The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut

The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut

33 ratings
The Bard's Tale IV: Director's - Achievements Guide - 100%
By Joafu
A guide explaining how to obtain all the achievements in the game The Bard's Tale IV: Director's.

59 Offline, 0 online.

Estimated 100% difficulty:
6 /10.

Approximate amount of time to 100%:
55 hours.

Missable trophies:

Minimum Playthroughs:

Does difficulty affect achievements?:


This is a translation of my spanish guide. My English is very basic but I hope it is readable. Corrections and tips will be welcome if you have any.

Unfortunately the pictures have been taken in spanish, I think it is not a big problem because its function is just to show places.

You can play on the difficulty of your choice as there are no associated achievements.

There are missable achievements due to the fact that if you complete the final mission it is over, and to continue playing it would have to be loading a previous game. But there are no missable achievements for making one decision and not another, or for leaving a place and that the game does not let you return, all can be achieved before the final mission.

All can be obtained before starting the final mission, the game will warn you when you take up the sword to defeat Tarjan. Even once this mission is started you can go wherever you need, except for Skara Brae, if you had something to do there, surely you will not be able to do. Once you enter in the city it's over, there will be no going back.

Even so, you should keep in mind that:

-You must save 10,000 for the achievement Rockefeller
-Keep a "Mercenary Voucher", to be able to reset your skills and get
all corresponding achievements.
-After defeating Mangar, don't leave without picking up the gloves from the floor, I don't know if
they remain there forever or disappear when leaving the area.
-Kill the final boss with only 3 heroes in your group.

Extra tip

It's been a long time since I wrote the guide, but two players have told me the same thing and I no longer remember the game or how I did it.

It seems that you have to defeat the final boss 2 times, once with 3 heroes for the Challenge Seekers achievement, and once more but with all 6 heroes for the Savior of Skara Brae achievement.

So make a save first so you can load the game and repeat.

There are 5 achievements dedicated to character creation, you can create all 5 by loading game. You must save the game just before entering the Adventurer's Guild since by crossing that door you will be forced to choose a character.

Unchained Melody
Keep Melody as your starting character
You Bard-er Believe It
Create a Bard as your starting character
Practitioner Makes Perfect
Create a Practitioner as your starting character
Sword is my Favorite S-Word
Create a Fighter as your starting character
Knife to Meet You
Create a Rogue as your starting character

There are 3 achievements for leveling up your character. It has no further complications: play, complete missions, kill enemies. They will be given to you upon reaching levels: 10, 18 and 20.

They Grow Up So Fast
Reach level 10
Ready for War
Reach level 18
Reach level 20

There are 22 achievements in total. There are 4 character classes: Fighter, Practitioner, Rogue, and Bard. They each have 5 final upgrades in their skill tree (The bard has 6). There is another upgrade called Saint that is not in any skill tree and you can use in any character, it is obtained by completing a side quest, I will explain it below in its corresponding achievement.

The bard has one more class than the others, his name is Jester . But it works differentt, to achieve it you also have to acquire the skill tumbler that is just before. Having both skills will earn the achievement.

You have to go to the Evaluation Committee that is on the ground floor of the Adventurers Guild, save game and spend a "Mercenary's Voucher", which are mainly achieved as a reward when completing missions, they will restart the levels, upgrade a branch of the skill tree, or several if you can. Load savedata and repeat with another branch, do with all.

Have an adventurer attain the Saint class
Have a Fighter attain the Defender class
Have a Fighter attain the Vanguard class
Have a Fighter attain the Commander class
Have a Fighter attain the Champion class
Have a Fighter attain the Veteran class
Have a Practitioner attain the Conjurer class
Have a Practitioner attain the Sorcerer class
Have a Practitioner attain the Wizard class
Have a Practitioner attain the Archmage class
Have a Practitioner attain the Magician class
Have a Rogue attain the Assassin class
Have a Rogue attain the Thief class
Have a Rogue attain the Shadow class
Dirty Fighter
Have a Rogue attain the Dirty Fighter class
Have a Rogue attain the Infiltrator class
Have a Bard attain the Rabble-Rouser class
Brew Master
Have a Bard attain the Brewmaster class
Have a Bard attain the Minstrel class
Have a Bard attain the Troubadour class
War Chanter
Have a Bard attain the War Chanter class
Have a Bard equipped with both the Jesters Shoes and Jesters Cap

These achievements are missable because they are related to secondary missions, and since they are not obligatory, it may happen that you left it behind or do not speak to the character that gives it to you. However, as long as you don't start the final mission, you can keep doing it.

Mystery Beneath Mangar's Tower
Mystery Beneath Mangar's Tower
Find the Spectre Snare

Side Mission "A Snare of Shadows". The mission begins by reading a book called "Snow in Summer", you find it during the mission "The Best of Us . It's on a table, on the top floor of the Kylearan tower, just behind where you take the elevator that takes you into battle with Mangar. If you didn't get it, in the Baedland Lowlands, a seller in the village, right next to the save point, was also selling it.

Then you must speak to Alguin on the upper floor of the Guild.

Finally, you must go to the Mangar tower, it is reached by entering through a door in the Duke Kinston's house.

In the room before the final battle with Magnar, you cross a catwalk, halfway there are bloody stairs that descend, go down and cross the green portal, offer a sacrifice on the entrance post, defeat the skeletons that appear and take "The Spectre Snare".

You can also go after defeating Mangar, do not leave the room, turn around and go back the way you came, go through the blue portal and you will have returned to the room.

Have an adventurer attain the Saint class

You must first accept the mission "The sacred path" that a priest gives you in Skara Brae.

Then in Baedish Lowlands you must defeat this group of enemies and collect the relic under the table, just behind them.

Go back to the priest and when talking to him you will have to choose which of your characters you want to teach him the new branch of healing skills.

You can see it in the skill tree of the chosen character and improve it if you have enough points.

Secrets of the Sentry Tower
Secrets of the Sentry Tower
Find the Strifespear

This achievement is related to the side quest "Song of the Sentry". it's found in Baedish Lowlands. Must enter the tower, the code for the bells is: 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 2, 3.

Once in the tower, solving the puzzles and using lock picks you will go forward and find some candles. The mission ends by defeating the boss on the top floor, but for the achievement you must put the candles you have found in their place and then the "Strifespear" will appear. Picking it up will earn the achievement.

Legend of the Siambra Dhu Lodge
Legend of the Siambra Dhu Lodge
Find the Destiny Wand

You must get "The Destiny Wand" obtained in the side mission of the same name. Activate the portal using the wolf constellation in Insriach Forest.

Solve the puzzles and defeat the enemies of Siambra Dhu, until you finally reach the switch room, press them in the correct order to access the chamber where the wand is located.

Savior of the Einarr
Savior of the Einarr
Clear the Stronsea Isles of Miasma

Complete the side quest "The Cauldrons of Death" that takes place on Stronsea Island.

Starts here.

There are two rooms, look for the key in the open room, then open the one that is closed. Pick up the oar and put it in the boat. It will take you to a new area, defeat the enemies.

Don't leave without picking up the book, you need it to complete quest "A Hero's Rest" and achievement "A Song of Only Fire".

Song of Only Fire
Song of Only Fire
Summon a Pillar of Flame

You must use the skill "Pillar of Flame", for this you first need a weapon with that skill. I only found one, they give it to you when completing the mission "A Hero's Rest".

It starts at Skara Brae.

You must give at the spirit eternal rest, for this you need a book that is obtained at the end of the secondary mission "The Cauldrons of Death". See achievement "Savior of the Einarr" for more information.

Savior of the Haernhold
Savior of the Haernhold
Put King Gaerwyn to rest and restored peace in the Haernhold

Awarded for finishing side quest "The Dwarven Realm". It is a small island located to the right of the map, you can go once you have unlocked the first circle of menhirs, but the enemies are so strong that you will not be able to defeat them until practically when you are finishing the game.

Once there, you must defeat the four guardians to get four gems. You have to place them on the pedestals to create the bridge and cross to face the final boss and thus save King Gaerwyn.

They are quite hard fights, each one will have his strategy, I used a dirty one with the bard:

-Attack with everything you have but reserving two points to end your turn with the bard.
-Drink and use "Rhyme of Duotime".
-Drink again and use "Song of Compulsory Cavorting".
-Spend two turns with the boss dancing without attacking him.


The following achievements are part of the game's history and you will earn them after completing certain missions.

Three times before Did evil's lords Descend on Skara Brae...
Three times before Did evil's lords Descend on Skara Brae...
Defeat the wraith of Mangar

It is part of the history of the game. It is the end of the mission "The best of us". After finding Alguin, a fight begins in which you have to defeat Mangar.

Once defeated do not leave without picking up the gloves that are on the ground and are required for the achievement "That's the end of this Mage's Tale".

You also need to read the book "Snow in Summer" on a table, on the top floor, where you take the elevator. And that begins the side quest "A Snare of Shadows" required for achievement "Mystery Beneath Mangar's Tower".

Long Road Ahead
Long Road Ahead
Uncover the secret of sinister street

It is part of the story of the game, you get it after finishing the mission "Low Friends in Low Places". Helping Duke Kinston will give you a key that allows you to leave Skara Brae.

And thrice did rise Brave heroes, wise To drive them all away...
And thrice did rise Brave heroes, wise To drive them all away...
Defeat Gaufroi

It is part of the history of the game. Obtained during the mission "Into the Wood...", just upon entering Galufroi will attack you, you earn the achievement when defeating him.

Now comes a fourth To shackle the north And enslave the world of men...
Now comes a fourth To shackle the north And enslave the world of men...
Defeat Mangar

It is part of the history of the game. At the end of the mission "The Secret of Cialhmar" you must face and defeat Mangar a second time.

Thus heroes bold As in songs of old Must take up sword again...[
Thus heroes bold As in songs of old Must take up sword again...
Defeat Lagoth Zanta

It is part of the history of the game. During the quest "Blood of Kings", you earn the achievement when you defeat Lagoth Zanta, the second time you meet him at Langskaal Castle.

In dungeons vast Do these evils past Their ancient secrets keep...
In dungeons vast Do these evils past Their ancient secrets keep...
Defeat Tarjan

It is part of the history of the game. During the quest "Death to the Mad God" you earn the achievement by defeating Tarjan.

Get Smote!
Get Smote!
Kill Bishop Henred

It is part of the final mission of the game, when you enter the Temple you must face Henred, once you kill him you will earn the achievement.

So down we go To face the foes That lurk in Barrows Deep
So down we go To face the foes That lurk in Barrows Deep
Complete the final dungeon

It is part of the final mission of the game, you will earn it when you step onto the platform to face Yadis.

Savior of Skara Brae
Savior of Skara Brae
Save the world

It is part of the final mission of the game, you will earn it by defeating Yardis.

There are only two achievements.

Killing a Paladin, they are quite common enemies, in Skara Brae you will find some, although the first ones you encounter are strong and you must advance a little in the game so that your group is at their level and you can beat them.

Killing a Corrupted Paladin are also quite common, although in this case you will have to advance a lot in the game until they start to appear as rivals. The first ones I found was during the side mission "Song of the Sentry", in the battle on the top floor.

Am I the Good Guy?
Slay a paladin
Divine Judgement
Slay a corrupt paladin


Here are the rest of the achievements.

Honor Thy Elders
Honor Thy Elders
Pray to an Altar of Gratitude

Pray on an altar. There are many, they give you extra experience points. The first one is just after the door of the underground Adventurer's Guild, the one you open by playing a song.

Self Reliance
Self Reliance
Craft your first item

Open the inventory and at the bottom right you will see the creation menu. Just create anything you already have in a recipe.

Ride the High Road
Ride the High Road
Use standing stones for the first time

You have to find a circle of menhirs, they are used to teleport between zones, they are activated with the song "Whistle of the Wild Lands". The first is near the guild.

Who Said Money Can't Buy Friends?
Who Said Money Can't Buy Friends?
Hire a mercenary

In the guild bar is Mercy, with her you hire mercenaries and organize your team. To hire a mercenary you need a "Mercenary Voucher", you will get them mostly as a reward when completing missions.

That's the end of this Mage's Tale
That's the end of this Mage's Tale
Discover the gloves of the dead mage's apprentice

When defeating Mangar at the end of the mission "The best of us", do not leave without looking around the area and you will see some gloves on the ground, pick them up.

Code Breaker
Code Breaker
Unlock the secrets of a code wheel statue

You will find some statues to be deciphered, like this one in the underground area near the guild:

You must use the code wheel that you can find in the game's extras folder or on the web:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Bard's Tale IV Director's Cut\Extras

Match the symbols, in this case it would look like this:

Now you should check to which objects the numbers belong. To do this you should look at a book that is located on the top floor of the guild and that you can consult from your inventory. In this case it would be: 69 - Cabbage and 78 - Keg. You put the two objects and that's it..

Savior of the Fichti
Savior of the Fichti
Clear the corruption in the Forest of the Inchriach

After the main mission "Purify the Glade of Mathan", when you have already saved the bear, you will have the ability to purify corrupted totems. Go back to the Insriach Forest and clear the seven corruptions out there.

Hoard 10,000 gold

You must accumulate 10,000. Although money is not abundant in the game it is not a very high quantity. Don't waste, check every corner, sell the equipment you don't need.

Challenge Seekers
Challenge Seekers
Defeat the final boss with only 3 party members

You must kill Yadis, the final boss of the game with only three members on your team. The problem is when you go up the ladder that is next to the Guild and enter the city of Skara Brae there is no going back, that means that you must make the entire way to Yadis with only three characters and there are quite a few fights that do not can be avoided.

Here each one will have his strategy, I use: Fighter, rogue and bard. And for the battle with Yadis the same dirty strategy I explained in the achievement "Savior of the Haernhold".


Elven Weapons are obtained either as a quest reward or by finding them in a specially hidden chest. When you examine them from the inventory you will see they have a small puzzle, solving it adds an improvement to the weapon. There are three achievements related to elven weapons.

Elven Guile
Elven Guile
Unlock the magic within a puzzle weapon's pommel

You must unlock the upgrade of an elven weapon. You will find several throughout the game. I did it with the one I got by completing the side mission "A stabbing headache", activated by approaching this area and defeating enemies. No need to worry because you get one as part of the story by beating Gaufroi.

You must examine the sword, rotate the knob until it opens and then in this case you must insert a violet gem.

Elven Trickery
Elven Trickery
Unlock the magic within a puzzle weapon's grip

In this case you need to find a weapon that has two puzzles, one on the knob and one on the grip. No need to worry because you get one as part of the story by beating Gaufroi.

I did it with this one found in Skara Brae. First you need the key found on that ledge.

Now you must find the chest that opens the key, which is here, go up and activate a lever that will remove the wall.

Inspect the weapon in your inventory, solve the puzzles, first the knob and then the grip.

Elven Wisdom
Elven Wisdom
Unlock the magic within a puzzle weapon's hilt

You need a weapon with two puzzles. Like one from the achievement "Elven Trickery". Examine the weapon a third time and a phrase will be revealed. There is no need to worry because you get one as part of the story when you beat Gaufroi, the solution of the third puzzle is: 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4.

Depending on the phrase there are two types of solutions.
-You have to find the elven temple that matches the same phrase and deposit the weapon.
-The phrase asks you for a requirement to unlock the upgrade.

For example in the sword used for the previous achievement it asks you to kill an assassin using only this weapon.

Kira 20 Mar @ 11:49pm 
It is possible to "lock" a save slot to prevent it from being overwritten by later totem saves. This is useful to "fork" the game before starting the end sequence to allow the completion of both the Challeng Seekers and the Saviour of Skara Brae achievements by replaying the final mission once with three and another time with more characters.
Turncloak 16 Mar @ 12:52pm 
Oh fair enough, sorry for saying it was terrible just kind of annoyed me at the time I have resolved the issue by using someone elses save since it seems to have been a bit of a common issue.
Joafu  [author] 16 Mar @ 12:14pm 
Thanks for the warning, I see that the comment before yours says the same thing. So I added it to the introduction of the guide.
Dmitry 6 Aug, 2022 @ 6:30pm 
Finished the game. Got Challenge Seekers, but not Savior of Skara Brae. It means I have to redo all the tons of puzzles from ascending to burning Scara Brae, but now with six characters.
Dmitry 3 Aug, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
BTW, I got the Jester without equipping hat and shoes. Don't remember how.
Dmitry 3 Aug, 2022 @ 2:10pm 
Yes, this is the case, must be another character.
Technically the game is a puzzle made of puzzles, and this mindset made me to understand how bugs in the game work.
Joafu  [author] 3 Aug, 2022 @ 1:13pm 
If, as you say, you have earned the previous achievements, there is no reason why you should not also earn the level 20 one, I am sorry but it seems to me a bug. These things piss me off, something similar happened to me recently with a game, and I'm still there without the last achievement. Post here if you find a solution, maybe will help another player in the future.
Dmitry 3 Aug, 2022 @ 12:32pm 
Yes I have the save and I reloaded twice to win a couple of fights to level up, no success. Level 18 I reched with Bryan too. Could it be that I need to reach level 20 with a different character?
Joafu  [author] 3 Aug, 2022 @ 10:38am 
You are the first to report this error, I have no clue how to fix it, sorry. Don't have any save before leveling up? Maybe you can repeat it.
Dmitry 3 Aug, 2022 @ 9:58am 
I reached level 20 with Bryan, but Overachiever did not unlock.