No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

45 Bewertungen
Solar Power
Von Boneless_Stalin
To make solar power more efficient, here is a guide
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To understand how solar panels work we have to understand the day and night cycle in no mans sky.
Luckily the solar panel provides us with the data necessary to tell when the code considers it day or night.
As they are named in the solar panel- Dark hours and Sunlight are both 15 minute periods that produce a cycle lasting 30 minutes.

Power Generation
Next - power production.
A solar panel does not produce a constant stream of power like its buddies the biofuel reactor and electromagnetic generator.
Instead the solar panel goes off sunlight presence so it generates mostly in the sunlight period but still has lower charge periods at the start and end of Dark Hours.
The solar panel produces a constant 46146 KP of energy per cycle which requires 2 batteries to store.
It comes out to this number always, on all planets.

It has three levels of energy output - 0KPS 25 KPS and 50KPS, the transitions happen roughly in the middle with different planets and locations having varied transition times( if you want to learn more ask in the comments )
0 Kps happens at night, it ends on the last minute of night time, 25 kps lasts 2 minutes and ends on the second minute of daylight, then comes 50kps for the 13 Minutes of daylight. Then 2 more minutes of 25kps and then 0kps until the cycle repeats
(these times are approximate as it varies on the exact time the transition happens on each planet)

Secondary - battery pairing.
One battery holds 45000KP of power which is enough for 30 minutes of constant 25KPs power usage.

Now the optimal set up ( this can be scaled up by any multiple )

2 solar panels combined with one battery can amply provide energy for a constant 50KPS output during a whole day night cycle.

During the day the battery diverts half the power to the user while charging fully or close to fully and then exerting that power at night creating a perfect cycle.

Solar panels are amazing in the convenience they provide and their versatility.

No mans sky uses your computer’s time to calculate base power so if you are using a power grid that has a larger demand for power than ability to generate power and you log out and log in in a few hours, the bases power will be depleted even if you have large power reserves.

Please ask me any questions you have about this and I hope it helps people.

Here is my largest out of 6 testing sites and some data and graphs of power consumption -
21 Kommentare
Boneless_Stalin  [Autor] 14. Apr. 2023 um 18:05 
Selena Wolf
There is a hard limit to base pieces: 3000 for the base to be uplodeable (so others can see it) and 20000 components total for all bases per save. This is hard coded into the game. If location is not an issue i would suggest trying electromagnetic power, but if you found a pretty cliff / ocean / lake with no EM hotspot within 500m solar is the way to go
SelenaWolf 13. Apr. 2023 um 20:00 
Oh, also for my first base i remember just hunting ruthlessly for the materials to spam as many as needed too. Power was VITAL for that first base to keep a portal running - so as I explored and returned, more power got built.
SelenaWolf 13. Apr. 2023 um 19:58 there a limit to how many panels/batteries you can have in your base? Because resources are cheap 500 hours+ in and I just spam down enough to make sure it's all good and call it a day. If it still drains, just throw down more.

That said, I love the panels collect light even if indoors or underground.
LancerNZ 11. Juli 2022 um 13:43 
For those who are finding that their power still isn't enough to see through the night - wait through the next (full) day for a proper charge. If it still phases out, you need another battery to make the night last longer, and likely another solar panel to charge that new battery.
Arod Snaux 6. Dez. 2021 um 17:25 
One thing to mention... solar panels don't actually need light. You can bury them underground and they work just fine...all that matters is time of day.

In addition panels and batteries do NOT need to be snapped in place inside the two prefab rooms. You can cram a couple dozen of each inside them and they will work. Ugly af, but works.
Boneless_Stalin  [Autor] 23. Feb. 2021 um 12:26 
Ddurp hope you feel better and best luck in your No mans sky adventures :)
Ddurp 22. Feb. 2021 um 14:15 
Sorry for not responding sooner. I had Covid and after recovering I just didn't feel like signing on. Im just now getting back into this. thanks for all the advice.
Joelfett 10. Okt. 2020 um 6:18 
oh man, so abusing the system clock can be very benificial then
John 15. Mai 2020 um 9:44 
The only thing I can think to add is using cuboid rooms. The solar panels and batteries snap into a grid pattern on the floor (4 per cuboid room) and don't require wiring that way. Unfortunately, solid cuboid rooms draw 5k power each, but fortunately, glass cuboid rooms draw no power. If you don't want the cuboid rooms, you can always use them to lay out a nice grid pattern, then delete the cuboid room and wire manually.
Boneless_Stalin  [Autor] 20. Apr. 2020 um 22:31 
Ddurp disconnect your thing and let the battery charge up fully then connect, after that you should'nt have any problems