Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

796 ratings
Halo 2: Collectibles
By Psychedelic Adventurer
A step by step guide to help you find all the Skulls, Terminals, Toys, and Soda Cans in Halo 2 *Image & video heavy*


Half way there folks. Halo 2 is often held up with rose tinted glasses, but that hasn't stopped 343 from
adding a little extra sauce into the Halo 2 you know and love. While the OG had the first incarnations of the Skull collectibles that became a staple of the series, the Anniversary edition has a set of Toys, Soda Cans, lore Terminals, and the original H2 Skulls, with some additions.

As with the prior Guides, we'll go through each of the levels chronologically, with each level having at least one Skull and one Terminal. There are also 8 Toys which can occasionally be found in missions as well; and finally Soda Cans which only appear in remote locations in MP maps.

When each instalment of the Master Chief collection lands, I will be publishing separate Guides on each one. And when all of them have have come up, I will be publishing a Mega-Guide with all titles compiled into one place for easy access.

You can follow me, and see my works here:
My complete selection of guides

Authors note: I have chosen to include a video version under ever mission. Please note, these are NOT my videos. Please go and support the amazing work content creators like these do for us.
The authors channel can be found here.

Note: If you are using classic mode graphics (the old version), you not be able to see the Terminals. You will have to switch over to the new and improved Anniversary graphical settings to see them. Skulls however, do appear.
The Armoury/Cairo Station
Skull #1: Whuppopotamus
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: AI become more observant, noticing even active camouflage, shadows, the sound of reloading or drawing a weapon, footsteps, etc. They also have better accuracy and are much less likely to kill themselves or their teammates with explosive weapons.

Location: At the end of the training section on the level 'The Armoury', after you power your shields for the first time, Johnson will come up on an elevator. Wait in the room until Johnson starts berating you, telling you to get into the elevator, DO NOT GO IN YET. Wait until he says "Would it help if I said please?"

This takes approximately four minutes and forty seconds. Once he says this, get in the elevator, and go up to the tram. Get on the tram, and face towards the oncoming tracks/door. Press up against the glass doors towards the inside of the building. You will see the skull coming; so hold 'PICKUP' when you go past the Skull and you should pick it up.

Terminal #1
The first Terminal is in the armoury where Master Guns checked your armour. You can access it after the second Orbital Defence Platform is destroyed and you go through the lower hallway to reach the armoury.

Skull #2: Thunderstorm
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Promotes most enemies to their highest rank. Does not affect Flood Human Combat Forms or Marines.

Location: In the large room with a ton of fortified enemies in, (crouch) jump to get onto a light fixture on the right wall (right of the room when you enter) and then jump from there onto the higher area. There is a series of diagonal beams. Walk up one near to the end of it and use it to Crouch Jump onto one of the rails.

Once on the rail, walk down it until you can jump onto the highest platform. Then melee the trashcan away from the wall to uncover the Skull.


Skull #3: Blind
Difficulty Required: Any
Effect: Your HUD becomes completely invisible as well as your weapon, except the Energy Sword.

Location: When you start the level, go through the door and kill the Grunt there. Backtrack and right above the first door you came through there is a light. Crouch Jump onto that and either Crouch Jump or Grenade Jump again (Crouch jumping is easier), and you should be on the roof (or you can get the Sputnik Skull and only use one grenade). Look for a space between the two buildings, and go into it, at the end there should be four Fragmentation Grenades, a spotting scope, and the Skull in front of them.

Skull #4: IWHBYD
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Rare combat dialogue becomes more common.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Authors Note:Alright guys, this one is quite tricky. I would actually advise you all to watch a video of how to get this one, since you have to follow some fairly precise steps. This doesn't translate very well to static images. However, I will of course provide one anyway. I would however, recommend you use the video if you having issues getting the Skull.
This Skull will only appear if you’ve obtained all previous seven checkpoints. There is also a checkpoint over the Skull’s room, so wait to get it before you grab skull.

At the start of the map, run into the first hallway, then jump on the light and go up the same way you did with the Blind skull. From there turn around and run along the thin ledge to the right of the alleyway below.

Across from this alleyway, you will see another platform, which you can jump on. After this, Grenade Jump onto another higher level, and look left to spot a nearby rooftop.

Jump on this rooftop and go to the right and head down that alley, where you’ll be able to jump onto the higher rooftop. Head to the top left corner (make sure you crouch when walking to the corner it helps) and wait for two checkpoints to pass.

Do not move from this point if they haven’t passed. After the second checkpoint when the Pelican leaves, look to the right where the Pelican first spawned, and jump down onto the bridge below.

Perform a grenade jump on the banister and crouch jump onto the rooftop ahead. Next, you want to run forward over to above the small alley where the soldiers are waiting for you.

Wait for the checkpoint there, then backtrack to where you first jumped onto the rooftop in front of the bridge and head left towards where the Pelican leaves.

Run along the rooftops until you reach the flat part of the bridge and jump down. Jump from the bridge into the alley below and run up the ramp. On the right side are a few boxes – jump on them and get onto the roof on the left. From there, look right and jump onto that rooftop. Head to your left. You should now be on the other side of the sniper alley, facing a small bridge where a sniper spawns.

Head to the right and you’ll see balconies that are connected together. Go to the one furthest from you, and go through the door. If you’ve done everything right, you’ll see the Skull between a sniper and some ammo.

Terminal #2
Near the end of the mission, you’ll probably be on a Warthog near the beach, where you will have to reenter the tunnel. Before entering it, there is one bunker in the middle before the reentrance to the tunnel. Head inside and you should find the terminal in there.
Skull #5: Catch
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Allies and enemies throw grenades with increased frequency. They will also drop more grenades upon death.

Location: Right after you get out of the sewers(Tunnel), there is a big area and 2 ghosts, kill every thing first, then go to the middle of it where you see a arc that leads up onto a building, grenade jump by it to get enough height to start climbing it. When you get to the top take a left and hug the wall around the structure and the skull will be there.

Terminal #3
After taking out the three wraiths, you can regroup with marines inside the building. Look behind the crates to find the red terminal on the wall.
The Arbiter
Terminal #4
While in the room with the blue glowing conveyor belts with transport fusion coils, check for a ramp before exiting that leads to the upper part of the room, where the terminal can be accessed.
Skull #6: Grunt Birthday Party
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Shoot enemy in the head and they will explode.

Location: The very first time you get a banshee, fly down, below you is a large beamlike structure (not to be confused with the one directly below you that turns and goes vertical) running from the arm of the station you just came out of to one exactly like it on the side opposite. Below this structure are 3 cylinders hanging down, with cylinders of light shooting out of the bottom that look like they are what keeps the station floating. If my explanation is too vague, they are the absolute lowest parts of the station. Now go to the middle engine and land on the top part of it. This and the other engines connect to the large structure mentioned earlier. The tops of the engines come up to meet the structure at an angle, where this angle is under the connecting structure and coming up to meet it, there is a place to walk (like being under a bridge). Under one side you will see the six grunts with the skull in the middle.

Skull #7: Famine
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Weapons picked up only have half ammo.

Location: After getting off the long elevator ride, you will come to a room where convent and flood are fighting below you, and you have to break the glass to get to where they are fighting. If you crouch/grenade jump up on the opposite side of where you came down, the skull should be up there.
Terminal #5
In the same room, just look behind wall at the back and there's your Terminal.
Delta Halo
Terminal #6
The terminal in Delta Halo is located in the same room where Cortana will ask you to extend the bridge, left of the Prophet hologram.

Toy #1
Location: When you reach the bridge that needs to be activated in order to continue, grab a ghost and return to where you first saw the Jackal Snipers overlooking the lake. Hold A and boost up the least steep part of the cliff wall. Curve to the right until you end up at a point where you can go no further. The Master Chief Toy is sitting in the middle.

Skull #8: Envy
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Cloak instead of Flashlight, 5 second cloak with 10 second recharge.

Location: When you first come out of the big building and see the turret and 5/6 shield up on the wall there is a wall over to the left hand side with the two grunt turrets on it, the big block and door are at the far end of that wall... In the room that the block is blocking there are two dead grunts and two plasma swords. There's a door being blocked by a rock. Jump on the rock. Then jump on the ledge that's located above the blocked doorway. Turn left and jump up on another ledge. Grenade jump up to where you'll find Two Red Elites - That become cloaked, surrounding a skull. Pick it up, and it reads Envy.

Toy #2
Location: At the very start of the level, grenade jump with Sputnik Skull active across the broken walkway to the other tower. Grenade jump once again to the next level. Run along the ledge until you find the Prophet of Regret Toy.

Skull #9: Assassin
Difficulty Required: Any
Effect: All enemies in game are permanently cloaked, AI cannot see them and so are no help at all.

Location: Just after you get off the gondola, and go in the structure, there is a big block of stone, jump on that an you can get on a ledge that leads out to the Covenant turrets, facing back towards the structure, jump up another level around the right side of the structure, It is pretty straight lined from here. You should find the Skull on a ledge when you make it around. No visible change to the HUD, BUT all enemies become invisible.

Terminal #7
Just behind the hologram of the Prophet, check the back wall.

Sacred Icon
Toy #3
Location: After the first electrified bridge, turn left and grenade jump to the higher level. The Arbiter toy is in the third farthest away dark tube (use a plasma weapon as a flashlight).

Skull #10: Mythic
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Enemy health and shields becomes equivalent to the next highest difficulty (ex. Easy becomes Normal and Legendary becomes Mythic).

Location: After coming down from a piston, about halfway through the level, you’ll come to a room completely filled with Flood fog. Go into the room and you’ll see a stack of crates. Jump on top (while cloaked would probably work better, so the Flood don’t notice you), and across to the next highest level. If you look in the last hole in the wall, you’ll see the skull in with a dead Flood.

Terminal #8
During the third objective of the Sacred Icon, you’ll drop down several fusion cores and through a hole that has a divider that splits it. Drop down further where the skybox is in the distance, and you can find the terminal behind a wall to the right.

Quarantine Zone
Skull #11: Sputnik
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Explosions and melee have more of an effect on objects, which may be the result of less gravity. Enemies who are meleed will also be turned around, making for an easy assassination.

Location: From the start of the level, look to your left for an Elite. To the left of the Elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow ledge, skull is at the end of that ledge.

Terminal #9
During the first objective of the Quarantine Zone mission, you’ll enter a room with a large robot that appears to have a blue forcefield in front of it. Head past underneath the robot to the far end of the room and you should spot the blue glowing terminal.

Toy #4
Location: After the long gondola ride at the end of the level, walk of the gondola and instantly turn to your right. Sputnik grenade jump on top of the metal wall. The Tartarus toy sits in the middle of it.

Terminal #10
When you get outside into the open area for the first time in this mission, drop down and follow the path till you reach a building on your right. Go past this building and jump on the elevated region with multiple purple pods. You should be able to spot the purple terminal next to three pods.
Skull #12: Angry
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Enemies have a faster fire rate and will shoot more often.

Location: In the same outside grounds as the Terminal, stick to the right-hand side and walk along the wall. You should see a Covenant wall thingy with a red rail on it. Jump up to it (crouch jump helps) and at the end there is the Anger skull in a small grav-lift.

Toy #5
Location: Same place as the Toy. Walk along the ring where the Cortana toy awaits, jump up on top of that where the Skull is hovering over the ground.

Toy #6
Location: When you exit the building for the first time and fight off enemies (one Brute arrives in a Ghost), jump onto the raised rocky ledge and grenade jump to the top of the map. Hug the right side of the map (with the main play area below to your left) until you pass a Jackal Sniper. Keep on going a little further until you can go no more. The Librarian Toy is on your right in the rocks.

Terminal #11
When you take a ghost down a large river stream, jump off when you reach the bridge and go up on the right. Kill the enemies, then head behind the large pillars – one of them has a blue terminal behind it.

Skull #13: Ghost
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Enemies cannot be staggered.

Location: Once you reach the armory (where, amongst other weapons, a Fuel Rod and Rocket Launcher can be found), pick up some Frag Grenades on the right side of the room. Once you have these, walk out of the door on the opposite side of the room, turn around (facing the armory door, and grenade jump up to a platform above the door.

High Charity
Toy #7
Location: When you enter a room full of flood with a raised rock structure in the middle, grenade jump (or use objects) on top of the rocky arch. It's right on top of it.

Terminal #12
During the third objective of the mission, you’ll take an elevator and eventually lead up to a room with a sword on an altar in the center. Check the walls of this room to find the terminal.
Skull #14: Iron
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Allies are immune to melee attacks.

Location: On the final grav-lift, look up and hold the 'interact' button as it passes you to pick the skull up up. Make sure to hold the key/button down all the time or you'll miss it.

The Great Journey
Skull #15: Black Eye
Difficulty Required: Legendary
Effect: Shield won’t regenerate, when you melee someone you get energy power back, so if you melee someone you get a little bit of shield. So you can get a bit at a time all the way to overshield!

Location: SGT Johnson will pilot the scarab and and you'll follow him to the Index Control room. If you take a banshee to the tower you will notice that, aside from where spires jut out of it, it has a round slope all the way around. If you take the banshee right up to the slope and as high as you can go, you can almost get over it. Here you must jump out of your banshee to land on the less steep part of the slope. If you turn your banshee to the side or all the way around, it may make it easier to land on the less steep part. Also, try to have your banshee land on a platform below, so you can use it to get back. Once you are on the slope, climb the rest of the way up it. If you are on the right of the door, then you have to jump onto the ledge next to the main part of the building, and then walk up a steep part in the direction of the door. Walk up that, then around and down on the other side. On this side (left of the door from scarab's perspective) you can walk onto the hills and grass. You will notice several angled spires, some of which connect to the building. You must climb the one that is directly opposite the door you would use to enter the tower. It's steep but you can walk up it.

Terminal #13
The final terminal is found in the area with the prison cells. The top-middle cell on the right side has this terminal. You’ll need to shoot down the shield in order to access it.

Toy #8
Location: Fight through the level until you are given Banshees. Fly all the way back to where you started the level where the Spectre and Wraith was. Get into the Spectre (any Spectre will do, it doesn't have to the original one), drive off the cliff (it's a good idea to do this at a angle against the rock face so you don't suffer instant dead from falling) onto the beach and keep heading towards the structure. Holding the jump button, climb the hill behind the giant structure. To the back left of the structure there is a steep mountain. The Spectre can climb it. On top of it is a Didact Toy.

BLAST Soda Cans [MP]

Roll over to blue base, Sniper Rifleis a must.
Face the base, but use the Sniper Rifle to zoom in on the background. Look above the trees on the left to find the can resting on a faraway edge.

Head over to the spawning point of the Covenant Carbine, located on a platform near the shrine. Look to the left of the shrine to see a faraway structure in the wall. The can sits on the very top of the highest point of the structure.

Run over to 'Gold Altar' and look for the rock sitting in the corner on the right. Behind the rock is the can!

Head into the large base and get to the center. There are crates in the center covered with a blue tarp. Hop on top and look between the two boxes on top to find the can.

Head over to the small tower and hop onto the blue crate surrounded by green barrels. From the right edge of the blue crate, use your Sniper Rifle to look at the bottom portion of the tower to find your hidden can.

Walk over to the tower with gravity lift. At the door, turn around and face the icy wall in the background. Shoot down the giant icicle in the center, then use your Sniper Rifle to zoom in and find the can.
Change Log
Date/month/year notation are written in the UK standard.

--13/05/20 - Guide Published.

--15/05/20 - Replaced lower res shots with native pc shots.

--19/05/20 - Toy videos have now been included under every relevant section.

The Russian conversion of this guide can be found here:

Wow, Halo has definitely come along way. When H2 dropped in 04, all we really had to hunt for was the occasional skull and the incredibly OP scarab gun. Now, well, let's just say things might have got a little out of hand. If you have successfully managed to grab every single Skull, Terminal, Toy, and Blast Can in the game, congratulations!, have a drink on me.
Or don't.

Now, if you want to keep playing the MCC and follow along with me, you'll want to bring up this Guide for Halo Combat Evolved: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1959239326
You can follow me, and see my works here:
My complete selection of guides

See my guide on Halo Reach's Firefight here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1928595692
Next up will probably be the one everybody seems to be waiting for. THE BIG BOI HIMSELF.
See you starside Spartans!!!

[Optional] Donate!


Donations are not needed, and are certainly not expected. However, they are highly appreciated none the less, and give me extra motivation to carry on supporting my hobby. If you feel like throwing something my way, just use the trade link found above.
claudiasAquarist 18 Jun @ 7:29am 
"On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons." :MCCSWORD:
-[Badger]- 19 Apr @ 6:49pm 
All of these are the hardest way to get these.
-[Badger]- 13 Apr @ 9:32am 
IWHBYD can be obtained easier. without nade jumps. In the video where they describe the scarab skull and firing too early. Just below there is a stack of crates.
jump on the crates,
the tin roof
the back to the roof going backwards and you are then at the point at 1:48 in the video. Over the roof to the balcony and you are there.
30 sec video, max. 3 Screen shots.
Corvax 9 Apr, 2021 @ 11:12pm 
Update to this. The Assassin skull has to be on legendary according to the steam list. I tried it on normal and it didnt pop
Comrade Ariados 10 Mar, 2021 @ 4:29pm 
At first I was like ehh nah at getting these skull because it required to be played on legendary and halo 2 legendary is cbt mode. But if you activate the scarab skull and infinite ammo skull it makes these levels a breeze and you still get the achievement. Just a tip for those who didn't know.
Elvick 14 Feb, 2021 @ 3:12pm 
thanks man
The Malaka from Sparta 6 Feb, 2021 @ 7:54am 
Actually, it is not necessary to get the Sputnik skull to obtain all toys. It's more convenient, yes, but not a requirement.
zander2758 2 Nov, 2020 @ 12:17pm 
btw, the assassin skull on regret, you need to be on legendary to get the achievement for it even if the skull appears on other difficulties
TheIrieOne 21 Sep, 2020 @ 4:56pm 
Good for him
TheIrieOne 12 Aug, 2020 @ 7:29am 
If you guys are having trouble on the Outskirts skull I found this video to be the most helpful. It only took 1 try of getting all the check points right to get the skull to appear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Uey9AXcD-0