Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

34 ratings
(!!!NONFUNCTIONAL!!!) Traffic Light Diorama Props
Assets: Prop
File Size
147.367 MB
16 Feb, 2020 @ 7:24am
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(!!!NONFUNCTIONAL!!!) Traffic Light Diorama Props


Are these functional traffic lights?
Read the above sentence surrounded by exclamation points and in a big font.

Why did you upload this?
Because it was wasting memory and reducing load times in -noWorkshop mode.

What is the purpose of this?
For me (and potentially, other people) to use in screenshots where absolutely everything is static and just for looks to get the Perfect Screenshot™.

Are they animated?

Are they illuminated?

How much space will this use on my hard drive?
Over 140 mb.

How much memory will this use when loading a save?
Over 140 mb.

How much memory will this use when loading a save with loading screen mod installed and activated?
About 2 mb.

Why 140 mb?
Because there are 68 traffic lights, each sharing the same identical 2048×2048 texture. This means that, combined with loading screen mod, all 68 use the exact same amount of space — 2 mb.

Do they have LODs?
They do not. It took me hours to export the meshes and and rename the 340+ texture files that went into this (as far as I know, windows doesn't have any intelligent bulk-renaming system) and even longer to import into the game including several crashes. I suspect that the amount of memory used with unoptimised autogenerated lods is going to be negligible with texture sharing, but I am no LOD expert.

Findit search term?
"Traffic light". "Lamp" might also work. You can narrow down your search, for example "traffic light tram go" would get you all the traffic lights that let trams go; "traffic light lrg fwl stop" would get you a large traffic light that signals "stop" for going forward and left.


This asset is pretty much a private asset that I've decided to make public because idk maybe someone would want to use it.


What's included:
— 1× Traffic Light Gantry (Highly recommend using PO to make it longer or shorter as necessary).
— 1× Small Traffic Light Pole
— 1× Tiny arm prop for "attaching" the traffic light to the small pole. It's pretty finnicky and I only use it when multiple lights are attached to a pole
— 68× assorted traffic lights in various states

The thumbnails are plain black text on a white background describing what type of light it is. I am aware that there is at least one traffic light that is incorrectly labeled. I won't be updating it.

Note: Not all traffic lights come in all sizes. For example, pedestrian lights don't come in large or medium.

Categories and search terms
—Sizes: Small "sml"; Medium "med"; Large "lrg"
—Types: Tram "tram"; All directions "all"; Forward "forward" or "fwd"; Forward/Left "fwl"; Forward/Right "fwr"; Left "left"; Right "right"; Bicycle "bike"; Pedestrian "ped"; Bicycles and Pedestrians "bikeped"
—Modes: Green/Tram vertical line "go"; Amber/Tram broken horizontal line "slow"; Red/Tram horizontal line "stop"; Amber and red/Tram horizontal and broken horizontal line "wait"
gardenstater 18 Sep, 2021 @ 10:38pm 
These look absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing this with the community.
Stefano 24 Mar, 2020 @ 2:06pm 
Cześć. Jesteś autorem barierek ? Lekko poleciało mi po nogawce gdy je zobaczyłem :P
PutNo06 29 Feb, 2020 @ 1:51am 
Pewex  [author] 28 Feb, 2020 @ 7:42pm 
Nie będzie, bo nie umiem modować.
PutNo06 28 Feb, 2020 @ 5:11am 
Mam pytanie, Czy będzie mod z funkcionalne sygnalizacji drogowej ?

Bardzo fajne :winter2019happydog:
Gregor Vukasinovic 16 Feb, 2020 @ 2:46pm 
Now we need a road sign replacer mod, akin to the railway/cantenary replacer :)
koneserkajzerek 16 Feb, 2020 @ 12:40pm 
Amazing <3
Hanthony 16 Feb, 2020 @ 9:54am 
Finally some Tram/Bus traffic Lights
clus 16 Feb, 2020 @ 9:08am 
Looks great ! Thank you ! :)