Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Danboy's Integration of Annexed States
53.805 KB
2020年3月5日 20時12分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Danboy's Integration of Annexed States

What does this mod do?
This is a simple mod that adds a decision to integrate a randomly selected state that has been annexed by your country, provided the region and nation is stable enough.

Are there not already a lot of mods that do this?
Looked like quite a few, but all of them seem to either use a bunch of events or custom tools to achieve the same goal.
I wanted something neat in the decisions tab.

How does it work, technically?
This decision is always in the list, but can only be picked if you meet the following criteria:
  • Not at war
  • At least one non-core state
  • Said state has less than 5% resistance
  • Said state also has at least 90% compliance

Is this mod iro-
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2020年5月31日 6時07分
Balancing / Suggestions / Questions
14 件のコメント
Proof  [作成者] 2021年11月27日 12時24分 
@frost & redcola;
I am considering lowering the compliance to something akin to ~85% or so, I want it to be a bit more expensive than collab government. I will also be adding a way to boost the compliance more easily, however that might become a separate mod if people don't want to mix the two.

Your idea has grown on me, I think I might just do that.

I'm looking at making it known which state is getting annexed and such as well, in an attempt to make it more consistent and also allowing for state-specific events and/or decisions.

Does that sound like something people would enjoy?
frost planet | #savetf2 2021年4月19日 20時05分 
70 Compliance?
ReDC01a 2020年10月9日 14時30分 
How about 80% compliance? 90% compliance takes too long.

A E S T H E T I C 2020年7月2日 17時40分 
You Goddamn legend bro
Boxdog 2020年5月11日 6時57分 
this is what i always wanted in a coring mod. lol thank you.
Proof  [作成者] 2020年3月10日 18時29分 
Check the discussions tab, comment section gets too cluttered if we keep discussing balance and such in here.
Rabob 2020年3月10日 18時06分 
The war support -2% for 90 days weekly is a lot though. It messes up your economy and will throw you into strikes and force a lower economic policy. It's better to remove the weekly and just add a -5% war support one time off and no stability added.

Because later on you only get war support really by being at war, which at the same time means your compliance will be lower because you are not at peace. So as of now the balancing makes little sense and especially for AI it can mess them up badly -> core a state -> low war support -> less manpower, strikes with all the problems that come with that.
Proof  [作成者] 2020年3月10日 8時00分 
As of right now, the AI has a "100% will do" modifier on it.
But I have no idea how much PP the AI stockpiles, nor how it handles occupation so I can't really say if it actually does it in practice.
Angel 2020年3月10日 4時02分 
Does the AI use this ?
also it would be interesting if compliance reduced the cost of integration , maybe resistance increases it too, will make it more fun with the new DLC
Ness Scissors 2020年3月9日 14時28分 
Is there any way you can do a cost modifier for things like how far away the state is?