Fallout 4

Fallout 4

Benevolent Leader (The Easy Way)
由 Button Eyes 發表
A guide to getting the hardest achievement in Fallout 4, maxing the happiness level of a settlement. Note that this method requires the use of console commands.
Benevolent Leader
Benevolent Leader may be the hardest and most time-and-resource consuming achievement in Fallout 4. Luckily, there is an easy way to get this achievement. The settlement doesn't actually have to be "large" to get this achievement. Note that this method requires the use of console commands, so it may be considered cheating.
What You Need
  • An empty settlement with only 2 settlers. I read that places already inhabited by settlers before being allied to it (like Warwick Homestead or Abernathy Farm) will make it harder. I did mine on County Crossing.
  • A supply line from a well-stocked area.
  • Local Leader rank 2 perk.
  • Vault-Tec Workshop add-on.
  1. Claim a new empty settlements, and put 2 people there. Assign a supply line from your well-stocked settlement to this settlement.
  2. Make sure they have enough beds, food, water, and defense. Assign one person to tend the plants for food.
  3. Build a Restaurant (requires the Local Leader rank 2 perk) and assign one person there.
  4. Make a save! If you don't want to have a settlement with cheated numbers or ugly looking, you can always load back to this save after getting the achievement.
  5. Open the console with the tilde (~) key, click on the workshop, and type setav 129157 99 . This will set the happiness percentage to 99%. Setting it to 100% didn't unlock the achievement for me. You will notice there's a red arrow pointing down next to the percentage level.
  6. Build A LOT of pommel horses and weight benches. Both of them are located under Furniture - Miscellaneous and costs 3 steel each. After you build a few, close the workshop, and re-open it. Make sure there's your HUD-colored arrow pointing up next to the percentage. If the arrow still points down, build more. Repeat until the arrow points up. I didn't count, but I think I made more than 20 pommel horses and weight benches.
  7. Do not leave the settlement. Sleep for several hours, for several times if needed.
  8. Achievement unlocked! Feel free to revert back to the older save.
There's your achievement! If you have any suggestions or know an easier method, please leave a comment!
11 則留言
mister_lobos 2021 年 5 月 5 日 下午 11:04 
there is multiple items that increase happiness, some don't require any specific perk..

cats i know increase happiness, and can easily be caught with a reusable cat cage built with the wasteland workshop dlc..
dogs also increase happiness AND add defense AND actually attack enemies... can also be caught with dog cages, plus if you got any of the free CC ones (when they were free) or actually bought any, possibly also from mods? and you can buy dogs from Gene, if you find him, and pass a charisma check.
gorillas work even better, but.. you need to unlock those.

basically 1 or 2 settlers, a turret or 2, water, food, beds.. then get 2 cats or 2 dogs (or one each) per person, and just wait, of course more cats and dogs will probably make it go faster.

the dog cage i believe sometimes catches not friendly dogs if i remember correctly.
BAH WEEP GRANA WEEP NINI BON 2021 年 4 月 26 日 下午 6:02 
all achievements are meaningless. If you are actually offended by this guide, please go outside and touch grass. Other people getting achievements doesn't make your 32,000 hours any less (depressing) impressive
Button Eyes  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 14 日 上午 8:10 
Yea, unlike the description, the settlement doesn't have to be large. More people = more difficult to increase happiness.
Deus Dex 2021 年 4 月 14 日 上午 7:46 
I wasted hours trying to achieve this using a full settlement. Then I tried it with only one settler and it unlocked relatively quickly.:steamfacepalm:
Seriously, don't bother trying it with a real settlement. Just pick a suitable empty one and use one settler to unlock it with the bare minimum settlement objects required for survival and as many happiness promoting objects as possible.:steamhappy:
bombzilla500 2021 年 4 月 11 日 下午 7:44 
I think you can just build a bunch of stores and it'll go up on its own a lot
Button Eyes  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 10 日 上午 12:04 
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that robots cannot reach max happiness. Will it work the normal way if I keep making pommel horses and weight benches?
dcy665 2021 年 4 月 9 日 下午 3:15 
Why don't you just do it the normal way?
Bars, bars, and more bars. And no robots!

Wasn't that hard to be frank about it. In particular when compared with others.
Wolfsun 2021 年 4 月 7 日 下午 12:35 
IF you have to cheat to get the achievment then it isn't an achievment. Of course one supposes there are people who can justify to themselves that something is just too hard to earn by one's self and since they are entitled to it anyway - well - then cheating is OKAY.
Button Eyes  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 6 日 下午 5:57 
Using Steam Achievement Manager is the last option for me, especially when an achievement's buggy. I'd rather mess around the console and put some "effort", even if it's little, rather than simply using SAM to unlock it.
Jouni 2021 年 4 月 6 日 下午 2:37 
If you are going to cheat anyway then type "addachievement 24" or something. Or download some Steam manipulator program. No matter which way you do it, your achievements are now completely meaningless.