Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

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Items (509)
《 夏の祭 / Summer Festival 》 1920x1080 Ver.01.1
Created by Renekie
Pic Link: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57793944 BGM: by Himmel *这不是音频可视化背景,背景乐不可换* 最近没发现什么好玩的游戏额 >.<,只好接着做动漫主题的啦。大家如果有什么好玩的游戏向我推荐么? 还是没有学新的特效,就先将就着吧,考完试后再学如何制作眨眼效果一类的啦。大家还有什么建议记得留言哦。 更新:时隔4年的小更新,粒子特效循环了。小姐姐的眼睫毛太长,眨眼做出来不好看,有知...
「学園十色です!」/ "Gakuentoiro desu!" for 4 guitars (GIRLS und PANZER der FILM)
Created by Zurisu Nightcore
A/Panzer Liad Ob's stürmt oder schneit, Ob die Sonne uns lacht, Der Tag glühend heiß Oder eiskalt die Nacht. Bestaubt sind die Gesichter, Doch froh ist unser Sinn, Ist*(Ja) unser Sinn; Es braust unser Panzer Im Sturmwind dahin. B/Battle Hymn of The Republi...
【刀剑神域/MAD/超燃/Sword Art Online】你就是我所有的希望!!!
可能是最近sao剧场版出了,看到听到相关的就十分激动。于是乎就搬运过来了。 大家剧场版电影院见。(≧▽≦)/ 此生无悔入刀剑 up主 二次元动漫酱 链接 http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8833030/ 我也是无意间听见这音乐的,心血来潮便做了一个视频,希望大家喜欢 BGM:Angel With A Shotgun...
Created by Edmond Dantes
BGM: Aimer (エメ) - LAST STARDUST 素材:各种《尼尔:机械纪元》的宣传片与流程片,全部取自油管 这部游戏可以说目前我玩过的感触最多,感觉最棒的游戏,以此献上GMV以致敬意! 本GMV涉嫌部分剧透,请观众老爷们大胆的看下去!...
【東方PV】ココロコイシ Eyes
Created by 美波
sm30282837 原曲:ハルトマンの妖怪少女/ラストリモート(哈德曼的妖怪少女/Last Remote) 本坚定的五厨也出现了动摇!...
【游戏人生ZERO AMV】能够遇见你,真的很幸福
Created by 怀念
使用素材: 游戏人生ZERO,游戏人生TV版NC OP 视频类型: ASMV BGM【音乐名】: s-AVE BGM【音乐人】: Aimer...
【AMV】 Resist And Bite FULL HD 1080P 60 FPS
''【AMV】'' ''【ANIME】'' Girls und Panzer, Haifuri ''【MUSIC】'' SABATON - Resist And Bite...
Created by 九黎
你王saber =.=...
【Gachimuchi♂】Ricardo Milos
Created by pet wussy
【MAD/FATE SN UBW】尘归尘,土归土
Created by Incubator
BGM:last stardust - Aimer 视频非本人制作。 作者:情感のMontage 视频来源: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3190586/ ...
【MMD】 トキヲ・ファンカ - Haku 1080P 60FPS
Created by FunnyU丶
两个场景♪两套服饰♫唯一的弱音 作者:tpo2120 model TDA Haku Bridal Version 2 1.01 motion&camera アガちん さん stage スカイドーム 怪獣対若大将P さん エフェクトなど・・ ray - mmd 1.10 HgDiffusion_v001 HgSAO_v001 AutoLuminous4 ikLensGhost MotionBlur3 PowerDOF_v005 Sakura_v2_32_64_MMM...
【R-18】 Girls Iwara07
Created by 纯白开山斧
看着不错 想要的快点收藏 ~ 感谢ID zhangsongj 这是地址可以去支持一下作者http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/1k1gjfzq22c3bb5dm ...
リーリエ Lillie
Created by 大污师!
bcy.net Illust ID: 1967330 Member: 我是小傻瓜 莉莉艾,日本任天堂公司发行的掌机游戏系列《精灵宝可梦》(国内常称“口袋妖怪”)中的登场人物,首次出现于第七世代游戏《精灵宝可梦:太阳/月亮》...
冲田总司 SABER 樱花飘落
很多人都要做一个就樱花飘落的版本,于是考完试睡玩懒觉就爬起来敲键盘咯。。 本来想着弄GIF的但1080P的GIF以小生的能力很难搞定啊。于是就偷懒的继续做了个视频,尽量满足各位的要求。 祝贺大家都能单抽出总司,钉宫5宝具!...
背景图P站id:60421228 fgo冲田总司,给群友做的,祝活动期间还能抽出来。 webgl渲染,所以比较占cpu,已经尽量优化了,把部分用不到的渲染也关掉了,然而还是不太熟悉webgl,所以这个只能算测试版。 我的处理器是 E3 1230 V3,一开始这个壁纸能占用 18%CPU,优化以后,现在常态占用1%-2%,但偶尔也会提升资源占用,还不稳定。 Note:运行窗口3D游戏的时候,尽量在设置里选择暂停壁纸运行。经过测试,这个3D场景会让显卡上升5~10摄氏度,GPU占用倒不多 ( 视显卡性能决定)。...
Created by 76561198330965013
星云变换 会动的星云...
极乐净土 kiana 无字幕版 1080p
Created by Mr.Lam
依然是极乐净土,这个是无字幕版的。不过不得不说上个有字幕的是700M左右,这个没字幕的要1G,说不出话。 感谢来源提供者steamID:初灬号机 那个,我不是这个视频的作者我想大家应该是知道的吧? 有字幕版本: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817638010 视频作者:scyrax 视频来源: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av7244731/...
Created by C0CO
Created by PiFkU
图片来自我最喜欢的杉菜水姬老师的画集《濡乌》的封面。和wallpaper自带的2D海洋进行了结合,海面是动态的。 这自带的海水元素不知道怎么改水平角度= =lll......因此在水和人的透视关系上有问题,希望不会引起不适。另外才疏学浅不会做头发随水流动的动态效果QAQ(其实是懒吧喂!) 回放速度200效果更佳喔。 就这样。希望大家能够喜欢。(吐舌) 2016.12.22日晚修改:稍微改动了人物和水面的位置关系以及任务栏配色,看起来应该更舒服了。(轻笑) 对系列作品有兴趣的话请戳合集: http://ste...
治愈系音乐循环壁纸合集 +3D雪花特效
Created by 斯派修姆光线
http://empty-liontosteam.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/steam/lhy_pic14.jpg ✔图片来自于pixiv ✔音乐来自于网易云音乐 治愈系音乐循环壁纸合集 +3D雪花特效 温暖的治愈系壁纸,送给温暖的你~ 首先向大佬们的经典作品致敬: ✔underseamiku v1.21 ✔君の銀の庭 (魔法少女小圆) ✔Shelter 落樱特效+BGM 1080P ✔Audio Visualizer v0.5.2 特别感谢大佬lluvatar提供相应的指导...
灵梦Into Ether-Original Mix
Created by Sen
利用Ae给灵梦加上了频谱,不是简单的图片加可视化音频哦!是不是感觉酷酷哒~ I added the visual audio to the dream, using Adobe After Effects CC 2014. BGM:Into Ether-Original Mix 未经允许,禁止转载!...
Created by Night-Snow夜雪菌
明明我大姐姐大和做的那么好看,你们却只订阅航战和Saber。。。。。 大姐姐壁纸 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=922230756...
Created by Taylor
言叶之庭~波光粼粼的湖面与苍翠欲滴的枝丫~ 出自言叶之庭第29分08秒 BGM:柏大辅·A Silent Summer The Garden of Words 言の葉の庭·Koto no ba no niwa 新海诚 姊妹篇:言叶之庭·雨天の湖面 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835636229 PS:程序崩溃,工程文件再也打不开了,所以这个页面的没法更新了。。 晴天、雨天这两个视频都是先正放再倒放,因为这样看上去衔接更顺畅,不过...
Add function: Click the clock to display the world line rate Update: --- Added custom background image function --- Added custom clock transparency function --- Added the clock drag function, you can choose to center (auto lock), or drag to any location lo...
Created by 永远的嘉心糖
1.更改了雪花效果(更加柔和),加入了背景雪花,更有层次感; 2.丰富层次,做了适当的模糊,不同层次的雪花有不同的下落速度,景深感更明显; 3.增加雪中轻轻呵气的效果; 4.已更新网页版,附加了BGM。...
Created by Sen
蕾姆落樱效果+可视化音频可调整+支持壁纸自定义, 【 有问题可以加我好友:QQ1297116035,问题:来源?答案:steam 】 喜欢就给个好评~谢谢~(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ Cherry Blossom drop effect & Multi style visual audio & customizable wallpaper There are questions or need help, you can add my steam friends! 修改版: http://steamcommunity...
Created by Reddoorroad
Created by SouthRose
自制的网页壁纸可以达到黑客帝国那样的效果。 我的博客网址 www.jianghaowen.com The web wallpaper made by myself.You can use to get the effect like the movie hacker empire. My blog web address www.jianghaowen.com...
Created by 千灵
( 18+ ) Skyrim Female Idle - '天际 休闲 女性
Created by Arctica
DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE NOT 18 OR OVER. ( I MEAN IT ) !!!!!! I have clearly marked the art as 18+ so people who are not of age, or people who do not like 18+ content in general can easily avoid it. I'm not here to make money or do anything malicious, I...
{萌系}Fate冲田总司 [樱花飘落]
Created by 维c柠檬
pixiv id=60977236 原画作者描述:桜とセイバー(沖田総司/菊一文字則宗)を描きました 菊花を描くつもりだったけど、今年もそろそろ桜の季節ですね、ねー --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 萌系的樱saber搭配樱花飘落特效真是美极了⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ -----------------------------------------...
[M] Arcade D.va (X-ray) - Overwatch - Logan Cure (Vell)
Created by vell
Character artist: Logan Cure https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Q93QL https://www.patreon.com/logancure/ Background pulled from ingame overwatch Hanamura SFW version https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1421335126 updated with animated xr...
[Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya]Miyu Edelfelt Breath Loop(Hentai?)
Don't forget to put on your headset. ( ̄y▽ ̄)~ By the way,you can turn off the volume of wallpaper in the software....
[Death Note][死亡笔记MAD]Live free or let me die
Created by 年中夢中
by me....
[4K] RetroLake V.13.6
Created by Colletior
Original wallpaper: https://axiomdesign.deviantart.com/art/Highway-4k-696620104 Used with permission of the artist: https://www.instagram.com/axiom_design_/ RetroLake - Mirrored - V.13 (audio responsive, mirrored and configurable): https://steamcommunity.c...
[18+] Soraka ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Reupload
Reupload because the rules have changed. Artist is "Sakimichan". If you like this kind of art check out/follow the rest of my workshop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 1920x1080...
[18+] Officer Mercy
Artist is "Liang Xing" This wallpaper might require good computers to be used. Medium amount of effects + the resolution. Cheers :) 1920x1080...
[18+] Komeshiro Kasu
Artist is "Komeshiro Kasu" I'll also most likely add more to this at some point 1920x1080 Source: https://yande.re/post/show/444977...
[18+] Koishikawa Kotone
Character is "Koishikawa Kotone", artist is "Ensemble" :> Should be 1920x1080...
[18+] Another Overlook Mercy
Artist is "Sakimichan" If you enjoy these arts then feel welcome to check out my other ones as well :> 1920x1080...
[SNS]-Mad HAtter
Created by Moimoi8
PARTS; 00 - xKagamiYolo 01 - xKagamiYolo // Danganronpa 02 - Osujii // Tokyo Ghoul 03 - AshekGirl // Tokyo Ghoul Jack 04 - Viopalca // Haikyuu! 05 - Schubidubidab // Durarara! 06 - NoPromises110 // Re:zero 07 - DarkFanFrontier // Erased 08 - AMVSAVESIMULAT...
[M] Pharah, Temple of anubis (nude version) - Overwatch - Logan cure (Vell)
Created by vell
Character artist: Logan Cure https://www.artstation.com/logancure https://www.patreon.com/logancure Background pulled from ingame overwatch Woops forgot about this version. Added more pronounced animations that weren't part of the SFW version. clothed vers...
[M] Mercy, Heroes never die! (Nude) - Overwatch - Logan Cure (Vell)
Created by vell
Character artist: Logan Cure https://www.artstation.com/logancure https://www.patreon.com/logancure Background pulled from ingame overwatch SFW(ish) version https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1425176708 If you enjoy my animations and wo...
Created by RC-1140_Fixer
【自制】 来自Forza Horizon 3的 1985 TOYOTA SPRINTER TRUENO GT APEX 传说中的AE86!我们秋名山见! 1080P@60FPS 所有画面设置为最高。 视频无限循环,没有声音!超棒的! 如果有想要看的车辆可以留言,有空我就做。 【Made By Myself】 It's 1985 TOYOTA SPRINTER TRUENO GT APEX from Forza Horizon 3. The legendary AE86! Meet me at Mountai...
2B nier Trophy (1080p)
Created by AKk
2B show off the booty (1080p 60fps) Fart twisted up, Favorite favorite or like it, thank you Do not forget to like it if you like it. Thank you...
2D LIVE 美少女万華鏡 -罪と罰の少女- 覡夕莉キス
Created by Lotxa
美少女万華鏡 -罪と罰の少女- 覡夕莉キス動画...
2K Random Loop Wallpaper + Audio Visualizer
Created by NasterHuang
1:图片全部至少更新到2K,也有不少4K图。 The looped wallpaper map is at least 2K. There are also quite a few 4K pictures inside. 2:图更新到 73张了,默认58秒轮播一次。 The picture is updated to 51 sheets, and the default is 58 seconds. 3:壁纸我会不停更新的,有好看的我都会丢上来。 I will keep the wallpapers upd...
4K Nebula With Audio Vizualizer
Created by Rumplestiltskin
4K Resolution Wallpaper 3840x2160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This features: -Tuningable clock and audio vizualiser -2 types of audio vizualiser -You can cha...
4K Night With Audio Vizualiser
Created by Rumplestiltskin
4K Resolution Wallpaper 3840x2160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This features: -2 types of snow particles -Tuningable clock and audio vizualiser -2 types of au...
4K Witcher 3 With Audio Vizualiser
Created by Rumplestiltskin
4K Resolution Wallpaper 3840x2160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This features: -Tuningable clock and audio vizualiser -2 types of audio vizualiser -You can cha...
A2 w/ 18+ Xray | Nier: Automata
Created by EagleeyeR34
A2 from Nier: Automata with a mouse controlled NSFW x-ray effect. Art is by Sakimichan with the nude version having edits by me to better fit the image. There is some animation with the water and hair. Original image was 4000x2935 and was resized to fit st...
Aeolian by WLOP
Created by Eliza
Illustrations by: https://wlop.deviantart.com/ https://www.artstation.com/wlop https://twitter.com/wlopwangling BGM (Background music): Lights & Motion - Anomaly Info: My first attempt at animating a wallpaper by WLOP. I have been pledged to WLOP's Patreon...
Reprinted Timestorm Films 2014年6月16日发布 Part IV/IV of a timelapse series through the always changing landscapes of New Zealand. Shot over 4 month in locations at the West Coast of the South Island, the Catlins, Piha Beach, the East Coast near Dunedin, the M...
Akame ga kill ( 1080p )
Created by shiki shiki
Akame ga kill (wallpapers)...
Akame ga Kill 4k
Created by Charles Ingalls
Akame ga Kill Snow 4k Wallpaper...
Akame ga Kill Opening 2 1080p
Created by Omoshiroi
Akame ga Kill Opening 2 1080p 30fps (Best quality on Steam Workshop) (Doesn't Contain Credits)...
amv izetta
Created by Klopperj
AMV man of war sabaton (Izetta the last witch)...
Angel Beats! NCOP 1080P
Created by wensir
My Soul, Your Beats!...
Animated Forest Snow 4k
Created by PASH
A beautiful forest while snowing in spectacular crisp 4k....
anime compilation
Created by teter hartgas
Original Artwork not by me Artist's commentary Original 2 0 1 8 A2 -Nier Automata Ichiro Inuyashiki - Inuyashiki Kanna Kamui - Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Serval - Kemono Friends Elf Yamada - Eromanga Sensei Sakie Satou - Demi-chan wa kataritai Astolf...
Anime Girls
Created by Suraceif
Shaders and Scripts _________________ Breathing Particles Ear sway The best nekos Please I would love feedback and how i can improve this background \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/...
ANIME MIX - Maroon 5 "Animals"
Created by 5P1R1TT
All rights to their respective owners. This AMV is purely for personal use, not for profit, and is created for the purpose of promoting both the musical and video works shown. Anime Used (in order of first appearance): Sekirei Psycho-Pass Accel World Boku ...
Another/Иная - Opening 1/ Опенинг 1
Opening from Anime - Another Опенинг из Аниме - Иная...
Created by 76561198396704488
*app application achievement*...
ArmA 3: Iron Front 1944
Created by Mechanite
Video taken by me from ArmA 3, Ukraine Ivachev map. Iron Front mod: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660460283& 1080p 60FPS...
Arturia pendragon
Fate saber...
Audio Visualization
Created by Sainan
The "Audio Visualization" Wallpaper is a fully customizable wallpaper which, among other things, allows you to: - Change the color of and hide the audio visualization and clock - Change the position of the audio visualization - Change the time format...
Avowed Strike (Fate Collab Edition) - Shadowverse
Avowed Strike from the game Shadowverse. This is the alternate art version featuring Saber from the Fate series. Upscaled art taken from Discord user Abe20p's 4k resolution wallpaper Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9JW_JX01qVPSF...
Reprinted Youtube Timestorm Film 2014年4月26日发布 4k壁纸 Part2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa0Q0... Part3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcFKF... Part I/IV of a timelapse series through the always changing landscapes of New Zealand. Shot over 4 month, tra...
Barlov's AudioWall 巴洛的音频墙
Created by Barlov Monkiss
This is a very customizable audio-reactive wallpaper for those who like endlessly tweaking things. For me, it’s just coding practice to keep my skills from getting rusty. ====Visualization Styles ==== > Bars, Opposition, Vu Bars, Vu Circle, Vu Meter, Vibe,...
BDO Tamer 3840x1080
Created by Pythoon
Black Desert Online Tamer 3840x1080...
Berserk 1080p 60fps
Created by GHOST HOUND
Berserk animated custom wallpaper. Version 2 is out look for it: https://youtu.be/Notgk1HhFZw...
Birthday Ahri w/ 18+ X-ray by Sakimichan
Created by EagleeyeR34
Ahri from League of Legends playing with some ribbon. Art is by Sakimichan. There is a mouse controlled nude xray effect and subdued animation throughout. Original image was 2326x3400px and was rotated and cropped to fit standard 16x9 resolutions, I applie...
Black Desert - Panorama
Created by Whimsy
A Ranger enjoying the desert panorama at sunset. I recommend muting the audio, since there are a few sounds that might be confusing/annoying....
Black Desert Online (Forest)
Created by WhiteShadoW
Game: Black Desert Online...
Black Desert Online: Mystic
Created by Glem
HD Animated Wallpaper - New class: Mystic...
Created by JusT_TaireX
Famous BoxxyBabee is back on your screens!...
Boxxy - White
Created by L.
Bruce Lee
Created by World Liberty 11.17
For someone his Birthday today! :-)) a gift!...
Created by Bimmer-M3C
Chillin Samurai
Created by Senor Herpaderp
Sakura Blossoms by Derek Fiechter Image made by Guweiz...
classical music
Created by shinigami
My first HTML project with my favourite music. Beethoven, Brahms, Smetana, Chopin, Dvořák, Mozart...
Code geass
Created by Pagliacci
Created by 「Nineline」
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ- Code Geass Characters:ルルーシュ・ヴィ・ブリタニア(Lelouch vi Britannia) & 枢木 スザク(Kururugi Suzaku) & C.C. Artist:嵐月...
code geass Lelouch
Created by ab1257
原图为V-STORAGE Vol.11 封面壁纸。 原图地址:https://v-storage.bandaivisual.co.jp/present/...
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Created by Sky Shadow
Music: Code Geass OST - Mozaiku Kakera...
Code Geass: Lelouch's power
Created by Sky Shadow
"I command you to DIE". Animated GIF...
No gulag for you if you use this!...
Cool Girl - S3RL MUSIC
Created by Багер ♥
Pliz Like)) Program used: -Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 -Adobe After Effects CS6 -Photoshop CS5.1 Lyrics: Oh-ooh-oh-ooh I want a Hentai girl for me to make me happy I want her so I can stop using my hand Every single day, while watching anime I'd pull her from my sc...
DARK SOULS III - Firekeeper [1920x1080] [BGM]
Created by Bloodey
DARK SOULS III - Firekeeper for dark souls fans. Song was taken from the Firelink Shrine Theme. Sorry for the horrendous quality of the GIF Thumbnail. I don't know how to make a good GIF below 2 MB. I promise you that the wallpaper quality is way above the...
Marked Incompatible ]  Das Panzerlied
Created by NightCity USB
Panzerlied (German) Ob's stürmt oder schneit, Ob die Sonne uns lacht, Der Tag glühend heiß Oder eiskalt die Nacht. Bestaubt sind die Gesichter, Doch froh ist unser Sinn, Ist unser Sinn; Es braust unser Panzer Im Sturmwind dahin. Mit donnernden Motoren, Ges...
Death note
Created by RonBarton
Death Note Ending 2
Created by Don Taisto
Death Note Second Ending...
Death Note Kira/Light and Misa
Created by ProSep
Death Note wallpaper with Light and Misa....
Adeq - Rick Hentai
Created by Hundrix-8 Returns
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-cfWM0BC_4 Credit to this man for the video. I just made it a wallpaper for y'all to use. Do you like hentai?...
Audio Visualizer
Created by V3ng3nc3
an Audio Responsive Wallpaper. A whole bunch of configuration options. literally a lotttt. Whole lot based on bass and beats! not perfect yet!!!! New updates, new releases, new patches... everytime my brain sparks.. so yeah constant updates ****Resolution ...
Awakening - Soceress
Created by InF3RnO
have currently received some amazing wallpapers and Videos from the Game Black desert online and I try to upload some more of them. I hope you will enjoy them. If you have any wishes don´t hesitate to get in touch with me. Greetings InF3RnO...
Marked Incompatible ]  Azis-Hop 1080p
Created by AGENT1997
Best Game Moment
Best Game Moment by Arkous Song : Tristam & Braken - Frame of Mind Trailer : 1. MGS5 Phantom pain 2. Farcry 4 3. Rise of Tomb raider 4. Bioshock Infinite 5. Assassin's Creed 3 6. Witcher 3 Wild hunt 7. Fallout4 8. Elder Scroll - Skyrim 9. Uncharted 4 10. W...
Black Desert Mystic
Created by EagleEye
Mystic Wallpaper Black Desert Online...
Boxxy - Red
Created by L.
Created by Krill
C.C from Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion...
Cherry Blossoms in Moonlight (4k)
Created by Mudman
A video loop, edited from the game Steep and featuring Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." 1920x1080 version: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1272388754...
CLANNAD OST Chiisana Tenohira (小さなてのひら / 小小的手心) 1080P
Created by wensir
Video from: CLANNAD ~After Story~ EP22 Music from: CLANNAD Original Soundtrack Disk 2 保留了开头的人声,去掉了中间的人声,就做了一点微小的工作...
Code Geass叛逆的鲁鲁修 op&ed精选
Created by obking
OP1-COLORS ED2-モザイクカケラ OP5-WORLD END ED3-シアワセネイロ 这里是个人向精选合集。 所有两季op&ed合集: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=849215440 更多高清TV动画ncop&nced合集见个人主页~ http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198122174943/myworkshopfiles/...
Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (Creditless OP 1 ver 1)
Created by i7-3970X
Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (OP 1 ver 1) コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ OP1...
Code Geass - ZERO
Created by Sky Shadow
All hail Lelouch (aka Zero)...
Code Geass - Lelouch and Rolo
Created by Sky Shadow
5 of Code Geass wallpapers featuring Lelouch and Rolo. Music included. Music: If I Were a Bird...
Code Geass Lelouch 60 FPS (1920x1080) animated with particles and a glowing eye
Created by rye
Lelouch from Code Geass with particle effects and a glowing eye followed by the beautiful OST from the show: "continued story". My second wallpaper, this time I lowered the resolution from 4K to make for more frames per second. Hope you enjoy! ~Tom...
Communism is a party
A communist party is a political party that advocates the application of the social and economic principles of communism through state policy. The name originates from the 1848 tract Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Accor...
D.VA Schoolgirl (HoHoHo)
Created by HoHoHO
Artwork by Liang Xing. https://www.patreon.com/liangxing DVA from overwatch with sakura cherry blossom petals. There's no nudity, but probably NSFW. I'll make a SFW work version later. The original artwork by Liang Xing didn't have any bandaids. My worksho...
Death Note死亡笔记 op&ed合集
Created by obking
OP1-the WORLD ED1-アルミナ OP2-What's up, people! ED2-绝望ビリー 最喜欢的动漫,没有之一!很久以前就想做的但一直没找到完整的资源,今天无意中找到了就上传了。 更多高清TV动画ncop&nced合集见个人主页~ http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198122174943/myworkshopfiles/...
Death Note (1080p)
Created by эмотелка
Death note тетрать смерти 1080p бог смерти Рюк...
Death Note L
Created by ProSep
L also known as Ryuzaki or Lawliet from Death Note....
DeathNote Opening 1 HD OP
Created by Egnal
DeathNote Opening 1 HD...
Created by Cron
I dont own anything on this video Respective authors: Sabaton - The Last Stand (Music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnYYfl58v0o (Video)...
Devil Girl w/ 18+ x-ray
Created by EagleeyeR34
Sakimichan's Devil Girl art with a mouse controlled NSFW xray effect. The fantasy themed demon, clothes, and fire effects are animated. Original image was 1600x1170px and was upscaled to fill 1920x1080 resolution. Edits were made to the image to function b...
DNF - Mistress Second Awakening (BGM - Leshphon)
Created by Wesker
DNF - Mistress Second Awakening (BGM - Leshphon) Dungeon&Fighter(game) 던전앤파이터 미스트리스 2차 각성 pv 중 리디머 부분만 편집했습니다...
Doge Adventure 1080p
Created by Supreme DAYO boy
Such cartoon. So animate ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ MrWeebl is a channel of fun and silliness, with songs and cartoons and even cartoon songs. Wow. Some call it random. It's not random. It's absurd look at life because d...
dva r18
Created by 沉香
Elfen Lied
Created by Hammershino
A screenshot I took from Elfen Lied last chapter. Simple image, without edits....
Epic Rap Battles of History - Rasputin vs Stalin
Created by Treeky
Disclaimer - i did not make this...
Created by Kimochii_desu
Evangelion 3.0 OST From Beethoven 9 =3EM27=
Created by setenia1004
Evangelion 3.0 OST From Beethoven 9 =3EM27=...
Everlasting Summer
Created by iori
Dnations - https://steamproxy.net/tradeoffer/new/?partner=186226127&token=OVL9egHR Resolution: 1920x1080p Frame rate: 60 Format: mp4 File size: 247.5mb (tiny uwu) Original image: http://pikabu.ru/story/beskonechnaya_zima_novyiy_variant_fona_3944315 mus...
Everlasting Summer Forest 1920x1080
Created by Wedzy
Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Late Evening - Night. Cycle based on your system time. Утро - День - Вечер - Поздний Вечер - Ночь. Цикл основан на вашем системном времени. Time/Время: 00-06, 06-12, 12-18, 18-21, 21-00....
Everlasting Summer Road Wallpaper
Обои меняются в зависимости от времени системы - дневные, вечерние и ночные. The wallpaper changes depending on the time of the system - daytime, evening and night....
Created by Kwispy
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 Tags: Christianity, Christian Cross, cross, god, God, Bible, Faith, I Am, Jesus, Chris...
Fate Dark Saber (1080p 60fps) ~Sword of Promised Victory~
Created by FlawedBliss☂
Dark Saber. On a Throne. With lightning. And dramatic music. What else is there you might want?...
fate saber
Created by DustMoon_HCY
用AE+PS做了个动态桌面 如有喜欢的其他人物欢迎留言,我有时间可能会做出来~...
Fate-Saber Lily[by wlop]-1080P 光玉漂浮动态壁纸
Created by Meglody
Saber Lily | wlop 画师:wlop Pixiv id:2188232 原图:http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53186325 若有侵权联系我删除 无BGM 第一次尝试 细节还不够好 目前增加了裙子头发以及草的摆动效果(但不是很理想) 寻找更好的方法中... 1/14:新增了云层(后续会继续改进),增加了saber身上的的一些反射光和高光效果...
Fate/go丨Jeanne d'Arc丨1080P丨Effects
Created by Aya Brea
From the original @ASK pixivID=1980643 BGM takes the soundtrack from assassin's Creed Ezio Jesper Kyd - Ezio's Family A moving character / hair / background / beam Seamless circulating particles A very hard work, I hope more people pay attention to and sub...
fate/zero 卫宫切嗣令咒+music(1080P)
Created by Aqourz
http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=819121318 bgm(background music):梶浦由記 - down in the zero 加了个bgm,延长了视频。 侵删。...
Fate: The Maid of Orleans
Created by Mori
Original Wallpaper: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=725584 By Lelouch Tags: Fate Apocrypha, Fate Grand Order, Fate Stay Night, Fate Zero, Ruler, Jeanne d'Arc, Joan of Arc, Hundred Years War...
Flag: Youjo Senki, Saga of Tanya, 幼女戦記
Created by Hazey
Youjo Senki The Saga of Tanya the Evil 幼女戦記 My Saga of Tanya Collection: http://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=928047730...
For Honor Samurai
Created by Son of Cabbage
For Honor Samurai overview...
Furry Girl Lite
Created by Cosmos
Simple character looking at the mouse cursor algorithm. Here is the code in C# using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class LookAtMouse : MonoBehaviour { // speed is the rate at which the object will rotate public float s...
Futari Dake No Hanabi
Created by Apalagi08
I love this wallpaper. The girl is so beautiful yet she look so lonely. I just add a bgm fit to my taste that match the art. Music : Cry For The Moon - Nagi No Asukara Original Soundtrack 1 Credit to the Original Uploader and Artist Ilustration Artist & li...
Gandalf Sax Guy
Gandalf Sax Guy on Loop :) Don't forget to unmute Wallpaper Engine to experience this wallpaper's swag! Special thanks to: Ukes of Hazzard - Creation of the HD version of Gandalf Sax Guy. J. R. R. Tolkien - Gandalf...
gargantua 卡冈图雅黑洞 加上BGM并减小视频大小
Created by Cilantrooo
Gargantua with BGM(First step - Hans Zimmer) 根据之前的留言新传了一个大小更小并且附带BGM的版本。 BGM选用OST中的First step 为了在保证清晰度的情况下减小视频文件大小,把循环时间从5分钟缩短到2分钟同时匹配BGM长度 有需要的可以下载,没有啥大问题的话就不改了 不喜欢BGM的话可以在软件中关闭声音或者下载之前的无BGM版 个人更推荐之前那个没有BGM的版本 之后有时间会做更多宇宙题材的动态壁纸,等我把space engine玩溜了_(:зゝ∠)_...
Death Note OP1 [1080p/60fps]
Created by Tuomaaaas
Death Note opening 1 in 1080p 60fps...
Death Note Opening1
Created by toropikaru2525
Death Note Opening1...
Departure 1080p
Created by Awools
Just something I put together to experiment with wallpaper engine a bit. I do not own the rights to this image or characters. All rights of this image belongs to the user hax: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hax/ Tags: Furry, Anthro, Animal, wolf...
Created by Sha Bi
short pooh clip with him danceing to satanic music...
Elementalist Lux
Created by 糖醋袜子
Elementalist Lux - Login Screen - League of Legends Windows color #c9ad9e League Of Legends Login Screens Collections Download the music 4k_Elementalist Lux - Login Screen - League of Legends 2k_Elementalist Lux - Login Screen - League of Legends ...
Elfen Lied OP Full
Created by Stalkingwolf
Full opening for elfen lied. Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KokfYulpSqA...
Created by Tomak
Created by temps
Everlasting Summer - Samantha; Бесконечное лето - Саманта
Created by Kung Fury
Animated art from "Samantha" mod for visual novel "Everlasting Summer". Rate, subscribe, etc. :) Анимация арта из мода "Саманта" для визуальной новеллы "Бесконечное лето". Оценивайте, подписывайтесь и т.д. :) Music\Музыка: 【初音ミク】 - Dear 【Music Box】...
Everlasting Summer Room [1080p]
Created by Hidara
Everlasting Summer Room ...
Faded Memories
Created by Moonless Sky
''I finally found my place in life. A place where I am as close as possible, yet eternally distant.'' 1080P 60FPS. Image Source: Deviant Art Song: NieR Automata OST - The Sound of the End (Quiet & Instrumental) Obs: Notice that the song was captured from t...
Fate Saber阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡(1080p 60fps)Alturia Pendragon
Created by 澄闪猪猪侠
Fate Saber 阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡(1080p 60fps)Alturia Pendragon illust:しらび http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60495690 illust:ArseniXC http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39578544 BGM:梶浦由記 - Point Zero...
fate/stay night saber(1080p 60fps)
Created by shoutingbeast
自制静改动第二弹 你们要的无缝...
[18+] Golden Marriage
Character is "Amaya Rei' drawn by "Ensemble" :>...
Zone-archive with Zone-Tan(flag)
Created by In Lacrimae Lacrima
Flag of the site hentai Zone-archive with their mascot Zone-Tan...
Youjo Senki: Tanya The Evil
Created by Gryph
Youjo Senki...
Youjo Senki Stills Wallpaper
Created by AfroHat
A Stills Wallpaper of the new released anime - Youjo Senki...
Youjo Senki Feuer
Created by Taka
Youjo Senki (Animated)
Created by Yami
Fixed Resolution...
Youjo Senki
Created by Gentleham
Youjo Senki
Created by MrBricks
Animated wallpaper of Tanya Degurechaff Original artwork: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=792738...
Yagami Light and Lelouch Lamperouge
Created by ❤ Yuri Nakamura
Моя самая первая работа в фотошопе....
Created by FST_RT
Witcher 3 | Ciri meditatation
Created by Dan | Greuceanu
Witcher 3 | Ciri meditatation 1080p...
Windows Red Zone Error Remix
Created by camperboy1000
SteamWorkshop.exe has stopped working wallpaper64.exe has stopped working Your computer has ran into a problem and needs to restart. ERR_RED_ZONED_TOO_MUCH Tips to make this wallpaper more immersive: 1. Taskbar is set at the bottom 2. Turn off transparency...
Watching the Universe (red)
Created by HoHoHO
It's a chaotic world out there, beautiful in it's own way. If you like it, please rate it. Blue: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1169486096 or check my workshop for other colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple) Original artist: hjal...
War Thunder - 'Heroes' [1080p | 60fps] Cinematic
Created by CHOC-O-LATE
War Thunder - 'Heroes' Trailer Redux with Beethoven Symphony No. 7 - II 'Havok' Game: War Thunder Music: Beethoven Symphony No. 7 - II 'Havok' Quality: FHD 1080p @ 60fps Sound: 320 kbps Sample Rate: 48,000 kHz Data: 20Mbps (20,000 kbps) Use CENTER for best...
Ukraine anthem
Created by 4MONSTER
Гімн України Гимн Украины Gimn Ukrainy video Пономарьов Very beutiful song Also waves like a flag....
Triss (HoHoHo)
Created by HoHoHO
Triss Merigold from the game The Witcher. Drawn by Dadon Fuga. Amazing artwork. I really like the hair and skin complexion. I used the bubble version of Triss since it's free for everyone to see. You can find the uncensored version on her Patreon. As usual...
Tracer and Widowmaker Floating w/ 18+ X-ray
Created by EagleeyeR34
Tracer and Widowmaker from Overwatch relaxing in a pool with their bikinis on. I added on a mouse controlled NSFW xray effect for some extra fun. Original art is entirely by Kachima with some extremely minor edits by me. There is animated water along with ...
Total war: Attila
Created by Moneytree
Total war: Attila main menu...
Total War Attila Wallpaper
Created by Sun Tsu
It's a moving Wallpaper made by myself cause i don't find a good wallpaper of total war. I put flames blood and feathers in movement. It's free i hope you will like it. <3 enjoy i'll be happy if you let me a comment to help me to do better , ty guys for su...
Tokyo Ghoul (V.2) - most amazing web wallpaper (updated with one click music play/pause and volume adjustment button)
Created by Void Designer
The very first of its kind. It plays song and has interactive display (click handprint for play/pause music) - Made with CSS and JavaScript coding. (no flash player required) - Plays 3 different soundtrack from Tokyo Ghoul. - Volume adjustment button - 4 d...
Created by razania51
The Witcher Wallpaper (Geralt and Ciri)
Created by julenjuli98
Geralt and Ciri with harpys flying on the background....
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Main Menu巫师3本体主菜单
Created by Sheep Love U
视频来源是游戏本体解包 巫师3本体主菜单 视频时长02:22 BGM:Geralt of Rivia...
The Witcher 3 MV - Lady Of Worlds by Miracle Of Sound( 1080P )
Created by kanxiang10
巫师3 希里 MV : Lady Of Worlds(1080P) 百度云下载地址: {LINK REMOVED} Google drive下载地址: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9BmP9iLTVoMZmFIejctd0UyMVk BGM( mp3格式 )下载 百度云下载地址: {LINK REMOVED}...
The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine End With Ciri(original look)巫师3血与酒希里结局(原版盔甲)
Created by Sheep Love U
巫师3血与酒希里陪伴结局 感谢@sky 的录制 视频时长:04.18 BGM:The Slopes of the Blessure...
The Witcher 3 - Medallion [1080p]
Created by M-Zoghi
Particle + Bokeh Effects + Glowing Eyes Made with Adobe After Effects...
The Witcher 3 - Blood and Wine (RUS) (Ведьмак 3 - Кровь и Вино)
Created by Akio Ichiro
The Witcher 3 - Blood and Wine (RUS) (Ведьмак 3 - Кровь и Вино на русском)...
The last stand
Created by John Helldiver
The Last Stand Sabaton. Everyone should enjoy this awesome band....
Created by Wheatley
Original application is Tenderfoot, by Ice Water Games....
Created by Rage
1920 * 1080...
Tanya's ambitions
Created by thejofloch
Some glow effects on the eyes and gem, ambient fog and lighting....
Tanya degurechaff
Created by Laico
Tanya - Youjo Senki 1080p 30 fps + ED
Created by 🤔🤔🤔
That's an animated wallpaper!!! This version includes the ending music of the anime and an audio visualizer!! Enjoy it!! =============================== Version without the ending music/audio visualizer here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedeta...
Sword Art Online SAO V.1
Created by Bebob
Sword Art Online
Created by DazZer
Resolution 1920 x 1080...
Created by henk
https://i.imgur.com/1NDWsO5.gif It was a beautiful day in communist Russia, Stalin pops his head out of a window and smells the fresh air of war. "lets go on a safari" Stalin says to his colleague's "yes, sir" they say As stalin is walking on the wood plat...
Stalin's singing schoolgirls HD Girls und Panzer
Created by Shitles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2SJjnyTojo *** I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO *** Just a simple wallpaper of the song from Girls und Panzer....
Sound Splitter
Created by Squee
Another VU Meter style wallpaper. Channels cause an interlaced pattern. Users can position and rotate it to split the screen in two halves. Translations Wallpaper now supports translations. If you want to help out with translations see this topic: https://...
Smite-Sabaton:To Héll and Back
Created by ArmaViviente
Smite Trailer with Sabaton music....
Slide Clock
Created by GrimFireStorm
Dark sliding clock that is perfectly matched with the windows 10 taskbar colors....
Skyrim Special Edition Sunrise - 2560x1080 UltraWide 21:9
Skyrim Special Edition - Max setting UW-UXGA & Maximum Render Quality. 2560x1080p 30fps 10:00 minutes long - Gaming Sound "1080p full hd compatible" Music: 🎼Moonlight Sonata (by Beethoven) by Beethoven 🎼Grass by Silent Partner...
Simple Audio Visualizer
Created by Michael Fedora
A simple audio visualizer! Basically is a nice audio visualizer, with the ability for custom background images. Yay! Now v2! Woo! Here's the guide I followed, if you want to make your own! http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=837435817...
shia labeouf just do it ultimate remix
Created by i just wanna fish
its shia do i need to say more? ...
Created by DJjojo
Little tribute to Sayori from Doki-Doki Literature Club. She gets sad over time, so pet her head to make her a bit more happy. There are some slightly colored buttons at the bottom. -first vertical two: set the borders to where she normally moves -click on...
Pixiv ID: 60898603 画师: Aoi Ogata...
Created by Akira
Created by E-Cube
Artwork by: Joakim Ericsson...
Created by matthew ~
Created by Selflesskoi
samurai skating...
Created by EdgyKid420
Saber dress (HoHoHo)
Created by HoHoHO
Obviously questionable screensaver. No nudity, but NSFW / R18 / R-18. Mainly, it's boob animation. No bounce this time. There's also subtle hip and hair movement. The girl is Saber from the game/anime Fate Stay Night. Rate it if you like it. I believe sour...
Saber Alter
Created by D.
沖田Alter (Fate/Grand Order) by 十五...
Saber 4K
Created by Hiltorius
"King of Knights" Artoria Pendragon (Saber) ANİME : Fate/Zero , Fate/Stay Night ILLUST BY : Aoi Ogata...
Saber 3
Created by Ewa
Looped video of Saber from Fate Stay/Night UBW series...
Saber 水着.Ver
第一次做的动态壁纸(;д;) 花了好久才搞懂怎么做TAT... 做的不好还请见谅QAQ... 图片百度的 画师不知道是谁_(:з」∠)_ 希望大家喜欢 欢迎留言 (〃'▽'〃)...
Created by 冰淇淋月饼
Sabaton to hell and back
Created by pr0fession
Sabaton to hell and back music video...
Sabaton Shiroyama music video The last samurai
Created by Klopperj
Sabaton Shiroyama music video...
Sabaton 40:1
Created by DownSDK
POLISH POWER! spirit to spartan DEATH AND GLORY!...
Sabaton - Wehrmacht
Created by Faz
A song from Sabaton about the German (not nazi) Wehrmacht....
Sabaton - To Hell And Back
Created by Tkullberg
Like - Share - Subscribe - Favorite ♥ The pic made by NenyaSindar. https://nenyasindar.deviantart.com/...
Sabaton - The Price of a Mile [ Movie - All Quiet on the Western Front ]
Music - Sabaton The Price of a Mile --------------LYRICS------------ Throw your soldiers into positions once there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. Hear the sound of the machine gun Hear it echo in the night Mortars firing, rains the sce...
Sabaton - Panzerkampf [ Polish Lyrics ]
Music - Sabaton Panzerkampf --------------LYRICS------------ ~~ENG~~ Into the motherland the German army march! In the Soviet Union, summer 1943 Tanks line up in thousands, as far the eye can see Ready for the onslaught, ready for the fight Waiting for the...
Sabaton - Ghost Division
Created by Champagne Killers
Sabaton British Russia American French African Desert Erwin Rommel 3rd reich German WWII WW2 World war 2 World war II Nazi Heavy Metal Axe Tiger King Tiger Panther Panzer Ghost Division blitzkrieg Panzer II Panzer III Panzer IV PanzerII PanzerIII PanzerIV...
Sabaton - A Lifetime Of War
Created by 'Alaksandiru
Music Wallpaper...
Created by wolfpoops
Sabaton logo with embers...
Retrowave Gachimuchi Ricardo Milos
Created by Nikc75
Ricardo Milos Gachimuchi Retrowave...
Created by SkyFly
Reimu with music 灵梦音乐版 1080 60FPS
Created by Aqourz
原作1080系列没有背景音乐,于是自己加了个bgm,侵删。 http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821372791 bgm(background music): CMA - You're Not Alone http://music.163.com/m/song?id=27948638&userid=335902440 NEW: 你们要的东方bgm和完整版··· Another bgm(background music) ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓...
Re: Zero - 雷姆 ( レム Rem ) - 死 - (1080P 60FPS) 动态无缝循环壁纸 V2
Created by Blade
B站壁纸预览: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8677842/ V2更新: 1.缩小了文件大小 2.粒子特效不再从雷姆身体里飞出 V1: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865684078 Pixiv ID=57654238,画师:千夜QYS3 BGM: ReZero OST - Wishing by Rem (Piano ver.) 真心从零开始学做壁纸,本来打算情人节发布这个作品,但第一次做实在...
Rare Matrix Hacker Pepe GIF
Created by Pyjamas
A Rare Pepe that is entering the Matrix (Just stole the gif out of the interwebs)...
Rainbow Stalin
Created by d u c k y
http://psapin.github.io/rainbowstalin.html Not created by me. I only ported it....
rainy 16
Created by Doc
Created by Barrel-roll
Just Kidding Death Note OP...
Play of the game/overwatch d.va(1080p 60fps)
Created by shoutingbeast
自制静改动第6弹 这图第一眼看就觉得美极了 为了保护原图的细节 最简化了特效 (版权归原画作者所有 侵删) 原作:dao-le-trong ----------------------------------------------- 合作及制作委托可以私信我...
Persona 5 Anne Takamaki - [NSFW]
Created by Sora
Resolution: 1920 x 2715 Game: Persona 5 "Takamaki" motion effect Local contrast effect Partial nudity - Without sound Rate and add to favorites, share to friends and enjoy. You may also check my other works and miss comment....
PC master race
Created by -Glitch-
PC master race flag, enjoy...
Overwatch Widow's back
Created by Sora
Game: Overwatch Character: Widowmaker Resolution: 1920x1080 Animated Without sound Partial nudity - You may subscribe to me and my group to see all current and future works and also you may check my other works. Oh god, that butt hypnosis....
Overlord: Shalltear Bloodfallen
Created by Valentinus999
Shalltear Bloodfallen Шаллтир Бладфоллен シャルティア・ブラッドフォールン Anime Overlord Аниме Повелитель, Оверлорд, Владыка, Лич....
overlord nped
Created by 五更琉璃
Created by aureliorousseau1999
Nyu from Elfen Lied...
Nixie Clock
Created by Isuera
24 hour system H:mm:ss...
Nier: Automata 2B Rain [60FPS]
Created by HydraBladeZ
THIS IS NOT MY WORK I JUST MADE IT 60FPS Original: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=826083912...
[18+] 2B Nier Automata Mirror
Artist is "Sakimichan" If you like this kind of art then check out my profile for more :> 1920x1080...
[碧藍航线] 女僕長貝爾法斯特 HMS Belfast
Created by 76561198330965013
最近被友人說行為越來越像個紳士(Hentai)蘿莉控 為了證明自己不是像朋友說的那樣 來單手PO個自入艦B坑後第二喜歡的艦娘壁紙以示清白~ 好想埋在貝爺胸口讓貝爺用這種睥睨的眼神看著我喔(つд⊂) pixiv id: 66758731...
Youjo Senki Tanya Degurechaff
Created by Rage
1920 * 1080...
Youjo Senki Ending
Created by Safi
Youjo Senki AMV (The Devil of the Rhine)
Created by Psybot_creator
Enjoy this AMV everyone. The original author is PseudoBaka. he is the one who created this AMV. I just made it a live background. His credits are at the end of the video. Anyway enjoy this background everyone. (Subscribe to get the background) The song is ...
Created by Akira
Watching the Universe (blue)
Created by HoHoHO
It's a chaotic world out there, beautiful in it's own way. If you like it, please rate it. Red: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1160682576 or check my workshop for other colors. (red, blue, green, yellow, purple) Original artist: hjal...
Flames of War (Animated)
Created by Yami
Youjo Senki...
Four Seasons
Created by Deventh
This was personally made and loopable by me. The video is over 40 minutes long, (42:00 to be exact) with 4 different and unique wallpapers corresponding to the current season playing and 12 different songs (timeline shown below), so that is the reason for ...
Fur Elise - Beethoven (classic music)
Created by Chan-sol
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Fur Elise Classical Music...
Gaming beats despondency 9.0 [1080P]
Jubilee video for BlackSilverUFA Music:Juventa feat. Kelly Sweet – Superhuman (Culture Code Remix) Trailers used: 0:05 Just Cause 3 0:15 3:13 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 0:21 Dying Light 0:24 0:48 2:06 3:04 3:32 The Witcher 3 0:28 Assassin’s Creed Unity...
Get out of here
Created by Yolan'
If you're not me, please, get away from my computer, 'cause you ***** <3 (1 screen edition) It contain : -light rays -parallax effect -text -someone who loves you check out my dual screen edition : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=9433...
Get out of here [right side version]
Created by Yolan'
If you're not me, please, get away from my computer, 'cause you ***** <3 (1 screen edition) RIGHT SIDE VERSION FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE THEIR FILES ON THE LEFT SIDE. It contain : -light rays -parallax effect -text -someone who loves you check out my dual screen...
Girl in Purple [Akemi Homura]
Created by Mystix
Hi! I'm an Artist, Indie Game Developer and YouTuber ~See my links: (My art, my YouTube, give a tip, etc...) ~ Enjoy watching this Fantasy scene of "Akemi Homura", an anime girl in purple. Working with a static image, I added in effects of the rippling ref...
GIRLS und PANZER -Panzerlied
GIRLS und PANZER: Panzerlied original vid here :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYKRyrXBL8c...
Gloria Fortis Miles - Yuojo Senki A,v
Created by VastarusSin
Anime: Youjo Senki Song: Gloria Fortes Miles (Resist and Bite) by Sabaton Created by: Grafspee Anköre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22VoLfmu-_8...
God Of War : Kratos - [5K]
https://i.imgur.com/jqRqfAq.png https://i.imgur.com/JUMxCnz.gif God Of War : Kratos - Soundtrack : "God Of War" - Bear McCreary and Santa Monica Studio. https://i.imgur.com/jqRqfAq.png...
Grammar Nazi/Anonymous Flag Background HD
Created by Spanky
Grammar Nazi Flag (EDIT) Full...
Green Elephant - Teamwork
Created by starina
Иногда просто нужна поддержка. Чтобы кто - нибудь показал, как правильно......
Groundhog Day
Created by tajlund
The art is not mine so I will not ask any monetization.The original work is done by Neonardo. Check out his work on Neonardo.com If he would like me to take these down and put up his own versions please have him contact me here on steam and I will immediat...
Created by 1521620063
Created by RutBat
Hacking (Video)
Created by eggsydev
It will make your computer screen like a hacker's screen. Looks and sounds cool....
Hearts of Iron IV - The Man On The British Countryside (Allied Radio)
Created by ^8Cuervo
Beautiful song from the OST of Hearst of Iron IV....
Created by MainMAX
Created by Usagi Tsukino
hentai mav
Created by LandX3211
High School DxD-New ED 2nd arc- Lovely♥Devil
Created by Satisguard
High School DxD-New ED 2nd arc- Lovely♥Devil...
High School Fleet [AMV] - Resist And Bite
Created by <==Greymeister==>
Аниме: Girls und Panzer, Haifuri Музыка: Sabaton - Resist And Bite...
Hoi 4 MTG
Created by Ave Alea
Created by JebbyD
Holo the Wise Wolf (Spice and Wolf)
Created by moses donut
Holo the Wise Wolf (Spice and Wolf) Art: Kawakami Rokkaku...
Idyll's Fall [2560x1600].
Created by Vran
Basics of creating wallpapers My new work in the genre of fantasy. I used all my skills and imagination to create these wallpapers. A lot of time has been devoted to details such as: swaying of the leaves, rocking the trees, All sorts of details that you w...
Image EX Clip(R18)
【Dollhouse】Image EX Clip(R18) 搬运,侵删...
Irelia in Ionia (Interactive Mini-game)
Created by Rainoth
This wallpaper with ability to turn into a mini-game features one of the best characters, Irelia from League of Legends. I'm sure you would prefer blades & creeps not moving all over the place so it's a "simple" animated wallpaper to not distract you from ...
Jewish Moshpit
Created by chungus_1
Jewish music
Created by Xanlosh
English Translation _____________________ If the lord builds not the building vainly the builders build if the lord builds not the city the watchmen watch in vain Original Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saSPx6FZbWM...
素材取自B站http://www.bilibili.com/video/av3180154/ 仅为搬运,感谢UP主 失心桑...
Created by Jay
JoJo 们: 大乔是高大全的绅士,二乔是打不过就跑的“流氓”,承太郎是人气最高的冷酷面瘫男,东方仗助是飞机头高中生,祖班纳的理想是黑帮老大,承太郎的女儿徐伦蹲着监狱,乔尼是个下肢瘫痪的残疾人,定助穿水手服长兔牙还有四个...... 反派们也都充满魅力: DIO是第一部与第三部的 Boss,他的优雅与邪恶非常迷人,在『JoJo』系列中占据重要的地位,甚至在第七部 SBR 中还出来捣乱;第二部的究极生物「柱之男」是几乎完美的史前怪物;第四部的反派吉良吉影只想默默无闻地过小日子,却同时又是拥有强大能力的变态杀人...
JoJo Cherryboy
Created by WizRaymond
Jojo Op #1
Created by Soy Nut Vessel
First Opening Of Jojo's Bizzare Adventures....
JoJo's Bizare Adventure - Ricardo Milos the 5th pillar man
Created by Violet❤
Awaken my brothers! I tried to make the music and video loop as good as possible...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders NCOP - 1 [BD 1080p 60fps FLAC]
Created by Ocarina_Goku
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Stardust Crusaders ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スターダストクルセイダース JoJo冒險野郎 JoJo的奇妙冒險 죠죠의 기묘한 모험...
Joseph Stalin
Created by Epsilon
Joseph Stalin and all of his glory! GLORY TO SOVIET UNION!!!!...
Just Do It!
Created by Garfield only1
Don't just sit and do nothing, DO SOMETHING!...
Created by Hairyback69
Created by RIP
取自轻音少女第二季ED2 1080p~ 轻音一生推,喜欢轻音的不妨多支持下~ 最后大家请加大音量食用~ . . . . . . ...
Kaisermarine HOI IV (Storm)
Created by Leeroy Jenkins
The Kaisermarine from the Kaiserreich mod in HOI IV. Dangerous and wild sea!...
Kakyoin - rero rero rero/ JOJO
Created by Pontinho
JoJo No Kimyo Na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders - Kakyoin rero rero rero....
L Screen-Death Note
This is the screen which appeared when L was talking on TV in Death Note. Note that I have not created the L screen itself and all credit should go to the respected creators & animators of Death Note. Please like and click the favourite button...
Last Stand
Created by Gentlemen Knight
Warhammer 40000 animated wallpaper...
Created by Caroline
Lelouch takes over the world...
Lelouch using his Geass for the first time - Code Geass
Created by Budweiser57
The first time Lelouch uses his awesome Geass power! Enjoy :)...
Lelouch Vi Britannia Commands You !
Created by Steiner
Lelouch returns from depths of the hell ... Lelouch Vi Britannia with Code Geass Emperor Soundtrack...
Get out of here [dual screen edition]
Created by Yolan'
If you're not me, please, get away from my computer, 'cause you ***** <3 (dual screen edition) for people who have dual screen It contain : -light rays -parallax effect -texts -2 guys who love you check out my classical version : http://steamproxy.net/...
Ghost in the Shell(1080p 50fps)
Created by Sorphwer
software : AfterEffects CC plusins : Plexus , Stardust Pay honour to movie/manga/anime : Ghost in the Shell...
Girls und Panzer
Created by Burger King
Girls und panzer wallpaper...
Girls und Panzer Theme21
Created by Yazawa Miho
Girls und Panzer MV 1080p No Sound...
Gloria Fortis Miles AMV - Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Created by VastarusSin
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri AMV Credit: Rider4Z Anime: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Song: Resist and Bite by Sabaton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX7JNzntUS8&t=152s...
Green Elephant - Harmony
Created by starina
Даже сидя в четырёх стенах, нужно оставаться самим собой. Находиться в гармонии и дзен, сочетать в себе Инь и Янь, быть, в конце концов, человеком. Ведь если разногласие внутри тебя - можно потерять свою человечность, и стать...Зверем?...
Gustav II Adolf
Created by TheLundin
Youjo Senki Opening
Youjo Senki Anime Opening...
WWII German Panzers advancing in winter (Animation)
Created by Knubby
WW2 German Panzers advancing (Panzer VI Tiger and Panzer V Panther) Animations: - Snow - Fire - Ember - Smoke - Fog Make sure to check my other WWII Wallpapers! -German Warplanes: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1172966277 -Sherman M4...
Trump vi Britania [Code Geass]
Created by Rufus
Created by 喵喵
东方project动态壁纸 画师:NINA P站ID:4364687 原图: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59888608 若有侵权联系我删除 如果在使用过程中有出现BUG请在下面的帖子中回复,尽量修复~ 如果修复不了可以使用下下策,打开创意工坊的文件夹找到本订阅,里面有一个循环视频用wallpaper打开文件来打开这个视频文件就行了 如不需要WEB版本的话可下载:https://steamcommunity.co...
The Witcher 3 MV - Wake The White Wolf by Miracle Of Sound( 1080P )
Created by kanxiang10
巫师3 杰洛特 MV : Wake The White Wolf(1080P) 百度云下载地址: {LINK REMOVED} Google drive下载地址: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9BmP9iLTVoMTHBVTl9XZEkzTms BGM( mp3格式 )下载 百度云下载地址: {LINK REMOVED}...
the witcher 3 flag music
Created by FershoCR
The witcher 3 wallpaper geralt and ciri flag with the music silver for monsters...
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Music Video
Created by Michaldinho
Music: SABATON - To Hell And Back...
Tanya von Degurechaff's smile [1920x1346]
Created by Mavi
Animated wallpaper of the loli nazi Tanya von Degurechaff from the anime Youjo Senki...
Tanya the Evil
Created by Azumi
Proudly Presenting My New design Based on the anime tanya Evil / Youjo Senki please feel free to subscribe and rate my designs thank u so much...
Sword Art Online | Kirito, Asuna, Silica and Pina, Lizbeth, Klein, and Agil
Created by Statiic
Sword Art Online animated wallpaper Not my best work, since some effects don't really seem right to me. There are diamond shard looking particles around the area of Kirito's Elucidator. I tried to make them into the death shards from the anime, but it didn...
Sword Art Online
Created by bekutoryha
1. Depending on the resolution of the display, the position of the clock may change. Look for the corresponding folder in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ workshop \ content. Open index.html with something like Notepad ++. <Div style = "posit...
Created by 飞龙探云手
StarCitizen-area18 1080P 60fps...
Created by Hippo
SpongeBob RAP
Created by 大污师!
BY:Miguel Vasque 魔性海绵宝宝说唱 另外我做的壁纸大部分都会有9:16的竖屏手机版,在“熊猫视频桌面”搜索DWS就可以找到我啦。...
Created by Menees
Thanks to the author of the picture - WLOP Used picture: http://wlop.deviantart.com/art/Silence-687330449 Update (with music): http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=958167794 You can check another my work in my profile - http://steamcommuni...
Samurai :)
Created by Koni
Created by Senor Herpaderp
Senshi by Tower Beatz...
Created by Tonino
my twitter: @ImTonino Thanks for 13k subscribers!...
Sakura Dungeon Fox Space 2 Prison Shock Girl Anime Hentai Woman Game Anime Cartoon
A crash occurred in one of the animations,here is the complete. sorry for the inconvenience...
Saber Fate 1080p
Created by calicogato
credit illustration to WLOP...
Saber Artoria Pendragon[1080P]
Created by shoutingbeast
Hi,me again.This time will be Saber from fate/saty night. Thumbs up&subscribe if u like this work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 自制静改动第十二弹。 内容不多介绍了 。 早些天就做好了,稍微整理了一下。 喜欢就点赞收藏一波。 原画作者P站ID1980643 ASK大佬 BGM 德彪西-亚麻色...
Saber (1080p 60fps) with melodies
Created by 9T
Apparently I can edit the description! Before commenting about the file size, please read below, Sorry if the file size is way too big (977MB), I don't have any experience in video editing and this is my first time doing so (even though it's just a simple ...
Sabaton-Last Dying Breath (Lyrics) (Music Video)
Created by DownSDK
Sabaton-Last Dying Breath (Lyrics) (Music Video) War begun, the Kaiser has come Day or night, the shells keep falling Overrun, but never outdone Street to street, denying defeat Soldiers of the Serbian army Keep your heads held high Overrun, you fall one b...
Sabaton Shiroyama
Created by Heresh Markal
The Last Stand Sabaton Shiroyama...
Sabaton 40-1 [ Movie - Uprising ]
Music - Sabaton Forty To One --------------LYRICS------------ Baptised in fire. Forty to one So silent before the storm Awaiting command A few has been chosen to stand As one outnumbered by far The orders from high command Fight back, hold your ground! In ...
Sabaton - Uprising [ Polish Lyrics ]
Music-Sabaton Uprising --------------LYRICS------------ ~~ENG~~ Warsaw Rise! Do you remember when, when the nazis forced their rule on Poland 1939 and the allies turned away From the underground rose a hope of freedom as a whisper City in despair, but they...
Hentai/Ecchi - I'm going!
Created by Riin
If you like it, please rate it. Hope you enjoy it. Source: PV Hatsune Miku - New World is Mine Kara Sub indo...
Created by Быдло
Created by L a k o
Hoi4 Wallpaper
Created by Gaius
IcePrincess [Summer]
Created by 老六机器
动态壁纸制作不易,你的打赏是我更新的动力。 所有图片素材来自重筹,仅供收藏。 画师:王凌 WLOP https://wlop.deviantart.com/ 壁纸作者支付宝: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494615062 :LIS_Arrow: Wallpaper Form WLOP. - Made by September_VX....
Interactive 3D Particle Playground (+Binaural Audio)
Created by Antimatter
Real-time, interactive 3D wallpaper application featuring several particle sets, including PLEXUS! Other FREE interactive particle wallpapers I've made: - http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=916348100. Please VOTE from my other wallpapers...
Created by Fantasy
Hatsune Miku Multi version
Created by Mikasa33
This is the original version,No sound. Recommending subscriptions: Hatsune Miku「Redial」Music Video Hatsune Miku「Redial」Music Video Multi version Hatsune Miku「Redial」Music Video Hatsune Miku「Redial」Music Video Hatsune Miku「Redial」Music Video Hatsune Miku「Re...
Jojo Kakyoin Leru Rero Leru Rero
Created by angst
Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero Leru Rero...
Created by 鲈鱼不快乐
据说每观看这个视频一遍,世界就会被暂停一次 不是本人制作 视频作者:少恭胤 DIO送葬曲 VOODOO KINGDOM 描述在这里↑...
Created by Crambone
Archer's Nazi Scientist work colleague "Dr. Algernop Krieger" a clone of Adolf Hitler. Source: Animated TV comedy series Archer...
Created by kitttyears
Anime: Darling in the FranXX Music: Gucci Gang (omniboi rmx) Rendered in Adobe Premiere Pro Currently it does not work to mute the wallpaper with the mute button for Wallpaper Engine for some weird reason, but you can use the volume slider for the selected...
Jojo's Star Platinum
Created by Aztray
Jojo's stand with animation First Wallpaper so be nice and tell me what you think about it =)...
Just bounce [18+]
Created by sTz
Created by CobaltRoku
As always all the respect goes to the original artist!...
Kung Fury Fight Scene
Created by Horsie
Kung Fury Nazi Fight...
Lelouch Lamperouge V1
Created by Ryotrilyich
New color in particules and distribution...
Lelouch vi Brittania
Created by Gintokki
Lelouch from Code Geass, painted by myself in Krita....
Light Yagami
Created by Berlin
Loli eating bread MK1
Created by Pantsu Hunter
Megumin stealing potato chips from Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo! (Konosuba) 720 HD...
LuckyStar OP HD 1080p
Created by Wakra
Credits for the Video goes to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03x0bU2w9HI...
Matrix/Hacker simulation
Created by Irixo
Matrix sim...
Megumin (60FPS) [1080p]
Created by Moath
Mei Misaki
Created by Aki
Mei Misaki from "Another"...
Miko fox (Ver. 1.2)
Created by Snow_Z
--> Natsu ni yuki : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1534683927 Wallpaper Origin : --> http://i.imgur.com/tDSSzmX.png Music/Song : Floating flow - Foxtail Grass Studio I like girl fox hahaha =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Can...
Miku-可自定义-雪花散落的冬季 v1.31
Created by Agni_Shine
pixiv id = 7210261 凑热闹做了一个壁纸~ 下雪天中的miku酱,添加了符合背景的雪花飘落效果Ծ‸ Ծ canvas部分的代码是偷懒扒下来的 ( 侵删OAO v0.2:删除了鼠标的跟踪,因为来回切换会很诡异orz v1.0:增加了自定义选项 ——雪花数量 ——雪花降落速度 v1.01:忘记去掉调试用的点击效果,移除了 v1.1:增加了自定义选项 ——自定义壁纸(2k4k屏幕的姥爷可以自己设定壁纸了QAQ) ——还原默认壁纸(如果默认就是选中状态双击一下就会还原了 v1.2:增加了自定义选项 ...
Misaki Mei
Created by FywOo
Misaki Sandbox Fail Moment
Created by Hyper Mania
This is from anime series Another and Misaki is trying to build a sandbox but is fail because water is broken that....
Mountain with Stars [1080p 60FPS]
Created by [Cobra] Deppimall
Rerender of http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831242025 with a seemlessly looped background and without the red and blue stars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2k 60fps (144MB): http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=953390179 4k 60fps (289MB)...
NekoGirls Live Wallpaper 2022
Created by Ulysses
NekoGirls on your desktop! Please read FAQ and Changelog before asking a question. Or switch to Simplified Chinese page for more infomations. instructions for Mascot Mode (Experimental) Legacy DX9 version: HERE (only recommend for old PCs) If you cannot ch...
Neptune Live2D
The ultimate Live2D wallpaper! Please watch the video tutorial above before using this wallpaper Features Character interactions - cursor following, touching, greeting Effects - falling leaves, snowfall Moving / scaling / layering character(s) Multi-langua...
NieR: Automata "Ember" Wallpaper
Created by Janbertus
"Nier: Automata" - Ember My first Wallpaper Engine Wallpaper, Hope you like it! :) IMPORTANT: I do NOT own the Picture! This is the link where i got it: -> https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=785576&lang=German The owner is: "Lelouch" ...
Nier: Automata | Ruins of War [With Parallax + Music]
Created by eerie.
My second attempt of making a wallpaper and experimenting effects. This time it is 2B from Nier: Automata, hope you guys enjoyed it! Recommend using with 60 FPS. Version without parallax is deleted because Wallpaper Engine now comes with the option to disa...
No Game No Life: Zero
Created by KeKeKe
Song: Konomi Suzuki - THERE IS A REASON Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=6781311&type=illust...
Oingo Boingo Brothers & Hol horse Ending
Created by Lexuarz
That's the ending of Oingo and Boingo in Jojo Bizarre Adventures Stardust crusaders...
overlord by Lelouch
Created by Captain Cheeks
Overlord fans, I hope you enjoy my work, please don't be shy, and forget to rate! :)...
Overwatch Pool Party w/ 18+ X-ray [v2]
Created by EagleeyeR34
Overwatch Pool Party with mouse over xray nudity. This version supports multiple aspect ratio settings and should function across all resolutions. Version 2 major changes: Support for multiple resolutions and aspect ratio settings within one wallpaper. Bet...
Created by John Helldiver
For everyone who loves panzers. No glorifying nazis since this song is still used in the german army. Enjoy!...
Created by Spiral
Ah ah ah, sekkusu yaritai na Ah kimochi na Ah sekkusu kimochi na Boku wa sekkusu daisuki Itsumo sekkusu mainichi yaritai sekkusu Chinko o manko ni iretai na Ah kimochii na iretai Hanaji ga deru hodo ii Manko wa kimochii Nuru nuru shite ii Purun purun moshi...
Lucky Star - Cichi
Created by ZaiBunny
Lucky Star - Gachimuchi version...
Man of War
Created by BabyHearts
Men of War -Sabaton GMV...
Mecha Hilter
Created by HorridElk
Mecha Hitler from Wolfenstein 3D....
Megumin , Wanna Go Home [60 FPS][1920x1080]
Created by Thaimou
Enjoy this simple and happy Megumin with small glow, some small cinder flakes and music. 60 FPS 1920 x 1080 Do give it thumbs up / rate if you like it =)...
Mio@Night City
Created by Butz Yung
A simple but not so simple music visualizer featuring Mio from K-ON! ---------------- This wallpaper is powered by my System Animator Lite. This also brings back an old idea of mine to life, a method to create a music visualizer with just 2 images! The con...
Moe Shop - Superstar AMV♫ ( Hentai Dude 2016 )NaisanSenpai youtube
Created by Zeuginy
my moe shop amv off my youtube account :]...
Neon Genesis Evangelion Op HD/60fps
Created by Soy Nut Vessel
The Opening of Neon Genesis Evangelion (Gainax 1997) VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE...
Created by Thewbe
Project Joseph Stalin [720p/30fps]
Created by izanami♥
Evangelion parody....
Random Designer-life Quotes
Created by Arthesian
Will show random 'Designer-life' quotes on your desktop with a smooth transition fade. Gets random quotes from an online API :)...
Rem Re_从零开始的异世界生活ED 1080P
Created by 二次元の世界
新人第一次制作视频壁纸 BGM是Re_0的ED1 STYX HELIX 也在B站上投稿了视频av6687348 欢迎大家订阅观看...
ricardo milos
Created by виктор цой
Rick and Morty - Evil Morty Theme Song (Trap Remix)
Created by Jefisuu
Rick and Morty - Evil Morty Theme Song (Trap Remix)...
Moonlight Sonata
Created by Deventh
*1920x1080 recommended *Music: 'Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata' Tags: Clouds, Night sky, Moon, Space, Cosmos, Stars;...
Created by Haruta
更新: 咕咕咕...
Sona 18+
Created by @boob69.420
The Last of Us HDR
Created by 二十七杯酒
main menu screen 04:26 with BGM 无声版: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=897617371 ____________________________________________________________ 已上传清晰版本,因本地文件被删除,无法直接更新,有需求的朋友还请移步: a clearer version has been uploaded. cannot update this on...
Rain walker (Spirited Away main theme)
A little something I created in my spare time. I always loved Chibi studio and was kind of sad when I couldn't find their music in other wallpaper projects. So I decided to take matters in my own hands and made one. I also really like classic music like Ch...