Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

185 ratings

4-6,kaiserreich music----------三个音乐包
Items (32)
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the world of Kaiserreich! Current KR version: 1.1.3, released 22/05/2024 Current HOI4 version supported: Bolivar 1.14.6 (5a08) https://i.imgur.com/cG09SXv.png "What if Germany had won World War 1?" As 1936 dawns, the Weltkrieg's legacy lies heav...
Created by KangNi
欢迎来到Kaiserreich世界! Kaiserreich汉化已经兼容中英双语启动! 目前汉化补全无需订阅 当前KR模组版本:1.1.3 “孑立孤岛” 当前适配HOI4本体版本:1.14.* 各位好,这里是法伦施泰尔汉化组。作为新成立的汉化组,本组在进行TNO:NF和地铁:新纪元的汉化工作同时,组内尚有余力,经过讨论后决定接手KR汉化项目。旧KR汉化组因众所周知的原因已经解散停工,我们经过讨论后与KR制作组接洽,获得了简中汉化的授权。 我们另建了新的工坊项目,并保留了旧的不再更新的工坊项目作为引导。今后我...
Created by Camouflage
原本用于补全KR汉化文本的Mod已经失效,其内容已经被KR制作组添加进Loc文件夹内。 本Mod已经废弃,为避免增加Bug,删除其原本内容。...
Kaiserreich Music Kaisercat
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Kaisercat music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png All the original Kaisercat music in one place! All the original songs created by Kaisercat cinema have been bundled together in this wonderful music mod. For your listening ple...
Kaiserreich Music Internationales
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Internationales music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Every version of the Internationale you could ever want! The glorious Internationale in every language we could find, combined into one mod. For your listening pleasure, ...
Kaiserreich Music
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Over 1000 songs for countries all over the world! Region, ideology and nation specific songs for countries all over the globe. Tune into a multitude of radio stations and enjoy over 1000...
Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich!
Created by Rei
The new home for the official anime adaptation of Kaiserreich by Soyuzmultfilm! ♥ CURRENTLY UP TO DATE WITH KR 0.26.1 & HOI4 1.12.*! If your launcher says anything else, you've run into a Paradox launcher bug, please consult the KR Wiki help section. Moere...
Kaiserreich style map
Created by linwajun
graphic mod kaiserreich artwork style...
Coloured Buttons Updated
Created by Chod
Updated version of Gundahar's mod (since it no longer seems to be updated). Adds some colour to the main UI buttons to make for easier readability. Updated Buttons: Topbar Army/Navy/Air overview Map mode overlays Naval missions Intel Ledger Ironman compati...
Colored Train Map Icons
Created by kamaboko
This mod replace Train map icons. The new icons are easy to see. I'll still be updating this in the future. If you have any opinions or advice, keep 'em coming! I know some have said orange is hard to see, but I can't think of another color! Someone please...
Alternative Air Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Air Base Icons Hey there :) This mod changes the air base icons for better visibility. Note: this does only affect icons in the strategic air map mode Ironman and Multiplayer compatible You can find my new mod that changes naval base icons acco...
Coloured Theater Alert Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Theater Alert Icons This little mod gives colour to the theater alert icons for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible Updated for 1.10 ...
Alternative Naval Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Naval Base Icons Hi again :) This mod changes the naval base icons for better visibility in a similar manner as my Alternative Air Base Icons mod. I've also tried to make it much more obvious at first glance whether a port is open for repairs o...
Coloured Interface Air & Planes Ironman
Created by Wiedrock
This mod adds colour to the aerial warfare. The colour scheme used for planes and ships tries to give colours some sence. It combines similar duties with same colours across branches, see colour scheme pic. What has been changed: colourized all plane count...
Coloured Interface Branches
Created by Wiedrock
This mod adds colour to the buttons and tabs of the three military branches. Green: Land Blue: SEA Red: AIR What has been changed: colourized topbar buttons top-right colourized map mode buttons bottom-right colourized intel ledger tab icons colourized "st...
Coloured Interface Map Mode Buttons
Created by Wiedrock
This mod adds colour to the minimap/map mode area in the bottom-right. What has been changed: colourized all big map mode buttons colourized all small map mode buttons colourized all toggle map mode buttons and added a red "X" for deactivated toggles For t...
Coloured Interface Sea & Ships
Created by Wiedrock
This mod adds colour to the naval warfare. The colour scheme used for planes and ships tries to give colours some sence. It combines similar duties with same colours across branches, see colour scheme pic. What has been changed: colourized all ship counter...
Modifier Icons CN ver.
Created by 1+1=⑨
Hi, This is a Chinese localised version of one famous mod called "Modifier Icons". If you're looking for the original one, please go to https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2668048070 Cheers. https://i.imgur.com/WGjlAIi.png 在所有BUFF修正前加上了图...
KR 三军番号及随机姓名汉化 (简体) - 完成
制作者留言 (2024/04/28): 定期较对完成, 已更新为 KR 1.1 内容。 新增随机姓名汉化及修正了少许字词。 随机姓名汉化文本基本以 Google 翻译为基础, 部分冷门语言翻译效果难免有不理想之处, 只能尽力而为。 本模组前身原为本人练习《仓颉输入法》过程中所生成的副产品, 因早期KR 汉化版为简体中文版, 故本人使用BMFont 制作了以CJK (中日韩统一表意文字) 为核心的繁 简两用字库, 可自选加载。 *本人制作的 繁简两用字库 连结如下: https://steamcommunit...
Created by MrPunk
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/819002974403344349/DD18664314A26EA83C62E9B0127FFCB35092B53A/ q群:162239327 介绍 你好,这是KR海军重置。 这是一个基于VNR原版海军重置专门为KR世界线制作的丰富海军历史的模组。该mod的目标是创建一种软核、角色扮演为主的海军体验,同时将对原版的改动尽量控制在最小,以防你需要重新学一遍怎么玩。 如果你喜欢以下东西,那这个mod可能很适合你 -历史向,...
Created by 明明是我先的
本mod将idoublesoft大佬《KR汉化版中国地区自改Mod》的教员相关部分抽了出来进行了适配,以便在目前的kr版本上进行游玩,一切版权归原作者所有(大佬不上线,联系不上,所以目前还是三无产品) 原mod地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2218781144 教员出山条件: 1.LKMT起义失败,玩家湖南有相关决议削弱lkmt保证其失败 2.湖南点出国策:虚假的民主 3.点出决议:常规边境巡逻 该决议出现的前提是上面两条...
Kaiserreich LKMT重制
Created by OceanCurrent
Kaiserreich LKMT 完全重制MOD 在评论区问更新内容的统统打死,建议看看改动说明 背景故事的补充 1. 在国民党北伐失败之后,部分左翼如宋庆龄、廖仲恺、陈公博等人在南方发展,汪精卫等人组成的中央委员会则流亡在巴黎。由城市暴动转而农村革命斗争的过程中,左翼遭遇了许多失败,实力不断削弱,廖仲恺、陈公博选择冒险主义的路线,意图在反动势力疏于防范的杭州发动起义。此时作为执行委员的李德胜(化名)、刘志丹等人提出农村包围城市的构想,被临时中央委员会驳斥之后,转而前往湘南联络彭湃的残余农会势力,发动秋收起...
Kaiserreich LKMT Modification
Created by White Birch Forest
原作者的话:抱歉让一直关注这个mod的各位久等了,本人最近学业繁忙,自1.11版本更新以来一局钢4都没能玩上,更新mod更是有心无力。现在,热心的@time lapses 几乎帮我重做了这个mod,希望大家都能对他的无私奉献表示感谢! ———————————————————————————————— Kaiserreich LKMT微调 对KR比较失望,所以从2023.2.16开始,这个mod我不会再更新了。 也计划移除我所有mod对 Kaiserreich 的兼容。 即使KR重做中国,我也不会再碰它了。 ...
Created by 神渣 Fy.god
本模组为kaiserreich模组的子mod,由于两广地区李宗仁线相当于一个半成品,大部分国策时间长,收益小,可玩性不高。故而制作该mod补全原本内容。 知乎详细内容:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/546498674 当前适配版本:0.23 游戏版本:1.12.7 12月10日更新:做了KR最新的版本适应,修复了大量的bug,增加了许多事件,增加了收晋系的相关决议,以及为了能花掉多余的政治点,增加了购买外国武器资源相关的决议树。 关于如何进入李宗仁线:当李宗仁入侵的时候选择事件让...
Historical Naval Production
Created by Griffinshark
**UPDATED: 4/8/22** *********************** UPDATE 11/02/21: I am pleased to announce the newly updated Historical Naval Production with Lower Fuel Consumption: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2644441410 This new update reduces ship ...
12 Support Companies 1.12 Compat
Created by pasta_roni
1.13 compatibility here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962686641 Thank you to Heimdalus and 3068484785 for their help in maintaining this mod! A quick and dirty update to go commit stop's "12 Support Companies" If you're the origi...
同志,如果你喜欢这个MOD,请给个免费的👍👍👍吧,好让更多的人看到这个MOD。 本MOD取消了特种部队科技互斥,P社仿佛有大病(雾...)。 我的其它MOD 1.12.* 中共十大元帅,十大将军及其他势力将领补全包 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2870186855 1.11.* 中共十大元帅,十大将军及其他势力将领补全包 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
同志,如果你喜欢这个MOD,请给个免费的👍👍👍吧,好让更多的人看到这个MOD。 本MOD更改了支援连文件,订阅后部队编制增加支援连时不会削减整体师的组织度,反而整体组织度会有些许的提升。 This mod changes the documents of the support company. After subscription, the increase of the support company in the troop establishment will not reduce the orga...
同志,如果你喜欢这个MOD,请给个免费的👍👍👍吧,好让更多的人看到这个MOD。 游戏飞机太强了,本MOD加强了防空炮的伤害,更改了防空炮阵地的造价与空优数值。 我的其它MOD 1.12.* 中共十大元帅,十大将军及其他势力将领补全包 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2870186855 1.11.* 中共十大元帅,十大将军及其他势力将领补全包 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Linear XP Gain
Created by Frostleaf
Linearized the gain rate for traits no matter how many traits a general has acquired, which means the gain rate for all traits always keeps the same. In vanilla, "For every trait a general has already acquired, the gain rate for all other traits gets reduc...
More Agents
Created by 袁銀-ゆん-Yun
Due to the change in code format, the mod should no longer require frequent updates to latest version and should continue working. But let me know if it stops working. This mod makes it so the amount of agents you can have total is 10, the Commando trait a...
More XP
Created by Colonial Red
Sets the xp limit to 2000. Version: 1.11.1 ...
Linked collections (1)