Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

46 ratings
Left 4 pink 2
💗pretty and funny addons that will make your game prettier!💗
pink, purple, lilac, sanrio, hello kitty, my melody, kawaii 粉色的
Items (223)
「タユタマ2 -you're the only one-」主题痛机 替换 救援直升机
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
《タユタマ2 -you're the only one-》 Replaced the Rescue helicopter 粉白主题痛车第二作 下一作预计会是救援跑车吧 I really like pink its so cute ...
「 粉色系列 」number.26 - 少女魔法警棍 | 夜光版 / 「 Pink series 」 Tonfa | Luminous dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.26 | 仙女魔法棒 | Magic wand 替换了警棍,(replace the Tonfa) 【 其实很早就有在自学模型制作,都是自己在瞎摸索,严格意义上这应该算是第一个还算满意的成品 】 【以后如果还能继续出作品的话,还是以粉蓝色调为主的可爱系列】 内容/content ● V模 ● W模 ● 武器HUD ● 挥动音效 | 不含打击音效 ● 夜光动态 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352645256673/E...
「 粉色系列 」number.29-兔兔锤 - [ 板球棒 ] | 夜光版 /「 Pink series 」Cricket bat | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.29 - 板球棒 | Cricket bat 自制模组NO.4 - 粉色兔兔锤 / Rabbit hammer 这应该是目前做的模型里面咱最喜欢的一个,希望你会喜欢 好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱 φ(≧ω≦*)♪ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352671239790/C42DA9B39D68D5D54C64B52B405BC182CCBF0BDF/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima...
「 粉色系列 」number.20 - 电锯 | 夜光版/「 Pink series 」Chainsaw | Luminous dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.20 | 替换电锯,(replace the Chainsaw) 淡粉色电锯,部分锯身作夜光处理,含锯齿、立绘动态 已做锯身血液去除处理 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.20 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
「 粉色系列 」number.9 - 2代连喷 | 夜光动态版 / 「 Pink series 」SPAS | Luminous dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.9 | 替换2代连喷,(replace the SPAS) 部分枪身夜光添加了主体粉色花纹以及立绘和星星的动效 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.9 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
【初音ミク】COD:MW2022 M13B SAKURA MIKU 替换 M16
Created by FenLan.
替换 M16 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 M13B 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2943999183&searchtext=M13B M82A1闇冥:Compile / Audio / Texture editing / Animation editing / Fixing FenLan:SAKURA MIKU / Appearance / Self-...
【少女前线】MK23宣告开学的猫之歌一代连喷(Girls' Frontline MK23AutoShotgun1014)
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了1014(replace 1014) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) Pid=77761314 希望你能喜欢,顺便来个赞吧! 一些话 最近没什么空 而且电脑重装了系统 还有很多东西没有准备好 所以隔了好久才更新 学业也挺忙的 但是高考过后更新的速度就会上来了 下次尝试做个动态的(大概吧, 咕咕咕 )...
(Old Version) Knife Pink —— ✿ N A V Y ✿
Created by 接近神的人
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 替换小刀( 模型,动作 ) 另外的声音和原版属性,可以根据自己需求选择订阅或者不订阅 Replace the knife (model, animation). Additional sound and original attribute scripts, you can choose to subscribe or not to subscribe according to your needs. Description Brand new ...
【NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE】主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱M4A1(scar)
Created by Nagasaki Soyorin
替换三连发 Replace the Scar 全夜光 glow 还是你最好 我永远喜欢超天酱!!! 突然就有行动力重操旧业了( 手电筒上的白边怎么画也画不上去,就别说有问题了 Original model 原模型:http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786594612 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1892102694109387009/7F92E45CFDC92FF98A7D3...
【Vtb】早稻叽 潮妹服 替换bill
Created by .恋恋.
模型/Model: 早稻叽 mod内容:夜光,第一人称手模,物理飘动 八人包后面补链接 萌新制作,制作不易,不喜勿喷,喜欢的话可以点个小小的赞吗~ ...
八重樱粉色场景道具Honkai Impact Sakura Pink scene props
Created by 夜空☆Twinkle
简介 猛男必备粉色场景道具 替换了汽油桶,丙烷瓶和氧气瓶的贴图 带部分夜光,不瞎眼 Replace the Gasoline, propane and oxygen cylinders With part of the night light, not very bright 其他 个人水群:669851292,欢迎进群潜水! 原模:官方 侵权即删 Deletion upon infringement PS.machine translatio 预览图 https://steamuserimages-a.a...
崩坏3 八重樱 夏色樱梦 替换 NICK
模型来自米哈游手游《崩坏3》 添加飘动骨骼。 添加眨眼表情。 添加动漫渲染。 贴图经过无损放大处理。 添加第一人称手模。 50发不出理律自闭中。...
喵喵冲击! - Cat Punch | Pan 替换 平底锅
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在工坊发布,禁止在别的地方上传 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit uploading to other places 【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇08 | 喵喵冲击! - Cat Punch 喵喵拳套 替换 平底锅 / replace the Frying pan | Luminous 手臂长度建议70以上 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 70 UP ↑ 这是咱好几天摸爬滚打学会的第一个自制动作模组嗷...
樱花武士刀 // Sakura Katana
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了武士刀(replace Katana) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 拥有动态外壳发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 原MOD 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1885332607281902779/20A5640E18A368DDBF9D8BE82B1832405190DB36/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox...
可食用の弹药堆/「 lovely series 」Ammo pile - Edible | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
可食用の弹药堆 | 替换一代、二代弹药堆,(replace the Ammo pile ) | Luminous 晚上打求求 打着打着就饿了,突然就寻思着整点甜点吃,于是就有了这个可食用系列 内容/content ● Model:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Materials:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Luminous https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1827911076763542689/70DDDDB8388649CBF41F5B6F85AC26D273A...
爱心打包特效 Heart Healing Particles
Created by taC02
作者已退工坊。仅补档,无后续更新。为防steam若智审核机器人所以没描述,请自行研究使用方法。 The author feels disappointed with the workshop. It's just a re-upload addon for those who need it. No description or tutorial, no more future updates or technical support for this addon. ...
Created by mmi开心
175 Sexy & Cute Glowing Anime Paintings
175 Sexy & Cute Glowing Anime Paintings goes along with 190 Sexy & Cute Anime Paintings. fully compatable and no overlappting. So, this mod replaces the L4D2 paintings. So yeah, that's it. I think that you already know enough about it. Hope you'll enjoy it...
190 Sexy & Cute Anime Paintings
Created by Ellie
Okkay, so I KNOW that this is Anime, I KNOW that most of you will immediately say things such as "GTFO weebo". But please, I like doing mods for L4D2 (at least until now) and yes, there are people who like to fill L4D2 with Anime. I am mostly not part of t...
Anya Jockey Voice Pack v2
Created by Miku
There is another anya sound mod for the jockey that was lacking of volume and proper voicelines, so i decided to make one myself. The mod also includes an edited song for when the jockey jumps on you. Links to the original songs used for this mod: https://...
Created by 花の韵❄
替换AWP 就是那把狙 无夜光 因为真的太亮了 我也不怎么会调 3/20 经多次调整 现可发光 也就是夜光 请放心 不会那么刺眼(大概 推荐AWP Kou...
Bang Dream! Bus
Created by Nagi
Skin For Bus I make it because I was bored there was no work...
Boomer Pink-Purple Vomit
Created by Soleily
Requested by my friend. Holy heck man this mod took me a while cuz i really don't know about RGB and stuff. If i didn't read the wiki about VMT colors i wouldn't finish this project. Also blast the boomer in style and get vomited in style! Includes -Vomit ...
Charger's rainbow
Created by fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
COD:MW Pink Killer [Magnum]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's Pink Killer from COD:MW replace Magnum in game. I made the animation by myself. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是cod16的沙鹰粉红杀手替换了游戏中的沙鹰。俗话说得好,枪越粉人 越狠。动作为我模仿cod16自制,技术力有限模仿得不是很像。 希...
CSO2 xm8carbin_s_pink1(sg552)
Created by 涅盘重生
CSO2 xm8carbin_s_pink1 replace the CSSsg552. enjoy it!...
Cute Pink & Purple Health Status (With Decorations)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the health bar to a more cute Pink and Purple color, with also decorations in it! i know there are much health bars out there in the workshop already, also with kinds of Pink ones! but this adds a little bit more cuteness to it! I personally w...
Cute Pink & Purple Loading Bar (With Decorations)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the loading bar to a more of a Pink and Purple color, with cute decorations added in around the background and into the loading bar! I have spent some time to make this look more appealing to me, adding in cute delicious cakes, Pink bow ties a...
Cute Pink & Purple Progress Bar (With Decorations)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the color of the progress bar to a Pink and Purple, as well as having cute decorations in them added!! As well with the health status I have made, there are plenty of different colors that comes with the "Progress Bar", but this adds a little ...
Cute Pink Pastel Loading Screens (With Decorations)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This replaces all the loading screens with My Melody and even Kuromi, with Pink backgrounds! Figured no one has done something like this, so I took some time to recreate the overlays and gave me an hour to convert some stuff. Then add in the ✨ cuteness!! ✨...
DOOG [Charger]
Hololive Vtuber Inugami Korone - Kedama edition Original model by KirbyDX Rigging to the charger was a lil tricky, originally she was suppose to be smaller but then she'd float on the ground due to how short her legs are Beware of DOOG. Korone is strong. F...
Explosive Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Created by ✿ N A B I ✿
Explosive Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https://...
Five-SeveN The Adventures of Finfen
Created by 十年公交男
Five-SeveN The Adventures of Finfen https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305522025954544/7BC081DF61C0B1A96387AD4250AA0865727BD61C/ Included: V mode, W mode, Sound effects. Description: Hum, commander, do you want to hear something interesting? St...
Grenade Launcher Rose's Light Cannon Skin (Steven Universe)
Created by withextradip
Custom skin I made for my personal mod collection....
Galko Computer Screen
Created by Herr Rätsel
Replaces the LED screen with an animated picture of Galko....
My Custom HD Retro Wave Miami Alarm Clock! (((WARNING THIS MOD CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT)))18+ (((ADULTS ONLY)))18+ Time Changes Numbers On Clock Also In HD Custom HD Texture And Sound! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
Hello Kitty Combat Knife
Created by femmefatality
Hello Kitty Combat Knife ❤ A cute knife to stab all ur enemies with! ❤ ---------------------------------------------------------- A Hello Kitty retexture of scream's Call of Duty Infinite Warfare combat knife. Credits to them for doing the original porting...
Hello Kitty Toaster
Created by femmefatality
Hello Kitty Toaster ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Hello Kitty toaster is perfect for brightening up a kitchen, or a saferoom too. It's one of the most necessary appliances especially for survivors in the apocalypse....
Hello Kitty Towel
Created by femmefatality
This is my first time doing a texture mod thing so it isn't perfect but it still looks good. This replaces the towel that you see throughout various campaigns (in bathrooms usually)...
Hello Kitty Load Icon
Created by ᨐᵉᵒʷ
This Icon will replace default L4D2 spinning load animation <3...
Hequan Yarn Fog (Safe House Sign)
Created by mmi开心
-Erotic Cartoon Teacher - Hequan Yarn Fog (Safe House Sign) 情色漫画老师-和泉纱雾替换(安全屋标志)发光动态Q版和泉纱雾...
Hot Pink Blood (High-Resolution Textures)
Hot Pink Blood is another blood mod by me that replaces all Zombies Blood with a nice Hot Pink color. In dark areas and certain lighting on levels may cause the the blood to turn white or light pink. Based on Phaeton's Blood Overhaul Texture Mod here: http...
Hello Kitty Water Dispenser
Created by femmefatality
Hello Kitty Water Dispenser ------------------------------------------------------------------ Decked in Hello Kitty imagery, appealing to many Hello Kitty fans around the world. Dispenses 8 glasses of water to help you stay healthy and hydrated in the apo...
Hunter FX pink line (solid)
Created by Urik
A particle trail effect mod for hunter. This mod is made for fun and visual entertainment. I don't encourage or force anyone to use it in competitive modes....
IceCream Truck
Created by Methadone Kitty
Reskin for the plain white van. Lots of ice creams and lollies everywhere - check the pics. http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf.jpg ...
Incendiary Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Created by ✿ N A B I ✿
Incendiary Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https...
Kanna Animated TV for Jukebox
Created by HSK
character : kanna kamui modified from id=1808944040 more detail in chinese 來做個康娜老婆的電視音響 看之後還會不會把我之前改的模組上傳上來 H版本做太多了(*´ω`)~,要改成一般上傳也要一陣子 此模組只修改了皮膚與動畫 模型源自於id=1808944040,有興趣自己去查XD 還有我沒加入音樂,可自行訂閱其他點唱機的音樂模組一併使用 如果有錯誤顯示,歡迎下方留言給我 #個人實測可用,訂閱直接套用,若有錯誤顯示先看看你的模組有沒有相...
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun鹿乃主题木喷
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun 花寄女子寮vtuber:鹿乃 主题木喷。 只替换了贴图 Only texture have been replaced 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于花寄鹿乃自我介绍歌:https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW The picture comes from vtuber Kano's self introduction song: https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW 感谢...
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Concert
Created by HeliChopper
You're invited to see Kyary Pamyu Pamyu in concert! Be here to see the queen of all things cute and freaky right here at Whispering Oaks Stadium! This mod replaces all posters, billboards, and the stage backdrop as well with images I've edited and put toge...
Lighting cola
Created by rain_night
cola will glow in darkness....
Light Pastel Pink Scoreboard
Created by yess bitch ♡
A scoreboard that was featured with my previous addon submission! This is a lighter version of the scoreboard that I did awhile ago and wanted to remake this. Here's the original verison: Pink Scoreboard Let me know anything else!...
Love Live Honoka Catering Truck
Created by Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Love Live! (Dark Carnival)
Created by Saeru
i dont go to upload music 'cause there are a lot of music replacement for the concert, so this contains replacements for the tents signs and the lil peanut texture, i will add some other replacements later 'cause im seeking for compatible between this and ...
Love Live Tunnel of Love
Created by Hawkiepaisen
based on miku tunnel of love by ellie Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Mean Girls CEDA Table
Created by femmefatality
Mean Girls CEDA Table You can't sit with us.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- This replaces the map and the 2 books on the CEDA table in Dead Center with Mean Girls retextures. This adds a photo of Regina George on the...
Neptunia Burger Tank
Created by NPCsnake
-Neptunia- Neptunia Burger Tank + Gas Station + Bus Stop Replaces 2 Burger Tanks,Gas Station and Bus Stop Compile Heart Burger Tanks - 9+1 images,Replaces every 20s Idea Factory Burger Tanks - 9+1 images,Replaces every 20s Bus Stop - Replaces every 16s (Pl...
MyScene Laptop
Created by femmefatality
MyScene Laptop ------------------------------------------------------------------ MY STYLE, MY SCENE! This mod replaces the laser sights with a hot pink macbook laptop, with the MyScene Beauty Studio game playing on the screen. I randomly came up with this...
Overwatch Snack Machines
Created by Jamie
Swaps both of the L4D snack machines for the ones from Overwatch. Models and textures originally ported by Speeder99123 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=750141231...
Overwatch D.Va Fireworks Box
Created by Hawkiepaisen
to fit dva concert Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
Created by 八雲阿紫
这个MOD和之前那个一样,只不过这个是紫色的(或者说Pink)。 必要例外的事情是,这是为小洋人定制的MOD。...
Pink APC Truck
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the APC truck to Pink! The original textures, models and everything else is not made by me. This replaces of all the textures from the truck to Pink. Credits to gray for the animations, model and textures. Link to gray's original Stryker addon...
Pink Background Progress Bar
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the background of the progress bar color to Pink....
Pink Burning Fire Character Screen
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the character that is on fire on your screen to Pink. If this doesn't work, disable one of the conflicting addons that you have. If you also want the Pink Adrenaline Screen, here's the two addons that are added in one: https://steamcommunity.c...
Pink Background Team Panels
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the color of the background of team panels to Dark Gray to Pink. also changes the death overlay color when that survivor is dead. compatible with other health bars!...
Pedophile Hunter Music!
Created by 4FCG
Changes the Hunter pounce music to the song: Little Girls by Oingo Boingo I do not own the song....
Pink Butterfly Wings (Melee Crosshair)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Melee Crosshair from the default to Pink Butterfly Wings! If this doesn't work, make sure to set "crosshair 0" to 1 in console or disable the conflicting addon. ...
Pink CEDA Hazmat Infected
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Infected CEDAs Hazmat color to Pink! ...
Pink CEDA Trailers
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Ceda Trailers to Pink! ...
Pink Chat Box
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the color of the chat box to Gray to Pink....
Pink Covered Riot Common Infected
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Riots Common Infected Armor and Its coverings (Blood & etc) to Pink! Basic, nothing else. My first time making something that is for Commons for L4D2! I will be uploading some more soon! <3 enjoy!!! ...
Pink Crowbar
Created by Athena *.★
Pink Crowbar reskin. 😃...
Pink Crescent Moon With Decorations
Created by yess bitch ♡
This gives a new crescent moon that is Pink, added in with hearts, stars and other more! Request: 莉璃 Let me know anything else!...
Pink Death Spectator Border
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the death border UI to Pink. Please note that this is for when you are a survivor only. Small but to make your game look a little bit more cute! ...
Pink Crouching Infected Icon
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the crouching icon of the infected to Pink! ...
Pink Death Vision (Thirdstrike)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Black & White Vision (known for when you are at a third strike), to Pink! In the map Blood Harvest, the color correction of it may make the colors look Purple, want to point that out. Let me know anything else! <3...
Pink Default Crouching Icon
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the default crouching icon to White to Pink. This only changes for the survivors, not Infected. ...
Pink Detailed Grass Sprites
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the detailed grass from original to Pink! I know this may look like kind of soft magenta-ish if thats the right word, but still pretty in Pink! Great look with the Sakura Trees by Franky D. Coolsevelt! Sakura Trees by Franky D. Coolsevelt ...
Pink Environmental FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes all the environmental effects in the game to Pink! it also includes like flares, water splashing's, ripples of the waters and more!...
Pink Ending Survivor Stats (Labels Only)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This only changes the default colors of the label stats when you and your team have finished the game to all Pink. ...
Pink Dog Toy Helicopter Sound (First Level)
Created by //⁧⁧NOΛ
I always hated the intro helicopter now but then I saw this meme that got me... The pink dog toy and I decided YES! I NEED THIS! Not sure if you need something like this but it makes the game mutch more "realistic" Current work: Adjust the sound between or...
Pink Fallen Survivor (Infected)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Fallen Survivor body, clothings, blood, everything else to Pink! *Does not change the molotov's, medkits or anything on the Fallen Survivor.* ...
Pink flashlight
Created by Milla
A new pink flashlight!...
Pink Flatscreen TV
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Flatscreen TV colors to cute soft Pink! Original model: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543785952&searchtext=flatscreen+tv Credits to: A little Eileen Requested by: 琴芯 ...
Pink Footsteps FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the effects of the footsteps to Pink! Small, not too much though! If you can see in-game for example, when a survivor or a model is running, walking or etc, the effects particle from the footsteps will appear like dirt moving off of their foot...
Pink Gas Progress Boarder UI
Created by yess bitch ♡
This just changes the Gas Progress UI to Pink, not the Icon to avoid conflicting. ...
Pink Generated Dusts FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the generated dusts effects to Pink! The dusts or the effects that are being generated like, explosions or extra stuff like that is seen here. If you have questions, please let me know in the comments!...
Pink Generator
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the generators to Pink! ...
pink gibs and limbs (CI)
recolors the CI's wounds and limbs to pink....
Pink Highway Signs
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes all the Highway signs to Pink! ...
Pink Heavy Machine Gun
Created by femmefatality
Pink Heavy Machine Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------ Matching with the pink minigun, the pink MG has been brought to the apocalypse! This gun may look cute and innocent, but it can blast through a vicious horde of zombi...
Pink Humvee (L4D1 & L4D2)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the color of the Humvees to Pink! It replaces both the L4D1 version and also L4D2. ...
Pink Graffitis
Created by yess bitch ♡
here it is finally! :D This changes very few of the graffitis that are in text, but not many images. ive done a lot of changes to this addon which took me two days to complete because there was a lot of materials in each folders to change. I decided that i...
Pink Infected Clowns
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Infected Clowns uniform, blood, shoes, even the flower to Pink! ...
Pink Icon Pings
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the ping icons from Green, Orange and Red to Pink. note: If this doesn't work, in game you might have to change your display settings resolution. ...
Pink Infected Death Status
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the status (in Versus only) when you are dead, such as the countdowns to Pink! Let me know if there is any other issues!! ...
Pink Infected Display Panel
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the background, the countdown of the player, and the name to Pink! Only for Versus including Realism Versus and on the Infecteds team. I have tried making the name to change to Pink for survivors but failed to make it work for couple of tries....
Pink Infected Health Number
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Infected health percentage to Pink! ...
Pink Infected Out-of-Bounds Mapping (With Decorations)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This replaces the wrongways when you are a Special Infected to a cute Pink strawberry with decorations on it! ...
Pink Informal Skyboxes
Created by yess bitch ♡
This converts the Informal Skyboxes to Pink! Credits to Descarado for the original upload Original Link: Informal Skyboxes Let me know if there is any issues or anything else!...
Pink Instructional Icons
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Icons for the instructions from default to Pink! I have done something like this before in the past, but wasnt too satisfied with it due to a different program. Now I have redone it and it looks much more better. If there is an issue with ...
Pink Jimmy Gibs
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes Jimmy Gibs Jr. clothing's, blood, stains, everything else to Pink! If you want the Mud color to be changed to Pink, here's the addon that I separated from the Mudmen: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2822431112 ...
Pink Ladders
Created by femmefatality
Pink Ladders Replacing Default Ladders ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is another mod I made really quickly. It's inspired by Doktor Haus's pink ladders mod which is here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Pink Law Enforcement Vehicles
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the law enforcement vehicles to Pink! If you see the taxi's cab weird textures like orange-ish like, ignore that because I also planned on making included as Pink as well but finding out I cannot fix the problem. ...
Pink Lens Flares FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the lens flares effects to Pink! This also changes sunlight reflections, car lights and more to Pink! ...
Pink Loading Text Labels
Created by yess bitch ♡
This only changes the labels on the loading screen from colors default to Pink when you have entered or started up a game. ...
Pink Medical Cabinet
Created by femmefatality
Pink Glass Medical Cabinet Add a bit of cuteness, even to your medical cabinets ♡ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a retexture of shq765611's glass medical cabinet, all credits to them for creating the origina...
Pink Luggage Piles
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the luggage piles from the airports to Pink! Also something I forgot to do from the past lol Request: ∞ lmk anything else <3...
Pink Message Feeds
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes both of the messages feed from its default color to Pink. i know there is another one like this, but this one changes both the assistance and kill feed. For example: Coach healed Nick. hope you like it!...
Pink Military Signs
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes all the Military Signs to Soft Pink! The signs may seem bright in map settings that have brighter lighting, and in-doors it may seem normal. Note: i've decided that I wanted to come back and make more Pink stuff for you lovely guys!! Again, I ...
Pink Military Trucks (L4D1 & L4D2)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the military trucks (known as army trucks) to Pink! Includes both L4D1 & L4D2 ...
Pink Minigun
Created by femmefatality
Pink Minigun ------------------------------------------------------------------ Annihilate your enemies in the zombie apocalypse and look cute doing it! The pink minigun has been brought to L4D2! ♡ ----------------------------------------------------------...
Pink Military Artilleries FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the military artilleries effects to Pink! ...
Pink Mudmen
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the textures, the body, blood. clothing's and hair of the Mudmen to Pink! If you want the Mud to be Pink when you are hit by Jimmy or Mudmens, here's the addon that I separated: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2822431112...
Pink Muzzle Flash
Created by Tashimi
This is mod replaces original muzzle flash on pink...
Pink Outfit Nepgear
Created by Capella
Replace Zoey, pink Nepgear is adorable, isn't it?...
Pink Patrol Boats (RNG)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes Virgil's patrol boats to all Pink! This only retextures all boat materials to Pink. Original textures are not made by me. Credits Model / Original Textures: gray Link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2247101414 Request: ...
Pink Pitchfork
Created by Athena *.★
shiny pink pitchfork reskin <3...
Pink M119 Howitzer
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Howitzer to Pink! Request: 瞹芯 ...
Pink Rescue Helicopter (Full Retextures)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the rescue helicopter to a full pink color! This includes no images like on the helicopter if you prefer. Request: 露芯 ...
Pink Rescue Radio
Created by femmefatality
Pink 4K Rescue Radio ---------------------------------------------------------------- This mod replaces the rescue hamradio and box radio usually at the end of campaigns, with something more clean, fresh, and pink. This is a reskin of gray's radio which ca...
Pink Scout
Created by Athena *.★
pink scout reskin <3...
Pink Rifle
Created by ʙᴀʀʙɪᴇ ✿
Changes the original sniper color to pink....
Pink Sparkling Heart Speech Bubble
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the speech bubble to a Pink heart with shining sparkles!! This only enables whenever someone has attempted to speak over voice and you should see from above their heads. I tried getting the speech bubble chat icons (located to the teammates hu...
Pink Spark
Created by Tashimi
This is mod replaces original spark on pink ...
Pink Steam FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the steam clouds FX from the pipes in-game to Pink! (Not your actual steam clouds lol) Let me know if there any issues!!...
Pink Survival Timer (Labels and Clock Texture)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the timer labels and the clock to Pink. Here's the addon to change the White border to Pink. I figured that the vgui also changes for both the progression of the gas and the timer border. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=...
Pink Survivor & Infected Ladders With Hearts (Added With Hints)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This replaces the Infected ladders with Pink hearts, also adds in hints on different locations when you are a survivor! The hearts may seem too bright in maps that have bright settings. Requested by: 瞹芯 ...
Pink Storming Rain FX
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the storm and the rain colors to Pink! In the map of No Mercy, I have no idea why the rain drop particle is lighter and not the same in the map of Hard Rain. So don't ask me why on that lol This addon also replaces with the file "water_fx.pcf"...
Pink Textured Model Props Pack
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes very few model props textures to Pink! Took some couple of hours to compile everything and replacing the colors to Pink. c: As I did not want to keep making separate addons for each retexturing's and screenshots, this is all packed into one. A...
Pink Survivor Takeover Labels
Created by yess bitch ♡
This replaces the original colors of the text labels when entering the game and as you are starting off as a survivor. White to Pink! As for the "Joining the survivors team", you won't be able to see this text to the top of your screen, but only "Press pla...
Pink Velometer
Created by Shion
Original: Rainbow Velometer...
Pink Versus Scoreboard
Created by yess bitch ♡
For people out there that loves to play Versus, this changes the scoreboards, as well as the progression of the bars and even more to Pink! Please know that this wont work on Valve's Versus Dedicated Servers. Addons like this can only be enabled if there i...
Pink Voting Text Panel
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the color of the text on the voting panel to White & Red to Pink. This also includes the Pink yes & no icons. (Passed or Failed) ...
Pink Weapon Selector
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the color of the weapon selector to Green to Pink. new: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789203198...
Pinky Pink Color Correction Pack
Created by moemeo
This will change all campaigns (included The Last Stand, Crash Course, Cold Stream, and safe room) color correction into pinkish ones. For anyone who got bored of blue pack. XD The screenshoots have some mods inside but vanilla skyboxes! Not many pictures ...
Pixelated Kawaii Girl Tankwall (With Hints & Decorations)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This gives you a pixelated girl telling you that you are beautiful no matter what, as well walls hinting you that can be destroyed for Infecteds or Tanks. Request by: 瞹芯 ...
Princess Luna Statue
Created by CronePure
A mod replacing the old horse statue with Princess Luna from MLP. Design and colors were referenced when making this, but it's admittedly not perfect. This is not her official model however, it is using Celestia's model from another mod author (? Dok?tor h...
Purple-Pink-Blue-Cyan Burning Infected Particles
Created by Soleily
I had to seperate them because some people don't like burning infected color and some people like the color of this. Well I just replica Purple-Pink-Blue-Cyan fire. This includes all infected burning particles and also incendiary ammo. The color of molotov...
Pwetty Adrenaline ♥
Created by Šviesiaplauke
Hiiii ^^ ...
Pwetty Defibrillator ♥
Created by Šviesiaplauke
^3^ ❤ Tomorrow i'll upload high quality images, i haven't slept all night, i feel d₤a-d :(...
Sad Cat (Gnome)
Created by Nedur Frog
https://i.imgur.com/xxnsDVj.gif This model replaces gnome. Cat that appears as a sticker in Needy Streamer Overload / Needy Girl Overdose. Credits Model & Textures : by me the original design belongs to WSS playground....
Sakura Miku Farquhar-Hill (Military Sniper)
Created by 多乐美
replace the Military Sniper with Sakura Miku original address: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1128773849 ...
Sakura Miku Replace Witch
Created by Ronata
Sakura Miku in Witch Mode :D It change the Model,Sound, and Music of the Witch Model Credit to : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 Image Credit to : http://ichigimy.deviantart.com/art/Seasons-451972420...
Sanrio サンリオ Strawberry News Magazine Rack
Created by femmefatality
Sanrio Strawberry News Magazine Rack ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sanrio magazine rack has been brought to L4D2 to make the apocalypse a cuter, brighter place! I made this mod pretty quickly, and it's honestly one ...
Sanrio My Melody Fireaxe With Decorations
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the Fire axe's original textures with My Melody's decorations! No animations are included especially in the screenshots. Like my previous fireaxe addon I've made, I wanted to do another one of these and may possibly next do Cinnamoroll hopeful...
Sazaki Ichiri Sprays
Anime sprays for replace default sprays with Sazaki Ichiri Artist イチリ☆3日目A22a How to use spray 1.Subscribe 2.Open game go option > multiplayers > spray 3.select spray and play game press T to use enjoy! Updates 12 February 2018 - Remove white background an...
Soft Pastel Pink Leaves & Bushes
Created by yess bitch ♡
change up your game by adding a little bit more pastel into it! this changes the leaves on the trees and leaf bushes to a more soft pink! 🌸 as this is a related from the sakura trees addon, this makes it more pink as you prefer. Inspired from: Sakura Trees...
Springtime Potted Plants
Spring is here. Dead Air was looking a little... dead. This mod brings the greenhouse's flowers back to life. Additional tags: spring, Easter, flowers, floral, springtime, pastel ...
Springtime Trash Decals
Spring is here. 2D trash decals are now flowers. Additional tags: spring, Easter, flowers, floral, springtime, pastel ...
Star staff | Crowbar 粉色 - 封印之杖 替换 撬棍
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇07 Pink Star staff replace the Crowbar | Luminous 粉色 封印之杖 替换 撬棍 | 夜光 我小樱今天就让你知道一下什么叫魔法少女 .jpg 内容/content https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1847053979862752854/DBB9C49AF11EEB0C63DFB0E0AED2D8D67A72EEC7/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impoli...
Syringe | Pitchfork 不明液体注射器 替换 草叉 | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
不明液体注射器替换了草叉 Unknown liquid Syringe replace the Pitchfork 说实话,草叉本来都没打算做的,做也只是因为自己还没有定制款的草叉,凑个数罢了。 正经玩家不到迫不得已谁会用草叉 Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ ● Model:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Materials:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Luminous ...
Super kawaii bat!
Created by MJerk
TDA Kimono Skirt Luka
Created by neps
Replaces Coach This mod has: FPS arm Vgui(Applicable to any UI and HUD) Whole body Jiggle Bones Simulated physical collision(skirt only) Face animation Using Zoey's animation Voice Packet Using Tutorial(This mod does not contain speech!): 1、Delete four fol...
Touhou - Remilia Scarlet
Created by Despair
Remila Scarlet replaces the Tank. Blue/Green variant for Sacrifice Tank This mod was commissioned by The Party Favors ...
TV Screen - mlp intro
Created by TOG | K1CHWA 2nd
an animated, glowing tv mod I put together for l4d2 858 frames of self-illum animation. SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
Valentine String Lights
Red, white, pink, and purple hearts and lights for string lights like those in Dark Carnival and The Passing....
Valentine's Day Leaf Sprites
Happy Valentine's Day! This just replaces the falling leaves in forests with cherry blossom petals. This does NOT conflict with Franky's Sakura mods. :) ...
Valentine's Day Mall Posters
One of my old Valentine's Day mods. Just moving these to the workshop....
Valentine's Day Tables
Happy Valentine's Day! Let's celebrate the day of love with ! ...
Valentine's Day Traffic Signs
One of my old Valentine's Day mods. Just moving these to the workshop....
Valentine's Francis ;D
Created by Nonbinary
bill died that day...
Yuzuki Yukari Replaces Ellis 结月缘替换Ellis
Created by PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Yuzuki Yukari Replaces Ellis 结月缘替换Ellis This model has: w model&v model Zoey's animations jigglebones proportions basewarptexture VGUI https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/835832470171427098/B73A4E5904CBE325F455FDED02A003FE5B899E19/ 请尊重模型原作者,不要直接公开随意...
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
Created by K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[Kanna] Hunter Sound
Created by K"ashimura♦
Sound from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter Sound. Sound source Kanna Kamui 長縄まりあ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Appear animated episodes 1-12 ...
封印者 closers 李瑟钰 替换 Rochelle
模型来自游戏《封印者》 这个mod有 眨眼表情。 飘动骨骼 手摸(已细分) 因为这套衣服没有2d立绘。 所以就随便弄了一下姿势。然后当做封面了。 不会渲染路过、...
Vtuber 兰音Reine(Francis)
Created by 鱼鱼蒸饭了
Vtuber 兰音Reine 替换弗朗西斯 / Replaces the Francis 模型/Model: 兰音Reine 编译/Compile: Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) ...
Pink Stats Scoreboard (For Transition Screen) *Read Description
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes the background, borders and especially the color on the labels to an all soft color of Pink for the saferoom transition! This also removes the tips panel on the transition screen to make it more fitting. Any retextures to the icons is all comp...
Valentine's Day Main Menu Background Videos
Valentine-y pink, red, and purple hearts and lovey-dovey stuff slapped onto the main menu backgrounds. Icons located HERE NOTE: THIS MOD TAKES A MILD AMOUNT OF EFFORT. SIMPLY SUBSCRIBING WILL DO NOTHING. To install: -Get GCFScape. -Navigate to the L4D2 med...
Survivor Outline: Fuschia Pink (READ DESCRIPTION)
Created by KittyV2X
Read Before Installation - Changes are affected in real time. - This only works for YOUR game. This will not appear for other players within your server. - There are two ways you can enter the values. The same values are also found in the autoexe.cfg of th...
Miss Luxury Pain Pills
Created by femmefatality
Miss Luxury Pain Pills ------------------------------------------------------------------ M-M-M MISS LUXURY! This mod is inspired by the pills seen on Miss Luxury's "The Bimbo Diaries" debut album cover. It has a label on the front with Playboy logos and M...
樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura ballistics and bullet marks )
Created by 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了弹道,改成了樱花的效果 (The trajectory has been replaced and changed to the effect of cherry blossoms) 弹痕也是樱花的效果,且具备夜光 (Bullet marks are also the effect of cherry blossoms, and have luminous) 觉得这个太亮的点这里 喜欢的点个赞吧,你的赞是我最大的动力 更新说明 21/4/9 因为有部分枪械mod和柔和开枪火焰冲突,所以我删除了柔...
Pink Hearts as Blood Particles
Created by KittyV2X
Features - Survivor and Infected's blood particles are changed into pink hearts. Troubleshooting - If you're subscribed to another mod that replaces the blood particles, unsubscribe from it to view this one. Credits - Supermonkey for the original Pixel Hea...
Created by LunarMeal
mengqi Replaces l4d1 Boomer
Created by HappyDog4you
This replaces the model and textures of the l4d1 boomer with the boomer from the mod "mengqi". You must have the required items for this to work. All work is by LunarMeal. If you are happy, don't thank me, thank them. This is their work. Link to the origin...
My Melody Medkit
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody medkit hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Menu Icons
Created by My Melody  ♥
My Melody pink Menu Icon set hello kitty sanrio Inspired by: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3131773989&searchtext=my+melody Animated background not included...
My Melody scorboard icons
Created by My Melody  ♥
My melody pink scoreboard icons sanrio hello kitty...
My Melody molotov
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink my melody molotov with pink fire effects! hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Bile Jar
Created by My Melody  ♥
My Melody bile jar with pink bile effects attached hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody racing car
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody racing car and racing car banner along with the crashed version sanrio hello kitty...
My Melody Elevator
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody elevator door hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Vending Machine
Created by My Melody  ♥
A little wonky but still working on it, pink sanrio hello kitty...
My Melody Pipebomb
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Pipebomb sanrio hello kitty...
My Melody Ceda Whiteboards
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody whiteboards that replace the ceda ones hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody posters
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody hotel posters sanrio hello kitty...
My Melody saferoom door
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink my melody saferoom door hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Bed
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody bed hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Rug
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody rug sanrio hello kitty...
My Melody Bathroom signs
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody bathroom signs hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Truck
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody truck sanrio hello kitty Credit to Mr Funreal for the base...
My Melody Dead Body Blankets
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Death Blankets. hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Delivery Van
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Delivery Van hello kitty sanrio Credit to MrFunreal...
My Melody Fuel Truck
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Fuel Truck hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Ambulance
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Ambulance sanrio hello kitty...
MWII X13(Bocchi the Glock)replace UZI
Created by 雪村千绘莉
MWII X13(Bocchi the Glock)替换UZI Replace UZI 包括夜光 It includes a HUD icon:) 来自 Denny凯妈制作的Bocchi The Glock Carbine 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3072805024 贴皮-青咲 封面制作-KamiFLan 没有允许不得盗用我的MOD进行更改并私自上传、或者任何社区及游戏之间移植! Without permis...
My Melody Posters and Corkboard
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody posters for a bar on the passing and a corkboard Sanrio Hello Kitty...
Pink Piano
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink Piano...
My Melody Mirror
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Mirror hello kitty sanrio...
Created by
模型出自和平精英 替换三连发SCAR ...
博衣小夜璃铁喷 Hakui Koyori Chrome shotgun
Created by 星跃迁
第一次做皮肤,感觉自己做的不好,估计有点小瑕疵,看自己需求订阅吧。 图片来源pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/ https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/96005372 https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/101878454 封面:https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/98883564 拥有全身夜光(不刺眼) 增加了法线贴图...
Spitfire LMG Hello Kitty 【M60】改视角/无火光版
Created by Beau
皮肤做的依然很拉胯 替换M60。移除了开枪火光,修改了持枪视角 建议手臂长度70-80 手太长推的时候有点穿模,强迫症慎重 没有移除开枪火光,改视角的版本 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787156735 原版枪MOD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=247271403 20220405修改 降低了发光的亮度,之前技术不成熟,以后慢慢改进...
Pink Material Textures (Reupload)
Created by yess bitch ♡
This changes textures like the ground, buildings, grass and etc to Pink! All of these are replaced with better, high quailty textures like. I have tried my best to find the missing ones like the building walls, more wooded floors and couple of more. This w...
My Melody Sleeping Bags
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody sleeping bags hello kitty sanrio...
My Melody Utility Truck
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink Utility truck with My Melody on it. Hello Kitty Sanrio...
Pink Race car Stage
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink stage in the mall Atrium...
Nicki Minaj Flag
Created by My Melody  ♥
Replaces the flag in dark carnival and dead center with a pink american flag with Queen Nicki Minaj...
Created by My Melody  ♥
This is a mod only to add the witch bride model for the sakura miku mod. I did not create the original and you need to subscribe to the original for this to work!...
Mengqi Pink Boomer
Created by My Melody  ♥
This mod was not made by me, credit goes to LunarMeal. I just wanted to make a mod that only had this pink bunny replace all the boomers. Go favorite the original to show the modder support! https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2432423427...
My Melody Books 粉色的
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody Magazines that replace the books that spawn in the bookshelves hello kitty sanrio Does NOT replace the magazine rack...
My Melody News Van 粉色的
Created by My Melody  ♥
Pink My Melody news van hello kitty sanrio 粉色的...
My Melody iv bag
Created by My Melody  ♥
pink my melody iv bag that replaces the blood bag hello kitty sanrio 粉色的...
Linked collections (9)
Sephora's Pink L4D2 Addons
Contains 110 items
Sephora's Pink Retextures
Contains 37 items
Sephora's Pink FX
Contains 15 items
Contains 5 items
Pwetty in pink <3
Contains 116 items
Sanrio Mods
Contains 66 items
In 1 collection by My Melody  ♥
Sanrio Mods
66 items