan, 2021 @ 10:59am 
Can you make a "Better Apparation"? I LOVE your mods ... and I HATE this event. It's one of those that are almost always a dead node because I never take it (apart form .5% of the time maybe).
Nichilas  [author] 8 Jan, 2021 @ 9:24am 
You misunderstand the data, and overvalue the high roll option of the event choice. The win rate from not getting burned is not meaningfully different from the win rates of the upgrade option, or of the leave option. Succeeding on the event roll increases your chances of winning by 2%. That is not something I would remotely classify as "trivializing" nor is it close to an immediate win. You still are far more likely to lose the run than win after not getting burned.

I would also encourage you, if you are not a fan of that particular event, to disable that in the options. The mod provides to ability to toggle each event individually as part of the settings.