Max Payne 3
Оцінок: 163
Absolute Payne : New York Minute Hardcore In-Depth Guide
Автор: DisableBore
A comprehensive guide to the dreaded NYMHC mode.
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В улюблених
Disclaimer of Shame


Maybe you’re like me and just wanted to show how much you love this trilogy. Maybe you seek the challenge. Maybe you are into the bragging rights.

But believe me, it probably isn’t worth it. This is a frustrating, issue ridden gamemode that severly exposes many problems in the game and serves nothing but to make your play session completely miserable. After dozens of attempts I managed to squeeze it, and honestly it’d be a waste to keep this much knowledge to myself.

Go do something productive with your life and earned free time if you value it.

Again, have the warning this is not pretty. With this being said, lets go.

In-Game Preparations
* Golden Guns are a big boost, and will give you an significant edge.

I can't blame you for not wanting to look up a video guide and replay some chapters in the selection screen, but atleast do the effort to grab them for the main weapons (most common drops and alike) which are the ones you'll be using most of the time. It’s not essential, but again, so is sleep, right?

The short version- Use pistols, one-handed SMGs and assault rifles/machine guns the most. Avoid shotguns, revolvers and two-handed SMGs, and use sniper rifles only when required, like on Chapter 12.Their spread, reload time and general firing speed are going to be a problem as the game goes on. Always remember you can press B to turn off laser sights by default and get a dot aim crosshair.

Recommended Golden Guns are as follow, either due to their high frequency, good stats or just because you are stuck with them a whole level.

  • PT92
  • Colt 1911
  • Micro 9mm
  • Ingram M10
  • Auto 9mm
  • MPK
  • Mini-30
  • AK - 47
  • FN FAL
  • MD-97 LC
  • G6 Commando
  • LMG.30

* Unlock the mode itself. You must finish normal New York Minute entirely.

This will also give you a good idea of the mechanics at play (more later) and remind you of some enemy locations, which are almost essential. This guide already assumes you are fairly familiar with the game and it’s levels.

Each chapter in the default mode can be played individually, so feel free to repeat them there for practice.

* Adjust settings to accomodate. It’s recomended to use a good contrast, Bullet Time FX on and default reticle, gun specific if you prefer.

  • A good contrast can avoid missing shots (it happens, trust me).
  • Bullet Time FX slightly highlights enemies for a quicker visual scan.
  • Red Dot will help you find enemies much easier in specific moments (such as Chapter V part II where you can hardly see in the mist). A red dot means your shot is aiming to a human target.
  • Leave this as your final achievement if possible. You will know the game by pure experience and recall nasty sections, painkiller locations, possible bugs, ect.

In-Real-Life Preparations
* Uninterrupted Time. You’ll be at least an hour and a half for a full playthrough, non stop, in a extreme best case scenario.

This isn't a 7 Day Survivor "kiss a whole day of your life goodbye" thing but not too far off considering you will likely need several attempts.

* Rest and mental capacity. All it takes to get you killed during combat is a slight eyeshut too long.

If you are tired or have better things to worry about, I would discourage an attempt.

* Morale. Look, this is a hard game to begin with. You will likely fail a couple of times. If this is what you want, push on. You'll make it.
The Arcade Elements at Play
By the time you wrap New York Minute you should hopefully already have good understanding of the mode, but to be safe :

  • Any failure state will end the run.

  • You start with a minute, and will gain extra time as you go on killing things. By Chapter V you should have enough spare time to take your time and not over risk.

  • Again, you'll have time. You are not a speedrunner, I can only hope, so there is no reason to compensate.

  • Headshots, explosive kills, breaking vehicles, enviormental damage and general quicky shooting will give you slight time bonuses and are effective at eliminating as many threats as possible without much danger. However, explosions and similar enviormental hazards can also hurt you as well.

  • You cannot save nor quit the run. If you need, say, a quick bathroom trip, use the between level screens, or pause after a gunfight if you really must.
Tweaking and Fixing Issues
We are now in the "Works on my Machine" zone.

1) Crashing and crashing, oh my.

This is an old game by Fortnite children standards. Hardware compatibility is a thing, somehow even more so with the seven gen games.

* A commonly usable solution is to in the game settings, set video to DirectX 9, with your prefered choice of screen resolution and size. Lock framerate or not to your preference. DX9 will make the game quite uglier as you lack some visual flare, but you'll rather have the game working.

* Compatibility mode in Windows 7 can aliviate some performance issues.

* If you can't even boot up the game, first check if your PC isn't a turd with cables. If not, launch the game using safe mode by right clicking on the game in your library and click on properties, look for launch options and type -safemode in there. You can then config as desired. An alternative is to use the commands -d3dmt -dx9 and work from there.

(The commands are the ones I used, just making an example).

* Asus Software and MSI afterburner may cause crashing, as confirmed by Rockstar themselves. Turn it off or uninstall it if needed.

* Run the game as admin if you see a crash with StackHash_XXX Error

2) My mouse aim controls like crap.

* Turning off FXAA and vsync may help to make negative mouse acceleration tolerable if disabling it via toggle doesn't do the trick.

* Use -nomouseaccel command as a second option.

3) I have errors with Rockstar's stuff.

* Game key specific issues complaints go here support page[].

* If you are unable to link or activate the game, ensure the game is installed on your steam_id folder and run as admin.

* Compatibility mode in Windows 7 can also be a fix.

Sources of fixes and commands is PCGaming Wiki []
Global Protips
These tip dots apply to the whole game while the rest of this guide is a chapter by chapter guidance to reference as you go.
It’s advisable to read in full before hand and refer as you progress in the story.

Italic dots are moments where a failure is possible but there is room for ammending the mistake if mishandled. They will leave you in a big disavantage however, so beware and seek to minimize potential harm.

Bold dots are moments, usually scripted, which will almost certainly kill you upon failure. Some of these are gameplay related, some are setpieces you must not mess up, some are genuine glitches or game issues which you will have zero control over. If a workaround exists, it will be underlined. Do not underestimate any of these. Since it’s chapter specific, bold dots are present in the next sections.

  • Keep it cool. Don't let it get too hard for yourself.

  • A stunned enemy can keep shooting. The strategy of ragdollizing an enemy is dangerous, more so if you go into Last Stand.

  • Don't get cocky with shootdodge. Having it at hand can be useful, but a bad shootdodge can certainly get you killed, fast.

  • Know where people are. You do not want to get shot in a bad spot where Last Stand gets you killed.

  • You can kill your allies if you shoot them. Passos is a nasty culprit of this, so just be extremely careful and know where he sits.

  • Only progress after a Kill Cam occurs or Max (maybe even an ally) make a comment. Progressing before all enemies are dead in specific scenarios, such as escorting an ally will result in a instant failure.

  • Know your painkillers locations and use them sparingly.

  • If you hide behind tall cover (without actually leaning to it, just being located behind it), you can shoot around it's corners without exposing yourself in the open.

  • Standing still in the open is a death sentence. You can strafe around to reduce incoming damage by half, and in Bullet Time, you are able to dodge all incoming damage.

  • Explosions can give you great boosts of time and kill enemies quickly, but you just are as fragile to them too.

  • Use keybind B (by default) to turn off laser sights (Chapter 2 and 13 are guilty of these) so as to have dot aiming.

  • Aim for heads. Bonus aside, a headshot is an instant kill.

  • Legwork and mind. Know when to run and when to keep paying attention.

  • Replay levels you are struggling with in chapter select.

  • If you’re using a cutscene skipper modification, be mindful that some specific cutscenes completely break loading. Please be mindful and read ahead the chapter-specific information below, as I will point out the ones that are dangerous to skip.

In the next sections we will go through a chapter by chapter basis covering individual points of reference.
Chapter I: Something Rotten In The Air
  • Fabiana can be accidentally shot as Max jumps down the pool to get her captor.

  • Do not skip the cutscene when you shoot the guy holding Fabiana at gun point. You will soft lock in the elevator and be forced to restart.

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a exploding car.

    Avoid shooting them at a close distance.
Chapter II : Nothing But The Second Best

  • It's possible to accidentally shoot Giovanna while protecting her in the chopper.

    Turn off the laser sight with B by default for easier aim.

  • Several goons will ambush Giovanna in multiple spots on their own, who will kill her if not dealt with fast.

  • As Max hangs from the chopper after this sequence, he has to shoot two rockets coming right at him, aim slightly higher in the trajectory. Between the rockets, some goons will shoot at you as well.

  • A careless shootdodge can make you fall from the roof in the billboard area.
Chapter III: Just Another Day At The Office
  • Passos can be accidentally shot in several spots by your own hand.

  • If you try to progress the first time Cacha Preto shows up with Passos telling you to wait without killing all of them, Passos will be shot dead.

  • While going for the first sniper, it's possible to die by making a ill fated shootdodge from the top of the stairs due to simply fall damage.

  • A poor shootdodge can get you to fall down the stadium while running in the light rig.
Chapter IV : Anyone Can Buy Me A Drink
  • Passos can be accidentally shot in several spots by your own hand.

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a exploding car.

    Avoid shooting them at a close distance.

  • The "fancy green sight" hall is best shot from the end of the hall, after the explosion.

    The first part of the hall is too cramped to make a good, safe shot. Simply roll down and pick up the MAC10 for best results.

  • A careless shootdodge can get you to fall down the roofs.

  • During the jump on a water tank where you get spotted as it falls, ensure all enemies have been shot (they should be ragdollizing) or you will be killed in the fall.

  • Right after Passos opens the gate, run foward, as leaving him go up ahead will get him shot.
Chapter V: Alive If Not Exactly Well
  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a explosive tank.

    Avoid shooting them at a close distance.

  • In the docks, multiple enemies will attack you relentlessly, and three boats will corner as well. Be careful and keep moving, if you cant kill the gunners in the boats quickly, get the driver.

  • A careless shootdodge can get you to fall down the docks.

  • The molotovs thrown in the first parts of the speedboat section can severly damage the boat and even kill you, but it takes at least three.

    Every twenty seconds or so, a molotov is thrown, usually one will show up as a new speedboat approaches as a distraction. Prioritize the molotov, then aim for the driver.

  • A goon will throw a granade right after you blow up a gas station and shoot some more, failing to get it mid-air will kill you.

  • It's possible to accidentally shoot Fabiana after the pier jump in the very last section of the level.

    She is sitting on the top right corner of the boat.
Chapter VI: A Dame, a Dork and a Drunk

  • IT Guy can be accidentally shot in several spots by your own hand.

  • IT Guy can be killed if you progress without having killed all the enemies. Ensure they are all dead, you'll see a kill cam when it's done and you can approach him to proceed.

  • There is a glitch where in the second section of this level (the burning of Bronco building) you will be stuck in a infinite loading screen, forcing you to brute quit.

    This dissapeared for me after five times. There is no known way to fix this, nor what causes it. Some suggest skipping certain cutscenes beforehand with mods can cause it, but no hard evidence exists. You might not have this problem, so if you load into the second part fine, you're safe. If this does happen, your only solution is to replay until it basically undoes itself.

  • Max can easily die in the two combat encounters escaping the fire, shoot carefully.
Chapter VII: A Hangover Sent Direct from Mother Nature

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a explosive tank.

  • After storming a warehouse, Max will enter a drug factory turf, and as you start walking, you'll see a goon with a white mask spot you and shoot a flare. This is a scripted moment which starts the next encounters. If you walk past him, or shoot him on sight, the game will bizzarly glitch out and no enemies will spawn, and progress will be locked, forcing you to quit.

    When you spot him, simply let him proceed with the flare alarm, and as you turn, allow a guard to get into the building to ensure the sequence starts correctly. While unlikely to cause problems, the same is advisable for the second scout you spot right before entering the factories.

  • Do not skip the cutscene before Max gets on the chain, if you do, you will be killed instantly.

  • After battling into Commando Sobra turf, a goon will shoot a rocket at you. Aim at the rocket quickly and if he isn't dead, shoot him as well.
Chapter VIII: Ain't No Reprievement Gonna Be Found Otherwise

  • Passos can be accidentally shot in several spots by your own hand.

  • After uniting with Passos at the start, a car will try to run both over, shoot at the driver quickly.

  • After this scene, they will notice a group of cars and split to run past some mobsters, where soon after Passos gets caught. He will run away, diverting the attention from you, don't stand still once you regain control and go kill them, or he will be shot in a short cutscene.

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a exploding car.

    Avoid shooting them at a close distance.

  • Passos will be held hostage after being split, shoot the mobster while standing still.

  • The sniper can kill you in two hits, be patient.

  • Do not skip the cutscene when Passos and Max go into the church from the morgue, the area will not load and make it near impossible to pass.

  • There is a extreme rare chance the auto shotgun will be stuck and you can't pick it up. Rely in your other firearms if this happens or Passos will be killed.
Chapter IX: Here I Was Again, Halfway Down The World
  • U.F.E is the first enemy with helmets, and need two headshots to die instantly (shooting their mouth works too).

    In general soldiers are much more difficult to deal with, so be careful.

  • After battling some foot units, a helicopter shows up. Max will jump down a roof tile to attack it, and needs to shoot two soldiers, and after they fall a third one will fire a rocket. Due to some bizzare glitch, using a gun you picked from a U.F.E troop will not work and you will be killed shooting the soldiers and the rocket.

    Rely on your starter pistol by manually selecting it before the script, or simply dont pick the SMG when you see it until you did that sequence.

  • A QTE with a Cacha Preto member can get you killed quickly if you're slow or not press the correct input.

    Due to the UI coloring, you might confuse the buttons you must use, by default the sequence is Right Click, Left Click, F and Left Control.

    Use the inputs as the notification shows up, and use default controls as changing them are somehow not compatible and you will be killed if used. You can simply change it for the section and revert if wished.
Chapter X: It's Drive or Shoot Sister
  • It's possible to accidentally shoot Giovanna in several spots by your own hand.

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a exploding car.

    Avoid shooting them at a close distance.

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a explosive tank.

  • Giovanna can be killed if you progress without having killed all the enemies. Ensure they are all dead, you'll see a kill cam when it's done and you can approach her to proceed.

  • While driving the bus with Giovanna, after a checkpoint, a soldier with a rocket launcher will show up, but you can kill him before he fires with a quick shot.

  • After crashing the bus, a soldier will throw a granade, shoot it quickly or you will be killed.
Chapter XI: Suntan Oil, Stale Margaritas and Greed
  • Passos can be accidentally shot in several spots by your own hand.

  • Max will die quite quickly if he does not open the fuel tanks after the explosion near the start. There is one in the back and one in the middle.

  • A careless shootdodge can make you fall from the boat, but it's extremely unlikely.
Chapter XII: The Great American Savior of the Poor

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a explosive tank.

  • The entire level is an assault, take it slow and careful.

  • During the C4 planting, there is a short section where you fend off enemies in the opposing building. While somewhat easy overall, it still is quite dangerous, so focus on the enemy snipers first.

  • In the rooftop, after detonating the charges, Max can be very easily killed by a heavy trooper with a machine gun. Aim for the head and be extremely careful, as the building shaking can put your aim off.

A workaround against him is to bring with you the sniper rifle you get earlier during the C4 planting I mentioned. This rifle usually kills him in a single hit.
This however will limit you from using any other two-handed firearm for a couple of minutes.
Chapter XIII: A Fat Bald Dude With a Bad Temper
  • This is by far the hardest level in the game. Don't fool around.

  • After exiting the station to the garage, Max will spot a police turret and a group of prisioners getting killed. Do not touch any inputs during the cutscene and don't move until the gunner stops , or you will be shot and killed instantly.

    Take it out with the rocket when it ceases to fire and proceed as the garage opens up again.

  • It's possible to get yourself killed by getting caught in a exploding car.

    Avoid shooting them at a close distance.

  • Max can pick up SMG's that have a laser sight, removing the aim dot.

    Turn off the laser sight with B by default for easier aim.

  • In a staircase, a gas granade will be thrown. Walk further upstairs, shoot a nearby vent and climb it quickly, as the gas will deplete health fast.

  • There is a very rare glitch of a U.F.E unit who will not die normally, this happens near the rooftop shootout after you meet again the U.F.E sarge.

    It's unknown what causes it or how to fix it, and you will likely fail due to it.

  • Two armored gunners will show up, focus to take them out fast.
Chapter XIV: One Card Left to Play
  • If you didn't swap the Desert Eagle after the airport lobby before the trains, Max will be unable to shoot the guards after the crash near the runway fight due to lacking ammo, killing him.

    It's adviceable to pick up atleast one U.F.E handgun due to this.

  • There is a very rare glitch where you will fall off the map and will have to quit. It's unknown what causes it or how to fix it.

  • Becker will fire a grenade every time a car shows up on the area, mind your cover and keep attention as much as possible.

  • After shooting a grenade, you can do a shootdodge backwards but don't get up, instead focus on shooting everyone else while lying on your back. Becker will not attack you while you are in this state.

Right after the fight with Becker, you really shouldn't have much issues, as De Silva's car can take some beating. Don't overblow, just aim carefully at the cars, and bring down that massive prick Bronco, finishing the run and ending this absolute pain.

I gotta like compatibility mode resets my languages, but whatever.
Eventually, you should hopefully be able to achive this. I congratulate the braves who go for it blind, and respect to those who can speedrun it even.

If you have any issues feel free to comment and I'll reply as soon as possible.

Good luck!

Коментарів: 70
DisableBore  [автор] 19 верес. о 13:24 
Happy to help.
Tony 19 верес. о 13:14 
Thank you! i couldn't have done it without your guide :D
DisableBore  [автор] 19 верес. о 13:12 
Congrats for making it!
Tony 19 верес. о 12:47 
Tony 19 верес. о 5:07 
i also had infinite loading on chapter 13
Tony 19 верес. о 5:05 
"After storming a warehouse, Max will enter a drug factory turf, and as you start walking, you'll see a goon with a white mask spot you and shoot a flare. This is a scripted moment which starts the next encounters. If you walk past him, or shoot him on sight, the game will bizzarly glitch out and no enemies will spawn, and progress will be locked, forcing you to quit." dude COME ON this just happened to me why is this game so bugged?
Tony 18 верес. о 13:59 
btw i lost to that U.F.E unit glitch can you believe that? xd
Tony 18 верес. о 13:57 
i think you can't select any skin on new minute normal to have that skin on new minute hardcore
Tony 18 верес. о 13:54 
i waited a bit before progressing after finishing chapter 6 part 1, and i didn't use any skin on Max and it loaded just fine
DisableBore  [автор] 18 верес. о 7:30 
There is no fix. You gotta just sit back and pray, it eventually dissapears after multiple tries.