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kenshi mod
Артикули (168)
Създадена от nArrAtor
原版模组链接:点我进行折跃 <<汉化文件需要原版文件才能运行>> <<请自行调整模组加载顺序>> 介绍 (模组)基于古代,如"三国"、"唐"等时期的战时武器 武器式样来自维基、百度和必应,我会尽量让模组风格同游戏本身一致,不会纳入特别相似的武器 武器列表: -长柄:戈 -长柄:戟 -长柄:朴刀 -武士刀:环首刀 -武士刀:横刀 -钝器:狼牙锤 -剑/军刀:长刀 -剑/军刀:陌刀 -剑/军刀:雁翎刀 -砍刀:秦长剑 -砍刀:汉杖剑 -钝器:锏(棱锤) 版本信息 请注意这里: 1.如果你之前订阅了该模组,请删除...
光溜溜的阿飞(Naked Fei)
Създадена от NOVA
光溜溜的阿飞,董事长同款,斯昆20W招募,很多骚话,特殊互动。装了虚空mod的这个就不用装了,那个带了阿飞。(需要导入) Add the Elder Gods in Squin,You need to spend 200, to recruit him (need import) 増えました“飛ぶ” 位置はSquin,費用がかかる200, (インポートが必要です)...
Създадена от AshBalrog
新加入了一个npc卡塔利纳的杰克巴尔多,你可以在枢纽城以一元的价格招募这个勇敢又善良的骑士。同时盔甲的图纸也在他的身上。(图纸需要三级的科技才能研究)。 PS:Long may the sunshine,赞美太阳。祝君游戏愉快。 Add a new unique NPC Siegward of Catarina to the game. you can recruit this brave and kind knight at the Hub for one Cat and he will join you...
Създадена от SpaceFlyingCat
添加了不影响原版卡特龙的开局和使用原版卡特龙的开局。 目前有五个开局: 枢纽城:在枢纽城开局,阵营好感度和原版一样,角色只有卡特龙。 卡特龙的流亡之地:在卡特龙的流亡之地开局,还有一群士兵,与第二帝国势力同盟。 原版卡特龙:使用原版的卡特龙和一大群风暴之奴在卡特龙的流亡之地开局,与第二帝国势力同盟。 原版卡特龙-枢纽城:在枢纽城开局,只有原版卡特龙,与第二帝国势力同盟。 原版卡特龙-单人:在卡特龙的流亡之地开局,只有原版卡特龙,与第二帝国势力同盟。...
Създадена от 電電将軍
Can be recruited in The Hub.Archive import needed. 之前忘说了是需要导入的!另外找不到的话可以去盗贼公会周围转转,绝对是在枢纽的。 v1.1 改成了入队就可以捏人 我真的不知道为什么一传创意工坊就出问题 所以这里把捏人的参数给大家 身体 ----------------- 脸 姿态 ----- 3 --------- 头部大小93 肤色 ----- 0 --------- 。。----- 96 。。------ 89 ------- 。。----- 119 ...
可爱动物背包(Cute Animal Backpack)V1
Създадена от 澄大仙
增加了5种适合小孩子和小女生背的动物背包,研究后再服装台可以制作,旅行用品商店也可以买到。 可以叠加物品而且空间也很大,几乎没有副作用。居家旅行必备用品。 具体功效物品说明都有。 暂时贴图有点问题,偶尔会出现不显示的状况,保存然后加载一下就会正常显示,模型也有点不够圆润疙疙瘩瘩麻麻赖赖的,我回头就去盘模型! 有贴图大佬欢迎指教,这个贴图为什么会这样群里正在专家会诊,希望能早日解决吧! V0.8更新:修复了背包里东西不减少还增加的问题,模型被盘了三天现在已经包浆变得更加圆润了,模型的面数也大量减少,不会那么上...
Създадена от nArrAtor
这张地图我原本是为自己制作的,所以,不太可能会进行bug修复以及元素修改。 制作材料涉及: 原版剑士地图(Kenshi\data\gui\gfx\; 高度图(Kenshi\data\newland\land\fullmap.tif); 道路图(Kenshi\data\newland\land\overlaymaps\new_overlay.png); 区域地图(Kenshi\data\newland\land\overlaymaps\areasmap.tga); 来自维基的领地示意图...
提高游戏速度 减少无用的石头和树叶Increase game speed, reduce useless stones and leaves
Създадена от SD
提高游戏速度 减少无用的石头和树叶Increase game speed, reduce useless stones and leaves 20190202 修改草密度 20190202 Modify grass density 这个mod减少草密度 减少无用的石头和树叶,提高游戏速度性能 This mod reduces grass density, reduces useless stones and leaves, and improves game speed performance. 更新日期1...
提高游戏速度 减少粒子和天气效果Increase game speed,Reduced Particle Weather Effects
Създадена от SD
提高游戏速度 减少粒子和天气效果Increase game speed,Reduced Particle Weather Effects 20190226 这个mod减少粒子和天气效果,提高游戏速度性能 This mod reduces particle and weather effects and improves game speed performance 对游戏内所有粒子和天气视觉效果进行了减少,提高游戏速度性能FPS,但没有对玩家的伤害效果进行任何修改。 All the particles an...
新增套装 more suits
Създадена от HolyLight
新增一些套装 获取方式 : 研究suit科技->建造suit工作台->制造suit 注:人物是另外一个种族mod how to acquire : suit tech->build suit creater->craft suit ...
Създадена от 方晨翔
在各城市的酒吧里,老板会售卖一本儿童读物<<洗脑秘诀>>,里面记载着洗脑大法的使用方法. 不爱看书的人: 将你想结盟的阵营的人打晕,关笼子,对话,可以实现以下7个功能. 1.洗脑,强制让对方加入你的阵营.(所有在游戏本体中出现的人物都可以招募,包括食人族,鱼人,错误代码骨人等,已支持jrpg种族招募,其他mod添加的人物无法招募.) 2.中度洗脑,强制和犯人啪啪啪,啊不对,强制和犯人所属阵营结盟. 3.重度洗脑,强制让犯人加入你,并给他/她更换新的身份并重新捏人. 4.让犯人行使阵营调停人的功能,略微改善关...
Създадена от 澄大仙
吃货殿下来到kenshi世界啦! 这个mod新增加了洛天依的发型,服装,武器 新增加了一个洛天依的开局 服装武器都可以通过武器制作台制作得到,只需要简单的研究完武器锻造和衣服制造就好,发型可以直接找整容师捏,不需要开新档。 模型还自带鞋子袖子头饰来着,不过暂时还没完成,后续会陆续加上的。 我微信号:ysy1743069797 (柿子殿下) QQ号:3048807710 (啊竹) 贴吧账号:角落里的甜秋 如果觉得mod不错希望可以给我一点赞助,我会做出更多更好的mod来的!...... 有问题欢迎加群:696...
洛天依 for JRPG
Създадена от 澄大仙
Създадена от Friedrich von Hohenzollen
Създадена от 渡鹿DuLu
Mod说明: 你是一位神明,数千年前就因信仰消失而陨落的神明。 现在,在这块被众神遗弃的土地上,你再度因为人类的信仰与欲望而复活。 你的身体非常的羸弱,所以这也可能是你最后一次重生了,抓紧时间去建立自己的王国和宗教吧。 Mod内容: A:众神之一 1.所有科技树点满,包括一部分废弃数据 2.所有阵营初始好感度50,这样就可以体验满好感剧情了 3.自带一把强大的武器和一套正常的武士铠甲以及暗黑锁链甲 4.自带1000w开币 5.自带30*30,叠加数5w的背包 6.出身地为水泡山丘 7.建城物资均5w B:智...
Създадена от Friedrich von Hohenzollen
全科技已解锁,选scientist_start 开局...
Създадена от 渡鹿DuLu
开局说明: 你最后的记忆停留在2000多年前这颗星球被殖民时的美丽景象,但醒过来这个世界已经变成了一片废土。 现在,你没有任何身份,有的只有一个装了些材料的空间折叠背包,还有一把师傅去世前留下的刀。 mod内容: 1.出身地为科技猎人的阵营总部 所有机械义肢的出身地改为,方便玩家更换义肢 2.初始人物属性除力量,敏捷,感知,武术,疾行,游泳,武器锻造,盔甲锻造外均为100左右 3.初始自带一个大小为30*30,深度为5w的空间折叠背包 4.初始建城,发展等物资均5w 5.增加了机械义肢的一个版本,适合喜欢机...
Създадена от willplus
Add a race modified to look more Japanese. (Two races, Greenlanders and Scorchlanders) The mod name is "jrpg_race". The main changes are as follows Modification of face mesh Modification of face texture Added parameters for face modeling. Added parameters ...
美顔EX [Beautiful face EX]
Създадена от roller
「美形種族追加MOD」をバニラのスキンに適用できるようにしたものです。 追加種族扱いではないので、インポートなどはなしに反映されます。 ※ご注意※ このModは単体では正しく動作しません。 ご導入の際には「美形種族追加MOD」も合わせてDLしてください。 また、すでに人間女性の見た目を変更するModが入っている場合、干渉することがあります。 ※更新履歴※ 2019/03/25 : 「美形種族追加MOD」のスキンも選択可能に。 It is made to be able to apply "jrpg_race...
Създадена от alexliyu
配合虚空入侵MOD的使用, 取消18+的身体....
Създадена от alexliyu
The Void Strikes Back In the First Empire, a great power called “The Void” was discovered by the human, it is energy and mater, the one and the all, the α and the ω. A golden era was established thanks to the reckless enterprising spirit of the human, but ...
飞剑和婚纱mod(fly Swords and Wedding Dresses)V1.1
Създадена от 澄大仙
这里的练习制作mod两天半的个人mod制作练习生甜秋,这个是自己做的第一个mod,大部分内容都是百度贴吧大佬baiidu_chishi完成,几乎可以说是我的学习向mod 增加新的开局 5个人带8万块钱,每个人都有一把飞剑和一条婚纱 增加新的种族 剑仙种族,和苍翠属性一样只是用飞剑的时候有特殊的动作 增加两种道具 飞剑:一种高速低伤的远程武器,适合前期开荒使用,弹药是飞剑剑气,各大酒馆及远程武器售卖的地方均有销售 婚纱:女生一辈子的梦想大概就是穿上一件婚纱了吧,属性自己造出来的比较强,各大酒馆及衣服铠甲店均有...
Създадена от 澄大仙
通宵2天肝出来的mod,衣服完全是自己搓出来的,累死我了 mod增加了一种衣服,一种头饰,一种鞋子,还有伞形状的武器 全部都可以在商店买,也可以自己造 伞在武器里面打造 衣服在皮甲和铠甲锻造台制造 只需要研究基础衣服和基础武器制造就可以解锁,简单方便 新增加晓组织配色和一身正气配色~(这两件属性比原版轻微加强) 8月05日更新:增加一套黄色的内衣,内衣在链接工作台制造,内裤在装甲制作台制造,可爱的黄色内衣内裤,可以试试哦 给衣服新做了图标,如果发现没变记得先把date/icon里面的之前的图标删掉(不弄也O...
Създадена от 黎莫云
(Kci汉化)Crossbow Expansion CN
Създадена от TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Crossbow Expansion ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)New Weapons Dissemination Mod CN
Създадена от TerrorBlade
译者前言: 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: New Weapons Dissemination Mod 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: - 添加了大量新武器,并发放到全世界。...
(Kci汉化)OMO'S ARMOUR for the World CN
Създадена от TerrorBlade
译者前言: - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 原Mod: OMO'S ARMOUR for the World ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 精翻版本,放心使用。尽量做到信、达,由于水平不够暂时不追求雅了。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 前言: 这个Mod向世界各地的NPC们分发了许多不同种类的防具及配件。 大多数新增物品由...
(Kci汉化)Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion CN
Създадена от TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 —————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Swish Mods East Coast Expansion CN
Създадена от TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion ,已获原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。若能接受,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。 ——————————————————————————————————————...
10x Output - Input - and Storage Stacks.
Създадена от HeroinAction
Modifies all storage and production buildings the player can build, so they can store the 10-fold amount of items: - applies to all storage containers: e.g. the amount of storable electrical components is increased from 25 to 250; (Also modified are builda...
10x XP mod
Създадена от Arte
Under Request i am making a series of experience 'enhancing' mods with different modifers to experience and the rate it is gained. This mod will make punching babies grant you near god like powers. Personnaly i do not reccommend it but... if you feel you w...
18+ Female Body
Създадена от Stumple
Warning this mod is strictly 18+ only. If you are not age 18 or older, please do not use this mod!!! This mod added: . 18+ stuff... visible female top body part... Enjoy!!! ...
256 Recruitment Limit
Създадена от Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256, PLACE THIS MOD ON THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LOAD ORDER A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of...
Advanced training dummies高级训练假人汉化
Създадена от SD
Advanced training dummies高级训练假人汉化 汉化版更新日期2019年2月17日 原作者更新日期2018年12月21日 修正翻译 这个原始的英文mod地址 修改至50级,70级太正义了! -增加训练假人(至50级,正常速度) 暗杀 隐身 盔甲史密斯 武器史密斯 十字弓 开锁 攻击 防守 强度 灵巧的 韧性 炮塔 武术 道奇 友...
Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment
Създадена от Haend
Have you recruited all the folks in the bar? Getting tired of checking every bars just for a measly recruit? Don't you wish you can just pay an NPC somewhere to find the recruits and bring them to your base? Well now you can! Adventurers Guild introduces a...
Aid Kits : 5X More Charges
Създадена от ( * )
First Aid Kits have 5X more charges. Tired of micro managing your 256 characters, checking every fight if they still have First Aid Kits? Worry no more, with this mod, every First Aid Kit and Skeleton Repair Kit contains 5X more charges, so they'll deplete...
Akari sou
Създадена от tasaba
add 3items ・Akari sou (head armour) ・Akari sou (Belt Slot) ・Akari Sword (weapon) These will be sold at Shinobi Thieves and fish & DragStore craft is leather armor 3つのアイテムを追加します ・あかり草 (頭防具) ・あかり草 (ベルトスロット) ・あかりソード (武器) これらはシノビ盗賊団とシャークの魚とドラッグの店で販売されます 植物なので武...
Alchemist clothing
Създадена от tasaba
Add 2 new clothes Sale is a clothes shop Production is leather armor workbench The status is similar to Dustcoat / Drifters Leather Pants. Because the name was decided by the atmosphere, there is no relation or deep meaning with the ability ver2 Mesh corre...
Ancient Chinese Weapons(中国古武器)
Създадена от nArrAtor
Introduction Based on some of the weapons used for war in ancient times like "Three Kingdoms", "Tang Dynasty", etc. Weapons` style come from wiki, baidu & bing searching engine. I`ll try my best to make the mod fit the style of the game. Extremely similar ...
Angel Wings CN 天使翅膀背包汉化
Създадена от 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 背包在枢纽城酒馆,有个有翅膀的老头那,买了图纸就可以自己造了,也可以直接找他买,都很贵!...
Angel Wings! (Backpack slot) + Other Models
Създадена от Zheyron
Ever dreamed of running through these barren lands as a winged man or woman? Ever dreamed of being an angel who cleanse the wicked? It's not a dream anymore, even your skeleton can make it true. In this mod I bring you Angel Wings, with different models! N...
ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi
Създадена от ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the second on the series of female hairstyles convertions. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their creators, converted and up...
Animal Traders
Създадена от Hatsune Neko Gaming
Have you always wanted a pet? Well we at Nekos Wild World Pet Emporium have you covered. You wanted a nice little puppy? sure, we got you covered. Or how about a cute death dealing robotic menace Well we even have you covered there. So come on down to Neko...
Animals hunger disabled
Създадена от Erei
Disable the need to eat for all the animals, except for raptors (I don't want to interfere with their crops eating behavior). Doesn't work on modded animals, only vanilla....
Armour - Fox mask (side)
Създадена от LunaticFox
This Armour is in this mod. If you subscribe to this modset, you don't need to subscribe to the mod of the Armour alone. *Caution * We do not accept requests for weapons or equipment. (espec...
Ashigaru Armour
Създадена от Miliika
This mod adds a new chest armour to vendors and NPC equipment lists. It's a medium-heavy chest piece for UC soldiers and mercenaries, more in line with a peasant soldier/conscript look. The armour is added to UC territory and some neutral vendor lists as w...
Attack Slots x3
Създадена от Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x3 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to three. so three NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the bot...
Attack Slots x5
Създадена от Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x5 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to five. so five NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the botto...
Automated farming
Създадена от Bookhead
Adds cactus, bread, cotton, greenfruit, hemp, riceweed, and wheatstraw factories that use technologies from both automated mining tech and hydroponics to automatically draw water, grow, and harvest your crop. Research even further to have AI assisted deep ...
Automated farming Chinese 自动化农业 中文汉化
Създадена от 夏洛克姓夏
你必须先订阅 源MOD描述 添加仙人掌,面包,棉花,绿色水果,大麻,大米和麦秆工厂,使用自动化采矿技术和水培技术自动提取水,种植和收获作物。进一步研究AI帮助深度采矿收集水,无论它放在何处。 现在有了发电厂!绿色水果,水稻和大麻。在电气部分研究它们,然后建立电力。...
Създадена от Sans11
30*30大小和2000堆叠上限的超大空间背包 30*30 size and 2000 stack limit Large space backpack 酒吧和冒险商店有出售 Bars and adventure shops are available for sale. 这个mod适用于那种背着全部财产旅行的玩家,请谨慎使用,可能会减少游戏的乐趣和可玩性。 This mod is for players who are traveling with all the property. Please use...
Belt lanterns? [Поясные фонари?]
Създадена от Red Hound
In this "Mod" you can purchase belt lantern. Two variants: usual and electricity. For those who afraid darkness. Maybe it will glitch! It sells in traveler shops. Shoulder lantern doesn't look so good as belt lantern, so i recommend you to use the second o...
Better Crop Fences
Създадена от Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Bouncing Boobs
Създадена от ComplexRobot
Make the boobs bounce for maximum immersion. 😉...
Carry Weight : 2X Experience
Създадена от ( * )
Training Strength by carrying Weight is 2X faster. Let's face it : you only over encumber your chars, when you train their Strength; then run around like headless chickens, waiting for their strength to level up. (Or when you steal a whole shop's inventory...
Cheat Training Dummies
Създадена от ( * )
Create dummies to train all your skills Very Fast. Just do a quick research, and you're good to go. Note : I created this mod to complement my other mod "Max Stats", which lets you raise your stats past 100.
CheatTrainings 汉化
Създадена от Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:增加训练假人 你可曾想过宅在家里不出门,修炼大成后出山成就自己的大虾梦? 你可曾想过修炼大成后出门大喊我要一打五? 你可曾想过找靶子太麻烦,想轻松练习技巧? 这个mod将成为你最好的伴侣~ 在这里每个假人都可以让你的技能训练超过100~成就你的巅峰大虾梦~ 小提醒:配上此mod效...
Clean and Speed
Създадена от alexliyu
清除天气效果, 清除无用的多余草木.特别适合低端机器使用我的虚空入侵MOD, 注意请把这个MOD放到任何MOD之下, 包括我的虚空入侵MOD,这个MOD和其他优化MOD不一样之处在于,他减小了天气的渲染效果以及地面的杂物与植被, 但是并不影响添加的实际效果.比如酸雨等. 这个MOD主要做三件事情: 1. 清除不必要的地面随机杂物,差不多50% 2. 清除一些地面植被和覆盖物, 大约40%-60% 3. 减少或者削弱天气的渲染效果, 但是请注意, 这并不会影响到天气带来的实际效果. 如果您仍旧觉得优化力度的不...
Clean and Speed Plus
Създадена от alexliyu
清除天气效果, 清除无用的多余草木.特别适合低端机器使用我的虚空入侵MOD, 注意请把这个MOD放到任何MOD之下, 包括我的虚空入侵MOD,这个MOD和其他优化MOD不一样之处在于,他减小了天气的渲染效果以及地面的杂物与植被, 但是并不影响添加的实际效果.比如酸雨等. 这个MOD主要做三件事情: 1. 清除不必要的地面随机杂物,差不多90% 2. 清除一些地面植被和覆盖物, 大约90% 3. 减少或者削弱天气的渲染效果, 但是请注意, 这并不会影响到天气带来的实际效果. 这是一个比较极端的为了节省性能的M...
Compressed Textures Project
Създадена от FG
This mod replace textures with "compressed ones". Textures compressed to DXT5 and resize down: for landscape from 2048 to 1024 for some other stuff from 4096 to 2048 Those changes will help to reduce loading time, will reduce stuttering and save some VRAM,...
Crossbow Expansion Rus
Създадена от WolfGunt
Перевод мода Crossbow Expansion by Circumsoldier Оригинальный мод не требуется. Понравился мод? Перейдите и оцените оригинал. Расширение доступных арбалетов, которое добавляет 6 новых видов ...
Crossing the opening穿越开局
Създадена от SD
Crossing the opening穿越开局 更新日期20181227 光着穿越开局 开局地点随机,注意安全!!! 睡觉呢突然光着身子穿越到了 kenshi 世界. 醒来时都不知道在哪里, 顺便还很饿. 祝你好运. Crossing the opening Updated 2018 12 27 Passing through the opening The opening place is random, pay attention to safety!!!   Sleeping suddenly pa...
Създадена от Smug
Adds a crucifix upon which you may proudly display whomever you so choose, until their eventual end... Building Category > Interior (However, may still be placed outside) The building will not spawn a player town so feel free to display the corpses of your...
Dark UI
Създадена от Eldryn
Dark UI changes majority of the UI to a darker and cleaner look. Optimal resolution: 1920x1080, borderless window. Alternative download links Nexus mirror. Known issues Problem: Parts of the UI appear stretched or illegible. Solution: Try a different resol...
Deus Vult Crusader armour&start(s) V4
Създадена от Miseriae Cordis
Edit: I have pretty much moved away from Kenshi modding a loong while ago. If anyone wants to take this stuff and do their own thing with it, they're free to do that, just remember to keep the original credits. This applies to anything I might've posted he...
Doll Race (Original)
Създадена от Squamousness
NOTICE: Given I've been completely inactive for years this may be obvious, but I am completely done with Kenshi modding. All of my mods are up for grabs to improve, re-upload, or use the assets of if you feel so inclined. I am not an artist or an animator ...
Създадена от Loidsnaming
囚禁到自己造的笼子里对话即可选择招募,需要50000钱(饥饿强盗则很便宜) 不需要卸除武装 成功率100% 大多数常见npc兵种,包括联合都市皇帝,剥皮老大,小拳头,食人族大法师等都可以招募 如有bug请反馈 simply imprison NPCs into your own-made cages, talk to them, choose the right dialogue.(include some special NPCS like Tengu, Sarvant, Tinfist) Every n...
Escort Mission
Създадена от Stilldoll
I will add a Escort Mission to deliver the merchants and the wanderers traveling in various places to the town. NPC that can provide a Escort Mission Traders Guild Caravan Hiver Merchant caravan Slaver caravan Merchant Nomads Mercenary wanderers Drifter so...
Expanded Craftable Weapons 可制造铭刃汉化版
Създадена от SD
Expanded Craftable Weapons 可制造铭刃 扩充制作武器汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年8月3日 感谢 Xaveras 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 这个模块增加了研究和制造Edgewalkers级武器(类型1,2,3)和Mit...
Expanded Craftable Weapons v2.1
Създадена от Vorioth
This mod adds the ability to research and craft both Edge Type 3 & Meitou grade weapons; also makes Homemade weapons as strong as the existing ones and boosts their sell price. Additionally it unlocks several new, previously unobtainable, Meitou weapons. F...
Expanded Storage
Създадена от ♿Gowlbag♿
Expands many of the storage containers to have 1000 capacity. The following have been expanded: Storage: Armour Plate Storage: Building Materials Storage: Cactus Storage: Chainmail Storage: Copper Storage: Copper Alloys Storage: Cotton Storage: Crossbow Pa...
Factions Quest
Създадена от Stilldoll
This mod adds Quest to the faction. Added several quests, "Destruction of specific factions, invitation to other factions, invitation to shops". Added NPC Client * They are staying at the bar in each area. Residents added Tech hunter shop Trader Ninjas sho...
Fixing Clipping Issues
Създадена от timor1234
Fixing Clipping Issues What this mod does: The mod attempts to remove/reduce clipping in game in two ways: 1)By introducing slimmed down meshes for pants, skirts and some headgear that the game uses when you put a cloak on in combination with them. The mod...
General Modifications
Създадена от Seelenschwarz
Items New: Farmers Notebook: Buyable, Lootable Skeleton Repair Kits: Simple Skeleton Repair kits , Machine Creature Repair Kit Low Value First Aid Kit: Simple First Aid Kit Black Rag Loincloth Black Armoured Rag Skirt, Black Armoured Rags Black Hiver Leath...
General Modifications (Genmod) Chinese 本土中文化
Създадена от 夏洛克姓夏
本MOD对General Modifications进行了初步中文本地化, 你需要订阅General Modifications 版本2:对应主版本7月16日 下午11:06 Version 194: 基本汉化所有内容 注:各种颜色的衣服我懒得汉化了...每个衣服都五颜六色,得一个个去汉化...反正看图都明白, 2019年7月22日更新, 添加MOD前缀,更清晰识别MOD物品....
Godsend EXP 5x
Създадена от Mitchell Godsend
Check me out on YouTube! ___*DESCRIPTION*___________________________ Global Experience Rate Is Quintupled ___________________________________________ ___*FAQ*___________________________________ Q. D...
Healing Pod
Създадена от Red Cloud
Good News Everybody! Here is yet again another healing mod! What makes this different is that it adds late game advanced healing tech, in the form of a Bacta Tank (think Star Wars). Using this tank will heal your fleshy characters incredibly fast, around 1...
Healing_Pod CN (治疗仓汉化)
Създадена от lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原版作为前置,汉化mod放在原版下方加载。 如有错漏,请通知我修正。 原版链接: 原版简介: 好消息各位! 这是另一个治疗mod! 它比较特别的地方是是它以巴克塔箱(想想星球大战)的形式增加了后期游戏高级治疗技术。 使用这个治疗仓可以非常快速地治愈你的肉身角色,大约10,000%。 虽然这可能看起来很bug...
External Muscle Suit
Създадена от seina
External Muscle Suit MOD I made a martial arts cyber suit. Cybernetic martial arts, demonstrate power without relying on artificial hands. There are also for men. This MOD adds 5 armor and 1 bag. Ex Martial Artist Suit Ex Hachigane Ex Legers Ex Black Jacke...
Geisha face,
Създадена от Ycraes
User Friendly Upload file of my Geisha texture from my Nexus mod page, Someone was kind enough to put it together for me and so I thank them for that (Tiress on the Nexus) just use it if you want a geisha in your kenshi, will update texture as I find time....
Functioning market stalls
Създадена от timor1234
Functioning market stalls Version 3 I have made custom collisions for every market stall and now it is possible to decorate them without using the editor. You can not place items on every shelf, but there are many places on every stall that allow item plac...
Free the Hair
Създадена от minusthedrifter
A simple mod that "frees" the hair from hats and helmets that otherwise gives you a visible buzz cut. This does introduce some clipping, depending on what hair style your character has, but ignoring that it goes a long way towards making sure each characte...
Flashier Fight
Създадена от BLKCandy
Make flashier fight by making AI use more varied moves and attack faster. - Enabled all weapon moves for all weapon types, including martial art moves for armed combat. - Changed a lot of attack animation min and max trigger range. They should use more var...
Hair bound Mod
Създадена от roller
女性キャラクターの一部髪型の前髪や後ろ髪をはずませるModです。 頭頂部のボーン(Bip01 HeadNub)を動かして再現しているので、 Meshファイルの該当ボーンにウェイトを割り振ることで 未対応の髪型にも対応できます。 おまけで一部モーションで胸部もはずみます。 また、「female_skeleton.skeleton」を置き換えるため、 同系統のModとは競合します。...
Heirs of Arak - Arakkoa Playable Race (Fixed armor clipping!)
Създадена от Nowell
"Shadows gather as the raven swallows the day. Burning sky is extinguished as black wings fold gently about the heavens. Rest, my children, rest...for even the sun must sleep." Arakkoa (meaning "heirs of Arak" in Ravenspeech) are avian humanoids native to ...
I am willing to be a slave owner CN
Създадена от 冠绝一世夜猫T
mod介绍 1.通过改变小队AI,可以让你的小队巡逻基地,保护友军,医疗和捕获奴隶。 2.通过对话控制奴隶,让奴隶不加入小队也能实现多种AI活动。 3.奴隶也可以捕获属于自己的奴隶,从而建立数量庞大的奴隶队伍。 4.制造戒指并招募奴隶。 mod使用步骤 1.建造奴隶戒指制造台,制造奴隶戒指。 2.搜刮笼子里的俘虏,给他奴隶戒指,然后医疗他,进行对话。选择购买一个奴隶,0元将他买成奴隶。 3.对话让他服从,下达指令即可。 4.可在食物烹饪台,制造奴隶食物给他们充饥 组织化管理奴隶 1.建造政策台,制造政策:奴...
Създадена от Peach_Cat
Simple 100 stat start with economy limbs....
Jack of Blades Bounty *updated*
Създадена от Vampireteddygram Want a laid back place to discuss all things Kenshi? Looking to learn how to make mods for Kenshi? Come join the biggest and best Kenshi discord on the...
StepJoe's Limbs Overhaul
Създадена от StepJoe
Mod Details -Adds over 30 new limbs into the game with custom icons, stats and descriptions. -Changes the icons for both vanilla and modded limbs to face a certain direction if its a left or right oriented. -Low tier Robotics Shops have a low chance of sel...
Jewy's Limbs Overhaul CN (Jewy的机械臂扩展 汉化)
Създадена от lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,汉化放在原mod下方加载。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 mod介绍: 1.整体来说是对假肢比较平衡的扩展,数值还算可以。 2.我的汉化mod间没有下面的问题,都抄的官中 由于修正了没有稳固之手(右)和小偷的手臂(左)的bug,所以如果和同样修正了的mod(汉化过的)同时加载,可能会出现两种不同汉化的手臂(我用的官中),但数值还是一样的,可以自己用编辑器删掉其中一个的修正; 3.虚空mod已经包含了这个mod,...
JRPG Race Chest Fix (18+)
Създадена от Asie[X]t★
This mod is strictly 18+ only. The mod fixes the wrappings and the underwear of the original model (if you use 18+ female body). To make it work you will needtwo originals mods: IMPORTANT: Put this mod below all other mods. 1. 18+ female body: https://stea...
jrpg_race recruit in bar
Създадена от Robby
いろんな街のバーに雇用できる美形種族が出現するようになります Google Translation Jrpg_race that can be hired to bars in various cities will appear V5 どうにもこうにも上手いこと美形種族が出現しないので大きく調整 このMOD単体で動作するようにしました Since the bug is awful, change the making of MOD from the root I made it work with thi...
Infinity Food
Създадена от Enrico
A gift from the gods to cure hunger. This ration pack will essentially disable hunger on a character or animal because it's nutrition is infinite. First research it for free and then craft Infinity Food at a Cooking Stove with 1 Raw Meat. Important: - Only...
Създадена от ONJOY
This MOD is made for kawaii clothes. Although introducing only this MOD has no problem, please note that the cloth wrapped in the chest and lower body becomes the contemporary style underwear by default. Here is MOD that prevents muscles. Only the texture ...
Създадена от ONJOY
Change the default skin of Greenlander and ScorchLander add underwear items. When there is nothing there is a white small underwear figure. I use the slot of the shirt, but there is no defensive power. Please use it as an atmosphere item. Only women can we...
KawaiiClothes - JRPG 18+ Patch
Създадена от Crovvv
Summary REQUESTED MOD A patch for JRPG, KawaiiClothes and 18+ Female Body to work together. :) I personally recommend using this with Bouncy Chest for a good Combination. Make sure to use the exact load order below so you don't encounter problems. Loard Or...
Kenshi mod editor plus(中文编辑器加强版)
Създадена от alexliyu
这个版本的编辑器是基于Kenshi官方编辑器, 并由虚空入侵MOD制作组的Alexliyu进行制作,除了汉化以外还修复了一些编辑器本身的问题以及添加了一些功能. 我们无意侵犯任何版权,也尊重开发者的权益.制作本编辑器只是为了弥补使用官方版本开发时候的一些不便捷或者产生BUG的地方. 因此请各位能多多支持Kenshi游戏正版,当然也希望能支持虚空入侵MOD工作组, 毕竟我们是用爱来发电的一群大叔. 如果发现BUG或者有什么修改建议请在编辑器的主页进行反馈. 另外再次重申:这个项目源码已经开放,一切仅仅只是为了...
Landed Little Mermaid
Създадена от k46
added : New Game Start " Landed Little Mermaid " Solo Start in Bark, You can't Speak, You have <Masterworks> Scout Legs. if you need sample character of picture
Lively Player Town AI
Създадена от love-tea
Do you feel a little sad in your town, because there are no NPCs(Non Player Characters)? NPC's AI is different from PC's and not work like in NPC's town. Therefore, this mod will give your town a little lively, maybe. Also, add some AIs. ****** What you ca...
Lively Player Town AI 汉化
Създадена от Qiancheng
原版: 本mod排组需放在原版下方,与原版一起启用 介绍:住在玩家小镇的AI,这个mod可以让动物住在你城里,也可以邀请别的城的市民去你城里,还可以修理一些坏掉的机器人让他们去你的城里,有了这个mod玩家的城也会变得有生气吧... 新人渣渣汉化谨慎使用...(大体机翻+修改) 有问题+Q群:696654735 里面...
Loading Screens
Създадена от CloudsInTheSky
24 nicely crafted loading screen that have been uploaded separately as a request from the original mod: UI Beautify - If you want to remove the Loading Screen Tips to see the entire backgrou...
maphack 地图全开
Създадена от Guardian_pledge
在地图上显示所有的地点,包括遗迹之类的 地图在酒吧老板那里有卖....
Loads of plausible weapons
Създадена от Gros Phallus
This will include a lot of weapons that I will had one by one and I may take requests, although I do not like crazy over-exagerated weapons. 1-Two handed long Falchion: It is a falchion with a german longsword hilt style and it is quite large. Righ now it ...
Martial Arts Fast Dodger
Създадена от ( * )
Martial Artists dodge animations are 40% faster, so he won't dodge dance during the whole fight. The dodge move animations, compared to a blade block, take forever to be executed. This mod makes your character dodge faster, so he'll be able to attack in la...
Създадена от Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:添加新的骨人 假如文本翻译有错误请联系我,谢谢!!! Q群:696654735 渣翻,不喜勿喷......
Max Stats 100 -> 500
Създадена от ( * )
By default, your stats can reach 100 max. With this mod, they can reach 500 max. NB : - they still start at 1, this mod only modifies the Max value. - to avoid strange game behavior, smithing skills and athletics are still capped at 100. Caution : it's imp...
more building
Създадена от Stilldoll
This MOD to add a building. This sentence is displayed with machine translation and Japanese changed to English. ● Added buildings (display by category) -House- Ancient citadel Ancient factory Ancient Lab Ancient Lab +Gate Ancient Lab Ramp Strong Gate Larg...
More Male Hairstyles for Kenshi
Създадена от ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the first one on the Male series of convertions. ***FINALLY FIXED THE BEARD ISSUE*** Full credit for the meshes and textures to their ...
KawaiiClothes - JRPG Patch
Създадена от Crovvv
Summary A patch for JRPG and KawaiiClothes to work together. :) I personally recommend using this with Bouncy Chest for a good Combination. Make sure to use the exact load order below so you don't encounter problems. Loard Order JRPG RACE BouncingChest (op...
narko race 娜尔可种族
Създадена от 蓖麻开发999
娜尔可之子种族。 来自其他星球,外表和人类相似的苍白种族,靠饮血维生,崇拜一位无名的女神。女神会随着星际迁徙而不断地创造新的化身。在这个星球的化身名为娜尔可。即帝国人厌恶的黑影恶魔。。。 包括三个亚种 娜尔可血脉 娜尔可血亲。擅长敏捷,不适合劳作,可以自动回复生命值 娜尔可仆人 有着强大的力量,可以使用重武器,但是缺乏使用十字弩的技巧。 以及禁忌之子——蒙受神恩者 包括: 一个城镇,多个居住点,多个势力 城镇地图 新的盔甲,衣服 新的武器 多个可雇佣角色以及可雇佣的特殊动物 新的女性(和男性)妆容! 地图可...
Neko ears
Създадена от Arkhiel
Just adds some ears for cat lovers :). Custom start added to test them, search available once clothing is unlocked. Craftable at clothing workbench....
New animation for Void
Създадена от alexliyu
The new animation pack of Void Strikes that offers new animations including fly, stealth, etc 虚空入侵新的动画包, 提供包括飞行, 潜行等动画在内的新的动画...
New Beautiful Textures for Jrpg Race | Jrpg种族新贴图美化
Създадена от 没关系男孩子这样才叫豪迈呢
Update 2019/07/09 Add a new texture. Add high lights to pupils. This mod adds two new heads with asian style makeup to the original JRPG race mod. You can find them in the Greenlander jrpg race: jrpgheadmk01 jrpgheadmk02 The original jrpg race mode is need...
New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Създадена от ikahurula
Sorry weird may be English. I will add new weapons and distribute them to the world. I mixed the weapons used in Japan, and I made it with a focus on being lore friendly. New weapons are added to many NPC's belongings. Some people possess Meitou. There are...
Създадена от KitanoMinami
新米忍者装備を追加します。 ハブのシノビ盗賊団で設計図を買うことが出来ます。 【製造方法】 革作業台:ホットパンツ,下駄 鎧作業台:ハイブネックレス 布作業台:タンクトップ,スリーブ...
Nian saw
Създадена от pangolinknight
神下凡啦!!! 一个新的种族与2个新的开局设置 种族: 全部血量上限为1000000 全部血量每秒回复1000 每一个部位被击率均为10% 除了知觉,长柄刀,炮塔,撬锁,偷窃这些技能外其它技能均满级 整合了美形种族和美形脸 全部科技解锁 开局: 出生在剥皮学者旁边的城 1人或者5人 a new race and a new game start race: max hp(include each limbs hp):1000000 and 1000 hp return each sec each part ...
Nier_autoMata TYPE 2B (尼尔机械人形 TYPE 2B)
Създадена от drm9900
The mod allows you to play as a 2B from nier_automata. It makes a new race to cosplay the robot girl with a customize body and few items. There is another one staying in the town called "The Hub" can join your team,so you could not select a mod starting(al...
No Female Muscle Definition
Създадена от Shidan
(Image above is at 100 stats) Completely removes the muscle definition that comes with leveling up certain skills for the female gender. Helps prevent the she-hulk appearance that is so notorious in the game. Note: Bulk is not something I can touch with a ...
NPC Town Guard Mission
Създадена от Stilldoll
This MOD adds an event that protects the town of NPC. An event to receive a reward by helping security guards who protect the town From a client such as a gatekeeper or a leader of a base to mediate security guards There is an event that protects the town ...
No Male Muscle Definition
Създадена от Shidan
(Image above is at 100 stats) Completely removes the muscle definition that comes with leveling up certain skills for the male gender. Helps prevent the hulk-like appearance that is so notorious in the game. Note: Bulk is not something I can touch with a m...
OkitaSouji clothing
Създадена от 曾小威
Update: 1、Optimize mesh and modify texture ------------------------------------------------------- 1、Optimization of Partial Piercing Problem --------------------------------------------------- Homemade clothes, the purchase address is in the top right cor...
OMO'S ARMOUR for the World
Създадена от OMOCHI __________________________________________________________ Notes: 最新Verに合わせた更新や修正の予定はありません。あしからず。 __________________________________________________________ Mod概要 このModは、世界中のNPCに複数の防具とアクセサリーを配布しています。 追加されるほとんどのアイテムは、バニラアセットか...
Създадена от ikahurula
I will add Oodachi, a weapon larger than Nodachi. Make it familiar to the world. Mainly to UC. Meitou holding is A man named "Silent Guard" near Emperor Tengu . Recommend import!...
Създадена от KitanoMinami
ベルト枠に付けることができるポンチョを追加します。 大体のポンチョは砂嵐を30%カットできます。 【入手方法】 ■The HubのBartender ■BlackdesertcityのBartender ■WaystationのBartender ■UC領のCloth Shop,Adventure Shop ※現状、女性用12種類、男性用1種類となります。 女性用のポンチョを男性が着ても何も表示されません。逆もまた然り。 性能は今後調整する可能性があります。...
Power up battle by skill (add battle animations)
Създадена от love-tea
This mod adds new combat motions, change the speed of battle motion and characterize weapons by the skill level. If you wanna know in detail, please watch at a movie and "
Race Blood
Създадена от Flakk Gun
A simple mod I made that gives each of the races thier own blood color. Update: I took a walk down south to see the Southern Hive. Due to their eunique coloring and the fact that the Construction Set has them as their own race I decided to make their blood...
Rattataki +18
Създадена от Woullak
RE0 从零开始的kenshi生活
Създадена от 澄大仙
服装发型加开局mod 新增加蕾姆拉姆的全套衣服丝袜裙子头饰 增加蕾姆拉姆的发型(得自己调颜色,喜欢的话可以调个金姆绿姆也OK) 增加开局蕾姆拉姆带着1W块和全身衣服的开局 (男性也可以装备但是男性穿上衣服会挽起袖子,男性用雷姆拉姆的发型会变成程序员发型。不是BUG,是特性!) 有问题加群696654735 本mod是完成版本,没有特殊情况不会更新,以上~ ...
RE0 从零开始的kenshi生活 for JRPG
Създадена от 澄大仙
Reactive World
Създадена от Shidan
This mod is dedicated to filling out the areas left lacking by the dev's world reaction systems. Be it adding effects to locations and factions that got none, or adding more detail to certain vanilla ones. Now includes a world state checking character in W...
Reactive World 反应世界汉化版
Създадена от SD
Reactive World 反应世界汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月4日 原作者更新日期2018年11月5日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 想找个地方讨论Kenshi或Kenshi modding?随意加入Kenshi社区Discord 我们随时欢迎新面孔。 :) 考虑到开发者接管了我对这个mod的最初意图,...
Recruit ANYONE v1
Създадена от SureI'llHaveIt
Redeem anyone! This mod allows you to recruit literally anyone (except plastic surgeons) by throwing them in a cage and talking to them. That's it. No holding rare items, no endless dialogue trees - just talk to them and they join up. Hey, you got them in ...
Rurouni Kenshin (Battosai the Manslayer) Start浪客剑心mod汉化版
Създадена от 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 浪客剑心同人mod,开局加入了浪客剑心开局,主要角色有四乃森苍紫和相乐左之助,另外还有两个新的特别队友(原作者自创的),还有一些boss加入等等,感觉这个mod后续应该还有别的更多内容加入吧 初版刚刚自己测试发现开局机翻问题巨大,哈哈哈,自己都看笑了,赶紧更新了一下...
Rurouni Kenshin (Battosai the Manslayer) Start
Създадена от GeneralChrono
Play as Kenshin Himura before he was a wanderer, before he refused to kill, before he met the main cast of the Rurouni Kenshin manga/anime. Help him along his journey to becoming the legendary Battosai the Manslayer. Additional Features: 4 new recruitable ...
Reactive World CN (反应世界汉化)
Създадена от lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原版mod作为前置,加载时把汉化mod放在后面。 如果有错漏请告知我以便修改,希望大家发现难以忍受的错漏不要一删了之,而是反馈到集中贴里,让汉化越来越好。 自己做的Reactive World 的汉化,文本没有基于其他人的汉化(原版mod更新时间为8-15) 注意:人物生成者已汉化。状态检查者很少用到、且有几百句类似但不能复制粘贴的话,所以还是保持原样。 (作废)由于世界状况检查者和世界人物生成者对话比较简单但翻译量非常大,且没...
Russian Dark UI simplistic
Създадена от FG
Мод на интерфейс для русской локализации. Упрощенная версия. ОСОБЕННОСТИ: Разметка интерфейса основана на моде Dark UI от Eldryn, но адаптирована для корректного размещения текстов русской локализации Russian Translation Fix. Для корректной работы необходи...
Shiranui Mai
Създадена от drm9900
前提:作为初次制作的mod,有部分问题还仍待解决,作者能力有限,暂时没找到相应的办法。 本mod主要是提供了三个部位的三件装备,以达到不知火舞造型的效果,游戏设定了一个用于测试装备效果的开局,使得人物初始就持有三件套。装备可以在忍着小偷的贩卖者那里购买,也可以通过研发科技自行制造装备(研发部分未测试)。由于是外型装备,建议不要再搭配其他防具装备以免影响观看效果,或者你有更好的搭配请随意。 PS: 1.示意图中除了这个Mod以外,还搭配了一些美化Mod(jrpg和18+那一系列),因此你需要自行寻找相应mod...
shops have more blueprints +
Създадена от Dryhand
a mod that allows shops to have most of the blueprints. each store has its own blueprint, armour shops have armour blueprints weapons shops have weapon blueprint and so on. this is a reupload of the "shops have more blueprints(old version)" as i no longer ...
shops have more items +
Създадена от Dryhand
This mod allows shops to hold a lot more items. This will increase the amount from 5 to 15 times depending on the shop. Bars, and construction shops are more affected than weapon or armour shops. This is a reupload from my "Shops have more items" mod since...
Shops have more money
Създадена от Dryhand
this mod increases the amount of money a shop has by 15 - 22 times the normal amount. the amount should be between 375000 - 550000 cats, but sometimes goes way beyond that to 700000 or below to 300000, not sure what's causing it but that shoudn't be a prob...
Skeleton ILA-M
Създадена от ikahurula
Add a Race called "Skeleton ILA-M" It's based on the Industrial Lifter Arm, and pretty good muscle-combat. But not good at anything else. Very high HP, but the automatic regeneration is very low. The moving speed is slow. MKI ALL HP 250 MKII HEAD HP 225 OT...
student clothing
Създадена от 曾小威
update: Fixed ankle model loss ------------- Google Translate: 1, The model is divided into male and female, and the specific effect is shown in the figure. Properties are displayed on the picture. 2, female sailor suits are divided into black and white, a...
Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion
Създадена от Swishos
The East Coast Expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After spending endless hours writing like a pirate its finally in a state im happy to release, my idea for this mod mainly stemmed from the fact that the map has port cities already which would say that naval tra...
Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion
Създадена от Swishos
Started work on this a few weeks ago as a mod for me and my friends and now have it at a stage where i'm happy to release it to the public and start getting feedback and suggestions on how to improve, so lets get started. This mod adds a large amount of ne...
Създадена от ikahurula
It's simple. Add Katana with enhanced curve. The power is low, but weakness to armor is gone. Make it familiar to the world. Mainly some of the samurai will possess them. Meitou is possessed by NPC in Heng's weapons shop . Blueprints is sold at UC etc etc....
Take Over the World
Създадена от Lawh
You can now take over each and every town, city, and ruin that is in the game. Instructions: - Attack a town. Find the vanilla leaders of the town, or the leaders added by this mod, and make sure they are dead. - Go away from town so that the game reloads ...
Създадена от Petrus.91
This mod lets you recruit Beasties after capturing them. Also available on the nexus! Chinese version here: 这是 驯服的野兽 中文翻译版本地址 Supports most if not all the vanilla critters. 1. Find unconscio...
Taxman/Tribute/Prayer Relations+
Създадена от Howls@TheMoon
You would think that co-operation with the locals would improve your relationship right? Well now it does! This mod adds a small relations increase to Shek, TradersGuild, UnitedCities and HolyNation visits that involve the player having a base in their ter...
The Armoured Direwolf
Създадена от Peachwolf
When he found her, she was a runt - no different from any other bonedog puppy, except for her snowy white pelt. As she grew up, it became very clear that she was no ordinary bonedog. To the east of Bad Teeth is the White Wolf's Respite. There, you can pick...
The Armoured Direwolf 白狼汉化版
Създадена от 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 一个比较大型的mod,狼在坏牙东北方的湖边上,有一系列乱七八糟的对话,最后狼和狼的主人都会加入你,(翻译的时候发现他们有很多互动而且骚话连篇),除了狼还有一些狼盔甲和狗盔甲,还有狼的专用背包,还有一大堆的浪人武器加入游戏,都是可以自己造出来的。...
The Islanders - military craft & AOM:Crafting compatibility
Създадена от Sinistral
They didn't work together so i tried my hand and managed to get it working. Required mods: - Islander subrace. - Military craft.
The Odd of The Ring
Създадена от Loidsnaming
Kenshi之:指环王。 d史克酒馆(99%概率在斯坤酒馆)会出现索隆,玩家可以对话进行招募。索隆拥有巨大的身形和独有的武器及攻击招式(只限单手武器)。强烈建议索隆只用自带的武器. 2019/3/23更新:见笑了索隆脚步尺寸,看起来更和谐些. 2.因为无法另外穿盔甲,给索隆增加血量以作补偿 -------------------------------------------------------- Kenshi:The lord of the ring. You can recruit Sauron i...
tifa clothing
Създадена от 曾小威
update: Tifa vest can be found and crafted on the clothing bench now ----------------------------------------- update: Fix underwear (tifa vest)'s shoulder penetration problem ----------------------------------------- 1, Like the previous set of Souji clot...
Training swords 训练剑汉化版
Създадена от SD
Training swords 训练剑汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年9月23日 把武器属性全修改成-99才真正实现0伤害, 其中 训练武术绑手 一定要装备两只手!! 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 用于训练的Craftable剑,造成0点伤害。与被俘的...
Transparent UI
Създадена от Bayrock
Adds transparency to the Dark UI mod, providing a fuller field of view. Pair with Font Redux for best results. You must disable other UI mods (such as Dark UI) to prevent collisions. Consider raising the priority of this mod above other mods in your list....
UC Nobles start(联合都市贵族开局)
Създадена от 一颗土豆
Umbra Warehouse Chest
Създадена от Zargachi
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attention everyone: As far as i know the mod still working for the last game version, before complaining about ir working or not, test it alone with the ...
Void Attack Anim
Създадена от alexliyu
The battle animation pack of The Void Strikes Back, which provides combat animations for all RACES. Note: this is part of the nether invasion MOD. 虚空入侵的战斗动画包, 提供各个种族的战斗动画. 注意:这是虚空入侵MOD的一部分. 如何给新种族添加攻击动作, 请参考
Wearable Banners - Extra
Създадена от Nanogiraffe
Adds 15 new textures that use the model from Stumples Wearable Banners Mod. New banners are: -Craftable at the clothing bench -fit in the belt slot -provide a minor combat bonus (+3) -Import not required This mod does not require an Import. All credit for ...
Wolf Headgear
Създадена от noppy
A headgear that imitates the head of a bone dog. You can buy it at the armor shop. ボーンドッグの頭を模した被り物。 アーマーショップで買える。 P.S: Thank you for your rating and comments. In response to the request, I added a blueprint.   This headgear has been changed so as not to hi...
Създадена от 跟我摇起来好吗
加了一个新种族金刚狼,杀掉狂爪可以招募罗根,罗根在卡特龙附近还是哪去了,跟哔噗有很多互动。 你去灰烬之地会看到一个地点里面有个骨人叫疯爪,他的王座背后有一个圆锥形的降落仓,里面就是罗根,不过罗根出来属性是全1,空手自带武士刀效果,回血巨快 真体看原modr绍 第一次翻译多有不足请多担待 没有上传经验,不能使用如发现任英文请告诉我...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV - Concept Art Skeletons
Създадена от CamelSpyd3r
In the back when times, before the fall of the First Empire two new versions of skeletons were designed to be stronger, faster, smarter, and all around better than their previous incarnations. This sadly fell short of the propaganda, leaving the Mark 3 and...
Yundao Hair jrpg race patch
Създадена от ketz
Compatibility patch for jrpg race...
Yundao HDT Hairstyles for Kenshi
Създадена от ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, starting with Yundao_HDT Hair. For obvious reasons the whole HDT part is not in the port. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their cre...
[Shopping] Let the Cats out of the Bag
Създадена от BLKCandy
Let the cats out of the bag! Most people will have basic income to buy stuff. More AI types will go shopping. They will buy food, then first-aid/drinks, then splint/repair kit/bolts/tools/materials/misc items in that order. Most NPCs now have income based ...
[rebuild/重做]Hololive Project / Hololive小剧场
Създадена от DNF player
重做整个模组! 原因:看的女人越来越多了。 目前计划名单: 中文名称 英文名称 犬山玉姬 Inuyama_Tamaki_ 时雨羽衣 Shigure_Ui_ 櫻巫女 Sakura_Miko_ 星街彗星 Hoshimati_Suisei_ 白上吹雪 Shirakami_Fubuki_ 夏色祭 Natsuiro_Matsuri_ 紫咲诗音 Murasaki_Shion_ 凑阿库娅 Minato_Aqua_ 百鬼绫目 Nakiri_Ayame_ 大空昴 Ōzora_Subaru_ 兔田佩克拉 Usada_Pekor...
Skeleton Mercenaries 汉化
Създадена от Qiancheng
原mod: 重要的是说三遍: 需以原版作为前置!!! 需以原版作为前置!!! 需以原版作为前置!!! 介绍:更多骨人队友,骨人不要吃喝还能打能修,这么好的东西当然要多来点,这个mod在 - 黑色沙漠城市 - 中心 - 世界尽头 - 平底湖泻湖 - 技术猎人路线 - 斯昆 都增加了一些可以招募的骨人队友,有免费的和花钱的...
Skeleton NPC Hires (Out of Date)
Създадена от Madd Llama
For a world full of mad, broken, violent, and lonely skeleton robots, there is a huge lack of them in the game. I personally wanted to see more Skeletons myself as they are one of my favorite races in the game. This mod adds a squad of skeletons to the fol...