Garry's Mod
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun
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45.195 MB
30 dic 2013, ore 14:48
18 feb 2024, ore 4:05
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Happy New Year! This time I released DOOM 3 SWEPs, I tried to make it the most faithful possible, so some things are still WIP.


doom3_crosshair (1 or 2) - Doom 3 crosshair with hit checker or just white stripes
doom3_hud (0 or 1) - Doom 3 HUD (WIP)
doom3_firelight (1 or 0) - enable/disable light effects
doom3_smokeeffect (1 or 0) - enable/disable weapon smoke effect
doom3_onlydoomflashlight (1 or 0) - disable standard flashlight, players have to use Doom3 one
doom3_restrictbfg (1 or 0) - disables BFG
doom3_sv_cmodels (1 or 0) - enable/disable c_ models


Damage values in ID Software games differs in singleplayer and multiplayer. You can modify them with these convars or change them over in Utilities menu. Default is multiplayer values
doom3_sk_pistol_damage (def. 15) - Pistol damage
doom3_sk_shotgun_damage (def. 15) - Shotgun damage
doom3_sk_machinegun_damage (def. 12) - Machinegun damage
doom3_sk_chaingun_damage (def. 25) - Chaingun damage
doom3_sk_rocketlauncher_damage (def. 100) - Rocket explosion damage
doom3_sk_rocketlauncher_radius (def. 125) - Rocket explosion radius
doom3_sk_grenade_damage (def. 75) - Grenade explosion damage
doom3_sk_plasmagun_damage (def. 30) - Plasma damage
doom3_sk_plasmagun_ammocapacity (def. 30) - Plasmagun ammo capacity


Q: Do I need any content for the addon?
A: Of course no. All content in the addon is custom and already present in it

Q: Where's Soul Cube?
A: It's too hard to code, sorry

Q: What ammo does the BFG use?
A: BFG uses 'CombineCannon' ammo, use toolgun or 'givecurrentammo' to get ammo

Q: I got lua errors when using it with NPCs
A: Those sweps are currently unstable with NPCs

Q: It crashes my game
A: Sadly I don't know what causes this, try to clean your gmod

Thanks to Matsilagi
Also thanks to ☢ ​​Seaal Mid​​ ☢ for making c_ models

If you want to know about my new projects and updates, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (14)
17 nov 2024, ore 18:12
I need ammo :P
28 lug 2023, ore 10:58
BFG fully charged instantly kills me
17 nov 2024, ore 18:11
901 commenti
seeker_moc 4 mar, ore 12:58 
would you kindly port the shotgun and machine gun to left 4 dead 2 please, don't know to to mod
free tickles 17 feb, ore 0:32 
Broooooo I remember this! This was my first weapons mod
NGDL Media 22 dic 2024, ore 10:54 
I wanna go back in time, back to my childhood(
madval26 4 dic 2024, ore 14:42 
To this day, it's a weapon pack that actually has a Flashlight
Gnilomord 28 nov 2024, ore 21:50 
Блин, вот бы стрельбу у нипов починили бы. У них разброс у плазмы и машингана нереальный
LesbiCube-01 22 nov 2024, ore 19:22 

When I use things like FIlz0's Retail-like API, Metrocops & Combine Soldiers do an unarmed pose with the Pistol & shotgun. Why is that? Shouldn't they just wield it like normal?
LesbiCube-01 22 nov 2024, ore 19:05 
in comparison to the HL2 shotgun, the D3 shotgun can deal much more damage, but for less ROF. Hit your shots well and you will down some of the stronger enemies in one shot. But miss and you'll open yourself up to damage.

Try practicing against Sabrean's Zombine. Those I feel make for great targets. I have had fun in both Sandbox and Campaign maps downing Sabrean's stronger Zombine in one go like a pill with water.

Combine Soldiers can be a bit trickier, but getting the opportunity for a meatshot with them is more rewarding because the D3 Shotgun is slower than the HL2 Shotgun and if aimed right, you may get 2 kills for one shot!
LesbiCube-01 22 nov 2024, ore 19:00 


The Doom 3 Shotgun's accuracy was DRASTICALLY increased to be about maybe a little bit wider than the HL2 Shotgun, but I personally feel that was a welcome change, not because of anything personally against D3, but because of how HL2 & GMod both have much wider environments with much smaller enemies, and the Doom 3 shotgun getting that accuracy buff was welcome because it can now hit much smaller enemies without as much stress as it would normally.

the D3 shotgun still feels like itself to me, just adjusted for a wider playing field.
Th3TopMuglet 19 nov 2024, ore 5:01 
does the shotgun still have bad spread like in the original
LesbiCube-01 20 ott 2024, ore 16:42 
I wonder if you could possibly create signature animations for the minigun using something like WiltOS?