Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

266 ratings
Extended Building Info
File Size
1.165 MB
28 Sep, 2019 @ 2:10pm
16 Nov, 2019 @ 6:39pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Extended Building Info

Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.13.0-f7 (Sunset Harbor)

Detailed building service information and level up progress. Also adds additional random building names and company descriptions.

This mod should not conflict with any other mod since it only touches the UI. However, the level up progress bars won't be accurate if you use a mod which modifies the level up requirements. Also don't use together with the Proper Hardness mod, that already includes this.

Click on any zoned building in-game. A extended panel with up to 20 indicators for this specific building is shown.

  • This mod has been tested only on Windows because that is the platform it was developed on.
  • This mod works with all DLC, but does not require any DLC.
  • This mod does not alter game save files in any way and can be disabled or unsubscribed safely at any time.
  • This mod does not use any detour, patching, replacing or decorating technique.
Additional info
yao_zhou 25 Mar, 2023 @ 3:28am 
You can try Show it instead.
Darkangel 1 Nov, 2022 @ 1:55pm 
What is fire hazard as opposed to fire which i presume is just the closeness of firestations to buildings vicinity. But hazard a category???Or tinderboxed this building is to catch on fire ie get rid of it if its very catchable???
Typpi 4 Oct, 2022 @ 3:44pm 
My FPS has not really changed from using it.

But I am running quite a nice processor - 12900k
WHR | TMaekler 19 Sep, 2021 @ 4:44am 
Maybe you can talk to Krzychu1245. He is the creator of "FPS Booster" and has a good idea of how to optimize mods so they don't cause unnecessary lag.
maculator 17 Aug, 2021 @ 9:57am 
Does it "hit" the fps when you open the window or is it a constant effect?
live627  [author] 26 Jun, 2021 @ 5:37am 
@Rhobium yes please. A PR to help with performance would be greet! I need help with this because my computer is basically potato so the game is slow for me even with no mods.
vendium 11 Jun, 2021 @ 8:24pm 
With this mod enabled, i experienced up to 30% FPS drop with camera near ground and up to 50% FPS drop with camera zoomed out to maximum!!! Which means this mod double load of the CPU! Whie analogue mod, "Show It!", absolutely don't affect on FPS.
So i deleted this mod.
Rhobium 2 Jan, 2021 @ 9:17am 
I also experienced a 15% FPS hit from this mod.

I was able to reduce this to around 5% by removing the calls to the expensive `WorldInfoPanel.AnyWorldInfoPanelOpen()` function from the UI panel Update methods. @live627 would you accept a PR?
kongkim 17 Aug, 2020 @ 12:26pm 
Are there any guide og toturial about how this work, how many parameters need to be up for each level? etc.
Netinho Awey 22 Jun, 2020 @ 11:12am 
Very good!