Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

39 평점
Eco Industry 9
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2019년 10월 5일 오후 4시 46분
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Eco Industry 9

Twink315님의 1 모음집
Twinks Eco Asset Collection
아이템 24개
Eco Industry 9 by Twink315

Lvl 3 Industry.

Size 2x3 i think.. or was it 2x4 or 4x2... i am confusing things fastly..

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댓글 3
Twink315  [작성자] 2021년 5월 18일 오전 7시 09분 
They have the same stats like any vanilla High tech industry. So they are tier 3. Not sure how your industry looks like. But tier 3 industry buildings have quite a few requirements.
TheKingOfTwigs 2021년 5월 16일 오후 7시 11분 
I'm having trouble making the eco industry buildings work in industry zones. They won't grow automatically I have to manually place them even though I have them set up in the theme manager. When I do place them it says they need more services but I have every service I can think of near them Garbage, Firehouse, Police, ETC. Maybe there's something I'm missing.
Oldhip 2019년 10월 6일 오전 4시 52분 
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