XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

234 ratings
XCOM: 100% Achievement Squad
By Wendy
About Mods and Console Commands
Using Workshop and Console Cheats will not disable achievements.

If you are having difficulties with some achievements, I would recommend finding a mod that works for you. Otherwise, you can cheat your way through the entire game with the Console. See "Console" in this guide for more details.
Investigation Achievements

City on Fire
Complete the tutorial.

After completing the tutorial, your squad will arrive at their new base. You'll be given a tour around the interface, but especially the City Map. At this point, you'll be able to choose from three investigations. Which one you choose will determine what story missions you'll have on the City Map.

The primary missions will appear in Purple. When you complete these, you'll unlock more things for the investigation until you find out the faction leader. Continue to follow these Purple missions until you clear up the entire investigation. There are a total of three investigations:

Child's Play
Complete the Progeny Investigation

Sacred Foiled
Complete the Sacred Coil Investigation

Phoenix Down
Complete the Gray Phoenix Investigation

Every Timeline
Complete all versions of each Faction’s Takedown mission over multiple campaigns.

As one user pointed out in the comments:

You need to go through three playthroughs so that each faction is first, second, and third. Also, the achievement is not just the order you chose the factions in, but which of the investigation options you picked for each faction.

Check your faction completion percentage for which ones are not at 100%.

After doing this, you should receive this achievement.

Heroes of City 31
Win the campaign.

Impossible Dream
Win the campaign on Impossible difficulty.

There are two difficulty related achievements for Chimera Squad. Completing the game on any difficulty and completing the game on Impossible difficulty. If you've chosen to play through with Impossible right off the bat, you'll earn both achievements at the same time.
Research Achievements

No Stone Left Unturned
Complete every Spec Op at least once in a single campaign.

When at the base interface on the right-hand side, click the orange plate to open up the Spec Ops menu. From here, you can assign your squad-mates to various assignments that will yield rewards. There are eight different Spec Ops to choose from:
  • Gladhanding
  • Legwork
  • Elerium Sting
  • Sanctioned Cooperation
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Recruitment Drive
  • Crisis Management
  • STAR Initiative
The further down this list you go, the higher your Agent will have to be in order to do the Spec Ops. Many of these are also unlocked during natural progression but more options are available by upgrading the Field Teams on your City Map.

Hammer and Tongs
Complete 20 Assembly Projects in a single campaign.

Clicking on the blue plate to open up the Assembly menu, you'll have various items to research by assigning your squad-mate to the interface. Complete twenty of these projects and you'll net this achievement.

Machine Learning
Fully upgrade an Android.

You'll be able to purchase Android upgrades from the Assembly menu. At a certain upgrade, you'll have the ability to upgrade your Android in the Armory. There are four slots that need to be filled. You don't have to upgrade to Perfect Androids. Just enough to fill in those four slots!
Capture Achievements
You'll find these enemies when doing specific investigations.

Bottled Lightning
Capture a Sorcerer
Found in the Progeny Investigation.

Use the Large Cuffs
Capture a Praetorian
Found in the Gray Phoenix Investigation.

Caged Sword
Capture a Ronin
Found in Sacred Coil investigation.
Agent Achievements

A New Look
Launch a mission with no human agents in the squad.

The more Agents you unlock, the easier this will be to setup. Simply start a mission with no humans on your squad. You'll need a minimum of four agents that are non-human to do this achievement.

All Hands on Deck
Have 8 Agents in the squad in a single campaign.

You'll get this through natural progression. I got this achievement at the tail-end of the second investigation.

Chimera Unleashed
Use every Agent in at least one mission.

There are a total of 11 Agents in Chimera Squad:
  • Godmother
  • Terminal
  • Verge
  • Shelter
  • Patchwork
  • Claymore
  • Blueblood
  • Axiom
  • Torque
  • Zephyr
  • Cherub
Simply use one of them in a single mission and you'll get this achievement. You'll unlock more Agents as you go and you'll want to experiment. However, you'll only get 8 Agents through one playthrough so you'll need at least two playthroughs to complete this.

Reach max rank with all Agents in a single campaign.

While there are 11 Agents in total, you'll only be getting 8 for any one playthrough. This means you will only have to rank those unique 8 Agents in your playthrough to max to get the achievement.

Book Smart
Complete all of one Agent’s class training.

On the right-hand side of the base interface, you'll see a green plate. Click this and you'll access the Training menu. From here, you can select an Agent and train them over a period of days. Complete the class training for one Agent and you'll get this.

Agent-Specific Achievements

Extra Hours
As Godmother, activate Overtime and down an enemy on both turns.

Overtime is the final rank ability. Make sure you've equipped a solid shotgun that does a sizable portion of damage. Enter a mission and on Godmother's turn, active Overtime. On this same turn, down an enemy with your shotgun. On her next turn, down another and this achievement should pop.

…Makes the Dream Work
Complete an objective with an action from Terminal’s Cooperation.

This is the third rank upgrade that Terminal gets. On a mission that has objectives (ex: Contraband) and use her ability on another Agent so they get another turn. Use that Agent to complete the objective and you'll get this achievement easily.

Mind Nuke
Use Verge to do 10 or more damage with one Mindflay.

Mindflay is the third rank upgrade for Verge. When using his Psi abilities, enemies affected will be added to his Neutral Network. Get about four enemies in this Network and then use his Mindflay. The ability itself does 2-3 average damage, so you could try five enemies to be safe.

Chain Reaction
Use Claymore to detonate a Shrapnel Bomb with another explosive.

Equip Claymore with a Frag Grenade before a mission. When in the mission, throw his Shrapnel Bomb somewhere nearby and then toss the Frag Grenade right on top of it. This achievement can be unlocked using environmental explosives. Though, it was more reliable for me to use a grenade.

Ducks in a Row
Use Blueblood to hit 3 or more enemies with one Phase Lance shot.

When you unlock the Phase Lance ability, simply line up three enemies and fire through them all. It's more simple with larger encounters and using Shelter's Relocate ability to get people in the right spot. But it happened naturally for me.

Kill Switch
Hack an enemy Android with Patchwork and trigger Self-Destruct.

Patchwork has the ability to hack into enemies. Hack into an enemy android and trigger their Self-Destruct ability and you'll get this achievement.

Daisy Chain
Relocate the same unit with Shelter and his ghost in one turn.

You'll need Shelter's last ability, which allows him to create a clone of himself that can also use the Relocate ability. You'll want to save things like Team Up to give Shelter and the clone more action points. In one turn, Relocate with both Shelter and the clone to get this.

Use Zephyr to hit 3 or more enemies with one use of Crowd Control.

Crowd Control is the third rank ability for Zephyr. When there are three or more enemies grouped in a single location, use the Crowd Control ability on all three. The radius is rather small so they'll have to be grouped up pretty well. Likely, you'll need Zephyr closer too.

Watch your Step
Use Torque to Tongue Pull an enemy into poison.

Torque has her Poison Spit ability at the third rank. Throw down your Poison Spit near an enemy and then use the Tongue ability to relocate them into the Poison. You don't have to kill them, just bring them into that gooey green pool.

Anger Management
Kill an enemy with Axiom while Berserk.

Axiom has the Rage ability, which gives him higher chances of disabling effects the more Rage he has. Increasing his Rage can also force him to go Berserk. Pop Rage as much as you can and get close to some enemies. Let them hit you so the damage increases the rage. Once Berserk, he should kill an enemy if their HP is low enough.

Need a Lift
Move a VIP with Shelter’s Relocate and Torque’s Tongue Pull.

Have both Torque and Shelter on a team and enter a VIP mission. Simply use your Tongue Pull on the VIP then use the Relocate ability whenever Shelter's turn starts.

Have Kinetic Armor on all 4 squad members at once.

Cherub utilizes an ability that casts Kinetic Armor on nearby squad-mates. Another player indicated the best way to do this is to play an extraction mission and have all your teammates side-by-side before using the ability. This should get you the achievement easily.
Combat Achievements

...and Clear
Clear an entire encounter during the Breach turn.

This is best done on the easiest difficulty with your most aggressive Agents. I'd recommend using Godmother, as she tends to have a lot of damage with her shotgun. I would also stray away from using Zephyr as her melee ability is done after the breach itself.

I'll Let Myself In
Use every type of Breach point.

I'm currently unsure how many Breach points there are. I would recommend swapping out your Agents periodically as some have different ways of breaching inherent to their character. I'm also positive that items purchased from Assembly can help you access certain Breach points.

Army of One
Complete a mission with only one Agent left standing.

It was easy enough to complete on a VIP mission. Evacuate all your Agents except for one. Then evacuate the VIP. The last Agent should trick the achievement into thinking you've only got one Agent left and you'll net the achievement.

Otherwise, simply load up the easiest difficulty and get to a basic mission. Let three of your Agents die while making sure to stabilize them as needed. Then complete the rest of the easy mission with the Agent of your choice; I would recommend Zephyr for this personally.

Pacifist Route
Complete a mission without killing a single enemy.

Using the Subdue ability, you can easily get this on a one-encounter mission. I'd recommend doing it on the easiest difficulty and adding items into Agent utility slots that make their Subdue do more damage. If you have Zephyr, her Field Agent ability allows her attacks to knock unconscious instead of kill too.

Up Close and Personal
Complete an encounter by only dealing damage with melee attacks.

The same way you get the Pacifist achievement. Use your Subdue ability on all the enemies in a mission and you'll get this. Again, best done with Zephyr on the easiest difficulty. Be sure to add the utility items that makes Subdue more powerful.
Miscellaneous Achievements

Reinforced Steel
Replace an Agent mid-mission with an Android.

You should have Androids unlocked. Click on the box on the right-hand side of the base interface to enter Supply. Click on the last icon to categorize and purchase the Android for $150. You have the option to deploy them when you start another mission at the City Map.

This is best done on a mission that has multiple encounters. Allow one of your agents to die in combat during the first encounter. Once stabilized and you've cleared that encounter, you'll have the option to deploy this android during the Breach. Do this and get the achievement.

Field Commander
Unlock all Field Abilities.

Access the City Map and you'll notice that each area has a small square in the right-hand side of the nameplate. Clicking this will allow you to access your Field Team. There is Finance, Security, and Technology with three upgrades for each. Get three upgrades in one category to earn this achievement.

Friendly Neighborhood XCOM
Have Rank 3 Field Teams in all nine districts.

You can choose from one of the three categories for each of the nine Field Teams. Choose one and then upgrade them to rank three using Intel. Once you've gotten Rank 3 for every single district on the City Map, you'll earn this achievement.

Superior Firepower
Equip an Epic Weapon.

At certain points, the Scavenger Shop will open up. There will be three random choices to purchase for Intel. Sometimes, these are weapons or various rarity. Purchasing one will not only be an incredible boon to your squad, but also get you this achievement.

You can also receive these from various City Map missions. You might have to progress forward in the campaign a bit, but it's always worth checking every mission to see which one will give you an epic weapon.

Thank You For Your Business
Buy 20 unique Scavenger Market items in a single campaign.

The Scavenger Shop opens periodically throughout the game. You'll get three random choices to purchase for Intel. Once you've purchased from the Scavenger Shop twenty unique items times, you'll get this achievement. The items cannot be the same.

Intel is one of the more difficult things to get. I'd recommend getting more Intel than anything else on the City Map. This worked out well for me as I was getting over 100 every Friday, which meant at least one purchase from the Market every time. Make sure to utilize Spec Ops for Intel too.
Activating the Console

  >Steam Library, Manage, Browse Local Files

  >Click Binaries. Click Win64. Locate xcom.exe

  >Create Shortcut of xcom.exe

  >Access Shortcut Properties

  >In Target Field, add -allowconsole at the end.

  >Launch game from shortcut

  >Press "~" (Tilde) to access Console

In the File Manager, click Binaries. Then click Win64. Scroll down until you find xcom.exe. Left-click once on the executable then right-click to access a sub-menu. From here, click on Create Shortcut and you should end up with xcom.exe - Shortcut.

Left-click once on the Shortcut then right-click. Under the Properties menu, locate the Target prompt. This is not the Start in prompt. It is directly above that. The field should already be filled in with the location of your game.

At the end of that text, add -allowconsole. It should then look something like this: "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe" -allowconsole. Launch the game from the shortcut you created and use the "~" (Tilde) to access console in-game.

Having trouble still? Here is an article that can help walk you through it.

Notable Commands

Skip Enemy Turns
Kill AI
Ghost Mode
God Mode
Give XP
GiveXP [Character Name] [Value]
Give Resource
GiveResource [Resource] [Value]
Give Item
GiveItem VenomRounds 20
All Weapons

There are many other commands. Toying around with the console will allow you to find more.
Khogg 22 May @ 10:37am 
The "... and clear" achievement CAN be done with Zephir, as her meele atack is still part of the breach action. Just got It today with her.
Excogitator 2 Jan @ 6:59pm 
Your Army of One trick with the VIP mission didn't work.
dyra55 15 Jan, 2022 @ 1:36pm 
There's no achievements for completing Iron Man in this game
Torb 15 Jan, 2022 @ 1:16pm 
i just completed iron man impossible and harcore yet got no achivement awarded.. why?
Σℳ➂.➀➃ℜℇ 20 Oct, 2021 @ 9:20pm 
Thank you very much; this is a great and well-written guide :)
Elyan 7 Sep, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
"Army of One" : Play a VIP mission, evacuate one agent and the VIP. Just let your 3 remaining agents drop to get the achievement.
Baked Potato 17 Jun, 2021 @ 12:35pm 
"...Sanctioned Cooperation
Recruitment Drive..."
Ah! That's why I haven't been able to get that achievement, I missing these two for some reason!
nhs 26 May, 2021 @ 1:30am 
I was bought more than 20 items from the scavenger market. But I can't get "Thank You For Your Business" achievement.
Can I get advice? :)
Xavi-Da-Imp 11 Mar, 2021 @ 8:17am 
Kinda sucks that "Army of One" VIP trick does not work, coz it sounded realy cleaver and doing thie achievement by just "play on Story Mode, clear all rooms and goons, but one, and wait as the mentally challeneged AI of Story Mode kill three guys (damn, Story mode shoots bad xD) was wrong :P
Narcissistic Cannibal 8 Mar, 2021 @ 2:46pm 
"Army of One" VIP trick no longer works.