Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Medium Turbo Roundabout [NExt2]
Assets: Intersection
File Size
753.841 KB
24 Feb, 2020 @ 10:31pm
3 Mar, 2020 @ 10:55pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Medium Turbo Roundabout [NExt2]

In 1 collection by me22ca
Practical Engineering: Road Works
11 items
A roundabout that actually uses all its lanes efficiently without needing any TMPE setup!

See the screenshot above for a demonstration of how the traffic flows to the third exit, moving one lane to the outside each time it opts not to exit. (The other two lanes would go to the other two exits.)

How does it work, you ask?
  • A 3-lane entry lets traffic pick its lane before entering the roundabout
  • Lane Mathematics™ means lane arrows automatically have one lane for going off, two for going 'round
  • The 2 lanes going 'round end up in the outside 2 lanes of the 3-lane section, and thus have moved outside
(Of course TMPE can still help with junction restrictions and disabling parking.)

This requires the following three roads, part of Network Extensions 2:
  • Tiny: One-Lane Oneway
  • Sml Hvy: Three-Lane Oneway
  • Sml Hvy: Small Four-Lane Road
If you get "Net info missing" errors, make sure those are enabled in options.

I also have a UK Road Project Medium Roundabout, if you prefer its roundabout roads.

(by me22ca)
rikkot 22 Jun, 2021 @ 10:36am 
@me22ca It was a dependency error. :steamhappy:
me22ca  [author] 13 Jun, 2021 @ 1:12pm 
@rikkot It hasn't changed in over a year. Did you perhaps unsub from NExt2?
rikkot 11 Jun, 2021 @ 11:30pm 
Asset failed to load error. It used to load sometime back.
me22ca  [author] 28 Feb, 2020 @ 7:56pm 
@k.bau Great to hear it's working for you! I'll put the names of the necessary roads into the description in case anyone else hits this.
k.bau 28 Feb, 2020 @ 5:59am 
I had a couple of roads unchecked for some reason, All fixed. Thank you for your assistance
me22ca  [author] 27 Feb, 2020 @ 10:50pm 
@k.bau Please upload the LSM Asset Report of the failure somewhere (github gist, pastebin, public google drive, whatever) and I'll take a look.
k.bau 27 Feb, 2020 @ 5:19am 
Yes I do
me22ca  [author] 26 Feb, 2020 @ 10:51pm 
@k.bau Do you have Network Extensions 2 installed? It's needed for the 1- and 3-lane one-ways and the small 4-lane two-way roads on the outside.
k.bau 26 Feb, 2020 @ 5:07am 
I get an error. Net info missing
Lone Wolf 25 Feb, 2020 @ 9:59am 
This looks good, maybe it will help with the traffic.