823 ratings
True Primary Secondaries [BETA]
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1.109 GB
17 Jun, 2020 @ 11:34am
11 Nov, 2020 @ 2:46am
9 Change Notes ( view )
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True Primary Secondaries [BETA]

Experimental new version of Primary Secondaries

Please read the description before using this mod!

This mod requires the WotC Highlander and the Ability To Slot Reassignment mod to work. Dont skip the required items!
Dont run this mod together with the old PrimarySecondaries mod. If you use this one deactivate the old one.

So what is the difference to the old Primary Secondaries you might ask yourself.

The old Primary Secondaries mod is generating primary versions of secondary weapon templates. This resulted in some issue like duplicate variants of unique weapons and
the need of attaching upgrades to primary and secondary weapons separately.
It also caused various issues with mods that have single build items like Covert Infiltration and LWOTC.

The new version allows you to equip the exact same melee weapons and pistols/autopistols in the secondary and primary slot.
So e.g. with this mod if you equip the chosen katana in the primary slot you wont be able to equip it in the secondary slot since you have only one unique item you can equip in either slot.
If you have upgraded a pistol with some weapon upgrades you can now just remove the pistol from a secondary slot of a soldier and give it to another soldier in the primary slot.

Sharpshooter, Rangers, Specialist, Grenadier and PsiOperative are enabled to use primary melee weapons, primary pistols and templar sidearms.


Do i need to start a new campaign when switching from the old primary secondaries mod?
Its recommended, it might work for running campaigns as well but i dont take any responsibility if this causes issues.

Do mods that require primary secondaries work with this version as well?
All of my and iridars like dual wield melee and dual wielded pistols mod are updated to support the new version but keep in mind that this is a experimental BETA so there are probably some bugs and glitches i havent catched yet.

RPGO is complaining that it needs Primary Secondaries after i switched to this version
You can safely ignore that warning for now.

I play with RPGO, do i also need the Ability To Slot Reassignment mod?
Yes its needed and it is fully compatible with RPGO.

Known Issues

- True Primary Secondaries currently doesnt work in skirmish mode. Support for that will be added soon.

Mod troubleshooting

Have look at my work in progress and infos on my mods at my patreon page.
Your really like my mods and would like to help me have more time for modding? Consider become a patreon :)

Popular Discussions View All (8)
2 Dec, 2024 @ 8:15am
PINNED: Bug reports
13 Jun, 2024 @ 9:05am
29 Sep, 2022 @ 8:51am
It crashes the game
AlexandrClibanarius 27 Jan @ 11:33am 
Why would it have been? Musashi has been AFK from the community and mod development for YEARS. Not that I expect anyone to be paying attention, but you kinda have to when it comes to XCOM2 modding.
Totally Not Ed 11 Jan @ 10:46pm 
This hasn't been updated at all lol
RambelZambel 9 Jan @ 2:53am 
primary pistols doesnt use ammo, is this problem known or on my side?
Black Stabbath 5 Jan @ 12:06pm 
i'm missing some ability's on the samurai class when i use this mod. they work fine on the old primary secondary's mod.
Finn 2 Jan @ 5:54pm 
Just in case someone runs into the same issue as me: all of the secondaries worked fine in the primary slot but weren't available at all in the secondary slot!

I went to the workshop mod folder (steamapps\workshop\content\268500\2133399183), opened up XComClassData.ini and noticed that only the "empty" secondary weapon was allowed for all the classes, as per the line "+AllowedWeapons=(SlotType=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon, WeaponType="empty")" under every class.

I copied that line and replaced the WeaponType="empty" at the end with all of the desired secondary weapon types for each of the classes, launched the game, and there they all were, available as secondaries again! I have no idea whether doing this will conflict with some of the mod features (like being able to use a dupe weapon as primary and secondary), but at least I can HAVE secondaries at all.
EvilBob22 1 Jan @ 11:10am 
It works fine for me (and most others), so something probably broke in your setup. I'm guessing something in the local configs (this mod does weird stuff via config), but I don't know. Try the troubleshooting here: https://www.reddit.com/r/xcom2mods/wiki/mod_troubleshooting
ƦƴѵŁ 1 Jan @ 9:33am 
Apparently this mod and it's older version crash on startup. I've tested just running all the required files and only using **Community Highlander, Mod Fixes, and Slot assignment**. I'm not running either versions at the same time, but when I try either by themselves with the required files, it just doesn't load up. I'm also using AML to launch the game.

I thought maybe having 500+ mods was the issue, but everything was well and dandy about a year ago, and now when I come back - issues since then. I'm not sure if some of the "updates" that Firaxis released made an impact along the lines to screw everything up or other mods that got updated messed up coding for this to become a concern.
Hillhome 13 Dec, 2024 @ 7:44pm 
Wolffang you need specific classes also such as Akimbo or Gunslinger as separate mods.

That said I can get the original True Secondaries mod working but this version? Nope. I have no idea why either <shrug> - by all accounts it makes no sense.
Wolffang 29 Nov, 2024 @ 6:16am 
How does this work, I dont know know how to duel weild or equip secondaries
EvilBob22 19 Nov, 2024 @ 10:40am 
Yes, anything requiring Primary Secondaries will work with True Primary Secondaries.