Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

2,347 ratings
Divinity Unleashed
File Size
16.184 MB
30 Dec, 2019 @ 1:32pm
1 Aug, 2024 @ 2:20am
117 Change Notes ( view )

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Divinity Unleashed

One mod to fix every community complaint about the world's greatest RPG, fully compatible with all of your favourite mods! REQUIRES NORBYTE'S SCRIPT EXTENDER[github.com] TO RUN.

Divinity Unleashed keeps the core DOS2 experience everybody loves and polishes its flaws into a solid foundation compatible with nearly any mod you can dream of. This gameplay overhaul bends over backwards to integrate with your favourite class mods, skill expansions and content packs, letting you fully customize your every playthrough.

This mod requires Norbyte's Script Extender[github.com]. You must install it first!
Norbyte's Script Extender is a powerful new tool that makes features like cooldown reduction, status extension and stat modification possible. To install it:
  • Visit this page[github.com]
  • Follow the instructions on the latest release
  • That's it - nothing else!
If you still have trouble installing, refer to Odinblade's How to install Norbyte's script extender guide.

  • Armour Overhaul: No longer acting as two separate HP bars, the armour you build now behaves as static damage reduction. Hybrid parties are better than ever before.
  • Status Simplicity: No status, even from mods, is resisted by armour or any other kind of mechanic. Instead, statuses from both the base game and other mods have been rebalanced for immediate application.
  • New mechanics: Cooldown reduction, status extension and more add a fresh coat of paint to the gameplay you love.
  • Lightweight and Immersive: Divinity Unleashed's features are unintrusive and let you pile on as many mods as you want, letting you play the game your way.
  • Turns Galore: Turn-skipping status effects have been made scarce, allowing for faster-paced combat. Even modded statuses have been predictively altered to fit this style.
  • Build Freedom: Offering more build freedom than ever before, Divinity Unleashed puts hybrid parties, healers and tanks on even footing with a comprehensive overhaul of character progression.
  • Not in the mood for cheese?: The game’s craziest exploits have been reined in for a tighter, more challenging experience. Telekinetic instant kills, infinite resurrection chains and sniping enemies miles away outside of combat have been scripted into oblivion. Get ready for a challenge!
  • Superior Balance: Thanks to an in-depth reworking of core game skills and mechanics, the Damage Meta is a thing of the past. With an even playing field, any sufficiently planned build is viable.
  • Might and Magic: Enemy resistances are squashed down to size and bosses no longer generate immunities on higher difficulties, gaining other buffs instead. Witches and wizards alike are more viable than ever.
  • Permanent Summons: Summons now have infinite duration, but while active, the skill used to summon them remains permanently on cooldown during combat. Summons are encouraged to cast before combat and keep alive.
  • Existing Save Compatibility: Thinking about trying this, but don't want to start a new game? Go ahead and slap it on an existing save file. This mod won't bite!
  • And much, much more!

You can read absolutely everything this mod has to offer in the cleanly formatted mod document[docs.google.com].

Divinity Unleashed works with all of your favourite class and skill mods. No compatibility patch required!

From any mod:
  • Corrosive and Magic damage are converted to Physical and Air respectively
  • Armour restoration is either converted to Vitality healing or converted into a custom status effect such as a boost to physical armour
  • Statuses previously resisted by armour... aren't!
  • Skills that scale with armour are boosted to deal appropriate damage
  • Weapon damage bonuses have been increased
  • Turn-skipping crowd control (except invulnerability statuses like Feenex's Cyclone) are automatically converted to non-turn-skipping, debilitating statuses instead

Mods that do not work with this mod:
  • Other core gameplay overhauls, such as Divine War. (Skill and ability overhauls like Odinblade's are fine)
  • Other mods modifying statuses.gamescript. (Only other core gameplay overhauls presently do this anyway)

Load order:
  • Does not matter.
Just be sure to load any mods changing base game skills after this mod, if you want their changes to take priority.

If you want to learn more about the extensive changes Divinity Unleashed has made to the game, you can browse the documentation[docs.google.com] at your leisure. It's an easy read, promise.

Want to discuss the mod and exchange build ideas with our community? Join our Discord server![discord.gg]

Want to donate to me? Check out my Ko-fi[ko-fi.com].

It's sincerely appreciated!

Do you own the GOG version? No problem! Just use the Nexusmods Link[www.nexusmods.com] to download and play this mod.

Special thanks to Wes Fenlon for featuring Divinity Unleashed in PCGamer Magazine!
Popular Discussions View All (22)
3 Feb @ 5:38am
20 Aug, 2024 @ 11:55am
PINNED: Balance
19 Aug, 2023 @ 4:40pm
PINNED: Extender Issues
∙MerLIN∙ 2 Mar @ 11:10pm 
How did you change the range bonus for the Farsight spell from 4 to 5 meters?
Which script file is responsible for this?
YuKi Nagato 28 Feb @ 6:57pm 
Elemental Affinity CANNOT make me immune to the corresponding statuses of ground surfaces I stand on while the 20% weapon damage weakness。- from 2.5.44
I Nyvtal I 21 Feb @ 4:37am 
i want to do very hard difficulty run, can someone suggest me some mods i can use with this one to increase the difficulty? and for summons are good with this mod with all the changes?
alvaaaaargh 26 Jan @ 4:02pm 
Quick question - is this mod meant to significantly increase the size of player/enemy HP pools? I just want to check that this is intended or a bug!
AVIS 22 Jan @ 1:16am 
Is it just me or enemies with this mod installed makes them unreasonably fast. Feels like they have haste as a permanent buff and when they do get haste they just zip around the battlefield moving twice as far compared to my 2 lonewolf characters and can still attack.
Lesten 15 Jan @ 6:51am 
Is it safe to uninstall this mod? Can you just disable it?
Smokus 8 Jan @ 10:03pm 
Nexus Mods version of the mod is, but this one on Steam doesn't seem to be the sam (can't see the version number anywhere in Change Notes tab).
Juan 8 Jan @ 5:32pm 
Hello Kalavinka. No, I`m not using any other mod.
Kalavinka  [author] 8 Jan @ 9:37am 
Make sure you have the script extender installed
AoffyDosy 8 Jan @ 8:46am 
How to fix physical armor and magic armor still decrease when taking damage? It supposed to be static stat that reduce incoming physical or magical attack.