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A Better Match

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Nichilas
The BetterMod Series
Item 10
A Better Match

This mod is meant to redesign the Event "Match And Keep" into something more useful and fun for the player.


The Event "Match And Keep" has been reworked to better encapsulate and encourage the three core themes of the event with those themes being Memorization, Discovery, and Matching.

The core matching part of the event has been reworked such that curses are no longer offered in the pool, making all possible rewards positive outcomes. Instead, the player will pay a flat gold fee up front. Additionally, instead of matching to acquire a specific card, matches are based on card rarity levels, and the player will be given a choice of 3 cards from that rarity pool for each successful match at the end of the game.

Furthermore, instead of automatically playing the match game, the player will first be presented with a set of options. Those options will offer a different number of matches for the player to attempt, with a greater reward relative to the number of matches used.

And if you're really lucky, you might even get a little something extra too! ;)

Lastly, for players who want an experience closer to the base game, the mod contains a configuration option to remove the additional two options, and keep just the base option with 5 matches and standard rewards, but while still using this reworked minigame system that "A Better Match" provides.

Design Goals

The base event is unique in that it offers a very different gameplay experience from the rest of the game, mixing memorization with matching and gambling. The event in its existing state, however, does not function very well at its goal.

By default, the card options have even less diversity than a standard combat card reward due to only offering a single option from a tier instead of a choice of three. This creates a situation where the vast majority of the time, there will be no useful cards offered. The player also automatically gains the card upon matching it, with no option to decline. What this means is that most of the time the player will just match the first two non-matching cards all 5 times in order to avoid adding filler cards to their deck. There is also an additional problem in that the player has a small chance of accidentally matching the first two cards that they reveal and adding a card they probably don't want (or possibly even a curse) without any choice or decision making.
What these issues boil down to is a situation where the game itself is fun, but the rewards are very rarely positive, and often negative, so the player is instead incentivized to play as little of the game as possible.

As a solution, "A Better Match" seeks to alleviate these issues while also staying true to the core themes of the event. As mentioned earlier, the core themes identified were Memorization, Discovery, and Matching. Memorization refers to the central idea of the event wherein the entire event is based around remembering where cards are in order to find pairs. Discovery refers to the notion of reveal cards and finding out what was beneath that card. Matching is the most obvious, and refers to the small victory feeling of successfully finding a pair of cards.

In order to redesign the event in a way that stays true to those three aspects, while also alleviating the issues present, "A Better Match" reimagines the event by removing the curse cards from the pool, and transitioning the single card rewards into an optional choice of three cards. This means that the player no longer has to worry about matching negative rewards, and will always be incentivized to at least play the minigame, even if they aren't able to make use of the rewards. This also deals with the issue of the player accidentally matching the first two cards that they blindly picked and through no fault of their own adding a useless card to their deck that they now have to find time to remove later on. Lastly, this change creates a situation where the better the player is at the matching game, the better their pool of reward options will be, thus rewarding skilled play and strong memory while still keeping the gambling nature of the event.

In order to offset the removal of the curses from the card pool, an upfront gold cost was added (that increases above Asc 15) so that the gameplay power balance of the event remains similar. The player might still not find any useful cards, but they will never be forced to take a bad card, and they are always incentivized to play the minigame. The rewards are still dependent on the player's ability to memorize card locations and find matches, and the thrill of discovering what's under each card has been exacerbated due to only positive cards being discoverable.

These changes all combine to create a similarly balanced event that incentives the player to actually play the fun and unique minigame. But why stop there? What kind of gambling den doesn't allow the player to opt for better rewards with a higher risk? In the theme of risk versus reward, and to increase the player decision making space, "A Better Match" adds two more variants of the matching game to choose from.

The player can choose the default game with 5 matches and collect their rewards as normal, but now the player can also opt to increase their rewards, at the cost of lowering their chances of success. The second option gives the player only 3 matches, but will upgrade any rewards found. With fewer matches, the likelihood of finding a match decreases, but getting a free upgrade, or even two if the player is lucky, can be quite enticing. And lastly, the third option presents the player with the classic all in, double or nothing option. They will be given just one match, but if they managed to get a match, their reward will be upgraded, and tripled! This means that if the player matches a pair of uncommon cards, they will be given three sets of upgraded uncommon cards to look at in their rewards.

I hope you have a good time with this mod, and I welcome any and all feedback.
Special thanks to 旅渚Lastcel for the Simplified Chinese translation!

If you enjoyed this mod, consider checking out some of my other mods:
A Better Note
A Better Sensory Stone
A Better Knowing Skull
A Better Forgotten Altar
A Better Third Choice
A Better Lab
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (2)
28 Apr 2021 @ 6:46am
5 Mei 2020 @ 11:04am
DISEMATKAN: Balance & Feedback
29 Komentar
pgames-food 6 Jul 2021 @ 10:17am 
(btw it would only continue until the cards from the matching game are found, not indefinitely)
pgames-food 6 Jul 2021 @ 10:16am 
hi i only found these "better" mods when one of my friends had it pop up in their activity list :)

ive been reading your design goals on the ones have seen so far, and they make sense. just wanted to also mention that whenever i have played this game in my games so far, i always felt that it was missing what seems to be the most important aspect of all... :)

"whenever you match successfully, get another go" :lunar2019grinningpig:
(this was always the case when i play this in real life lol)

is there any way to possibly add a 4th option, which is limited on whether you have more than 100 gold in hand, it costs all your gold, but you get to continue if successful?
unspunreality 7 Sep 2020 @ 6:26pm 
Thanks for the response. Ive skipped it(By failing) but now knowing where the issue could lay will certainly help in the future. I was grasping at literal air before you said a word so this will help immensely. Seeing as how its not a crash either Im none too worried about it either. Ill update next time I get a run though and fall into this again and let you know. Though since there is likely no way to address this then I might just choose to ignore it either via disabling a mod or something else. I do play with a lot of mods so unfortunately I expected cases like this to creep up.
Nichilas  [pembuat] 7 Sep 2020 @ 3:36pm 
Okay after doing some research, I believe it is being caused by some weird interaction between a couple mods. Most likely it is the betterRewards mod as they directly patch the method that alters the room state to allow moving on. It could also be something to do with Replay The Spire, The Animator, or Act Like It, all of which alter the card reward screen in some way. I am not familiar enough with their code to know what's going on, and it would seem this event causes the issue due to opening a card reward screen during an event. What this means is that there isn't anything I can do to really address this, but I would recommend disabling each of those mods one by one and testing if that allows you to move on. Let me know if this was helpful at all!
unspunreality 7 Sep 2020 @ 11:24am

There ya go. Entire debug. Modlist and what not so incase you can figure out from there. Thanks for the help btw.
Nichilas  [pembuat] 7 Sep 2020 @ 10:31am 
Hi, this is a very curious issue. Unfortunately, the debug log doesn't really provide any info that might point out the culprit and without a dedicated crash, the error would be harder to pinpoint. Would you mind sharing your installed mod list? My intuition is that some mod is patching the room reward object in an unexpected way that is resetting the room to not be complete.
unspunreality 7 Sep 2020 @ 10:11am 
So Im not sure the bug exactly, but whenever I get this event if I win I cant go to the next floor. The return button is all that flashes and I cant click any next stage. Only ever had this happen with this bonus in particular and once when heading to the heart from the subboss before it. Im certain it has to be some modconflict or something but I can really only point out this mod cause it happens here consistantly if I win. Losing, no issue. Next floor fine. If I win I grab my rewards and then get stuck. Need to save and quit and come back in and lose.

Not sure if youve heard of this issue before or could point me in a way to figure it out. Its not a crash or anything so the debug shows nothing <--- Debug log from save load.

The pause resumes are when I try to click any next floor icon.
Nichilas  [pembuat] 22 Agu 2020 @ 7:32pm 
Nope, it checks for the ascension. I'm willing to bet the game doesn't run it's checks per room, but rather per dungeon update, but I'm not going to try to alter the way the game handles those, since it's more likely to mess up other core game functionality. And yah, the way the game handles event costs it will just zero you out. I could put in checks to limit that, but I try to stick to the same conventions of the base game as much as possible. I'm willing to bet errors such as yours are the reason they don't hard cap it.
brickey.8 22 Agu 2020 @ 7:00pm 
I just encountered a bug: While playing on A15, I got the match game when I had slightly less than the required gold--it asked for 125 and I had something like 115. It took all my money and allowed me to play anyways. I'm guessing your checks for "does the player have enough money to encounter this event" only look at the regular price.
brickey.8 22 Agu 2020 @ 12:43pm 
Well, I guess to each their own? To me it seems like the second option is wildly better than the third. You get 3 chances to get 1 card instead of 1 chance at 3 cards, but cards 3-5 that you reveal might match anything you've seen so far and thus boost your odds. 1 obviously gives you better odds of a card, but worse cards.