Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (33)
JP:Add A Country Name
Created by aoja
ironman 対応 日本語化の国名に上書きして国号(合衆国、王国、共和国など)を追加します。 before イギリス after イギリス連合王国 etc... 主要国家は史実、別ルート含め対応しています。 また初期にある国家も9割ほどはすべての国に国号を付与しています。 このmodは雰囲気を出すためであって必ずしも史実に正しいとは限りません。 この国はこのほうが良くない?などの意見はお待ちしております! 2023/10/13 ver1.13仮対応...
Additional Japanese map fonts
Created by uberded
Fix basical font (ex. Katakana) lacking 基本的なフォントが欠けていた問題を修正...
Created by Inkit
+Easy Buff 24.3.9 update tag to 1.14 # Features: * For Single Players (Useable in Muti when others also use this mod). * No steam archievements. ## Modifier Buffs * Open Buffs in National Ideas. * Support different level Modifiers in Construction, Research...
+JP: Expert AI 5.0
Created by hiya7cry
Compatible with vanilla HOI4 AAT 1.14.7 Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kondi (This account is original creator’s account, not mine.) This is Japanese translation mod. Please use original mod. Expert AI 5.0...
Alternative Air Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Air Base Icons Hey there :) This mod changes the air base icons for better visibility. Note: this does only affect icons in the strategic air map mode Ironman and Multiplayer compatible You can find my new mod that changes naval base icons acco...
Created by kyrby
+Easybuffの日本語化modです。 許可を取っていないので削除要請が来たら消します。 このmodにはlocalisationファイルしか存在しないので単体では動きません。 本家modの一部置換コードにミスがあるのでイベント説明が間違っています。 新ランチャーに対応できなかったので再投稿という形にしました。...
Anime History
Created by Star
The greatest anime crossover in history! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png Anime History is the most popular anime mod ever made for a historical strategy game with over 100.000 subscribers! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV ...
Alternative Naval Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Naval Base Icons Hi again :) This mod changes the naval base icons for better visibility in a similar manner as my Alternative Air Base Icons mod. I've also tried to make it much more obvious at first glance whether a port is open for repairs o...
Better Air Wing Deployment
Created by Burch
https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2430131809748822113/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ 1.13.* - Ready! Remember this is a work in progress. WIP Changes the Air Wing Deployment window to be taller and wider, while also adding a second row...
Colourblindness Mod (1.7.1)
Created by Ronald Rehzyn
-Note, This mod is designed for deutans (red-green colourblindness) although it should help anybody struggling to see the colours. - Ironman compatible. I only updated this mod for me and the few that wanted it, the original mod is below. Partario's 1.6 ve...
Better Terrain View Stolen 2 Times Updated to 1.9
Created by theWalrusman
Not Author or 気分屋, but I'll take it down if anyone has any problem. This mod is here, beacuse the original has not been updated since 1.4, and the second one by 気分屋 has not been updated since 1.7. (And this is now updated to 1.9)...
British Flag Changes
Created by aoja
私用mod 英国プレイで気になる国旗の変更 以下使用mod等 Better Neutral UK Flag https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1681795151 Flags of The British Empire https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1517662353 問題ありましたら削除いたします。 If there is a problem, I ...
Coloured Air Force (Background)
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Air Force: Background Edition Hey there :) This is a variation of my Coloured Air Force - Standard mod, which doesn't colour the aircraft icons but rather there respective backgrounds. This leads to even better differentiation at the cost of being...
Coloured Ship Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Ship Icons This mod colourizes the ship icons on the map for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible I was a bit sceptical about this one at first. It probably isn't as useful as the Coloured Air Force Icons you can reach here. But I...
Expert AI 5.0
Created by Kondi
Compatible with: vanilla HOI4 AAT 1.14.8 Unsub/resub the mod to make sure it is installed correctly. Not compatible with: 95% of non-cosmetic mods. Absolutely NOT compatible with major overhaul mods. Patch notes: LINK Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.co...
crisis MOD
Created by poti soul
crisis mod 1.82ver
Created by poti soul
Fast Ship Building (Can Disable/Enable at will)
Created by Limitspassed
In this mod you can build ships faster. - Only affects the Player AI is not affected. - These are done via decisions which add an idea to your nation which can be removed via the remove decision that appears. - If you remove the idea via the decision the m...
German Democratic New Flags
Created by aoja
私用mod ドイツNFで内戦後の民主ドイツって立憲君主国ですよね... というわけで作った国旗です。現実感を気にしてはいけない(戒め) ↓こちら↓のmodで国名も変更しておりますのでよかったらどうぞ +++JP:Add A Country Name https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1724866445...
German Empire New Flags
Created by aoja
私用mod  内戦後のドイツ帝国の国旗を変更します。 かっこいい、、、、...
innovative balance
Created by uy0311
パッチノートリンク https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j0j1XQmS4n27kVoMZaOrJZZPeJu6uWXHkbwjoo9AO-M/edit 最新のverに関して詳しくはパッチノートをご覧ください 注意事項 バランスmodな以上頻繁にアップデートいたしますので もしマルチなどでverが合わない場合は一旦HoI4を落とし サブスクライブをはずし、もう一度入れると最新verになります...
Increased Resources 1.14
Created by allofdat
ALLOFDAT, UPDATE THE MOD THUMBNAIL PLEASE. An updated and completely restructured version of LukyLucaz's increased resources mod. Highly compatible since it doesn't alter any base files. It adds only one new, separate file. It should fix the empty province...
Japanese Historical Flag
Created by aoja
ファシスト日本の旭日旗を日章旗に変更します。 The fascist Japan's The Rising Sun Flag is changed to the sun as the Japanese national flag....
Japanese Language mod
Created by flowlanss
本ModはVer1.11.13で更新を停止しています。 ver1.12以降はこちらをご利用ください。 Ironman Compatible(実績解除可能) このModは、Hearts of Iron IVを日本語化するModです。 すべてのDLCにも対応しています。 日本語化の内容について、センシティブな表現がある場合がありますが、ゲーム内のフレーバー的表現を尊重しているにすぎず、特定の民族等を貶める意図は一切ありません。 使い方 (ゲーム初回起動の場合)ランチャーからプレイをクリックし、ゲーム本体を起動後...
JP Font Rd.Gothic
Created by w.mikan
日本語MODのフォントを丸ゴシック体に変更します。 マップフォントとサイズ22以上のフォントをいくつか変更。 (小さなフォントを変更したらつぶれて見ずらくなってしまったので) ※日本語化MOD必須 使用フォント:Genju Gothic Font This MOD replaces fonts in Japanese Language Mod from Gothic style to Rounded Gothic style *Japanese language mod required Font:Genj...
More Model Images
Created by Tnoji
Add an image of model. at present Japan ship aircraft American ship aircraft tank British ship aircraft German ship aircraft tank Soviet ship aircraft tank Italian ship aircraft French ship aircraft Generic aircraft Is implemented. A considerable image was...
Created by poti soul
マルチリブートはマルチ向けに最低限の修正を施すMODです。 詳細はHOI4休憩所にて、最新情報と更新日記を記載しております https://discord.gg/U24FA6h リブートは ①明らかにシングル向けの機能をマルチ向けに変える ②マルチを行う上で明らかにバランス崩壊する機能の調整 ③普段明らかに使われない兵科、要素を活用できるようにする を方針としています MODの方針として ①バニラから乖離し過ぎない ②プレイヤーの自助努力を超えたアンバランスな環境になった場合のみ修正を加える ③特定国家への...
No Division Limit
Created by Fran the Man
Opaque Political Map
Created by woobeewoo
Replaces the translucent nation borders with solid, high-contrast borders for improved map readability....
State Transfer Tool
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION! ATTENTION!!! With new compliance and resistance system cores added on owned states become visible after day tick (when the time changes from 23:59 to 0:00) Tired of using console to fix some borde...
Party Emblem Mod
Created by Gerrade
All mod compatible, but it could be very strange in Major mods, such as Kaiserreich. √ Ironman mode compatible Features - Unique Party Emblem or party logo - Accurate and Historical Party names - Unique party names for Vanilla countries (There is even West...
Strategic View Adjustments (MP/A variant)
Created by Kondi
Compatible with 1.12 This version of SVA is multiplayer and achievement compatible. For the main mod which includes more extensive changes, ...
VD - Centered Counters (A&M-C)
Created by Vulcanis
A&M-C = Achievement & Multiplayer Compatible --- Change List: Centered Counters Strenght / Organization Bars slightly changed to be more visible. Modified Counter Overlays. --- Counter symbols are off-center in vanilla. v1.5: I expanded the counter itself ...