Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

144 ratings
By Oispa Kaljaa
Guests with guaranteed crowns, or higher chance of crowns.
Crowns, crowns, crowns
Every quest has the possibility of awarding crowns, but certain event quests increase the chance of receiving one for its target monsters... or even guarantee it.

If I'm missing some, I'd appreciate if you drop a comment with the quest so I can add it. :)
(because i very well might be missing some here)
Quests with guaranteed crowns
Low/ High rank
  • A Rush of Blood - Odogaron mini crown
  • The Greatest Jagras - Great Jagras gold crown and Devhiljo mini crown
  • USJ: Gold Star Treatment - Great Jagras gold and mini crown
  • USJ: Blazing Azure Stars! - Dodogama gold crown and Azure Rathalos mini Crown
  • Egg Lovers United - Kulu-Ya-Ku gold crown
  • Down the Dark Muddy Path - Barroth gold crown
  • The Name's Lavasioth! - Lavasioth gold crown
  • The Blazing Sun (Special Assignment quest) - Teostra gold crown

Master rank
  • Seeing is Believing - Tigrex gold crown
  • Don't Forget The Earplugs! - Yian Garuga mini crown
  • Paolumu Lullabies - Nightshade Paolumu mini crown
  • Monkey Business - Furious Rajang mini crown
Quests with increased chance of crowns
Low/ high rank
  • Deep Green Blues - Anjanath, Great Jagras, Pukei-Pukei, Rathalos, and Tobi-Kadachi
  • Wildspire Bolero - Diablos, Barroth, Jyuratodus, Kulu-Ya-Ku, and Rathian
  • Coral Waltz - Legiana, Paolumu, Pink Rathian, and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
  • Effluvial Opera - Bazelgeuse, Great Girros, Odogaron, and Radobaan
  • Rock N’ Roll Recess - Azure Rathalos, Dodogama, Lavasioth, and Uragaan

Master rank
  • Yodeling in the Forest - Anjanath, Rathalos, Nargacuga, Yian Garuga, and Rajang
  • Heavy Metal in the Waste - Jyuratodus, Nightshade Paolumu, Glavenus, Black Diablos, and Savage Deviljho
  • Symphony of the Coral - Paolumu, Legiana, Coral Pukei-Pukei, Ebony Odogaron, and Zinogre
  • Rotten Canzone - Great Girros, Odogaron, Tigrex, Fulgur Anjanath, and Acidic Glavenus
  • Alt Rock Recess - Banbaro, Uragaan, Brachydios, Azure Rathalos, and Seething Bazelgeuse
  • Ballad of the Hoarfrost - Beotodus, Viper Tobi-Kadachi, Barioth, Shrieking Legiana, and Stygian Zinogre
  • Muscle Monkey Madness - Rajang
Monsters that do not vary in size
Just as a side note so no-one will end up stressing over getting crowns for these guys:

Zorah Magdaros, Xeno'jiva, Behemoth, Leshen, Ancient Leshen, Shara Ishvalda, Kulve Taroth, Raging Brachydios, Safi'jiva, Alatreon.
Raybrandt 23 Dec, 2020 @ 10:53am 
To add to the list of monsters that don't vary in size, Shara Ishvalda is also one of them.

Great guide :mhwgood:
AboThanos 13 Aug, 2020 @ 4:16am 
Devijho and Kushala was a pain for Large crown
Oispa Kaljaa  [author] 9 Aug, 2020 @ 3:07pm 
oh its actually guaranteed! :D nice
cosmonaut 9 Aug, 2020 @ 8:20am 
The Greatest Jagras also has a garanteed mini crown Deviljho.
angli9849 7 Aug, 2020 @ 3:10pm 
Sorry im a idiot, it is a small crown, no large FML
angli9849 7 Aug, 2020 @ 10:23am 
About 10 runs of Monkey Business only gave me a large crown, no small crown
Bunni 5 Aug, 2020 @ 10:58am 
large crown deviljho was the absolute worst
jackthetapper 5 Aug, 2020 @ 7:11am 
monkey business MR event guarantees a mini crown furious
Tingbai 5 Aug, 2020 @ 6:27am