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EVC Shuttlecraft (Player Variation)
Type of Build: Ship, Civil
Source: Video Game
Civilian: Freighter, Miner
Material: Iron, Titanium
Game Stage: Starter
File Size
1.261 MB
10 Jul, 2020 @ 5:19pm
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EVC Shuttlecraft (Player Variation)

"The Rendelli StarDrive Model 805R cargo shuttle is perhaps the least glamorous, but also the most versatile, of all starships. Its diminutive size and low cost make it popular with the smaller shipping firms and charter services, and it makes a good courier ship as well. Its boxy appearance belies its rugged and durable construction. This sturdy little vessel is found virtually everywhere in the galaxy." -original ship description

The shuttlecraft is a remake of a ship from the mid-90s classic space game, Escape Velocity. It represented the starter ship for players in EV and I've built this titanium version to also serve as a starter / early game ship in Avorion. It features good maneuverability and cargo space for its size. The whole ship is reinforced with integrity field generators. In the screenshots it is armed with laser cannons underneath the bridge, a common armament for the ship in EV. There are twin PDCs mounted on the top (both weapons models are available in my workshop). There also multiple other turret hardpoints present if you'd like to outfit more guns or mining turrets.

A 200-block shuttle blueprint version of this ship is also available.

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- 4 upgrade slots
- 34 crew quarters
- 274 cargo
- 3.41k armor HPs
- 2.5 sector hyperspace range
- 4751 blocks
- 516 m/s max velocity
- 0.73 rad/s Yaw, 0.76 rad/s Pitch, 0.62 rad/s Roll
- 43,729 credits
- 1,550 iron
- 10,993 titaniuam