Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (74)
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
全事件开启(All special events)
冬季盛宴winters_feast 万圣夜hallowed_nights 火鸡年year_of_the_gobbler 狗年year_of_the_varg 猪王年year_of_the_pig 胡萝卜鼠之年Year_of_the_carrat 皮弗娄牛之年year_of_the_beefalo 开启所有的事件活动,但是不会关闭生成世界时所选择的事件活动 如果有一天mod不生效,是klei的锅不是我的锅,因为我用的是官方给的命令啊 (╯‵□′)╯ノ┻━┻☆ 关于克劳斯klaus:克劳斯袋子的刷新将会在你开启...
[大狐狸][Millennium Fox][WhaRang]
MOD支持英文(仅部分),在MOD设置里设置语言。 Mod support English (only part), set the language in mod settings. 欢迎大家加入饥荒交流QQ群:693602866 第一贡献者:千年狐作者 JinYering 前言:刚入坑的时候就一直玩千年狐,很喜欢这个人物,但那时候千年狐作者还没出联机版,所以16年的时候就开始做这个MOD,但只在贴吧跟群里发过,现在发现千年狐好久没更新了,可能不会再更新了吧,不希望这个人物就此消逝,所以就发上来了,希望别...
Created by 御坂十七号
仅仅是御坂妹妹哦 版本 0.2.2 三维120、200、150,自带一本科技,减免30%雷电伤害,自带电磁加速,通过电磁力迁移自身,略微增加移动速度。 可制作物品: 铁砂之剑,专属武器,开局自带,其他人不能使用,攻击34,距离1.2,可作为斧头,砍树一刀。(高频振动的铁砂,当然比斧头好用) 军用护目镜,夜视效果,所有人可用,御坂妹妹使用不掉耐久,其他人用会掉耐久(因为御坂可以给它充电(哈哈)),可用金块修复,每个金块回复16%耐久。 呱太徽章,护符,+6san/min,青蛙友好,不会被青蛙主动攻击。(和炮姐...
Created by 深海水母灯
新的洛天依mod上架啦!就在这个中秋节,团团圆圆的中秋节,柠檬依要恰柠檬汁√ 此mod是专属我的第三个人物mod,我会好好完善柠檬依的,向着五星进发!冲呀! 人物美工:将计就计啾啾啾啾啾 人物代码编辑师:小班花 人物设定:慕鸢 人物专属介绍 柠檬伞:人物出生自带,没有耐久,功能是挡沙尘暴和防雨水,夏天有一定的降温效果 柠檬:打怪掉落,概率是百分之十五,属于水果,会腐烂,保质期二十天 榨汁机:食物栏制作,只能用来榨柠檬,得到柠檬汁 柠檬汁:柠檬通过榨汁机获得柠檬汁,功能是喝了五分钟不过热 柠檬茶:四个柠檬汁用...
Created by 秋水
Sorry, this MOD currently only supports Chinese. 本MOD是河蟹防熊锁 (superlock) 的修复版本 致力于修复原来已经停更的河蟹防熊锁在游戏新版本中出现的各种的BUG以及继续完善可能会用到的功能 更多详细功能请参阅MOD目录下的readme.txt 感谢原作者,有效治理了熊孩子,并将各种功能补充完善,我献上由衷的感谢! 原版链接:
火影忍者阿飞 afei
Created by 一十九
2.20更新: 1:神威和虚化技能改动: 在自身被吸入状态和虚化状态下可以无视海陆阻隔,在海上行走了。(忍者在海上跑难道有什么问题吗?) 2:“神威吸入”改动: 基础消耗从100精神和100饥饿变为100精神和50饥饿。吐出的生物控制时间从10秒变为30秒。 新增可以吸入部分建筑。吸入时增加判定,如果吸入的是生物则消耗维持原来,如果是吸入非生物则消耗减半。 (请大家不要搞什么跑到别人家搬东西的事情,我们阿飞玩家一向都是很友好和谐的(*/ω\*)) 新增可以吸入玩家人物,被吸入的玩家不能操作,吸入消耗按生物判...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Created by 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
自动铺与自动挖地皮(Paver and AutoPitchfork)
Created by 不死总会出头
此mod是转单机大佬霜月的mod,只是做了兼容联机的改动和替换了贴图。 更新说明: 此mod支持turfed! mod,铺turfed!的 mod不再崩溃 增加是否只有管理员能制作的选项(让服主铺地皮更方便) 最近更新的贴图由果冻绘制 铺路机 制作:工具栏 材料:3树枝+3燧石 耐久:25 工作消耗:每个地皮消耗0.5耐久 装备铺路机后,按玩家物品栏排列的地皮顺序依次铺下地皮 挖掘机 制作:工具栏 材料:3树枝+3燧石 耐久:25-同普通草叉 工作消耗:同普通草叉 装备后自动挖起脚下地皮 Translati...
Created by 小瑾
新增!!:可自定义修改物品最大清理阈值!! 能够把掉落物自动堆叠,同时定期清理服务器。改自workshop=1216718131 清理机制:以腐烂食物为例:假设整个世界有5组腐烂食物,他们各自的堆叠数量为(1,6,18,40,40),清理过程会将5组腐烂食物清理至2组,至于删除哪3组,随机。 所以服务器会清理的东西如果想不被清理掉: 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 奴役熊大、巨鹿、森林...
Created by Zoe
☆作者:发光&言言 ☆在武器栏二本制作!!! ☆在武器栏二本制作!!! ☆在武器栏二本制作!!! —————————————————————————————————— ☆支持快速砍树挖矿 ☆自带发光 ☆攻击带电 ☆加快跑路 —————————————————————————————————— ☆3.3 ☆增加了范围雷电AOE伤害 ☆增加了施法召唤雷电 —————————————————————————————————— ☆4.0 ☆移除了锤子功能(震惊!锤子居然不能用来锤!) ☆增加了右键释放地震波 ☆移除...
初始攻击60满级180 60级满级,金块升级 无科技便可制作 右键瞬移 夜晚发光 攻击距离为4 攻击吸血 可以砍树挖矿 恶魔花瓣回复耐久...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
3维显示错误 是 “显示bug”药水 的效果,是buff不是bug...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
部分内容被搬迁到龙蝇客栈扩展包 药水,卷轴,法术等 扩展包可以单独运行 旧档生成龙岛的方法 打开控制台 到海上,找个空的地方 控制台输入 require "debugcommands"d_spawnlayout("龙岛") 这时候没有地皮,站上去会掉海里 保存,读档,地皮就有了 可能会导致岛上的传送岩浆池无法使用 mod介绍页面
Achievements and Level System
Created by Lavax
This mod is no longer updated Go Here to the new version: Introduction Unlock achievements throughout gameplay to collect achievement points. Exchange points for permanent buffs via the user...
ActionQueue Reborn
Created by nope
This version of Action Queue has been completely rewritten with a focus on fixing all the underlying issues with the previous versions, optimizing and minimizing any performance impact, along with adding several new features. Action Queue DST ported by xia...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Auto cleaning and stacking....
Boss Indicators
Created by Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Breaking Warning
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
Being annoyed by someone jumping into your server and destroying everything you built when you were not near your base. Now you can get the announcement message the minute he/she doing something bad, such as hammering or lighting your structures. BTW, it w...
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai
———————————————————————————————————— Carney is on her trip has flexible combat skills walking and eating fish make her upgrade,no upper limit can craft useful hat,dagger and backpack ——Even I died,the Death...
Change Boss Respawn Time
Created by ly
UPDATE: now the mod should hopefully work for worlds that have different customizations than the normal one for these bosses, i.e. less dragonfly. This mod lets you change the respawn time for beequeen, toadstool, dragonfly, crab king, and the recharging t...
Chinese Language Pack for Server
Created by L.Yun
Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese language pack. 将steam语言偏好修改为中文或访问这里获取详细中文描述。 By L.M.U~...
Combined Status
Created by rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Don't Drop Anything
Created by seanlenny
Actually don't drop anything when you die. The current most popular Don't Drop Everything mod is great but still forces at least one drop. If you really don't want to drop anything, even your equipped item, then this is the mod for you! Please note this me...
Don't Glut Together 不要撑死在一起
Created by Shang
如果您喜欢这个mods,请点一个赞,是对作者最大的支持! Version:2018-10-11 15:23 Don't eat too much food, or you will die. 吃饱了请不要再吃食物,否则你会撑死。 如有问题也可以QQ留言:646469067 或者QQ群:154768151 亦可关注天伤酱的直播间:
DST A3.5.077
Created by AI
杀戮-成就 详情游戏里成就界面点问号有你想知道的 如果有问题先排除确定是不是这个MOD的问题 开个房间只加这个MOD,进去开T试试,就这么简单的排除法 最后编辑时间2024-08-26 ...
Created by 果冻丶
作者:小可爱,果冻 本MOD属于恶趣味,个人服务器使用。如有不适,请及时卸载。 主要功能: 吃肉类容易拉屎 拉屎不打紧。 最主要的功能是:如果你在野外没东西吃了,实在饿得不行。 尝试吃一下大便。可以回复大量饱食噢~~~ 食用大便:+100饱食 -100精神 +1血量 (由于您连大便都敢吃,敬你是条汉子给你回复1HP) 并在全屏通告所有人,你正在吃大便~!!!! ...
Created by MySora
修改过的官方人物动画包 主要是调整了hair和hair_hat图层的顺序 已知bug:加入游戏后再返回主页面时 会导致皮肤界面人物不显示...
Extra Equip Slots
Created by 󰀁Butch󰀁
Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. +Warly/candy I did not create this mod and I refuse to update it. I only forked it once by adding one line to the code and people still use my version for some reason....
Created by Error
前言:艾莎的强度仍在调整,有意见的可以向我反馈。由于作者能力不足,所以游戏中可能出现一些BUG,欢迎大家向我反馈,虽然我不一定会去修233333333...... 作者并不怎么会绘画,所以游戏贴图做的并不是很精致,希望各位大佬别喷。谢谢!(如果有会绘画的大佬愿意提供帮助,请一定要联系我) —————————————————————————————————————————————————— 简介:(只是简介,详细游戏里自行体验哈) 【艾莎】 ·初始三维 饥饿:100 / 精神:150 / 生命:100 ·满级...
Fast Travel (GUI)
Created by SoraYuki
Description the original author is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign. About Bugs please provide details: screenshot, log file...
Created by 风雪烟飘渺
profile: Start with a lot of food, three-dimensional 233, moving speed 1.233, twice the hunger rate! The collection speed, production speed and tree cutting speed are slightly faster than other characters, and the soul state moves fast! You can read books,...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Global Positions
Created by rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Growing Sword Lite
Created by pbc (temiruya)
This sword kills enemies, and becomes stronger. (Of course, it is very OP. Only a poor player uses it, like me.) LEVEL: When you kill an enemy using this sword, this sword gets EXP-POINT according to the enemy's HEALTH. * Spider --> 100/100 = get 1 EXP-POI...
Hifuu Club Ver.2.0
Created by Hansard
Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn (Merry), the members of Hifuu Club in Touhou Project now come to the world of DS! Renko and Merry are university students from Japan in the future, and both of them have special abilities. Renko can tell the position by lookin...
JiShaGongGao - DIYb [DST]怪物击杀公告 Boss出现公告
Created by Shang
Sorry! This mod language into Chinese. =.= Temporarily does not support other languages. 如果你喜欢这个,请点赞,谢谢! 为了回应评论里的要求,困难模式功能已删除 查看玩家坐标推荐一个mod:Coordinate 修改内容如下: 海象、座狼、钢羊、电羊、蜘蛛女王和各大Boss的击杀公告。 各大Boss、赃物袋出现公告以及坐标位置。 威洛遭受攻击,攻击者会自燃,不可被点燃者除外。 格罗姆出现公告以及坐标位置,再也不担心错过...
Created by Yus
Stats HEALTH: 150 HUNGER: 150 SANITY: 150 -Klee gains 0.2 sanity when throwing bombs. Items Dodoco Tales DMG. Normal Attack hits on o...
New Achievements (reburn)
Created by 孤独的根号三
If you encounter issues, please disable other mods and enable this mod alone to confirm if the issue is due to conflicts. Issue feedback + multiplayer team car group QQ: 130838626 【MOD Description】 Achievements and Levels: Added new content and achievement...
Loot Pump
Created by Gleenus
Catches items from the ground and throw them in containers. (Autoloot) Recipe: 1 Gears, 1 Whirly Fan and 2 Electrical Doodads. The Loot Pump always priorise to launch the items on containers that already has that item inside. There are two placement rings,...
Minimap HUD
Created by squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Marisa Kirisame
Created by Time
17-06-02 Important update :powerful hakkero addsin the mod! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirisame Marisa, an ordinary magician, lives in the Forest of Magic….. until one day some hags throw her into...
Moon Furnace
Created by 󰀛Baku
The furnace cools a player , very useful in summer How to get: Moon Furnace Blueprint drops from Glommer with 42% Recipe: 10 moon rocks, 1 dragonfly scale and 2 bluegem...
Panda man
Created by SaRroW[CN]
A famous chinese meme character, hope you could have fun with his faces. HP: 200 Hunger: 200 San: 200 When HP >100 have less attack normal hungry speed *taunt* such a badass so that every monster and even pigman and beefalo will chasing you When 50<HP<100 ...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
Multi-World Picker
Created by \zs
## Multi-World Picker This mod is designed for servers with multiple shards. When using sinkholes, stairs and friend portal, display a world selector. Players can select the target world to migrate. The following features are also provided: - Automatically...
Quick Pick
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
The mod removes the animation of harvest grass, sapling, berrybush and other things, which makes them picked like a carrot. It makes almost everything pick quickly. Changelog Version 1.3.0 -Quick cooking foods on firepit. Version 1.2.0 -Added Wormwood Crop...
Remilia Scarlet
Created by 月城冬海
This is the master of the Scarlet Devil Mansion Remilia...
Created by Skull
Server side mod. Instruction: Type cammands below to Re select your character / resurrect / Kill youself. spam can be stop by set the time interval! Drop function supported. Configuration supported. Commands: #restart - (Returning to character select scree...
Saber (All-In-One) (Fate Series)
Created by Aida Enna
This is a compilation of the 6 Saber skins found originally in this port: This mod has custom characters and items. The only way to make them available is by downloading and enabling the Modde...
Status Announcements
Created by rezecib
How it works ALT(+SHIFT)+click parts of the HUD to announce their status ("I'm wounded!", "I have 2 twigs.", "We need more drying racks."). For controllers, the announce buttons show up on the HUD when in Inventory or Crafting mode. (SHIFT is needed for in...
Show Me (Origin)
Created by star
It's Tell Me mod but it shows hint ON MOUSE OVER. And this is server mod. Recommended ShowMe (this mod) + Health Info I have to enable only 2 mods? Yes. Actually you can disable all other interface mods and enable only Show Me. But it's better to enable He...
Simple Economy
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai
-- 简单经济学 -- -- Simple Economy -- Implemented a new shopping system, where players can now earn gold in game. Use dedicated items to earn gold. Click on the icon at the top left corner to open the shop interface, and use gold to buy items. Rare items will b...
Wendy 小惊吓辅助 小惊喜
Created by Shang
如果你喜欢并推荐使用,请点一个让更多人发现并用上! 本模组为Wendy重做,哀悼荣耀收集辅助,协助小惊吓辅助寻找丢失玩具。 当靠近小惊吓的玩具时,会在脚下生成箭头指向 + 圆圈,玩家脚下箭头指引玩具方向。 Ps.本模组因从生存辅助中分离复制出来的代码,因此不能与生存辅助模组同时启用。 如有问题也可以QQ留言:646469067 或者QQ群:154768151 验证码:天伤酱 本mod视频介绍:小惊吓辅助mod介绍 记得点赞+关注哦! 可关注我的其他账号: 天伤酱主站空间ID:16764319 天伤酱直播房间...
Stronger Giants & Players
Due to personal reasons, this mod will not be updated until ???. Necessary bug fixes are supported. 12 June 2021 1. Add the configuration items of random attack and random defense. 2. Remove some obsolete configuration items. This mod is just for fun when ...
Uncompromising Mode (Under The Weather - Part 1!)
Created by Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Superior weapon(上流武器!
Created by 路过的杂鱼
Wow, it looks modern.——the Fae Sorceress An superior weapon.It's a multi-functional tool.It can be repaired with poop.You can upgrade with orange gem. A meme from LPL.If you play League of Legends and watch the game.You may understand. 嗯,看起来很上流——仙灵女巫 一个上流武...
Created by MySora
恨穹不是妹,恨妹不成穹! 初始属性很差,但随着等级上升可以获得大量属性。 交流群号: 619059773 这是一个很不适合单人游玩的人物,建议拉上自己的小伙伴一起玩。 如果你对这个人物足够了解的话,也可以尝试挑战独自游玩。 码师:Fl 策划:凤栖 画师:魔法少女唐间竹子(人物贴图) Copyright 2022 。此产品仅授权在 Steam 和WeGame平台指定账户下, Steam平台:MySora 模组ID:workshop-1638724235 WeGame平台: 穹の空 模组ID:workshop-...
Special Events
Created by adai1198
"Let there be special event!" Admins can apply special events after the world is generated. This mod will send the following two commands for you: ApplySpecialEvent("event") TheWorld.topology.overrides.specialevent = "event" in which "event" could be the f...
[DST] Legion
Created by ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
Created by Mortyman
Based on a Character from the Anime Date A Live -Loses sanity faster on night and monster and is much weaker and slower in her normal form. also she restores other Players sanity. -Has a Sword called Sandalphon's Sword. Holding this Sword will activate her...
Tree Caller Staff
Created by 雪之笔迹
You misters and misses out here, welcome to a new age!! What?! Now we can turn trees into tree guardians? What?! These guardians are carnivores?? What?! They can even be hired and become your loyal companions??? You heard that right. With the new Tree Call...
[DST] Norse_mythology --- [Long term update]
I'm also working on a button customization interface, Button changes are not available for the time being, Please exhale the character panel using F2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that this is an informal ...
Design draft from:qiaoqiao0429 Mod Code:RockmanCiel/洛克人雪儿 artist:勿心十 This is a piece, set by a friend. This is in honor of her character in the 【Dragon Nest】. It's an unbalanced role to be honest. It is only suitable for beginners. I'm not going to add Set...
[norse_mythology_system][Expansion pack] Ciel
Current version test only, expansion pack 1 Character:Ciel Attention! If the blacksmith is not visible in the building bar after creating the world login, You may have encountered a bug in Klei, Suggest resetting the game world. This is an unknown BUG, som...
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
Created by
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Created by Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
Bug tracker
Created by 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.