Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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HOI4 Kaiserreich Compatible Collection [ToA UPDATE]
A collection of Kaiserreich compatible mods for personal use. Updated for ToA and the corresponding Kaiserreich update.
Items (58)
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the world of Kaiserreich! Current KR version: 1.1.4, released 30/06/2024 Current HOI4 version supported: Bolivar 1.14.7 (5a08) https://i.imgur.com/cG09SXv.png "What if Germany had won World War 1?" As 1936 dawns, the Weltkrieg's legacy lies heav...
Kaiserreich Submod - Revised National Focus Times
Created by cpm4001
COMPATIBLE WITH KR 1.1.* THE PARADOX LAUNCHER IS A FLAMING PILE OF GARBAGE. IF THIS SUBMOD'S CHANGES ARE NOT APPEARING IN-GAME, DO THE FOLLOWING: First, check to see if anything listed here might help. If nothing does, use this kludge: 1. Navigate to your ...
KR Tech Extension
Created by PPsyrius
Last Updated for June 29, 2024. (KR's 1.1.4 release) This submod assumes you have all HoI4 Expansions. For those who wishes to continue their existing playthrough prior to the current update, the ParadoxMod release is intentionally kept 1 version back. An ...
Kaiserreich Naval Rework
Created by MrPunk
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/819002974403344349/DD18664314A26EA83C62E9B0127FFCB35092B53A/ Introduction Hi there, welcome to Kaiserreich Naval Rework. This is a project devoted to enriching the naval lore in the KRTL on the basis of VNR, Vanil...
KR Tech Extension-Kaiserreich Naval Rework Compatibility Patch
Created by PPsyrius
Last Updated for June 29, 2024. (KR's 1.1.4 release; KNR 2024-June-18 release) This compatibility patch will only be assumed to work with mod version specified in the description unless said otherwise due to the extensive modification of tech trees by both...
TWR GDP screen
Created by Saha
Allow TWR GDP ranking to be used in vanilla and other mods. And extend the GDP system. GDP is calculated mainly by civilian and military factories, amount of resources, etc. GDP per capita varies with population and the amount of GDP. ・Civilian Factories G...
Kaiserreich Music
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Over 1000 songs for countries all over the world! Region, ideology and nation specific songs for countries all over the globe. Tune into a multitude of radio stations and enjoy over 1000...
Kaiserreich Music Internationales
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Internationales music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Every version of the Internationale you could ever want! The glorious Internationale in every language we could find, combined into one mod. For your listening pleasure, ...
Battlesound - Sound Modification
Created by Bradeurs
Original mod author This mod changes nearly every sound that plays during an animation. This mod should be compatible with every mod that DOES NOT include custom 3D Models. If you are unsure of whether or not a mod is compatible, try it for yourself, and p...
More Voice Lines
Created by alex
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif https://i.imgur.com/FbHxplF.png The mod supports any other modification. Content: This mod adds troop voice lines for many other countries, that don't have them in vanilla. Mod adds variety to the game, except for the voice ...
Spy Reminder: Sound
Created by Rikai
This is a requested mod to make my "Spy Reminder" mod ironman-compatible. You will hear a distinct sound whenever a mission finishes. There will NOT be a reminder event, because that event would change checksum aka disable achievements. The sound is an old...
Oasis - Political Map
Created by Ironside
Ironman Compatible Aiming to improve the clarification of the political map modes, Oasis makes the country colours fill out the nation making it much clearer to see who controls what and where the borders end. It also features a dark blue tinge applied to ...
Map Modes+
Created by LimonenZitrone
Information Adding map modes is not ironman compatible, so with this mod active you will not be able to get achievements. Most map modes are updated daily and not on specific occasions. So if you think the map mode might be outdated either wait a day or sw...
Blue Marble - Standalone Map Font
Created by AlgerianGeneral
Welcome to the Blue Marble - Standalone Map Font Mod This font was created for the Darkest Hour mod. Many have reported liking the look to it, and so a separate mod has been created for it so you can have the font with any other map mod, or with just vanil...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - Make completely new textures that is realistic and good looking. What this mod offers: - New textures with matching normal maps for correct depth and light reflection - ...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 There is another mod that also change the watercolor, altough it completely removes the reflections, the way it's done doesn't boost the performance mind you. This mod alters the wate...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - New sharp and modern borders What this mod offers: - No performance loss. - Made from scratch. - Hand-made. - The country borders is split between 1 big border to indica...
Smooth Borders
Created by Player
If you enjoy this mod please rate it so that others can see it on the workshop and enjoy it as well. https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2430131809748822113/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ The Smooth Borders mod makes country borders more...
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Citylights
Created by AdamosTomatos
HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Citylights A series to improve the graphics of HOI4 The Goal: - Make the textures ingame look better. What this mod offers: - No performance loss. - Citylights now have a sharp new texture. If you like the mod, feel free to give a...
{AIGFX} Visible Railroads: Supply Map Mode
Created by Connor
https://i.imgur.com/JJ3OEL4.png ===================================== ● IRONMAN & ACHIEVEMENT COMPATIBLE ● MULTIPLAYER COMPATIBLE ===================================== ALY'S IMPROVED GFX - VISIBLE RAILROADS: SUPPLY MAP MODE A small sequel to my original mo...
Colored Train Map Icons
Created by kamaboko
This mod replace Train map icons. The new icons are easy to see. I'll still be updating this in the future. If you have any opinions or advice, keep 'em coming! I know some have said orange is hard to see, but I can't think of another color! Someone please...
Alternative Air Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Air Base Icons Hey there :) This mod changes the air base icons for better visibility. Note: this does only affect icons in the strategic air map mode Ironman and Multiplayer compatible You can find my new mod that changes naval base icons acco...
Better Air Wing Deployment
Created by Burch
https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2430131809748822113/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ 1.13.* - Ready! Remember this is a work in progress. WIP Changes the Air Wing Deployment window to be taller and wider, while also adding a second row...
Alternative Naval Base Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Alternative Naval Base Icons Hi again :) This mod changes the naval base icons for better visibility in a similar manner as my Alternative Air Base Icons mod. I've also tried to make it much more obvious at first glance whether a port is open for repairs o...
Clear nuke's number
Created by 周防長門
IRONMAN COMPATIBLE It's a very simple Mod. Clear a number of nuclear bomb. You can storage nuke without any worries!! 鉄人モード対応 大量の核を保有すると数字があふれて見えにくくなる問題を修正するとても単純なModです。これで心置きなく核を蓄えられます!! Kaiserreich ver https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
Coloured Buttons AAT
Created by Kluede
Coloured Buttons working with the newest Version! Ironman and Multiplayer compatible! Credit to: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2663623848&searchtext=coloured+buttons...
Coloured Interface Compact Ironman
Created by Wiedrock
This mod is a "Ironman - ALL in ONE" of my "Coloured Interface" mods. For Legacy (before "By Blood Alone") non-Ironman Version with CV-Plane Counters see Coloured Interface Compact - Legacy (1.11.xx ). The colour scheme used for planes and ships tries to g...
Colourful MIO
Created by Gerrade
Ironman Compatible Vanilla MIO GUI has horrible UI colors. This mod simply changes MIO GUI more colourful....
Show Speed In Construction View
Created by Yes, Paimon
标题很怪,但一时半会想不到别的 不兼容铁人 兼容KR 只显示单个建筑的建造加成,不算全局建造速度加成 别跟那些添加了建筑类型的mod一起用 推荐一个mod: Topbar Resources 再推荐一个 Coloured Interface Compact Ironman 自从有一次删了文档里的 Paradox Interactive 后,这mod我就再也没法更新了....
Coloured Theater Alert Icons
Created by Lanyakea
Coloured Theater Alert Icons This little mod gives colour to the theater alert icons for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible Updated for 1.10 ...
Modifier Icons
Created by truck gaming
Have you ever been irked by how the "production efficiency" modifiers have a little icon next to them while all the rest don't? Well, I have, so that's why I created this very simple mod inspired by the fantastic mod New Ways, which has a similar system. W...
MPU Update Lite
Created by Ryifer
An updated lite version of some of the MPU mods by mpu.daemos, based on Saskialla's MPU update to BBA. It was ported for NSB by Yes, Paimon and ported for BBA by Saskialla. - Compatible with 1.14.*/ToA Ver. - Achievements Compatible For Easy Maintenance an...
MPU Update Lite - Preset Colors
Created by Ryifer
Add more preset army/fleet colors for MPU Update Lite. Achievement Incompatible. Thanks: MPU Theatre Icons - More Colours...
Large Portraits for Trait Tree Window
Created by MouToN
Gives a larger portrait in the trait tree window for field marshals, generals and admirals. Not tested extensively so tell me if you find a bug. Compatible with Ironman / achievements / existing save files....
Created by tujian_dong
已适配 2024.3.29 版本的KR。 adapted to the 29/03/2024 version of KR. 重制所有KR的肖像(包括领袖和将领),提高肖像的画质。 已经完成的肖像有: 清政府 (QIE), 德意志帝国 (GER), 不列颠联盟 (ENG), 闵赣起义 (CHI), 俄罗斯共和国 (RUS), 法兰西公社 (FRA), 奉天政府 (FNG), 日本国 (JPN), 美利坚合众国 (USA), 山东省政府 (SQI), 山西省政府 (SHX), 奥地利帝国 (AUS), 奥斯曼帝...
TY's KR Graphic Submod II
Created by Portrochen
Compatible KR version: 0.27.4 KR has already merged some of the content from this submod (I'd say over 50%), so appreciate the team members' acknowledgment of my work! And the related content will be removed from here. Overview Kaiserreich is a mod with hi...
Aces Portraits Pack: Kaiserreich
Created by Thinking_waffle
KR version of my ace portrait pack that is also included in RT56...
Nuclear Aesthetical Overhaul
Created by Generalis
Nuclear Aesthetical Overhaul (NAO) is a mod that aims to enhance and brutalize the nuclear bomb effects in Hearts of Iron IV. The graphical effects are not entirely historically accurate to WW2, but create a more dystopian feel. The mod does not change the...
Kaiserreich Models - Axis Armor DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Axis Armor Pack models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for the Axis Armor Pack! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for tanks and other vehicles from: German...
Kaiserreich Models - Battle for the Bosporus DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Battle for the Bosphorus models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Battle for the Bosphorus! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models, skins and voiceovers for: The Ottoma...
Kaiserreich Models - La Résistance DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich La Résistance models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for La Résistance! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for: Mexico Scout Planes for all nations If you h...
Kaiserreich Models - Death or Dishonor DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Death or Dishonor models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Death or Dishonor! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models, skins and/or voiceovers for: Austria Hungary Bohem...
Kaiserreich Models - Man the Guns DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Man the Guns models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Man the Guns! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and adds compatibility for the following DLC content: Halftracks for the United Kingdom and United ...
Kaiserreich Models - Together for Victory DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Together for Victory models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Together for Victory! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for: Canada Australasia/Australia B...
Kaiserreich Models - Waking the Tiger DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Waking the Tiger models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Waking the Tiger! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for: Qing Empire Fengtian Government League...
Kaiserreich Models - Base Game
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich model mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for every country in Kaiserreich! This submod includes custom models and skins for every country in Kaiserreich, but does not include special DLC-specific models for certain count...
Kaiserreich Models - Allied Armor DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Allied Armour Pack models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for the Allied Armour Pack! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for tanks and other vehicles from: ...
Kaiserreich Models - No Step Back DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich No Step Back models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for No Step Backl! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and adds compatibility for the following DLC content: Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian VOs If you ...
Kaiserreich Models - By Blood Alone DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich By Blood Alone models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for By Blood Alonel! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for planes from: Britain France Italy United S...
Kaiserreich Models - Eastern Front Planes Pack DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Eastern Front Planes Pack models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for the Eastern Front Planes Pack! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for planes from: Aust...
Kaiserreich Models - Arms Against Tyranny DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Arms Against Tyranny models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Arms Against Tyrannyl! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for planes from: Denmark Sweden No...
Kaiserreich Models - Trial of Allegiance DLC
Created by Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Trial of Allegiance models mod! https://i.imgur.com/Jps2obz.png Models for Trial of Allegiancel! This submod requires “Kaiserreich Base Models”, and includes additional custom models and skins for planes from: Argentina Brazil Br...
Remove Hull Type
Created by Rook
This is a simple modification to localisation\core_l_*your language*.yml files. It removes the Hull Type designation from ships listed in the fleet window. Simple flavor modification. Changing this: SHIP_TYPE_DESC:0 "$TYPE$ ($VARIANT$)" To this: SHIP_TYPE_...
Strategic View Adjustments
Created by Kondi
This mod adjusts various parts of the UI to make assessing and organizing your forces easier. For an achievement compatible and a more multiplayer friendly version >GO HERE<. Doesn't include all the changes of this mod. Changes: Counters collapse into pile...
SVA font fix
Created by Tokyo
Current version of Strategic View Adjustments (MP/A variant) has an error regarding fonts (": No font with name hoi_20bsSVA"), which causes problems displaying VP names in some non-English languages. The problem started to occur when SVA supported 1.11.x. ...
Zoom In Further
This mod allows you to zoom in further on the game map to view the battlefield from a closer angle. The mod is updated for 1.7.x. I'm not sure why everyone keeps asking for an update when you can clearly see the changelog, and I've uninstalled and reinstal...
Recall Volunteers
Created by Yard1
Simple mod adding a diplomatic action allowing you to recall volunteers. The AI will never use this action. Should be compatible with all mods. Multiplayer compatible. All players will need to have the mod installed. Requires 1.9 or newer to work. Is not I...
Toolpack without the Errors
Created by marijn211
Another continuation of Toolpack, since the main one, Toolpack 2023, was discontinued for a while. Naturally I got my code from the original mod and I'm updating from that, I didn't get anything from other continuations. Please read the page before comment...