Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

77 ratings
Ashwood Asylum: Redux
Maps and Mods: Maps, Survival, VS Survival
File Size
303.403 MB
27 Oct, 2019 @ 12:23pm
5 May, 2021 @ 12:14pm
18 Change Notes ( view )

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Ashwood Asylum: Redux

In 1 collection by Tamari
Tamari's KF2 Server Maps
89 items
Ashwood Asylum: Redux
by Rewire & Motormouth

This is a customized version of the Ashwood Asylum, aimed at fixing a bunch of (blatant) issues with the TWI release version of the map.

I have mixed feelings about this map in it's current release state.
To be more specific, I really dislike the following about the original release:
  • Too much spatial clutter (sometimes visual as well)
  • Inconsistent clipping and collision

A lot of places have way too many things in the way that impede your movement and can cause you to get stuck, and there are lots of places where there are arbitrary invisible walls (or ceilings..) or collisions enabled on static meshes that are not necessary.

After the map being in the game for nearly two months (including the beta period), I get the feeling that Tripwire isn't going to fix the issues, so I've decided to do it myself. The things I mentioned before have been fixed in this version, amongst other things (detailed below).

So what's changed?
Here's a list of every single thing I changed:
  • Full collision pass: fixed a lot of bad blocking volumes and added new ones to prevent snags
  • Completely disabled collisions on ALL overhanging vegetation
  • Reduced visual clutter: either removed (or scaled down) a lot of random shrubs and trees that make it hard to see things
  • Reduced spatial clutter: removed a lot of objects that created nasty chokepoints or (in most cases) simply moved them closer to the walls and out of the main path
  • Added additional ammo spawns in some areas
  • Added a staircase in the back courtyard to get to the second floor of the cafeteria from the outside

Most of these changes are just quality of life changes, but some are also to make the gameplay feel a bit more fluid.
I've found that on a full server, the amount of ammunition that spawns is very lacking, so I've added a few in some areas. The outer staircase in the back courtyard gives you a very nice (and necessary imo) option to get to the second floor of the asylum from that part of the level.

Visual Examples
Here are some specific in-game examples of things I fixed:

This (annoying) vine, and ALL other overhanging vegetation have had their collisions deactivated. No more bouncing grenades off of thin air and killing yourself anymore:

Most areas have had their spatial clutter reduced. For example, in these two areas, the lightposts in the middle of the road/area were completely removed or turned into wall lamps:

Removed the floodlight here since it creates a little corner you can get trapped in. Also removed some of the crates near the pillar here to give a bit more room to move around:

Fixed a lot of annoying corners like this:

The 'cage' is well.. not a cage anymore. Honestly this area looks cool but it's way too easy to get trapped here:

Added an additional staircase in the back courtyard leading up to the 2nd floor of the cafeteria:

Anyway I didn't plan on posting this here, but I figured others might like it, so here we are.
Have fun!

Deritak 27 Mar, 2020 @ 4:19pm 
Map will not download. F
Roseman 20 Feb, 2020 @ 7:59am 
Can't download map to my server, at all. It is the only item on my ServerSubscribed list that I can't download at all. The CMD details it as 'Item State 4', sucessfully downloaded and in no need of updates, yet the Cache folder for this file is empty, and so is the steamapps/worskhop/content folder.
Tamari  [author] 10 Jan, 2020 @ 10:58pm 
Hmm.. that's odd. I checked and it seems like everything is okay on my end. Maybe Steam's servers were acting up again. Is it still doing it?
10,000 Gallon Hat 10 Jan, 2020 @ 9:57pm 
When I try to add this map to my server, I get "Error adding item: Failed to download 1900442800."
10,000 Gallon Hat 10 Jan, 2020 @ 9:54pm 
Bro bike must be trolling. hahahaha
Bro Bike 9 Jan, 2020 @ 12:57pm 
The problem with KF2 maps is the too many amount of invisible walls, not the maps geometric details. Also inconsistency btw what you can jump onto and what you can't.
Tamari  [author] 9 Jan, 2020 @ 11:28am 
Well, personally I find getting stuck on everything constantly to be neither "hard" or "fun", but to each their own I guess. Thanks for giving it a try either way
Bro Bike 9 Jan, 2020 @ 11:20am 
Current official version is the best map ever released for KF2 so far. Your version makes it too easy.
Roche Limit 10 Nov, 2019 @ 4:56pm 
Zoinho1 3 Nov, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
Man, fuk these vines and stupid corners, TW need update asylum to your version.