State of Decay 2

State of Decay 2

47 ratings
FOV customization / True ultrawide
By Rose
Learn how to set field of view to any desired value.
Since the first PC release of State of Decay 2 in May 2018, there have been a few ways to deal with the need to adjust FOV to preference or to compensate for the decreased vertical FOV at 21:9 and wider resolutions. Some - like the trainers based on Cheat Engine - were effective but are no longer up to date, while others - like the YFOV command - would not allow for any fine-tuning. There's a better way.
Set FOV to any value
We'll be assuming the game has been launched at least once to create a config file.
  • Navigate to %LOCALAPPDATA%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
    (it can be pasted into the address bar of the file explorer)

  • Open Engine.ini in a text editor

  • Add the following lines:


    The provided value is arbitrary but it is also the value needed to compensate for the decreased FOV at a 21:9 resolution to match the default 80 of 16:9.
    For 32:9, go for 118.
    For 48:9, set it to 137.

    Needless to say, it can be set to any reasonable horizontal value without breaking the game!
Other methods breakdown
The FOV-related commands previously shared by others are the known go-to commands for all games built on Unreal Engine 4 but have severe limitations.

  • [/script/engine.localplayer]

    This one is the most common in conversations and guides on State of Decay 2.
    There are also hilariously random modifications like AspectRatioAxisConstraint=90
    The game will read it as AspectRatioAxisConstraint=, defaulting to the first option within its index.
    Any of them, including AspectRatioAxisConstraint=IdontKnowWhatImDoing will work as a result.

    The only thing they do is set the hardcoded FOV of 80 to be vertical rather than horizontal, producing an FOV of 112 at 16:9 or roughly 126 at 21:9 - arguably too much with no way to adjust it.

  • [/script/daytongame.daytongameusersettings]

    FOV is a native Unreal Engine 4 command but there is no documented evidence of it working via the config in State of Decay 2.
Background and attribution
After a user request on the WSGF subreddit, I installed the Game Pass version of the game just to look into the issue. Having a history of modding games for ultrawide support[], I started by disassembling the game and tracing its code for FOV operations. The r.FieldOfView string is something I almost accidentally stumbled upon when looking into making a tool for real-time FOV adjustment.
I was quick to share the command on WSGF and also publish it on PCGamingWiki.
GrahamYeah 29 Sep, 2021 @ 2:01pm 
thanks, appreciate it
Dukhat 12 Jul, 2020 @ 12:12pm 
So on 21:9, you see the guns better/zoomed in when you shoot & aim?
Rose  [author] 23 Mar, 2020 @ 10:32pm 
I'm glad it helps!
ToxorAxiom 23 Mar, 2020 @ 8:09pm 
Great work! Looks so much better now.