Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

48 ratings
Halo Police D77-TC Pelican by JustHappened?
File Size
2.942 MB
14 Mar, 2020 @ 8:04am
20 Mar, 2020 @ 8:23pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Halo Police D77-TC Pelican by JustHappened?

!DO NOT UPLOAD WITHOUT MY PREMISSION! This build took alot of time, effort and headaches to get it working as well as it does now

Startup Procedure
1 Turn Flight power and avionics Breakers on on the right wall inside cockpit
2 Get in Pilot Seat and turn on Avionics and APU Ignition on button panel on the left of the pilot seat
3 Have fun!

To enter forward flight, increase thrusters lever and to ever hover mode decrease thrusters lever to 0

Warthog for this Pelican


Top Speed:
650 KPH
Without Thrusters 100 KPH

1 Pilot
1 Camera Operator
10 Passengers
1 Cargo Hang point

Fuel Capacity 22500L Jet Fuel
Refuel Hatch is above the ramp door, a hose will drop down and can pump jet fuel out to other vehicles

At 650 KPH 140 Km
At 315 KPH 360 Km
At 100 KPH 700+ Km


Alt Hold

Auto Hover (Alt Hold must be on)
Lowers vtol to the ground to a safe height and will lower enough for embarking when speed is 0 for 2 seconds. Good for quick landing without changing set height. DO NOT USE IF OVER WATER

Limits Thrusters to 0.33 max to archive better fuel economy and range while maintaining a ideal speed. enough to go arctic from mainland and back

Password lock for cockpit door and passenger cabin controls, button above cockpit door is toggle and can be used locked or not but coming back into the cockpit if the door is closed and locked, password is needed door closes behind you if going into the cockpit, ramp controls are in the cockpit, prisoners can be kept and locked in passenger cabin
Password is 419

Can fold passenger seat up to free more floor space for small cargo (All seats must be empty or they,ll stay down)

Landing Gear, can take heavy landings and has mag locks to stop the pelican from slide while parked but the pelican is really heavy so not all mags will stay locked when pelicans ducted fans are off
Landing Gear must be up before loading Cargo onto Cargo Hanging connectors such as warthog

Multi Waypoint Auto Pilot, Pelican will follow set course and will automatically turn thrusters off once 1 waypoint is left and at a distance of 1.5km from it and will continue the rest in hover mode. ECO will work with Auto Pilot and you can avoid collision using
w/s, a/d, left/right while it is active, once at destination turn AP off to take control without interference

All Engines move to produce forward/back and yaw in hover and pitch and roll in plane mode, Also contains all the propulsion for both hover and forward flight

5 Jet Engines, One as APU that generates the electricity and powers all 4 ducted fans for hover, the other 4 are in each pivoted engine pods for forward thrust.

I dont take credit for all lua scripts, monitor controllers, AP, AP waypoints, Password controller, Camera Controller
Cyberdog 9 Jul, 2021 @ 1:21am 
JustHappened?  [author] 8 Jul, 2021 @ 2:47pm 
I had been making a unsc version but pc crashed and lost all saved stuff unfortunately, kinda lost interest in stormworks then but when weapons dlc comes out I'll get back into stormworks
Cyberdog 8 Jul, 2021 @ 11:31am 
is there a normal UNSC one
Wakeboard62 13 Apr, 2021 @ 12:38pm 
Hess halo the be eessstttttt
JustHappened?  [author] 30 Dec, 2020 @ 9:24pm 
Haha damn nah wasn't me my pc crashed and I lost workbench saves and since then I lost interest stormworks as there was years of work gone :( I may eventually come back after some big updates but I definitely not going to abandon the pelican! Just been busy with work
Trashpanda80328 28 Dec, 2020 @ 8:42pm 
so i realized this broke in a update a while back but i decided to try it out again and it worked fine did you fix it or the game just is nice?
Commodore 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:45am 
this is why halo still a good game
JustHappened?  [author] 27 Apr, 2020 @ 11:49pm 
Haha me too, Its not that old tho, i think if you didnt play xbox you wouldnt know about the pelican
Klaus Klavier 27 Apr, 2020 @ 4:37pm 
all I know is when I fly these in servers NOONE recognizes what it is and then I feel old
JustHappened?  [author] 27 Apr, 2020 @ 4:30pm 
You're welcome!