Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

39 Bewertungen
Eco Industry 9
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3.482 MB
5. Okt. 2019 um 16:46
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Eco Industry 9

In 1 Kollektion von Twink315
Twinks Eco Asset Collection
24 Inhalte
Eco Industry 9 by Twink315

Lvl 3 Industry.

Size 2x3 i think.. or was it 2x4 or 4x2... i am confusing things fastly..

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3 Kommentare
Twink315  [Autor] 18. Mai 2021 um 7:09 
They have the same stats like any vanilla High tech industry. So they are tier 3. Not sure how your industry looks like. But tier 3 industry buildings have quite a few requirements.
TheKingOfTwigs 16. Mai 2021 um 19:11 
I'm having trouble making the eco industry buildings work in industry zones. They won't grow automatically I have to manually place them even though I have them set up in the theme manager. When I do place them it says they need more services but I have every service I can think of near them Garbage, Firehouse, Police, ETC. Maybe there's something I'm missing.
Oldhip 6. Okt. 2019 um 4:52 
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