Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

276 ratings
How to update common GTA V Steam version to GTA V Premium over EGS Version
By Next-x
This guide will help you how to get Premium rewards from Epic version of GTA V on common version on Steam, if you are not owning Premium! ^^
Some players can complain that free giveaway of GTA V from Epic is unfair to the people who paid for game and that can bring just cheaters, but surprisely it doesn't looks like that, this version can update common steam (and probably? RockStar) version of GTA V to the Premium edition, in this guide i will write what and how ^^

1. Create Epic Games Store account and add to EGS (short of Epic Games Store) library game GTA V.

2. Start download GTA V on EGS.


Do you have already downloaded Steam version and do you don't want from any reasons download whole game on Epic from begin? Exists here small trick how avoid it. First start download on EGS, and pause it. After copy all files from folder where you have already downloaded GTA V. On Steam you will access to this folder by right-click on gta v in steam library, "properties...", in opened window click on up tab Local Files" and click to button "Browse local files...".

All these files copy and paste them to folder of GTA V folder on EGS. Folder of GTA V on Epic have this strucutre:


After you will paste these files, end Epic Games Launcher. (totally) And than launch again. If you did all right you will see "verifying", than just wait until will check of integrity finish.

Note: is possible that you will see big value of gta over 100 GB, it's a bug and it's nothing what need to be fixed. Just let it works, but make sure that you have enough place for save of game.

End of tip

3. After you will finish download, start GTA V on EGS.

4. You should see window with login to RockStar, there you have to login with your RockStar account what are you using on Steam. CONNECTION CAN BE DONE JUST ONCE, CHECK THAT YOU ARE LINKING RIGHT ACCOUNT

5. After click to link you did successfully connected EGS version of GTA V with your RockStar Account what is also connected with Steam.

Now is time for activate rewards!

Because you have DLC on Epic, and not on Steam, rewards from this DLC must be activated on GTA V version on EGS. But after are once activated, they are delivered to your RockStar account what is also on Steam! ^^

6. Start GTA V on Epic and go to Online

7. After you will get in Online, open up phone (default arrow up ↑), and open e-mail, left-up, ENTER

8. There you should see message from RockStar about rewards... Click on it again by ENTER, SPACE.

9. Now you should see on full screen message about what all you get free.

This part of guide is about how to get all rewards, if you can do it yourself, you can feel free to skip this part

1. First activate all interior. Activate them on slots "Empty". It should be easy to get all except Counterfeit Cash Factory, this you will activate later.

2. After this activate all vehicles, i'm recommending these parks save in garage 1337 Exceptionalists Way what did you get free.

3. Now you should go to motorcycle club what did you get also free, and inside building sit to your laptop. There you can activate Counterfeit Cash Factory.

4. Now you can go to ammu-nation pick up few guns what are also free and are parts of DLC

5. After you can pick up outfits in store with clothes. All outfits are on place of person who is selling them.

6. Now you have almost everything, now you can just go to tattoo studio and let tattoo yourself with free tattoos what do you like.

If you are worried that you did forget about something, you can for sure check this list list[].

End of part about how to get rewards

Now we are close to the end. To the Tattoo is important to say that you are not "owning" them but you have just on yourself. If you will anytime want another free tattoo, you will must return again to the EGS version. All others is linked with your RockStar Account, so congratulations, now you have Premium version of GTA V on Steam over evil Epic :P

Some people can be surprised that they didn't get 1 000 000 $ for the Online, unfortunately it is just for new players :(

I'm strongly recommend guarding EGS account on same level as you are guarding Steam account, now is this second door how to login on your character in GTA Online.

Now when you have pick uped all rewards, now you can close GTA Online on EGS, and uninstall it.

After you will start GTA Online on Steam, you will see all rewards what did you activated over EGS :)

I hope that this guide helped you. If you have any question feel free to ask me in comments, i will try to reply ^^
But first before you will ask, please first try this guide first. I did tried my best to document everything important, and by the most simple way.

Note: i'm sorry for my english, it isn't my native language.
Feel free to translate this guide to another languages, but please, link to this guide and notice me as author of guide.

Thank you! ^^
Other languages
kunericlock 16 May, 2021 @ 1:25am 
hey dude, just one character =)
//ATLAS//REDACTED//STAR-LORD// 5 Dec, 2020 @ 11:48pm 
I want to ask, is this pack shared across account for both characters or just one character?
Next-x  [author] 31 May, 2020 @ 11:03am 
Next-x  [author] 31 May, 2020 @ 10:59am 
BassPwr: It will make a new link "Epic Games" what you can't unlink (just probably over support). If you are having other links on other platforms like GfWL, PSN, Xbox and so it won't touch them, they are linked with this Rockstar account too together with Epic. So you don't need to worry, it won't remove any other links ^^

Just what is important to say is, that it's "backdoor" how to get your character, so make sure that you are having safe password on Epic as on other platforms.
BassPwr 31 May, 2020 @ 8:39am 
"All Grand Theft Auto V content purchased on Epic Games must be associated with a Rockstar Games Social Club account. This account link is permanent." It then tells me I am currently linked to games for windows live / xbox live account. It doesn't say if it will remove my live account link, why would it remove that? The live link is from my retail disc copy of gta4, if this is removed and I cannot link it back it might affect me being able to install and play gta4. I do not want a completely patched version of gta4 because I have the game and expansions on disc and it patches out a lot of the music.

Not sure about going past this step.
Volvo FH Gobletrotter XL 30 May, 2020 @ 4:10pm 
i fixed it but when i verifyed it but it still says that i need to veryify
Volvo FH Gobletrotter XL 24 May, 2020 @ 8:53am 
kk thx for the help
Next-x  [author] 24 May, 2020 @ 8:52am 
It's a strange, now is ask if you really paused it and didn't cancelled it mistakely... But if you have problem with it, still you can make normal installation, and wait until will download finish.
Volvo FH Gobletrotter XL 24 May, 2020 @ 8:44am 
by that i mean it will resume back to where it was once i paused it
Volvo FH Gobletrotter XL 24 May, 2020 @ 8:42am 
wants new installation